## internal functions to fit threshold models, using lm #######
#' function to find the threshold for one threshold cont and zero slope
#' @noRd
find_one_threshold_cont <- function(x, y, fct, interval, nisl = NULL){
if (is.null(nisl)){
#max(x) - interval, to avoid having largest island as main threshold
sequence <- seq(min(x), (max(x) - interval), interval)
} else {
n <- nisl-1
if (n == 0) {n <- 1}
sequence <- seq(min(sort(x)[-(1:n)]), max(rev(sort(x))[-(1:n)]), interval)
s1 <- lapply(sequence, fct, x = x, y = y)
#if multiple identical min values, which.min just returns the first one,
#so need to check manually for equal cases
w <- which.min(s1)
min_val <- s1[[w]]
w_mult <- which(s1 == min_val)
if (length(w_mult) == 1){
threshold <- sequence[w]
} else{
warning("Multiple threshold values returned same minimum rss;",
" one value / pair has been randomly selected")
w2 <- w_mult[sample(1:length(w_mult), 1)]
threshold <- sequence[w2]
#' function to find the threshold for one threshold discon
#' @noRd
find_one_threshold_disc <- function(x, y, fct, nisl = NULL){
if (is.null(nisl)){
#remove largest island so it cannot be threshold
x1 <- x[1:(length(x) - 1)]
} else {
n <- nisl - 1
if (n == 0) {n <- 1}
x1 <- x[x >= min(sort(x)[-(1:n)]) & x <= max(rev(sort(x))[-(1:n)])]
rss <- vector(length = length(x1))
for (i in 1:length(x1)){
rss[i] <- fct(x[i], x, y)
#if multiple identical min values, which.min just returns the first one,
#so need to check manually for equal cases
w <- which.min(rss)
min_val <- rss[w]
w_mult <- which(rss == min_val)
if (length(w_mult) == 1){
threshold <- x1[w]
} else{
warning("Multiple threshold values returned same minimum rss;",
" one value / pair has been randomly selected")
w2 <- w_mult[sample(1:length(w_mult), 1)]
threshold <- x1[w2]
#' function to find the threshold for two threshold cont and zero
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom foreach foreach "%dopar%"
#' @noRd
find_two_thresholds_cont <- function(x, y, fct, interval, nisl = NULL, parallel,
if (is.null(nisl)){
#remove largest island so it cannot be threshold
sequence <- seq(min(x), (max(x) - interval), interval)
} else {
n <- nisl-1
if (n == 0) {n <- 1}
sequence <- seq(min(sort(x)[-(1:n)]), max(rev(sort(x))[-(1:n)]), interval)
N <- length(sequence)
if (parallel){
cores <- cores
cl <- makeCluster(cores); on.exit(stopCluster(cl))
i <- 1 #Dummy line
ssr_t1 <- foreach(i=seq(from= 1, to=N-1, by=1)) %dopar% {
ssr_t2 <- vector("list", length = length((i+1):N))
k <- 1
for (j in (i + 1):N){
ssr_t2[[k]] <- c(fct(sequence[i], sequence[j], x, y),
sequence[i], sequence[j])
k <- k + 1
}#eo dopar
} else{
ssr_t1 <- vector("list", length = N - 1)
for (i in 1:(N - 1)){
ssr_t2 <- vector("list", length = length((i + 1):N))
k <- 1
for (j in (i + 1):N){
ssr_t2[[k]] <- c(fct(sequence[i], sequence[j], x, y), sequence[i],
k <- k + 1
ssr_t1[[i]] <- ssr_t2
#this approach automatically choose all min par values as not using
l2 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(ssr_t1, function(x) do.call(rbind, x)))
thb <- l2[which(l2[,1] == min(l2[,1])), , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(thb) == 1){
th <- as.vector(thb)[2:3]
} else {
warning("Multiple threshold values returned same minimum rss;",
" one value / pair has been randomly selected")
rr <- sample(1:nrow(thb), 1)
th <- as.vector(thb[rr,])[2:3]
#' function to find the threshold for two threshold disc
#' @noRd
find_two_thresholds_disc <- function(x, y, fct, nisl = NULL){
