#' plot a canonical human (or, in principle, any) mitochondrial genome
#' The default font sizes, orientations, etc. are optimized for a "cold" start;
#' if you want to fiddle with the details, crack open the code and modify it...
#' or alternatively, add sectors/dendrograms inside of this "framed" version.
#' @param variants optional MVRanges or MVRangesList to split by strand & plot
#' @param outside optional MVRanges or MVRangesList to plot outside the circle
#' @param inside optional MVRanges or MVRangesList to plot inside the circle
#' @param outcol optional color assignment function or matrix for outside
#' @param incol optional color assignment function or matrix for inside
#' @param anno a GRanges (optional, defaults to mtAnno.rCRS if none given)
#' @param how optional specification for how to plot multiple samples
#' @param ... other arguments to pass on to called functions
#' @return invisibly, a list: `anno` (data.frame) + `pfun` (panel.fun)
#' @import VariantTools
#' @import rtracklayer
#' @import circlize
#' @import viridis
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb rgb adjustcolor
#' @importFrom graphics legend
#' @aliases genMTcircos initMTcircos genesMTcircos
#' @examples
#' library(MTseekerData)
#' BAMdir <- system.file("extdata", "BAMs", package="MTseekerData")
#' BAMs <- paste0(BAMdir, "/", list.files(BAMdir, pattern="^pt.*bam$"))
#' (mvr <- filterMTvars(pileupMT(BAMs[1], ref="rCRS")))
#' MTcircos(mvr)
#' title("Mitochondrial variants in a leukemia patient's blast cell")
#' @export
MTcircos <- function(variants=NULL, outside=NULL, inside=NULL, outcol=NULL,
incol=NULL, anno=NULL, how=c("matrix", "AA"), ...) {
if (length(how) > 1) {
how <- "matrix"
if (how == "AA") {
if (is(variants, "MVRanges")) {
if (!("typeMut" %in% names(mcols(variants)))) {
message("Must run getProteinImpact() before plottting AA changes")
else if (is(variants, "MVRangesList")) {
if(!"typeMut" %in% names(mcols(variants[[1]]))) {
message("Must run getProteinImpact() before plottting AA changes")
anno <- initMTcircos(variants)
dat <- data.frame(name=names(anno), start=start(anno), end=end(anno))
if (!is.null(variants) && length(variants) != 0) {
message("Splitting variants by strand...")
stranded <- byStrand(variants, anno)
message("Replacing `outside` with heavy-strand variants...")
outside <- stranded$heavy
message("Replacing `inside` with light-strand variants...")
inside <- stranded$light
# Outside track
if (!isEmpty(outside)) {
# Color code according to AA changes
if (how == "AA") {
bed1 <- .AAmakeColoredMatrix(outside)
vafBed1 <- .vafMatrix(bed1, outside, how)
else {
# Color coding for the variants
# del=blue, SNV=black, ins=red
bed1 <- .makeColoredMatrix(outside)
vafBed1 <- .vafMatrix(bed1, outside, how)
circos.genomicHeatmap(bed1, outcol, line_col=.colorCode(bed1$chr),
col = vafBed1, track.margin=c(0,0),
side="outside", border=NA,
else {
circos.track(track.height=0.15, ylim=c(0,1), bg.border=NA)
# main track, gene names and such
res <- genesMTcircos(variants, anno, legends=T)
# Inside track
if (!isEmpty(inside)) {
# Color code according to AA changes
if (how == "AA") {
bed2 <- .AAmakeColoredMatrix(inside)
vafBed2 <- .vafMatrix(bed2, inside, how)
else {
# del=blue, SNV=black, ins=red
bed2 <- .makeColoredMatrix(inside)
vafBed2 <- .vafMatrix(bed2, inside, how)
circos.genomicHeatmap(bed2, outcol, line_col=.colorCode(bed2$chr), col = vafBed2,
track.margin=c(0,0), side="inside", border=NA,
else {
circos.track(track.height=0.15, ylim=c(0,1), bg.border=NA)
# Color code according to AA changes
if (how == "AA") {
legend("topright", title="AA Change", ncol=2,
legend=c("Missense", "Nonsense", "Synonymous", "Insertion", "Deletion", "Frameshift"),
col=viridis(6), pch=15, cex=0.6)
else {
