## internal functions for use within summary for sar_habitat #######
#' function to return AIC etc as calculated inside sar_average
#' @importFrom stats logLik
#' @noRd
info_crit <- function(obj){
val <- logLik(obj)
P <- attr(logLik(obj), "df")
if (inherits(obj, "lm")){
n <- length(obj$residuals)
} else if (inherits(obj, "nls")){
n <- length(obj$m$getEnv()$S)
lAIC <- (2 * P) - (2 * val)
#if denominator of AICc is 0 or negative, return Inf
den <- n - P - 1
if (den < 1){
lAICc <- Inf
} else {
lAICc <- -2 * val + 2 * P * (n / (n - P - 1))
lBIC <- (-2 * val) + (P * log(n))
return(c(lAIC, lBIC, lAICc))
#' function to generate R2 and AIC etc for the model summary table
#' @noRd
extr_fit <- function(obj){
sobj <- summary(obj)
if (inherits(obj, "lm")){
r2 <- sobj$r.squared
adjr2 <- sobj$adj.r.squared
} else if (inherits(obj, "nls")){
SR <- obj$m$getEnv()$S
P <- length(obj$m$getPars()) + 1 #1 for variance
n <- length(SR)
value <- sum(obj$m$resid()^2)#RSS
#R2 (Kvaleth, 1985, Am. Statistician);
#gives same as aomisc::R2nls()
r2 <- 1 - ((value) / sum((SR - mean(SR))^2))
#R2a (He & Legendre 1996, p724)
adjr2 <- 1 - (((n-1)*(value)) /
((n-P)*sum((SR - mean(SR))^2)))
IC <- info_crit(obj)
return(c(r2, adjr2, IC))
#' Summarising the results of the model fitting functions
#' @description S3 method for class 'sars'. \code{summary.sars} creates
#' summary statistics for objects of class 'sars'. The exact summary
#' statistics computed depends on the 'Type' attribute (e.g. 'multi') of
#' the 'sars' object. The summary method generates more useful information
#' for the user than the standard model fitting functions. Another S3
#' method (\code{print.summary.sars}; not documented) is used to print the
#' output.
#' @param object An object of class 'sars'.
#' @param \dots Further arguments.
#' @param \dots Further arguments.
#' @return The \code{summary.sars} function returns an object of class
#' "summary.sars". A print function is used to obtain and print a summary
#' of the model fit results.
#' For a 'sars' object of Type 'fit', a list with 16 elements is returned
#' that contains useful information from the model fit, including the model
#' parameter table (with t-values, p-values and confidence intervals),
#' model fit statistics (e.g. R2, AIC), the observed shape of the model and
#' whether or not the fit is asymptotic, and the results of any additional
#' model checks undertaken (e.g. normality of the residuals).
#' For a 'sars' object of Type 'multi', a list with 5 elements is returned:
#' (i) a vector of the names of the models that were successfully fitted and
#' passed any additional checks, (ii) a character string containing the name
#' of the criterion used to rank models, (iii) a data frame of the ranked
#' models, (iv) a vector of the names of any models that were not fitted or
#' did not pass any additional checks, and (v) a logical vector specifying
#' whether the \code{\link{optim}} convergence code for each model that passed
#' all the checks is zero. In regards to (iii; \code{Model_table}), the
#' dataframe contains the fit summaries for each successfully fitted model
#' (including the value of the model criterion used to compare models, the R2
#' and adjusted R2, and the observed shape of the fit); the models are ranked
#' in decreasing order of information criterion weight.
#' For a 'sars' object of Type 'lin_pow', a list with up to 7 elements is
#' returned: (i) the model fit output from the \code{\link{lm}} function, (ii)
#' the fitted values of the model, (iii) the observed data, (iv and v) the
#' results of the residuals normality and heterogeneity tests, and (vi) the
#' log-transformation function used. If the argument \code{compare = TRUE} is
#' used in \code{\link{lin_pow}}, a 7th element is returned that contains the
#' parameter values from the non-linear power model.