if (is.null(nisl)){n <- 0}
if (is.null(nisl)){
#remove largest island so it cannot be threshold
x1 <- x[1:(length(x) - 1)]
} else {
n <- nisl - 1
if (n == 0) {n <- 1}
x1 <- x[x >= min(sort(x)[-(1:n)]) & x <= max(rev(sort(x))[-(1:n)])]
N <- length(x1)
ssr_t1 <- vector("list", length = (N - 1))
for (i in 1:(N - 1)){
ssr_t2 <- vector("list", length = length((i + 1):(N)))
k <- 1
for (j in (i + 1):(N)){
ssr_t2[[k]] <- c(fct(x1[i], x1[j], x, y), x1[i], x1[j])
k <- k + 1
ssr_t1[[i]] <- ssr_t2
l2 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(ssr_t1, function(x) do.call(rbind, x)))
thb <- l2[which(l2[,1] == min(l2[,1])), , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(thb) == 1){
th <- as.vector(thb)[2:3]
} else {
warning("Multiple threshold values returned same minimum rss;",
" one value / pair has been randomly selected")
rr <- sample(1:nrow(thb), 1)
th <- as.vector(thb[rr,])[2:3]
#rss functions for each model
#' one thr continuous rss
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @noRd
fct_cont_one <- function(th, x, y) {
sum((y-stats::predict(lm(y ~ x + I((x - th)*as.numeric(x > th)))))^2)
#' zero slope rss
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @noRd
fct_zslope_one <- function(th, x, y) {
sum((y-stats::predict(lm(y~1+I((x-th)*as.numeric(x > th)))))^2)
#' one thr discontinuous rss
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @noRd
fct_disc_one <- function(th, x, y) {
sum((y-predict(lm(y ~ x*(x<=th) + x*(x>th))))^2)
} # modified
#' two thr continuous rss
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @noRd
fct_cont_two <- function(th, th2, x, y) {
sum((y-stats::predict(lm(y ~ x + I((x - th)*as.numeric(x > th)) +
I((x - th2)*as.numeric(x > th2)))))^2)
#' zero slope 2 thr rss
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @noRd
fct_zslope_two <- function(th, th2, x, y) {
sum((y-stats::predict(lm(y ~ 1 + I((x - th)*as.numeric(x > th)) +
I((x - th2)*as.numeric(x > th2)))))^2)
#' two thr discontinuous rss
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @noRd
fct_disc_two <- function(th, th2, x, y) {
sum((y-predict(lm(y ~ x*(x<=th) + x*(x>th & x<=th2) + x*(x>th2))))^2)
} # modified
#' Fit threshold SAR models
#' @description Fit up to six piecewise (threshold) regression models to SAR
#' data.
#' @usage sar_threshold(data, mod = "All", interval = NULL, nisl = NULL,
#' non_th_models = TRUE, logAxes = "area", con = 1, logT = log, parallel =
#' FALSE, cores = NULL)
#' @param data A dataset in the form of a dataframe with at least two columns:
#' the first with island/site areas, and the second with the species richness
#' of each island/site.
#' @param mod A vector of model names: an individual model, a set of models, or
#' all models. Can be any of 'All' (fit all models), 'ContOne' (continuous
#' one-threshold), 'ZslopeOne' (left-horizontal one-threshold), 'DiscOne'
#' (discontinuous one-threshold), 'ContTwo' (continuous two-threshold),
#' 'ZslopeTwo' (left-horizontal two-threshold), or 'DiscTwo' (discontinuous
#' two-threshold).
#' @param interval The amount to increment the threshold value by in the
#' iterative model fitting process (not applicable for the discontinuous
#' models). The default for non-transformed area reverts to 1, while for
#' log-transformed area it is 0.01. However, these values may not be suitable
#' depending on the range of area values in a dataset, and thus users are
#' advised to manually set this argument.
