countryside_startPars <- function(dat, modType,
gridStart, Nhab){
A2 <- rowSums(dat[,1:(ncol(dat) - 1)])
d2 <- data.frame("A" = A2, "S" = dat[,ncol(dat)])
if (modType == "logarithmic"){
sp2 <- tryCatch(sar_loga(d2),
error = function(e) NA)
} else {
sp2 <- tryCatch(sar_power(d2),
error = function(e) NA)
if (length(sp2) == 1){
c1 <- 5
z1 <- 0.25
} else {
if (length(sp2$par) != 2){
c1 <- 5
z1 <- 0.25
} else {
c1 <- sp2$par[1]
z1 <- sp2$par[2]
if (modType == "logarithmic"){
hmax <- exp(c1/z1)
} else {
hmax <- c1 ^ (1/z1)
if (gridStart == "partial"){
start.vec <- c(0.0000000001,
10000000, 100000000, 999)
} else if (gridStart == "exhaustive"){
start.vec <- c(0.0000000001,0.00000001,
1,1000, 10000,100000,1000000,
10000000, 100000000,
10000000000, 999)
start.list <- rep(list(start.vec), Nhab)
#add in the calculated value
if (!is.null(sp_grp)){
start.list[[sp_grp]][length(start.vec)] <- hmax
} else {
#for ubiquitous, we don't know which group is
#hmax, so add it to each element.
start.list <- lapply(start.list, function(x){
x[length(start.vec)] <- hmax
#include the calculated value
if (gridStart == "partial"){
start.list$z <- c(0.01, 0.1, 0.7, z1)
} else if (gridStart == "exhaustive"){
start.list$z <- c(0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.25,
0.5, 1, z1)
LNs <- sapply(1:Nhab, function(x) paste0("h", x))
names(start.list) <- c(LNs, "z")
grid.start <- expand.grid(start.list)
countryside_optim <- function(dat, modType,
gridStart = "partial",
startPar, zLower = 0,
#to be generic it needs to build based on number of habitats
#provided by the user
CNs <- colnames(dat)
Nhab <- length(which(grepl("Area", CNs)))
if (is.null(startPar)){
grid.start <- countryside_startPars(dat, modType = modType,
gridStart, Nhab)
#random for testing
# grid.start <- grid.start[sample(1:nrow(grid.start), 150),]
} else { #user provided start values
grid.start <-,
nrow = 1))
LNs <- sapply(1:Nhab, function(x) paste0("h", x))
colnames(grid.start) <- c(LNs, "z")
y <- sapply(1:Nhab, function(x) paste0("h", x, "*", "Area", x))
y <- toString(y)
y <- gsub(", ", " + ", y)
y <- switch(modType,
"logarithmic" = paste0("S ~ z * log(", y, ")"),
"power" = paste0("S ~ (", y, ")", "^z"))
mod_nam2 <- formula(y)
#lower bounds (0 for hab variables and z
x <- grid.start[1,]
xl <- rep(0, length(x))
names(xl) <- names(x)
#can set to -Inf for full search of par space
if (zLower != 0) xl["z"] <- zLower
fit.list <- suppressWarnings(apply(grid.start, 1, function(x){
start = x,
lower = xl,
control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 1000,
maxfev = 100000),
data = dat),
error = function(e) NA)
})) <- sapply(fit.list, length)
if (any( > 1)){ #otherwise all NA <- which( > 1) <- fit.list[] <- vapply(, AIC,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
#if multiple min, it just picks the first <-[[which.min(]]
} else { <- NA
countryside_affinity <- function(mods, modType,
MN <- names(mods)
r3 <- lapply(mods, function(x){
modP <- x$m$getPars()
wZ <- which(names(modP) == "z")
modP2 <- modP[-wZ]
scP <- modP2 / max(modP2)
names(scP) <- habNam
if (modType == "logarithmic"){
scP <- c(scP, (log(max(modP2))*modP[wZ]))
} else {
scP <- c(scP, (max(modP2)^modP[wZ]))
names(scP)[length(scP)] <- "c"
#gridStart = if startPar not NULL, this is ignored.