#' For a 'sars' object of Type 'threshold', a list with three elements is
#' returned: (i) the information criterion used to order the ranked model
#' summary table (currently just BIC), (ii) a model summary table (models are
#' ranked using BIC), and (iii) details of any axes log-transformations
#' undertaken. Note that in the model summary table, if log-area is used as
#' the predictor, the threshold values will be on the log scale used. Thus it
#' may be preferable to back-transform them (e.g. using \code{exp(th)} if
#' natural logarithms are used) so that they are on the scale of untransformed
#' area. Th1 and Th2 in the table are the threshold value(s), and seg1, seg2,
#' seg3 provide the number of datapoints within each segment (for the
#' threshold models); one-threshold models have two segements, and
#' two-threshold models have three segments.
#' For a 'sars' object of Type 'habitat', a list with two elements is
#' returned: (i) a model summary table (models are ranked using AICc), and
#' (ii) the value of the \code{modType} argument used in the
#' \code{sar_habitat} function call.
#' @examples
#' data(galap)
#' #fit a multimodel SAR and get the model table
#' mf <- sar_average(data = galap, grid_start = "none")
#' summary(mf)
#' summary(mf)$Model_table
#' #Get a summary of the fit of the linear power model
#' fit <- lin_pow(galap, con = 1, compare = TRUE)
#' summary(fit)
#' @importFrom stats logLik
#' @export
summary.sars <- function(object, ...){
if (attributes(object)$type == "lin_pow"){
rownames(object$Model$coefficients) <- c("LogC", "z")
fit_df <- round(data.frame(Area = object$data$A,
Fitted = object$calculated), 2)
res <- list("Model" = object$Model, df = fit_df,
"normaTest" = object$normaTest, "homoTest" = object$homoTest,
logT = object$logT)
if ("power" %in% names(object)){
cp <- object$power$par[1]
zp <- object$power$par[2]
res$power <- round(c("logc" = cp, "z" = zp), 2)
if (attributes(object)$type == "pred"){
return(cat("\nNo summary method for 'pred' object of class 'sars'\n",
sep = ""))
if (attributes(object)$type == "threshold_ci"){
return(cat("\nNo summary method for 'threshold_ci' object of class 'sars'\n",
sep = ""))
if (attributes(object)$type == "threshold_coef"){
return(cat("\nNo summary method for 'threshold_coef' object of class 'sars'\n",
sep = ""))
if (attributes(object)$type == "fit"){
name <- object$model$name
resid <- object$residuals
pars_tab <- object$sigConf
parN <- object$model$parNames
formula <- object$model$formula
ic <- object$AIC
ic2 <- object$AICc
bi <- object$BIC
R2 <- object$R2
R2a <- object$R2a
shape <- object$observed_shape
asymp <- object$asymptote
conv <- object$verge
res <- list("Model" = name, "residuals" = resid,
"Parameters" = pars_tab,
"parNames" = parN, "formula" = formula, "AIC" = round(ic, 2),
"AICc" = round(ic2, 2), "BIC" = round(bi, 2),
"R2" = round(R2, 2), "R2a" = round(R2a, 2),
"observed_shape" = shape, "asymptote" = asymp,
"convergence" = conv, "normaTest" = object$normaTest,
"homoTest" = object$homoTest,
"Negative_values" = object$neg_check)
if (attributes(object)$type == "fit_collection"){
return(cat("\nNo summary method for fit_collection\n", sep = ""))
if (attributes(object)$type == "multi"){
Mods <- as.vector(object$details$mod_names)
nf <- as.vector(object$details$no_fit)
