# Author: Vinicius Henrique da Silva
# Description: Graphical representations for CNV-GWAS
# Date: April 11, 2018
#' Manhattan Plot
#' Manhattan plot for p-values of a CNV-GWAS
#' @param all.paths Object returned from \code{CreateFolderTree} function with
#' the working folder tree
#' @param regions \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} as returned by \code{\link{cnvGWAS}}
#' @param chr.size.order \code{\link{data.frame}} with two columns: (i) 'chr': chromosome names (character),
#' and (ii) 'size': length of the chromosomes in bp (integer). A \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} containing one
#' chromosome per range can be used instead (the chromosomes should be in the expected order).
#' @param plot.pdf Logical plot a to pdf file
#' @return Plots to graphics device.
#' @author Vinicius Henrique da Silva
#' @examples
#' # Load phenotype-CNV information
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNVRanger")
#' phen.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "Pheno.txt")
#' cnv.out.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "CNVOut.txt")
#' map.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "MapPenn.txt")
#' phen.info <- setupCnvGWAS('Example', phen.loc, cnv.out.loc, map.loc)
#' all.paths <- phen.info$all.paths
#' segs.pvalue.gr <- cnvGWAS(phen.info)
#' # Define the chromosome order in the plot
#' order.chrs <- c(1:24, "25LG1", "25LG2", 27:28, "LGE22", "1A", "4A")
#' # Chromosome sizes
#' chr.size.file <- file.path(data.dir, "Parus_major_chr_sizes.txt")
#' chr.sizes <- scan(chr.size.file)
#' chr.size.order <- data.frame(chr=order.chrs, sizes=chr.sizes, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' # Plot Manhatthan to a pdf within the 'Results' workfolder
#' plotManhattan(all.paths, segs.pvalue.gr, chr.size.order)
#' @export
plotManhattan <- function(all.paths, regions, chr.size.order, plot.pdf = FALSE) {
## Check inputs to avoid errors
stopifnot(is(regions, "GRanges"))
if(is(chr.size.order, "GRanges"))
chr.size.order <- data.frame(chr=as.character(seqnames(regions)),
## Produce chromosome limits
chr.size.order.start <- chr.size.order
chr.size.order.start$sizes <- 1
chr.all <- rbind(chr.size.order, chr.size.order.start)
chr.all$SNP <- paste0("lim", seq_len(nrow(chr.all)))
colnames(chr.all)[1:2] <- c("CHR", "BP")
## Produce numeric code for chrs
chr.size.order$chr.numeric <- seq_len(nrow(chr.size.order))
chr.all$P <- 1
phen.name <- regions$Phenotype
phen.name <- unique(phen.name)
gwasResults <- data.frame(
CHR = as.character(GenomicRanges::seqnames(regions)),
BP = GenomicRanges::start(regions),
SNP = regions$SegName, P = regions$MinPvalueAdjusted,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
gwasResults <- rbind(gwasResults, chr.all)
### turn chr to numeric
for (cn in chr.size.order$chr.numeric) {
chr.str <- paste0("\\<", chr.size.order[cn, 1], "\\>")
gwasResults$CHR <- gsub(chr.str, chr.size.order[cn,3], gwasResults$CHR)
gwasResults$CHR <- as.integer(gwasResults$CHR)
gwasResults$BP <- as.integer(gwasResults$BP)
gwasResults$P <- as.numeric(gwasResults$P)
ind <- do.call(order, gwasResults[, c("CHR", "BP")])
gwasResults <- gwasResults[ind, ]
if(plot.pdf) pdf(file.path(all.paths[3], paste0(phen.name, "-Manhattan.pdf")))
qqman::manhattan(gwasResults, chr = "CHR", bp = "BP", snp = "SNP", p = "P",
chrlabs = chr.size.order$chr,
suggestiveline = -log10(0.1), genomewideline = -log10(0.05))
if(plot.pdf) dev.off()
# HELPER - Plot QQ-plot using non-log p-values Originally published in:
# https://genome.sph.umich.edu/wiki/Code_Sample:_Generating_QQ_Plots_in_R By
# Matthew Flickinger @import lattice
.qqunifPlot <- function(pvalues, should.thin = TRUE, thin.obs.places = 2, thin.exp.places = 2,
xlab = expression(paste("Expected (", -log[10], " p-value)")),
ylab = expression(paste("Observed (", -log[10], " p-value)")),
draw.conf = TRUE, conf.points = 1000, conf.col = "lightgray",
conf.alpha = 0.05, already.transformed = FALSE, pch = 20, aspect = "iso",
prepanel = prepanel.qqunif,
par.settings = list(superpose.symbol = list(pch = pch)), ...)