#' @param nisl Set the minimum number of islands to be contained within each of
#' the two segments (in the case of one-threshold models), or the first and
#' last segments (in the case of two-threshold models). It needs to be less
#' than than half of the total number of islands in the dataset. Default =
#' NULL.
#' @param non_th_models Logical argument (default = TRUE) of whether two
#' non-threshold models (i.e. a simple linear regression: y ~ x; and an
#' intercept only model: y ~ 1) should also be fitted.
#' @param logAxes What log-transformation (if any) should be applied to the area
#' and richness values. Should be one of "none" (no transformation), "area"
#' (only area is log-transformed; default) or "both" (both area and richness
#' log-transformed).
#' @param con The constant to add to the species richness values in cases where
#' one of the islands has zero species.
#' @param logT The log-transformation to apply to the area and richness values.
#' Can be any of \code{log}(default), \code{log2} or \code{log10}.
#' @param parallel Logical argument for whether parallel processing should be
#' used. Only applicable when the continuous two-threshold and left-horizontal
#' two-threshold models are being fitted.
#' @param cores Number of cores to use. Only applicable when \code{parallel =
#' TRUE}.
#' @details This function is described in more detail in the accompanying paper
#' (Matthews & Rigal, 2020).
#' Fitting the continuous and left-horizontal piecewise models (particularly
#' the two-threshold models) can be time consuming if the range in area is
#' large and/or the \code{interval} argument is small. For the two-threshold
#' continuous slope and left-horizontal models, the use of parallel processing
#' (using the \code{parallel} argument) is recommended. The number of cores
#' (\code{cores}) must be provided.
#' Note that the interval argument is not used to fit discontinuous models,
#' as, in these cases, the breakpoint must be at a datapoint.
#' There has been considerable debate regarding the number of parameters that
#' are included in different piecewise models. Here (and thus in our
#' calculation of AIC, AICc, BIC etc) we consider ContOne to have five
#' parameters, ZslopeOne - 4, DiscOne - 6, ContTwo - 7, ZslopeTwo - 6, DiscTwo
#' - 8. The standard linear model and the intercept model are considered to
#' have 3 and 2 parameters, respectively. The raw \code{\link{lm}} model fits
#' are provided in the output, however, if users want to calculate information
#' criteria using different numbers of parameters.
#' The raw \code{\link{lm}} model fits can also be used to explore classic
#' diagnostic plots for linear regression analysis in R using the function
#' \code{\link{plot}} or other diagnostic tests such \code{outlierTest},
#' \code{leveragePlots} or \code{influencePlot}, available in the \code{car}
#' package. This is advised as currently there are no model validation checks
#' undertaken automatically, unlike elsewhere in the sars package.
#' Confidence intervals around the breakpoints in the one-threshold continuous
#' and left- horizontal models can be calculated using the
#' \code{\link{threshold_ci}} function. The intercepts and slopes of the
#' different segments in the fitted breakpoint models can be calculated using
#' the \code{\link{get_coef}} function.
#' Rarely, multiple breakpoint values can return the same minimum rss (for a
#' given model fit). In these cases, we just randomly choose and return one
#' and also produce a warning. If this occurs it is worth checking the data
#' and model fits carefully.
#' The \code{nisl} argument can be useful to avoid situations where a segment
#' contains only one island, for example. However, setting strict criteria on
#' the number of data points to be included in segments could be seen as
#' "forcing" the fit of the model, and arguably if a model fit is not
#' interpretable, it is simply that the model does not provide a good
#' representation of the data. Thus, it should not be used without careful
#' thought.
#' @return A list of class "threshold" and "sars" with five elements. The first
#' element contains the different model fits (lm objects). The second element
#' contains the names of the fitted models, the third contains the threshold
#' values, the fourth element the dataset (i.e. a dataframe with area and
#' richness values), and the fifth contains details of any axes
#' log-transformations undertaken. \code{\link{summary.sars}} provides a more
#' user-friendly ouput (including a model summary table) and
#' \code{\link{plot.threshold}} plots the model fits.