#Warning that exhaustive can take a while.
#spNam = optional vector of species-group names (matching
#the column order, otherwise takes names of sp columns)
#habNam = optional vector of habitat names (matching
#the column order, otherwise just uses Habitat1 etc)
#startPar = if not null, needs to be a numeric matrix, where no
#of rows = number of habitats, and no of cols = no of species
#groups (including ubiquitous sp, if provided). Row and column
#order needs to match the column order of data (i.e., )
#zLower = the lower bound to be used for the z-parameter in the
#minpack.lm::nlsLM function. Default is set to zero, but can be
#changed to any numeric value (e.g., -Inf to allow for a full
#search of parameter space)
#@return #in help file need to explain how to
#extract raw nls fit objects:
#(i) a list of the non-linear regression model fits for each of
#the i species groups; (ii) the habitat affinity values (see Eq.
#*) for each of the models in (i); and (iii) the c-parameter
#values (see Eq.*) for each of the models in (i). The model fits
#in (i) are objects of class ‘nls’, meaning that all the basic
#non-linear regression R methods can be applied (e.g., generating
#model summary tables or plotting the model residuals).
#user-provided starting pars: 1st row = Spcs_AG; and
#columns relate to h paramters for AG, SH, and QF, and
#then z.
#' Fit the countryside SAR model
#' @description A short description...
#' @param data An object of class 'habitat'.
#' @param modType The information criterion weights to present (must be one of 'AIC',
#' @param gridStart description
#' @param startPar description
#' @param zLower de
#' @param ubiSp description
#' @param spNam description
#' @param habNam description
#' @export
sar_countryside <- function(data,
modType = "power",
gridStart = "partial",
startPar = NULL,
zLower = 0,
ubiSp = FALSE,
spNam = NULL,
habNam = NULL){
if (!(is.matrix(data) |
stop('data must be a matrix or dataframe')
if (is.matrix(data)) data <-
if (anyNA(data)) stop('NAs present in data')
if (!is.logical(ubiSp) | anyNA(ubiSp)){
stop("ubiSp should be a logical vector of length 1 (column no.)")
} else if (isTRUE(ubiSp)){
if (ncol(data) %% 2 == 0){
stop("If ubiSp == TRUE, there should be an odd number of columns")
if (length(zLower) != 1 | !is.numeric(zLower)){
stop("zLower should be a numeric vector of length 1")
if (!modType %in% c("power", "logarithmic")){
stop("modType should be one of power or logarithmic")
##Rename columns
cnD <- colnames(data)
CN <- floor((ncol(data)) / 2)#if ubiSp, it will be 0.5 over (hence floor)
colnames(data)[1:CN] <- sapply(1:CN, function(x) paste0("Area", x))
colnames(data)[(CN + 1):(CN + CN)] <- sapply(1:CN,
function(x) paste0("SR", x))
if (ubiSp) colnames(data)[ncol(data)] <- "SR_UB"
if (any(rowSums(data[,1:CN]) == 0)){
if (modType == "logarithmic"){
stop("Some sites have total area equal to zero - this is ",
"not possible with the logarithmic model")
} else {
warning("Some sites have total area equal to zero")
#if habNam & spNam provided, check in correct format, otherwise take
#area / species column names
if (ubiSp){
CN2 <- CN + 1
} else{
CN2 <- CN
if (!is.null(spNam)){
if (!is.vector(spNam) |
!is.character(spNam) | (length(spNam)!= CN2)){
stop("spNam should be character vector of\n sp. group names",
" of correct length.")
} else{
spNam <- cnD[(CN + 1):length(cnD)]
if (!is.null(habNam)){
if (!is.vector(habNam) |
!is.character(habNam) | (length(habNam)!= CN)){
stop("habNam should be character vector of\n habitat names",
" of correct length.")