legend("topright", title="Variant Type",
legend=c("Insertion", "Deletion", "SNV"), col=c("red", "blue", "black"),
pch=15, cex=0.8)
# helper fn
.makeColoredMatrix <- function(mvr) {
# Making a colored matrix
if (is(mvr, "MVRangesList")) {
allNames <- lapply(mvr, names)
allNames <- unlist(unname(allNames))
numSamples <- length(mvr)
} else {
allNames <- make.unique(names(mvr))
numSamples <- 1
rowNam <- c("chr", "start", "end")
if (numSamples == 1) {
rowNam <- append(rowNam, unique(as.character(sampleNames(mvr))))
} else {
rowNam <- append(rowNam, names(mvr))
m <- matrix(0, ncol = length(rowNam), nrow = length(allNames))
typeDF <- data.frame(m)
names(typeDF) <- rowNam
rownames(typeDF) <- make.unique(allNames)
# Figure out which of the variants in a sample is SNV, ins, del
# Assign color according to the unique values set for each type of variant
if (is(mvr, "MVRanges")) {
ins <- grep("ins", names(mvr))
del <- grep("del", names(mvr))
snv <- grep(">", names(mvr))
typeDF[,4][ins] <- 1
typeDF[,4][snv] <- 2
typeDF[,4][del] <- 3
} else {
for (i in seq_len(numSamples)) {
#if(length(mvr[[i]]) == 0) next
rowInd <- which(allNames %in% names(mvr[[i]]))
rowOverlapNames <- allNames[rowInd]
snvs <- rowOverlapNames[grep(">", rowOverlapNames)]
ins <- rowOverlapNames[grep("ins", rowOverlapNames)]
dels <- rowOverlapNames[grep("del", rowOverlapNames)]
if (length(ins) > 0) typeDF[ins,][,i + 3] <- 1
if (length(snvs) > 0) typeDF[snvs,][,i + 3] <- 2
if (length(dels) > 0) typeDF[dels,][,i + 3] <- 3
# del=blue, SNV=black, ins=red
# Get the start and end positions
if (is(mvr, "MVRanges")) {
typeDF$start <- start(mvr)
typeDF$end <- end(mvr)
else {
# Get the start and end position for each variants
for (j in seq_len(numSamples)) {
#if(length(mvr[[j]]) == 0) next
hits <- which(typeDF[,j + 3] != 0)
varNames <- allNames[hits]
vars <- mvr[[j]][varNames]
varStart <- start(vars)
varEnd <- end(vars)
typeDF$start[hits] <- varStart
typeDF$end[hits] <- varEnd
# Get the names of the genes each variant is found in
anno <- suppressMessages(getAnnotations(mvr))
ov <- findOverlaps(IRanges(typeDF$start, typeDF$end), ranges(anno))
if (length(ov) > 0) {
# If there are overlapping genes
# Only list the first gene it overlaps in
firstOv <- ov[match(unique(queryHits(ov)), queryHits(ov)), ]
typeDF$chr <- names(anno)[subjectHits(firstOv)]
.vafMatrix <- function(bed, mvr, how) {
vafs <- bed
vafs[,4:ncol(vafs)] <- 0
# Get the VAF for each nonzero element of the matrix
if (is(mvr, "MVRanges")) {
vafs[,4] <- mvr$VAF
} else {
# Get the VAF for each variants
for (j in seq_len(ncol(bed) - 3)) {
hits <- which(bed[,j + 3] != 0)
varNames <- row.names(bed)[hits]
vars <- mvr[[j]][varNames]
varVAF <- vars$VAF
vafs[,j + 3][hits] <- varVAF
# Nonzero elements
nonzero <- which(bed[,4:ncol(bed)] !=0, arr.ind=T)
# Color according to AA change
if (how == "AA") {
cols <- viridis(6)
if (is(mvr, "MVRanges")) {
bed[,4][which(bed[,4] == 1)] <- cols[1]
bed[,4][which(bed[,4] == 2)] <- cols[2]
bed[,4][which(bed[,4] == 3)] <- cols[3]
bed[,4][which(bed[,4] == 4)] <- cols[4]
bed[,4][which(bed[,4] == 5)] <- cols[5]
bed[,4][which(bed[,4] == 6)] <- cols[6]
for (i in seq_along(mvr)) {
bed[,4][i] <- adjustcolor(col = bed[,4][i],alpha.f = vafs[,4][i])
} else {
for (i in seq_len(ncol(bed) - 3)) {
bed[,i + 3][which(bed[,i + 3] == 1)] <- cols[1]
bed[,i + 3][which(bed[,i + 3] == 2)] <- cols[2]
bed[,i + 3][which(bed[,i + 3] == 3)] <- cols[3]
bed[,i + 3][which(bed[,i + 3] == 4)] <- cols[4]
bed[,i + 3][which(bed[,i + 3] == 5)] <- cols[5]
bed[,i + 3][which(bed[,i + 3] == 6)] <- cols[6]
# Add transparency
for (k in seq_len(nrow(nonzero))) {
# 1 is the row
# 2 is the column
rows <- nonzero[k,][1]
cols <- nonzero[k,][2]
bed[rows,][cols + 3] <- adjustcolor(col = bed[rows,][cols + 3],