#' @note Due to the increased number of parameters, fitting piecewise regression
#' models to datasets with few islands is not recommended. In particular, we
#' would advise against fitting the two-threshold models to small SAR datasets
#' (e.g. fewer than 10 islands for the one threshold models, and 20 islands
#' for the two threshold models).
#' @references Lomolino, M.V. & Weiser, M.D. (2001) Towards a more general
#' species-area relationship: diversity on all islands, great and small.
#' Journal of Biogeography, 28, 431-445.
#' Gao, D., Cao, Z., Xu, P. & Perry, G. (2019) On piecewise models and
#' species-area patterns. Ecology and Evolution, 9, 8351-8361.
#' Matthews, T.J. et al. (2020) Unravelling the small-island effect
#' through phylogenetic community ecology. Journal of Biogeography.
#' Matthews, T.J. & Rigal, F. (2021) Thresholds and the species–area
#' relationship: a set of functions for fitting, evaluating and plotting a
#' range of commonly used piecewise models. Frontiers of Biogeography, 13,
#' e49404.
#' @author Francois Rigal and Thomas J. Matthews
#' @examples
#' data(aegean2)
#' a2 <- aegean2[1:168,]
#' fitT <- sar_threshold(data = a2, mod = c("ContOne", "DiscOne"),
#' interval = 0.1, non_th_models = TRUE, logAxes = "area", logT = log10)
#' summary(fitT)
#' plot(fitT)
#' #diagnostic plots for the ContOne model
#' par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
#' plot(fitT[[1]][[1]])
#' #Plot multiple model fits in the same plot, with different colour for each
#' #model fit
#' plot(fitT, multPlot = FALSE, lcol = c("yellow", "red", "green", "purple"))
#' #Making a legend. First extract the model order:
#' fitT[[2]]
#' #Then use the legend function - note you may need to play around with the
#' #legend location depending on your data.
#' legend("topleft", legend=c("ContOne", "DiscOne","Linear", "Intercept"), fill =
#' c("yellow", "red", "green", "purple"))
#' @export
sar_threshold <- function(data, mod = "All", interval = NULL, nisl = NULL,
non_th_models = TRUE, logAxes = "area",
con = 1, logT = log,
parallel = FALSE, cores = NULL){
if (!(is.matrix(data) | is.data.frame(data)))
stop('data must be a matrix or dataframe')
if (is.matrix(data)) data <- as.data.frame(data)
if (anyNA(data)) stop('NAs present in data')
if (!(is.character(mod) | is.vector(mod)))
stop("mod should be character vector")
if (!is.numeric(interval) | length(interval) != 1)
stop("interval should be a numeric vector of length 1")
if (interval > max(data[ ,1])) stop("interval must be smaller than max area")
if ("All" %in% mod & length(mod) > 1) stop("length(mod) > 1 and contains All")
if (!all(mod %in% c("All", "ContOne", "ZslopeOne",
"DiscOne", "ContTwo", "ZslopeTwo", "DiscTwo")))
stop ("Incorrect model names provided; see help for 'mod' argument")
if (parallel) {
if (is.null(cores))
stop("cores argument must be provided for parallel processing")
if (!is.numeric(cores) | length(cores) > 1)
stop("cores should a numeric vector of length 1")
if (!any(c("none", "area", "both") %in% logAxes)){
stop("logAxes should be one of 'none', 'area', or 'both'")
if (!is.primitive(logT)) stop("logT should be a (primitive) function,
specifically: log, log2 or log10")
if (any(length(con) > 1 | !(is.numeric(con))))
stop("con should be a numeric vector of length 1")
if (nrow(data) < 10) warning("Sample size is quite small for fitting",
" threshold models, see documentation")
if ((!is.null(nisl)) && nisl >= (length(data[,1]) / 2)){
stop('nisl is equal or larger than half of the total number of islands')
#create list to hold final model fits;
#and create a names vector to provide, as naming the list elements
#seems to delete the lm content
#and one for optimum threshold values
if ("All" %in% mod & non_th_models){
res <- vector("list", length = 8)
names <- vector(length = 8)