} else{
habNam <- sapply(1:CN, function(x) paste0("Habitat", x))
if (!is.null(startPar)){
###needs to be a matrix, with each row corresponding to
#habitat types in matching column order
if (!is.matrix(startPar)){
stop("startPar should be a matrix")
} else { #+1 is for z
if (!all(dim(startPar) == c(CN2, (CN + 1)))){
stop("Dimensions of startPar are incorrect")
if (!is.numeric(startPar) | anyNA(startPar)){
stop("startPar should contain only numbers and no NAs")
} else {
if (!any(c("partial", "exhaustive") %in% gridStart)){
stop("gridStart should be either 'partial' or 'exhaustive")
}#eo is.null(startPar)
##Need to then fit the models for each SR, including for
#SR_UB if ubiSp.
k <- 1
res <- lapply(((CN + 1):(CN + CN)), function(x){
dum <- data[,c(1:CN, x)]
dum <- dum[order(dum[,ncol(dum)]),]
colnames(dum)[ncol(dum)] <- "S"
if (!is.null(startPar)){
startPar2 <- startPar[k,]
} else {
startPar2 <- startPar
} number
sgn <- x - CN
CO <- countryside_optim(dat = dum,
modType = modType,
gridStart = gridStart,
startPar = startPar2,
zLower = zLower,
sp_grp = sgn)
k <<- k + 1
if (ubiSp){
dum <- data[,c(1:CN, ncol(data))]
dum <- dum[order(dum[,ncol(dum)]),]
colnames(dum)[ncol(dum)] <- "S"
if (!is.null(startPar)){
startPar2 <- startPar[k,]
} else {
startPar2 <- startPar
res$UB <- countryside_optim(dat = dum,
modType = modType,
startPar = startPar2,
zLower = zLower,
sp_grp = NULL)
names(res) <- spNam
len <- sapply(res, length)
if (all(len == 1)){
FM <- "All"
} else if (any(len == 1)){
w1 <- which(len == 1)
FM <- w1
} else {
FM <- "None"
##Calculate affinity values
#First remove NA models,
if (!("All" %in% FM)){
res2 <- res
if (!("None" %in% FM)){
res2[w1] <- NULL
aff <- countryside_affinity(res2, modType = modType,
habNam = habNam)
aff_H <- lapply(aff, function(x) x[1:(length(x) - 1)])
aff_C <- sapply(aff, function(x) x[length(x)])
res <- list(res, aff_H, aff_C)
} else {
res <- list(res, "All models NA - no affinity values", NA)
#Calculate total richness for each site: only do
#if all models have fit
if (("None" %in% FM)){
res2 <- res
class(res2) <- c("habitat", "sars", "list")
attr(res2, "type") <- "countryside"
attr(res2, "modType") <- modType
TR <- apply(data[,1:CN],1, function(x){
v <- as.vector(x)
vc <- countryside_extrap(res2, area = v)
totA1 <- rowSums(data[,1:CN])
totR1 <- rowSums(data[(CN + 1): (ncol(data))])
modF <- ifelse(modType == "logarithmic", sar_loga,
dd_pow1 <- tryCatch(modF(data.frame("A" = totA1,
"R" = totR1)),
error = function(e) NA)
if (length(dd_pow1) == 1){
rss <- NA
} else {
##Calculate RSS
cs_rss <- sum((TR - totR1)^2)
pow_rss <- dd_pow1$value
rss <- c("Countryside_RSS" = cs_rss,
names(rss)[2] <- ifelse(modType == "logarithmic",
"Logarithmic_RSS", "Power_RSS")
}#eo length dd pow
} else {
TR <- "No predicted total richness values as some models could not be fitted"
rss <- NA
dd_pow1 <- NA
res[[4]] <- TR
res[[5]] <- rss
res[[6]] <- data
res[[7]] <- dd_pow1
res[[8]] <- ubiSp
names(res) <- c("fits", "affinity", "c", "Pred.Tot.Rich",
"rss", "data", "pow.model", "ubiSp")
class(res) <- c("habitat", "sars", "list")
attr(res, "type") <- "countryside"
attr(res, "modType") <- modType
attr(res, "failedMods") <- FM
#If any model fits are NA, these are removed along
#with the corresponding area values provided by
#the user (arguably if this is the case, the extrapolations
#are not of use)
#the order of values in 'area' must match the order of
#habitat cols in the original data matrix provided to
#' Use a sar_countryside() model object to predict richness
#' @description Use a fitted model object from sar_countryside()
#' to predict richness, given a set of habitat area values.