cri <- object$details$ic
ranks <- object$details$weights_ics
df <- data.frame("Model" = names(ranks),
"Weight" = as.vector(ranks))
df$IC <- vapply(object$details$fits,
function(x){x[[cri]]}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
if(!all(object$details$ics == df$IC)){
stop("error with ICs - contact package author")
colnames(df)[3] <- paste(cri)
df$R2 <- vapply(object$details$fits,
function(x){x$R2}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
df$R2a <- vapply(object$details$fits,
function(x){x$R2a}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
df$Shape <- vapply(object$details$fits,
function(x){x$observed_shape}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
#a warning produces a long shape value sometimes: "observed shape
#algorithm failed: observed shape ..". So change these cases to sigmoid
#shape_check <- vapply(df$Shape, FUN = function(x){grepl("failed", x)},
# FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
#if (any(shape_check)){
#wsc <- which(shape_check)
#df$Shape[wsc] <- "sigmoid"
# }
df$Asymptote <- vapply(object$details$fits,
function(x){x$asymptote}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
df <- df[order(-df$Weight),]
df[, 2:5] <- round(df[, 2:5], 3)
rownames(df) <- NULL
res <- list("Models" = Mods, "Criterion" = cri, "Model_table" = df,
"no_fit" = nf, "Convergence" = object$details$convergence)
if (attributes(object)$type == "threshold"){
mods <- object[[1]]
names <- object[[2]]
th <- object[[3]]
#no. parameter for each model
k <- c("ContOne" = 5, "ZslopeOne" = 4, "DiscOne" = 6, "ContTwo" = 7,
"ZslopeTwo" = 6, "DiscTwo" = 9, "Linear" = 3, "Intercept" = 2)
#get IC values
ICs <- mapply(function(x, y){
val <- logLik(x)
w <- which(names(k) == y)
P <- k[w]
n <- length(x$residuals)
lAIC <- (2 * P) - (2 * val)
#if denominator of AICc is 0 or negative, return Inf
den <- n - P - 1
if (den < 1){
lAICc <- Inf
} else {
lAICc <- -2 * val + 2 * P * (n / (n - P - 1))
lBIC <- (-2 * val) + (P * log(n))
lR2 <- summary(x)$r.squared
lR2a <- summary(x)$adj.r.squared
c(val, P, lAIC, lAICc, lBIC, lR2, lR2a)
}, x = mods, y = names)
rownames(ICs) <- c("LL", "Pars", "AIC", "AICc", "BIC", "R2", "R2a")
colnames(ICs) <- names
ICs <- round(t(ICs), 2)
ICs <- as.data.frame(ICs)
if (any(is.infinite(ICs$AICc))){
warning("AICc not calculated for some models due to small sample size")
#get thresholds
tdf <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(names), ncol = 2)
for (i in 1:length(th)){
if (!is.na(th[[i]][1])){
#if (!is.primitive(object[[5]][[2]])){
# if (object[[5]][[2]] == "none") {
thV <- th[[i]]
# } else {
# stop("something wrong with the chosen log function: A")
# }
#} else if (identical(object[[5]][[2]], log10)){
# thV <- 10^th[[i]]
# } else if (identical(object[[5]][[2]], log)){
# thV <- exp(th[[i]])
# } else if (identical(object[[5]][[2]], log2)){
# thV <- 2^th[[i]]
# } else{
# stop("something wrong with the chosen log function: B")
# }
if (length(th[[i]]) == 1){
tdf[i, 1] <- round(thV, 3)
} else{
tdf[i,] <- round(thV, 3)
}#eo for
tdf <- as.data.frame(tdf)
colnames(tdf) <- c("Th1", "Th2")
#Work out the number of datapoints in each segment
a <- object[[4]]$A
nbi <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(names), ncol = 3)
for (i in 1:length(th)){
if (!is.na(th[[i]][1])){