th <- vector("list", length = 8)
} else if ("All" %in% mod & (!non_th_models)){
res <- vector("list", length = 6)
names <- vector(length = 6)
th <-vector("list", length = 6)
} else if (non_th_models){
res <- vector("list",length = length(mod) + 2)
names <- vector(length = length(mod) + 2)
th <-vector("list", length = length(mod) + 2)
} else{
res <- vector("list",length = length(mod))
names <- vector(length = length(mod))
th <-vector("list", length = length(mod))
r <- 1 #counter
data <- data[order(data[,1]),]
colnames(data) <- c('A','S')
#log conversion (if needed)
if (logAxes == "area"){
data$A <- logT(data$A)
if (is.null(interval)) interval <- 0.01
} else if (logAxes == "both"){
data$A <- logT(data$A)
if (is.null(interval)) interval <- 0.01
if (any(data$S == 0)){
data$S <- logT(data$S + con)
} else{
data$S <- logT(data$S)
if (is.null(interval)) interval <- 1
y <- data$S
x <- data$A
###get the thresholds############
if (any(c("All", "ContOne") %in% mod)) {
#one breakpoint continuous
threshold_cont <- find_one_threshold_cont(x, y, fct_cont_one,
interval, nisl)
res[[r]] <- lm(y ~ x + I((x - threshold_cont) *
as.numeric(x > threshold_cont)))
# names(res[[r]]$coefficients) <- c("Intercept", "z1",
# "z2")
names[r] <- "ContOne"
th[[r]] <- threshold_cont
r <- r + 1
#one breakpoint zero slope
if (any(c("All", "ZslopeOne") %in% mod)) {
threshold_zslope <- find_one_threshold_cont(x, y, fct_zslope_one,
interval, nisl)
res[[r]] <- lm(y ~ 1 + I((x - threshold_zslope) *
as.numeric(x > threshold_zslope)))
# names(res[[r]]$coefficients) <- c("Intercept", "z2")
names[r] <- "ZslopeOne"
th[[r]] <- threshold_zslope
r <- r + 1
#one breakpoint discontinuous
if (any(c("All", "DiscOne") %in% mod)) {
threshold_disc <- find_one_threshold_disc(x, y, fct_disc_one, nisl)
res[[r]] <- lm(y ~ x*(x <= threshold_disc[1]) + x*(x > threshold_disc[1]))
names[r] <- "DiscOne"
th[[r]] <- threshold_disc
r <- r + 1
#two threshold continuous
if (any(c("All", "ContTwo") %in% mod)) {
threshold_two_cont <- find_two_thresholds_cont(x, y,
fct_cont_two, interval,
parallel = parallel,
cores = cores)
res[[r]] <- lm(y ~ x + I((x - threshold_two_cont[1]) *
as.numeric(x > threshold_two_cont[1])) +
I((x - threshold_two_cont[2]) *
as.numeric(x > threshold_two_cont[2])))
names[r] <- "ContTwo"
th[[r]] <- threshold_two_cont
r <- r + 1
#two threshold zero slope
if (any(c("All", "ZslopeTwo") %in% mod)) {
threshold_two_zslope <- find_two_thresholds_cont(x, y,
interval, nisl,
parallel = parallel,
cores = cores)
res[[r]] <- lm(y ~ 1 + I((x - threshold_two_zslope[1]) *
as.numeric(x > threshold_two_zslope[1])) +
I((x - threshold_two_zslope[2]) *
as.numeric(x > threshold_two_zslope[2])))
names[r] <- "ZslopeTwo"
th[[r]] <- threshold_two_zslope
r <- r + 1
#two breakpoint discontinuous
if (any(c("All", "DiscTwo") %in% mod)) {
threshold_two_disc <- find_two_thresholds_disc(x, y,
fct_disc_two, nisl)
res[[r]] <- lm(y ~ x * (x <= threshold_two_disc[1]) +
x*(x > threshold_two_disc[1] & x<=threshold_two_disc[2]) +
x * (x > threshold_two_disc[2]))
names[r] <- "DiscTwo"
th[[r]] <- threshold_two_disc
r <- r + 1
##fit the final non-threshold models for comparison
if (non_th_models){
res[[r]] <- model_lm <- lm(y ~ x)
th[[r]] <- NA
r <- r + 1
res[[r]]<- model_null <- lm(y ~ 1)
th[[r]] <- NA
names[(r-1):r] <- c("Linear", "Intercept")
if (logAxes == "none") logT = "none"
res2 <- list(res, names, th, data, c(logAxes, logT))
class(res2) <- c("threshold", "sars", "list")
attr(res2, "type") <- "threshold"
#' Calculate confidence intervals around breakpoints
#' @description Generate confidence intervals around the breakpoints of the
#' one-threshold continuous and left-horizontal models. Two types of
#' confidence interval can be implemented: a confidence interval derived from
#' an inverted F test and an empirical bootstrap confidence interval.