#' @usage countryside_extrap <- function(fits, area)
#' @param fits A fitted model object from \code{\link{sar_countryside}}.
#' @param area A vector of area values - the number (and order)
#' of area values (i.e., the length of the vector) should match
#' the number (and order) of habitats in the dataset used in
#' the \code{\link{sar_countryside}} fit.
#' @details Takes a model fit generated using
#' \code{\link{sar_countryside}} and uses it to predict
#' richness values for a set of user-provided habitat
#' \code{area} values. Note this can either be interpolated or
#' extrapolated predictions, depending on the range of area
#' values used in the original model fits. A ubiquitous model
#' prediction is included if a ubiquitous component model is
#' included in \code{fits}.
#' The habitat area values provided through \code{area} need to
#' be in the same order as the habitat columns in the original
#' dataset used in \code{\link{sar_countryside}}.
#' The function does work with failed component model fits, as
#' long as at least one component model was successfully
#' fitted. However, arguably it does not make sense to predict
#' richness values unless all component models were
#' successfully fitted.
#' @return A list with three elements. The first contains the
#' predicted richness values from the individual component
#' models. The second contains the predicted total richness of
#' the site (i.e., the summed component model predictions), and
#' the third is a logical value highlighting whether there were
#' any failed models in \code{fits}, i.e., component models
#' that could not be fitted in \code{\link{sar_countryside}}.
#' @author Thomas J. Matthews
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(countryside)
#' #Fit the sar_countryside model (power version)
#' s3 <- sar_countryside(data = countryside, modType = "power",
#' gridStart = "partial", ubiSp = TRUE, habNam = c("AG", "SH",
#' "F"), spNam = c("AG_Sp", "SH_Sp", "F_Sp", “UB_Sp”))
#' #Predict the richness of a site which comprises 1000 area units
#' #of agricultural land, 1000 of shrubland and 1000 of forest.
#' countryside_extrap(s3, area = c(1000, 1000, 1000))
#' }
#' @export
countryside_extrap <- function(fits, area){
#order of area values needs to match the order of
#the model fits in 'fits'
if (!inherits(fits, "habitat")){
stop("fits should be an object generated by sar_countryside()")
if (attributes(fits)$type != "countryside"){
stop("fits should be an object generated by sar_countryside()")
if (sum(area) == 0 &
attributes(fits)$modType == "logarithmic"){
stop("Provided areas sum to zero - this is ",
"not possible with the logarithmic model")
fits <- fits[[1]]
#If any fits are NA, we need to remove these and also
#the corresponding user-provided area value(s)
len <- sapply(fits, length)
if (all(len == 1)) stop("All model fits are NA")
if (any(len == 1)){
warning("Some elements in 'fits' are NA; ",
"\nthese have been removed prior to extrapolation")
w1 <- which(len == 1)
fits[w1] <- NULL
mes <- TRUE
} else {
mes <- FALSE
#number of habitat is no. of parameters - 1 (as one is z)
Nhab <- length(fits[[1]]$m$getPars()) - 1
if (length(area) != Nhab) {
stop("Length of 'area' does not equal no. of habitats in 'fits'")
names(area) <- sapply(1:Nhab, function(x) paste0("Area", x))
area <- as.list(area)
#run predict() for each model in fits
#For each component model, this predicts the
#total number of species in that group in the landscape,
#i.e., across all habitats in the landscape. In the plot
#function we set the other habitats to zero, but here they
#can be non-zero.
Pred <- vapply(fits, function(x){
predict(x, area)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
PredTot <- sum(Pred)
resP <- list("Indiv_mods" = Pred,
"Total" = PredTot,
"Failed_mods" = mes)
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