# error checking
if (length(pvalues) == 0)
stop("pvalue vector is empty, can't draw plot")
if (!(is.numeric(pvalues) || (is.list(pvalues) && all(vapply(pvalues, is.numeric, logical(1))))))
stop("pvalue vector is not numeric, can't draw plot")
if (any(is.na(unlist(pvalues))))
stop("pvalue vector contains NA values, can't draw plot")
if (already.transformed == FALSE) {
if (any(unlist(pvalues) == 0))
stop("pvalue vector contains zeros, can't draw plot")
} else {
if (any(unlist(pvalues) < 0))
stop("-log10 pvalue vector contains negative values, can't draw plot")
grp <- NULL
n <- 1
exp.x <- c()
if (is.list(pvalues)) {
nn <- lengths(pvalues)
rs <- cumsum(nn)
re <- rs - nn + 1
n <- min(nn)
if (!is.null(names(pvalues))) {
grp = factor(rep(names(pvalues), nn), levels = names(pvalues))
names(pvalues) <- NULL
} else {
grp = factor(rep(seq_along(pvalues), nn))
pvo <- pvalues
pvalues <- numeric(sum(nn))
exp.x <- numeric(sum(nn))
for (i in seq_along(pvo)) {
if (!already.transformed) {
pvalues[rs[i]:re[i]] <- -log10(pvo[[i]])
exp.x[rs[i]:re[i]] <- -log10((rank(pvo[[i]], ties.method = "first") -
} else {
pvalues[rs[i]:re[i]] <- pvo[[i]]
exp.x[rs[i]:re[i]] <- -log10((nn[i] + 1 - rank(pvo[[i]], ties.method = "first") -
0.5)/(nn[i] + 1))
} else {
n <- length(pvalues) + 1
if (!already.transformed) {
exp.x <- -log10((rank(pvalues, ties.method = "first") - 0.5)/n)
pvalues <- -log10(pvalues)
} else {
exp.x <- -log10((n - rank(pvalues, ties.method = "first") - 0.5)/n)
# this is a helper function to draw the confidence interval
panel.qqconf <- function(n, conf.points = 1000, conf.col = "gray", conf.alpha = 0.05,
...) {
conf.points = min(conf.points, n - 1)
mpts <- matrix(nrow = conf.points * 2, ncol = 2)
for (i in seq(from = 1, to = conf.points)) {
mpts[i, 1] <- -log10((i - 0.5)/n)
mpts[i, 2] <- -log10(qbeta(1 - conf.alpha/2, i, n - i))
mpts[conf.points * 2 + 1 - i, 1] <- -log10((i - 0.5)/n)
mpts[conf.points * 2 + 1 - i, 2] <- -log10(qbeta(conf.alpha/2, i, n -
grid::grid.polygon(x = mpts[, 1], y = mpts[, 2], gp = grid::gpar(fill = conf.col,
lty = 0), default.units = "native")
# reduce number of points to plot
if (should.thin) {
if (!is.null(grp)) {
thin <- unique(data.frame(pvalues = round(pvalues, thin.obs.places),
exp.x = round(exp.x, thin.exp.places), grp = grp))
grp = thin$grp
} else {
thin <- unique(data.frame(pvalues = round(pvalues, thin.obs.places),
exp.x = round(exp.x, thin.exp.places)))
pvalues <- thin$pvalues
exp.x <- thin$exp.x
prepanel.qqunif = function(x, y, ...) {
A = list()
A$xlim = range(x, y) * 1.02
A$xlim[1] = 0
A$ylim = A$xlim
# draw the plot
lattice::xyplot(pvalues ~ exp.x, groups = grp, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, aspect = aspect,
prepanel = prepanel, scales = list(axs = "i"), pch = pch, panel = function(x,
y, ...) {
if (draw.conf) {
panel.qqconf(n, conf.points = conf.points, conf.col = conf.col, conf.alpha = conf.alpha)
lattice::panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
lattice::panel.abline(0, 1)
}, par.settings = par.settings, ...)
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