#' @usage threshold_ci(object, cl = 0.95, method = "boot", interval = NULL,
#' Nboot = 100, verb = TRUE)
#' @param object An object of class 'thresholds', generated using the
#' \code{\link{sar_threshold}} function. The object must contain fits of
#' either (or both) of the one-threshold continuous or the one-threshold
#' left-horizontal model.
#' @param cl The confidence level. Default value is 0.95 (95 percent).
#' @param method Either bootstraping (\code{boot}) or inverted F test
#' (\code{F}).
#' @param interval The amount to increment the threshold value by in the
#' iterative model fitting process used in both the F and boot methods. The
#' default for non-transformed area reverts to 1, while for log-transformed
#' area it is 0.01. It is advised that the same interval value used when
#' running \code{\link{sar_threshold}} is used here.
#' @param Nboot Number of bootstrap samples (for use with \code{method =
#' "boot"}).
#' @param verb Should progress be reported. If \code{TRUE}, every 50th bootstrap
#' sample is reported (for use with \code{method = "boot"}).
#' @details Full details of the two approaches can be found in Toms and
#' Lesperance (2003). If the number of bootstrap samples is large, the
#' function can take a while to run. Following Toms and Lesperance (2003), we
#' therefore recommend the use of the inverted F test confidence interval when
#' sample size is large, and bootstrapped confidence intervals when sample
#' size is smaller.
#' Currently only available for the one-threshold continuous and left-
#' horizontal threshold models.
#' @return A list of class "sars" with two elements. If method “F” is used, the
#' list contains only the confidence interval values. If method “boot” is
#' used, the list contains two elements. The first element is the full set of
#' bootstrapped breakpoint estimates for each model and the second contains
#' the confidence interval values.
#' @author Francois Rigal and Christian Paroissin
#' @references Toms, J.D. & Lesperance, M.L. (2003) Piecewise regression: a tool
#' for identifying ecological thresholds. Ecology, 84, 2034-2041.
#' @examples
#' data(aegean2)
#' a2 <- aegean2[1:168,]
#' fitT <- sar_threshold(data = a2, mod = "ContOne",
#' interval = 0.1, non_th_models = TRUE, logAxes = "area", logT = log10)
#' #calculate confidence intervals using bootstrapping
#' #(very low Nboot just as an example)
#' CI <- threshold_ci(fitT, method = "boot", interval = NULL, Nboot = 3)
#' CI
#' #Use the F method instead, with 90% confidence interval
#' CI2 <- threshold_ci(fitT, cl = 0.90, method = "F", interval = NULL)
#' CI2
#' @importFrom stats fitted resid qf
#' @export
threshold_ci <- function(object, cl = 0.95, method = "boot", interval = NULL,
Nboot = 100, verb = TRUE)
if (!"threshold" %in% class(object))
stop("Object should be of class 'threshold'")
names <- object[[2]]
if (!any(names %in% c("ContOne", "ZslopeOne")))
stop("Confidence interval is only available for models ContOne and ZslopeOne")
if (!is.null(interval)) {
if (!is.numeric(interval) | length(interval) != 1)
stop("interval should be a numeric vector of length 1")
if (interval > max(object[[4]]$A))
stop("interval must be smaller than max", "area")