alpha.f = vafs[rows,][cols + 3])
} else {
# Only color code snvs, ins, dels
if (is(mvr, "MVRanges")) {
bed[,4][which(bed[,4] == 1)] <- "red"
bed[,4][which(bed[,4] == 2)] <- "black"
bed[,4][which(bed[,4] == 3)] <- "blue"
for (i in seq_along(mvr)) {
bed[,4][i] <- adjustcolor(col = bed[,4][i],alpha.f = vafs[,4][i])
} else {
for (k in seq_len(nrow(nonzero))) {
# 1 is the row
# 2 is the column
rows <- nonzero[k,][1]
cols <- nonzero[k,][2]
#col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, 1, 2, 3), c("white", "red", "black", "blue"))
if (bed[rows,][cols + 3] == 1) bed[rows,][cols + 3] <- "red"
else if (bed[rows,][cols + 3] == 2) bed[rows,][cols + 3] <- "black"
else if (bed[rows,][cols + 3] == 3) bed[rows,][cols + 3] <- "blue"
bed[rows,][cols + 3] <- adjustcolor(col = bed[rows,][cols + 3],
alpha.f = vafs[rows,][cols + 3])
bed <- bed[, setdiff(seq_len(ncol(bed)), c(1,2,3))]
if (is(mvr, "MVRanges")) bed <- as.matrix(bed)
.AAmakeColoredMatrix <- function(mvr) {
# Making a colored matrix
if (is(mvr, "MVRangesList")) {
allNames <- lapply(mvr, names)
allNames <- make.unique(unlist(unname(allNames)))
numSamples <- length(mvr)
} else {
allNames <- make.unique(names(mvr))
numSamples <- 1
rowNam <- c("chr", "start", "end")
if (numSamples == 1) rowNam <- append(rowNam, unique(as.character(sampleNames(mvr))))
else rowNam <- append(rowNam, names(mvr))
m <- matrix(0, ncol = length(rowNam), nrow = length(allNames))
typeDF <- data.frame(m)
names(typeDF) <- rowNam
rownames(typeDF) <- make.unique(allNames)
# Assign values to the type of mutations
# nonsense, synonymous, insertion, deletion, etc.
if (is(mvr, "MVRanges")) {
missense <- grep("missense", mvr$typeMut)
nonsense <- grep("nonsense", mvr$typeMut)
synonymous <- grep("synonymous", mvr$typeMut)
insertion <- grep("insertion", mvr$typeMut)
deletion <- grep("deletion", mvr$typeMut)
frameshift <- grep("frameshift", mvr$typeMut)
typeDF[,4][missense] <- 1
typeDF[,4][nonsense] <- 2
typeDF[,4][synonymous] <- 3
typeDF[,4][insertion] <- 4
typeDF[,4][deletion] <- 5
typeDF[,4][frameshift] <- 6
else {
# Figure out which of the variants in a sample is which type of variants
# Assign color according to the unique values set for each type of variant
for (i in seq_len(numSamples)) {
rowInd <- which(allNames %in% names(mvr[[i]]))
rowOverlapNames <- allNames[rowInd]
missense <- rowInd[grep("missense", mvr[[i]][rowOverlapNames,]$typeMut)]
nonsense <- rowInd[grep("nonsense", mvr[[i]][rowOverlapNames,]$typeMut)]
synonymous <- rowInd[grep("synonymous", mvr[[i]][rowOverlapNames,]$typeMut)]
insertion <- rowInd[grep("insertion", mvr[[i]][rowOverlapNames,]$typeMut)]
deletion <- rowInd[grep("deletion", mvr[[i]][rowOverlapNames,]$typeMut)]
frameshift <- rowInd[grep("frameshift", mvr[[i]][rowOverlapNames,]$typeMut)]
typeDF[,i+3][missense] <- 1
typeDF[,i+3][nonsense] <- 2
typeDF[,i+3][synonymous] <- 3
typeDF[,i+3][insertion] <- 4
typeDF[,i+3][deletion] <- 5
typeDF[,i+3][frameshift] <- 6
# Get the start and end positions for each variant
if (is(mvr, "MVRanges")) {
typeDF$start <- start(mvr)
typeDF$end <- end(mvr)
else {
# Get the start and end position for each variants
for (j in seq_len(numSamples)) {
hits <- which(typeDF[,j + 3] != 0)
varNames <- allNames[hits]
vars <- mvr[[j]][varNames]
varStart <- start(vars)
varEnd <- end(vars)
typeDF$start[hits] <- varStart
typeDF$end[hits] <- varEnd
# Get the names of the genes each variant is found in
anno <- suppressMessages(getAnnotations(mvr))
ov <- findOverlaps(IRanges(typeDF$start, typeDF$end), ranges(anno))
# If there are overlapping genes
# Only list the first gene it overlaps in
firstOv <- ov[match(unique(queryHits(ov)), queryHits(ov)), ]
typeDF$chr <- names(anno)[subjectHits(firstOv)]
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