#' @rdname MTcircos
#' @export
genMTcircos <- function(mvr) {
anno <- initMTcircos(mvr)
genesMTcircos(mvr, anno, legends=TRUE)
#' @rdname MTcircos
#' @export
initMTcircos <- function(x) {
# Human
if (unique(genome(x)) == "rCRS") {
anno <- mtAnno #.rCRS
refWidth <- 16569
# Mouse
else if (unique(genome(x)) == "NC_005089") {
# FIXME: this will always fail until it is moved into MTseeker/data
anno <- readRDS("~/Documents/pileupTesting/NC_005089genome/MTmouseAnno.rds")
refWidth <- 16299
dat <- data.frame(name=names(anno), start=start(anno), end=end(anno))
circos.par("clock.wise"=FALSE, "start.degree"=90, "gap.degree"=0,
"track.margin"=c(0.005, 0.005), "cell.padding"=c(0.005,0,0.005,0),
# Important to set the factor levels otherwise plot is out of order
circos.genomicInitialize(factor=factor(dat$name, levels=dat$name),
data=dat, plotType=NULL)
#' @rdname MTcircos
#' @param x something with a genome()
#' @param anno a GRanges with annotations
#' @param legends plot legends? (FALSE)
#' @return annotations
#' @export
genesMTcircos <- function(x, anno, legends=F) {
dat <- data.frame(name=names(anno),
stringsAsFactors = F)
row.names(dat) <- names(anno)
pfun <- function(x, y) {
xlim <- CELL_META$xlim
ylim <- CELL_META$ylim
gr <- anno[CELL_META$sector.index]
ytop <- .height(gr) * ifelse(strand(gr) == "+", 1, 0)
ybot <- .height(gr) * ifelse(strand(gr) == "-", -1, 0)
lab <- ifelse(CELL_META$sector.index == "DLP", "CR", CELL_META$sector.index)
circos.rect(xlim[1], ybot, xlim[2], ytop, col=gr$itemRgb)
# Do not assign names to tRNA and HVR3 because these regions are too small
if (gr$region %in% c("rRNA", "coding", "D-loop") & gr$name != "HVR3") {
circos.text(mean(xlim), .textloc(gr), lab, col="black", cex=.textcex(gr),
font=.textbold(gr), facing="clockwise", niceFacing=TRUE)
circos.track(panel.fun=pfun, ylim=c(-1,1), track.height=0.5,
track.margin=c(0,0), bg.border=NA)
if (legends && genome(x) == "rCRS") {
# Get the colors to correspond which region they belong to
# Only support rCRS
colDF <- as.data.frame(unique(anno$itemRgb), stringsAsFactors=F)
names(colDF) <- "col"
colDF$label <- NA_character_
colDF$label[1] <- "Control Region"
colDF$label[2] <- "D Loop"
colDF$label[3] <- "tRNA"
colDF$label[4] <- "rRNA"
colDF$label[5] <- "Complex I"
colDF$label[6] <- "Complex IV"
colDF$label[7] <- "Complex V"
colDF$label[8] <- "Complex III"
legend("topleft", ncol=2, title="MT Regions",
legend=colDF$label, col=colDF$col, pch=15, cex=0.6)
res <- list(anno=dat, pfun=pfun)
# helper fn
.height <- function(gr) ifelse(gr$region == "tRNA", 0.5, 1)
# helper fn
.halfheight <- function(gr) gr$region == "tRNA"
# helper fn
.textloc <- function(gr) {
ifelse(.halfheight(gr), .25, .5) * ifelse(strand(gr) == "+", 1, -1)
# helper fn
.textbold <- function(gr) ifelse(gr$region %in% c("coding", "rRNA"), 3, 1)
# helper fn
.textcex <- function(gr) {
ifelse(gr$name %in% c("HVR1","HVR2","MT-ATP8"), .65,
ifelse(gr$name %in% c("MT-ND3","MT-ND4L","MT-ND6","MT-CO2","MT-CO3",
# helper fn
.colorCode <- function(x, darken=TRUE, howMuch=1.25) {
data("mtAnno.rCRS", package="MTseeker")
color <- mtAnno[x]$itemRgb
if (darken) color <- .darken(color, howMuch=howMuch)
# helper fn
.darken <- function(hex, howMuch=1.25) {
rgb(t(col2rgb(hex)/howMuch), maxColorValue=255)
# helper fn
.newsprint <- colorRamp2(c(0, 1), c("#FFFFFF", "#000000"))
# helper fn
.bloody <- colorRamp2(c(0, 1), c("#FFFFFF", "#880000"))
# helper fn
.blurple <- colorRamp2(c(0, 1), c("#FFFFFF", "#FF00FF"))
# helper fn
.viridis <- colorRamp2(seq(0, 1, by = 0.1), viridis(11))
# helper fn
.plasma <- colorRamp2(seq(0, 1, by = 0.1), plasma(11))
# helper fn; should probably use viridis instead
.jet <- colorRamp2(seq(0, 1, 0.125),
c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan",
"#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000"))
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