
Defines functions xmu_lavaan_process_group umxLav2RAM umxRAM2Lav xmu_lav_add_regression

Documented in umxLav2RAM umxRAM2Lav xmu_lavaan_process_group

# Any goal of which you are capable of each tiny step, you can attain.

xmu_lav_add_regression <- function(spec, Amat, op, m1, m2) {
	if (op == "=~") {  # e.g. "L =~ m1" is like "L -> m1"
	  p1 = m2; p2 = m1
	} else {
	  # assume m1 to m2
	  p1 = m1; p2 = m2
	if (Amat$free[m2, m1]) {
		if (Amat$labels[m2, m1] != paste0(m1, "_to_", m2)) {
			spec = c(spec, paste(p2, op, Amat$labels[m2,m1], "*", p1))
		} else {
			spec = c(spec, paste(p2, op, p1))
	} else if (Amat$values[m2,m1] != 0) {
		spec = c(spec, paste(p2, op, Amat$values[m2,m1], "*", p1))

#' Convert a RAM model to a lavaan string
#' @description
#' Takes an OpenMx RAM model and creates the corresponding lavaan syntax string.
#' This function is at the alpha quality stage, and **should be expected to have bugs**.
#' Also likely to change functionality and even parameters as new features are supported (e.g. groups)
#' and lavaan-style strings exported. Several features are not yet supported. Let me know if you would like them.
#' @param model an OpenMx RAM model
#' @return A lavaan syntax string, e.g. "A~~B"
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @seealso - [umxLav2RAM()], [umxRAM()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' umxRAM2Lav(umxLav2RAM("x ~ y", autoRun = FALSE, printTab = FALSE, lavaanMode = "lavaan"))
#' }
umxRAM2Lav <- function(model) {
	# umx_is_RAM()
	ex = model$expectation
	if (!is(ex, "MxExpectationRAM")) {
		stop("Model was not a RAM model (expectation not type 'MxExpectationRAM'). Instead it was a: ", omxQuotes(class(ex)))
	Fmat = model[[ex$F]]
	Amat = model[[ex$A]]
	Smat = model[[ex$S]]
	Mmat = NULL
	if (!is.na(ex$M)){
	  Mmat = model[[ex$M]]

	fdn       = dimnames(Fmat)
	manifests = fdn[[1]]
	latents   = setdiff(fdn[[2]], fdn[[1]])
	pars      = fdn[[2]]
	spec      = c()
	for (l1 in latents){
		for (m1 in manifests){
			spec = xmu_lav_add_regression(spec, Amat, "=~", l1, m1)
	for (m1 in manifests) {
		for (m2 in pars) {
			if (m1 == m2) next
				spec = xmu_lav_add_regression(spec, Amat, "~", m1, m2)
	for (m1 in latents) {
		for (m2 in latents) {
			if (m1 == m2) next
				if (!Amat$free[m2,m1]) next
					spec = c(spec, paste(m2, "~", m1))
	if (!is.null(Mmat)) {
	for (m1 in manifests) {
		if (!Mmat$free[1,m1]) next
			spec = c(spec, paste(m1,"~",1))
	for (m1x in 2:length(pars)) {
		for (m2x in 1:(m1x-1)) {
			m1 = pars[m1x]
			m2 = pars[m2x]
			if (!Smat$free[m2,m1]) next
				spec = c(spec, paste(m2, "~~", m1))
	for (a1 in names(model$algebras)) {
		spec = c(spec, paste(a1, ":=", deparse(model[[a1]]$formula)))
	for (c1 in names(model$constraints)) {
		spec = c(spec, deparse(model[[c1]]$formula))
	spec = c(spec, sapply(pars[diag(Smat$free)], function(p1) paste(p1, "~~", p1)))
	paste0(spec, collapse = "\n")