if (is.null(interval)) {
logAxes <- object[[5]][1]
if (logAxes == "none") {
interval <- 1
else {
interval <- 0.01
if (method == "boot") {
w1 <- which(names %in% c("ContOne", "ZslopeOne"))
bootR <- vector("list", length = 3)
bootR[[1]] <- vector("list", length = length(w1))
names(bootR[[1]]) <- names[w1]
bootR[[2]] <- vector("list", length = length(w1))
names(bootR[[2]]) <- names[w1]
k <- 1
names(bootR) <- c("Bootstrap values", "CIs")
for (j in w1) {
n1 <- names[[j]]
if (n1 == "ContOne") {
fct <- fct_cont_one
else {
fct <- fct_zslope_one
mods <- object[[1]][[j]]
x <- object[[4]]$A
y <- object[[4]]$S
res <- resid(mods)
fit <- fitted(mods)
new.df <- data.frame(res, x)
boot <- vector(length = Nboot)
for (i in 1:Nboot) {
new.res <- sample(new.df$res, replace = T)
xbt <- new.df$x
ybt <- fit + new.res
sequence <- seq(min(xbt), max(xbt), interval)
s1 <- lapply(sequence, fct, x = xbt, y = ybt)
w <- which.min(s1)
if (length(w) == 1) {
boot[i] <- sequence[w]
else {
w2 <- w[sample(1:length(w), 1)]
boot[i] <- sequence[w2]
if (verb) {
if (i%%50 == 0)
cat("Bootstrap sample", i, "out of", Nboot,
"for model", k, "of", length(w1), "\n")
qt <- (1 - cl) / 2
CI <- quantile(boot, c(qt, 1 - qt))
bootR[[1]][[k]] <- boot
bootR[[2]][[k]] <- CI
k <- k + 1
bootR[[3]] <- "boot"
names(bootR)[3] <- "Method"
} else if (method == "F") {
w1 <- which(names %in% c("ContOne", "ZslopeOne"))
Fconf <- vector("list", length = length(w1) + 1)
names(Fconf) <- c(names[w1], "Method")
k <- 1
for (j in w1) {
n1 <- names[[j]]
if (n1 == "ContOne") {
fct = fct_cont_one
else {
fct = fct_zslope_one
mods <- object[[1]][[j]]
x <- object[[4]]$A
y <- object[[4]]$S
x1 <- seq(min(x), max(x), interval)
mod <- object[[1]][[j]]
res.lm <- summary(mod)
S <- sapply(x1, fct, x = x, y = y)
s2.opt <- res.lm$sigma^2
S.opt <- min(S)
Fstat <- (S - S.opt) / s2.opt
alpha.ci <- 1 - cl
z <- qf(1 - alpha.ci, 1, res.lm$df[3])
CI <- which(Fstat <= z)
CI.lower <- x1[min(CI)]
CI.upper <- x1[max(CI)]
Fconf[[k]] <- c(CI.lower, CI.upper)
k <- k + 1
bootR <- Fconf
bootR[[(length(w1) + 1)]] <- "F"
} else{
stop("method should be one of 'boot' or 'F'")
class(bootR) <- "sars"
attr(bootR, 'type') <- 'threshold_ci'
#' Calculate the intercepts and slopes of the different segments
#' @description Calculate the intercepts and slopes of the different segments in
#' any of the fitted breakpoint regression models available in the package.
#' @usage get_coef(fit)
#' @param fit An object of class 'thresholds', generated using the
#' \code{\link{sar_threshold}} function.
#' @details The coefficients in the fitted breakpoint regression models do not
#' all represent the intercepts and slopes of the different segments; to get
#' these it is necessary to add different coefficients together.
#' @return A dataframe with the intercepts (ci) and slopes (zi) of all segments
#' in each fitted model. The numbers attached to c and z relate to the
#' segment, e.g. c1 and z1 are the intercept and slope of the first segment.
#' For the left-horizontal models, the slope of the first segment (i.e. the
#' horizontal segment) is not returned. NA values represent cases where a
#' given parameter is not present in a particular model.