if (length(th[[i]]) == 1){
nbi[i, 1:2] <- c(length(a[a <= th[[i]]]), length(a[a > th[[i]]]))
if (sum(nbi[i, 1:2]) != length(a)){
stop("issue with calculating no. points in each segment")
} else {
nbi[i, 1:3] <- c(length(a[a <= th[[i]][1]]),
length(a[a > th[[i]][1] & a <= th[[i]][2]]),
length(a[a > th[[i]][2]]))
if (sum(nbi[i, 1:3]) != length(a)){
stop("issue with calculating no. points in each segment")
nbi <- as.data.frame(nbi)
colnames(nbi) <- c("seg1", "seg2", "seg3")
#combine variables and order by 'order' IC
mt <- cbind(ICs, tdf, nbi)
#can't use mt[order_mod] anymore (warned by CRAN)
#so instead just order by BIC
#mt <- mt[order(mt[order]),]
mt <- mt[order(mt$BIC),]
res <- list("order" = "BIC", "Model_table" = mt,
"Axes transformation" = object[[5]][[1]])
if (attributes(object)$type == "habitat"){
modType <- attributes(object)$modType
mod_tab <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(object),
ncol = 9)
colnames(mod_tab) <- c("Model", "z", "d", "d-z",
"R2", "adjR2", "AIC",
"BIC", "AICc")
mod_tab <- as.data.frame(mod_tab)
mod_tab$Model <- names(object)
mod_tab[,5:9] <- t(round(vapply(object, extr_fit,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(5)),3))
#power or logarithmic results
if (attributes(object)$modType %in% c("power",
#if not log-log, no d-z column needed
mod_tab <- mod_tab[,-which(colnames(mod_tab) == "d-z")]
for (i in 1:length(object)){
if (names(object[i]) == "choros"){
mod_tab[which(mod_tab$Model == "choros"),
"z"] <- round(object$choros$m$getAllPars()[2],
} else if (names(object[i]) == "jigsaw"){
mod_tab[which(mod_tab$Model == "jigsaw"),
c("z", "d")] <- round(object$jigsaw$m$getAllPars()[2:3],
} else if (names(object[i]) == "Kallimanis"){
mod_tab[which(mod_tab$Model == "Kallimanis"),
c("z", "d")] <- c(round(object$Kallimanis$m$getAllPars()[2],3),
} else if (names(object[i]) == "power"){
mod_tab[which(mod_tab$Model == "power"),
c("z")] <- round(object$power$m$getAllPars()[2],3)
} else if (names(object[i]) == "logarithmic"){
mod_tab[which(mod_tab$Model == "logarithmic"),
c("z")] <- round(object$logarithmic$m$getAllPars()[2],3)
} #eo if
}#eo for
#log-log results
} else if (attributes(object)$modType == "power_log"){
for (i in 1:length(object)){
if (names(object[i]) == "choros"){
mod_tab[which(mod_tab$Model == "choros"),
"z"] <- round(object$choros$coefficients[2],
} else if (names(object[i]) == "jigsaw"){
mod_tab[which(mod_tab$Model == "jigsaw"),
c("z", "d", "d-z")] <- round(c(object$jigsaw$coefficients[2],
object$jigsaw$coefficients[3] +
} else if (names(object[i]) == "Kallimanis"){
mod_tab[which(mod_tab$Model == "Kallimanis"),
c("z", "d")] <- c(round(object$Kallimanis$coefficients[2],3),
} else if (names(object[i]) == "power"){
mod_tab[which(mod_tab$Model == "power"),
c("z")] <- round(c(object$power$coefficients[2]),3)
}#eo if
}#eo for
}#eo if lm
mod_tab <- mod_tab[order(mod_tab$AICc),]
res <- list("Model_table" = mod_tab,
"modType" = modType)
}#eo if habitat
if (attributes(object)$type == "countryside"){
return(cat("\nNo summary method for sar_countryside\n", sep = ""))
class(res) <- "summary.sars"
attr(res, "type") <- attr(object, "type")
attr(res, "failedMods") <- attr(object, "failedMods")
attr(res, "modType") <- attr(object, "modType")
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