#' Fit the Cumulative Weibull 4 par. model
#' @description Fit the Cumulative Weibull 4 par. model to SAR data.
#' @usage sar_weibull4(data, start = NULL, grid_start = 'partial',
#' grid_n = NULL, normaTest = 'none',
#' homoTest = 'none', homoCor = 'spearman', verb = TRUE)
#' @param data A dataset in the form of a dataframe with two columns:
#' the first with island/site areas, and the second with the species richness
#' of each island/site.
#' @param start NULL or custom parameter start values for the optimisation algorithm.
#' @param grid_start Should a grid search procedure be implemented to test multiple starting parameter values. Can be one of 'none', 'partial' or 'exhaustive' The default is set to 'partial'.
#' @param grid_n If \code{grid_start = exhaustive}, the number of points sampled in the starting parameter space.
#' @param normaTest The test used to test the normality of the residuals of the
#' model. Can be any of 'lillie' (Lilliefors test
#', 'shapiro' (Shapiro-Wilk test of normality), 'kolmo'
#' (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test), or 'none' (no residuals normality test is undertaken; the default).
#' @param homoTest The test used to check for homogeneity of the residuals of
#' the model. Can be any of 'cor.fitted' (a correlation of the residuals with
#' the model fitted values), 'cor.area' (a correlation of the
#' residuals with the area values), or 'none' (no residuals homogeneity test is undertaken; the default).
#' @param homoCor The correlation test to be used when \code{homoTest !='none'}. Can be any of 'spearman'
#' (the default), 'pearson', or 'kendall'.
#' @param verb Whether or not to print certain warnings (default = TRUE)
#' @details The model is fitted using non-linear regression. The model parameters are estimated
#' by minimizing the residual sum of squares with an unconstrained Nelder-Mead optimization algorithm
#' and the \code{\link{optim}} function. To avoid numerical problems and speed up the convergence process,
#' the starting values used to run the optimization algorithm are carefully chosen. However, if this does
#' not work, custom values can be provided (using the \code{start} argument), or a more comprehensive search
#' can be undertaken using the \code{grid_start} argument. See the vignette for more information.
#' The fitting process also determines the observed shape of the model fit,
#' and whether or not the observed fit is asymptotic (see Triantis et al. 2012 for further details).
#' Model validation can be undertaken by assessing the normality (\code{normaTest}) and homogeneity (\code{homoTest})
#' of the residuals and a warning is provided in \code{\link{summary.sars}} if either test is chosen and fails.
#' A selection of information criteria (e.g. AIC, BIC) are returned and can be used to compare models
#' (see also \code{\link{sar_average}}).
#' As grid_start has a random component, when \code{grid_start != 'none'} in your model fitting, you can
#' get slightly different results each time you fit a model
#' The parameter confidence intervals returned in sigConf are just simple confidence intervals, calculated as 2 * standard error.
#' @importFrom stats lm quantile
#' @return A list of class 'sars' with the following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{par} The model parameters
#' \item \strong{value} Residual sum of squares
#' \item \strong{counts} The number of iterations for the convergence of the fitting algorithm
#' \item \strong{convergence} Numeric code returned from optim indicating model convergence (0 = converged)
#' \item \strong{message} Any message from the model fit algorithm
#' \item \strong{hessian} A symmetric matrix giving an estimate of the Hessian at the solution found
#' \item \strong{verge} Logical code indicating that optim model convergence value is zero
#' \item \strong{startValues} The start values for the model parameters used in the optimisation
#' \item \strong{data} Observed data
#' \item \strong{model} A list of model information (e.g. the model name and formula)
#' \item \strong{calculated} The fitted values of the model
#' \item \strong{residuals} The model residuals
#' \item \strong{AIC} The AIC value of the model
#' \item \strong{AICc} The AICc value of the model
#' \item \strong{BIC} The BIC value of the model
#' \item \strong{R2} The R2 value of the model
#' \item \strong{R2a} The adjusted R2 value of the model
#' \item \strong{sigConf} The model coefficients table
#' \item \strong{normaTest} The results of the residuals normality test
#' \item \strong{homoTest} The results of the residuals homogeneity test
#' \item \strong{observed_shape} The observed shape of the model fit
#' \item \strong{asymptote} A logical value indicating whether the observed fit is asymptotic
#' \item \strong{neg_check} A logical value indicating whether negative fitted values have been returned}
#' The \code{\link{summary.sars}} function returns a more useful summary of
#' the model fit results, and the \code{\link{plot.sars}} plots the model fit.
#' @references Triantis, K.A., Guilhaumon, F. & Whittaker, R.J. (2012) The island species-area
#' relationship: biology and statistics. Journal of Biogeography, 39, 215-231.
#' @examples
#' data(galap)
#' fit <- sar_weibull4(galap)
#' summary(fit)
#' plot(fit)
#' @export
sar_weibull4 <- function(data, start = NULL,
grid_start = "partial", grid_n = NULL,
normaTest = "none", homoTest =
"none", homoCor = "spearman", verb = TRUE){
if (!(is.matrix(data) | is.data.frame(data)))
stop('data must be a matrix or dataframe')
if (is.matrix(data)) data <- as.data.frame(data)
if (anyNA(data)) stop('NAs present in data')
normaTest <- match.arg(normaTest, c('none', 'shapiro', 'kolmo',
homoTest <- match.arg(homoTest, c('none', 'cor.area',
if (homoTest != 'none'){
homoCor <- match.arg(homoCor, c('spearman', 'pearson',
if (!(grid_start %in% c('none', 'partial', 'exhaustive'))){
stop('grid_start should be one of none, partial or exhaustive')
if (grid_start == 'exhaustive'){
if (!is.numeric(grid_n))
stop('grid_n should be numeric if grid_start == exhaustive')
if (!is.logical(verb)){
stop('verb should be logical')
data <- data[order(data[,1]),]
colnames(data) <- c('A','S')
#check for all equal richness values (particuarly zeros)
xr <- range(data$S)/mean(data$S)
if (isTRUE(all.equal(xr[1], xr[2]))) {
if (data$S[1] == 0){
warning('All richness values are zero: parameter estimates of',
' non-linear models should be interpreted with caution')
} else{
warning('All richness values identical')
model <- list(
name=c("Cumulative Weibull 4 par."),
formula=expression(S == d * (1 - exp(-c*A^z))^f ),
exp=expression(d * (1 - exp(-c*A^z))^f ),
parLim = c("Rplus","Rplus","Rplus","Rplus"),
#initial values function
data = data[data$S!=0,]
#c calculation (asymptote)
#z calculation
Z=log(-log((d-data$S)/d)) # = log z + flogX
Z[][Z == Inf]=NA
#f calculation
model <- compmod(model)
fit <- get_fit(model = model, data = data, start = start,
grid_start = grid_start, grid_n = grid_n, algo = 'Nelder-Mead',
normaTest = normaTest, homoTest = homoTest,
homoCor = homoCor, verb = verb)
return(list(value = NA))
obs <- obs_shape(fit, verb = verb)
fit$observed_shape <- obs$fitShape
fit$asymptote <- obs$asymp
fit$neg_check <- any(fit$calculated < 0)
class(fit) <- 'sars'
attr(fit, 'type') <- 'fit'
}#end of sar_weibull4
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