#' @examples
#' data(aegean2)
#' a2 <- aegean2[1:168,]
#' fitT <- sar_threshold(data = a2, mod = c("ContOne", "DiscOne", "ZslopeOne"),
#' interval = 0.1, non_th_models = TRUE, logAxes = "area", logT = log10)
#' #get the slopes and intercepts for these three models
#' coefs <- get_coef(fitT)
#' coefs
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @export
get_coef <- function(fit){
if (!"threshold" %in% class(fit))
stop("fit object should be of class 'threshold'")
names <- fit[[2]]
wn <- which(names %in% c("ContOne", "ZslopeOne",
"DiscOne", "ContTwo", "ZslopeTwo", "DiscTwo"))
resM <- matrix(nrow = length(wn), ncol = 6)
colnames(resM) <- c("c1", "z1", "c2", "z2", "c3", "z3")
rownames(resM) <- names[wn]
k <- 1
if ("ContOne" %in% names) {
w <- which(names == "ContOne")
ContOne <- fit[[1]][[w]]
c1 <- coef(ContOne)[1]
z1 <- coef(ContOne)[2]
z2 <- coef(ContOne)[2] + coef(ContOne)[3]
resM[k,] <- c(c1, z1, NA, z2, NA, NA)
k <- k + 1
#one breakpoint zero slope
if ("ZslopeOne" %in% names) {
w <- which(names == "ZslopeOne")
ZslopeOne <- fit[[1]][[w]]
c1 <- coef(ZslopeOne)[1]
z2 <- coef(ZslopeOne)[2]
resM[k,] <- c(c1, NA, NA, z2, NA, NA)
k <- k + 1
#one breakpoint discontinuous
if ("DiscOne" %in% names) {
w <- which(names == "DiscOne")
DiscOne <- fit[[1]][[w]]
c1 <- coef(DiscOne)[1] + coef(DiscOne)[3]
z1 <- coef(DiscOne)[2] + coef(DiscOne)[5]
c2 <- coef(DiscOne)[1]
z2 <- coef(DiscOne)[2]
resM[k,] <- c(c1, z1, c2, z2, NA, NA)
k <- k + 1
#two threshold continuous
if ("ContTwo" %in% names) {
w <- which(names == "ContTwo")
ContTwo <- fit[[1]][[w]]
c1 <- coef(ContTwo)[1]
z1 <- coef(ContTwo)[2]
z2 <- coef(ContTwo)[2] + coef(ContTwo)[3]
z3 <- coef(ContTwo)[2] + coef(ContTwo)[3] + coef(ContTwo)[4]
resM[k,] <- c(c1, z1, NA, z2, NA, z3)
k <- k + 1
#two threshold zero slope
if ("ZslopeTwo" %in% names) {
w <- which(names == "ZslopeTwo")
ZslopeTwo <- fit[[1]][[w]]
c1 <- coef(ZslopeTwo)[1]
z2 <- coef(ZslopeTwo)[2]
z3 <- coef(ZslopeTwo)[2] + coef(ZslopeTwo)[3]
resM[k,] <- c(c1, NA, NA, z2, NA, z3)
k <- k + 1
#two breakpoint discontinuous
if ("DiscTwo" %in% names) {
w <- which(names == "DiscTwo")
DiscTwo <- fit[[1]][[w]]
c1 <- coef(DiscTwo)[1] + coef(DiscTwo)[3]
z1 <- coef(DiscTwo)[2] + coef(DiscTwo)[6]
c2 <- coef(DiscTwo)[1] + coef(DiscTwo)[4]
z2 <- coef(DiscTwo)[2] + coef(DiscTwo)[7]
c3 <- coef(DiscTwo)[1]
z3 <- coef(DiscTwo)[2]
resM[k,] <- c(c1, z1, c2, z2, c3, z3)
k <- k + 1
resM2 <- as.data.frame(round(resM, 2))
class(resM2) <- c("sars", "data.frame")
attr(resM2, 'type') <- "threshold_coef"
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