#' Convert lavaan string to a umxRAM model
#' @description
#' Takes a lavaan syntax string and creates the matching one or more [umxRAM()] models.
#' If data are provided, a [umxRAM()] model is returned. 
#' If more than one group is found, a [umxSuperModel()] is returned.
#' This function is at the alpha quality stage, and **should be expected to have bugs**.
#' Several features are not yet supported. Let me know if you would like them.
#' @details
#' Uses the defaults of `lavaan::sem`
#' * int.ov.free     = TRUE
#' * int.lv.free     = FALSE
#' * auto.fix.first  = TRUE (unless std.lv = TRUE)
#' * auto.fix.single = TRUE
#' * auto.var        = TRUE
#' * auto.cov.lv.x   = TRUE
#' * auto.th         = TRUE
#' * auto.delta      = TRUE
#' * auto.cov.y      = TRUE
#' * fixed.x         = FALSE (not standard in `lavaan::sem`, but needed for RAM)
#' Lavaan is well documented. For quick reference, some common symbols in lavaan strings are:
#' \tabular{rllll}{
#'	\tab lav     \tab Mplus   \tab sem   \tab Action                          	                      \cr
#'	\tab  A =~ B \tab A by B  \tab       \tab A (Latent) is measured by B	                          \cr
#'	\tab  A ~  B \tab A on B  \tab A<- B \tab A "is regressed on" (<- ) B   	                      \cr
#'	\tab  A ~~ B \tab A with B\tab A<->B \tab A covaries with B	                                      \cr
#'	\tab  A ~  1 \tab \[A\]    \tab       \tab A has mean	                                          \cr
#'	\tab  A := B \tab         \tab       \tab A is defined by B (see [OpenMx::mxAlgebra()])	          \cr
#'	\tab  A == B \tab         \tab       \tab A is constrained == to B (see [OpenMx::mxConstraint()] )
#' }
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   \tab `=~`   \tab lhs (Latent) is manifested by rhs                   \cr
#'   \tab `~`    \tab lhs "is regressed on" (<- ) rhs                     \cr
#'   \tab `~~`   \tab lhs covaries with rhs                               \cr
#'   \tab `~ 1`  \tab lhs has mean                                        \cr
#'   \tab `:=`   \tab lhs is defined by rhs (see [OpenMx::mxAlgebra()])   \cr
#'   \tab `==`   \tab lhs is constrained == to rhs (see [OpenMx::mxConstraint()] )
#' }
#' **Naming of multiple groups**
#' When multiple groups are found the groups are named `name_grouplevel`
#' White space is replaced with "_" and illegal characters are replaced with "x"
#' *note*: Options for  group.equal. In future, we might implement (but have not as yet):
#' 1. c("loadings"
#' 1. "intercepts"
#' 1. "means"
#' 1. "regressions"
#' 1. "residuals"
#' 1. "covariances"
#' @param model A lavaan syntax string, e.g. "A~~B"
#' @param data Data to add to model (defaults to auto, which is just sketch mode)
#' @param lavaanMode Auto-magical path settings for cfa/sem (default) or no-defaults ("lavaan")
#' @param std.lv = FALSE Whether to set var of latents to 1 (default FALSE). nb. Toggles fix first.
#' @param group = Column to use for multi-group (default = NULL)
#' @param group.equal = what to equate across groups. Default (NULL) means no equates. See details for what we might implement in future.
#' @param std Whether to print estimates. Defaults to FALSE ("raw"), TRUE = "std", for no parameter table use NULL.
#' @param comparison Compare the new model to the old (if updating an existing model: default = TRUE)
#' @param type One of "Auto", "FIML", "cov", "cor", "WLS", "DWLS", "ULS"
#' @param suffix String to append to each label (useful if model will be used in a multi-group model)
#' @param optimizer optionally set the optimizer (default NULL does nothing)
#' @param allContinuousMethod "cumulants" or "marginals". Used in all-continuous WLS data to determine if a means model needed.
#' @param name Model name (can also add name in # commented first line)
#' @param tryHard Default ('no') uses normal mxRun. "yes" uses mxTryHard. Other options: "ordinal", "search"
#' @param autoRun Whether to run the model (default), or just to create it and return without running.
#' @param verbose Whether to tell the user what latents and manifests were created etc. (Default = FALSE)
#' @param printTab = TRUE (more for debugging)
#' @return - list of [umxPath()]s
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @seealso [umxRAM2Lav()], [umxRAM()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # auto-data, print table, return umxRAM model
#' m1 = umxLav2RAM("y ~ x", printTab= TRUE)
#' lav = "y ~ x1 + 2.4*x2 + x3"
#' tmp = umxLav2RAM(lav, data = "auto", printTab= FALSE)
#' # Add labels to parameters, e.g. "x3_loading" as a loading for x3->x1
#' tmp = umxLav2RAM("x1 ~ x3_loading*x3")
#' umx_print(tmp$A$labels)
#' # |   |x1       |x3         |
#' # |:--|:--------|:----------|
#' # |x1 |x1_to_x1 |x3_loading |
#' # |x3 |x1_to_x3 |x3_to_x3   |
#' # Fix values, e.g. x2 -> y fixed at 2.4
#' tmp = umxLav2RAM("y ~ x1 + 2.4*x2; s =~ 0*y11 + 1*y12 + 2*y13 + 3*y14")
#' tmp = umxLav2RAM("L =~ X1 + X2; L ~ Y")
#' plot(tmp, min=c("L", "Y"))
#' # Factor model showing auto-addition of correlations among exogenous latents
#' # and auto-residuals on manifests
#' data("HS.ability.data", package = "OpenMx")
#' cov(HS.ability.data[, c("visual"  , "cubes"   , "flags")])
#' cov(HS.ability.data[, c("paragrap", "sentence", "wordm")])
#' cov(HS.ability.data[, c("addition", "counting", "straight")])
#' HS = "spatial =~ visual   + cubes    + flags
#'       verbal  =~ paragrap + sentence + wordm
#'       speed   =~ addition + counting + straight"
#' m1 = umxRAM(HS, data = umx_scale(HS.ability.data))
#' # Multiple groups
#' m1 = umxRAM(HS, data = umx_scale(HS.ability.data), group = "school")
#' # More examples
#' lav = " # Moderated mediation
#' gnt ~ a*cb
#' INT ~ b1*gnt + b2*cn + b3*cngn + c*cb
#' indirect := a*b1
#' direct := c
#' ab3 := a * b3
#' loCN := a * b1 + ab3 * -0.5
#' hiCN := a * b1 + ab3 * 0.5
#' "
#' tmp = umxRAM(lav)
#' # plot showing ability to influence layout with max min same groupings
#' plot(tmp, max = c("cb", "cn", "cngn"), same = "gnt", min= "INT")
#' # Algebra: e.g. b1^2
#' m1 = umxRAM("x1~b1*x2; B1_sq := b1^2", data = demoOneFactor)
#' m1$B1_sq$result # = 0.47
#' # Model with constraints and labeled parameters
#' lav = "
#'	y ~ b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b3*x3
#'	# constraints
#'	b1 == (b2 + b3)^2
#'	b1 > exp(b2 + b3)"
#' tmp = umxLav2RAM(lav)
#' namedModel = " 	# my name
#' 	y ~x"
#' m1 = umxRAM(namedModel) 
#' # Formative factor
#' # lavaanify("f5 <~ z1 + z2 + z3 + z4")
#' }
umxLav2RAM <- function(model = NA, data = "auto", group = NULL, group.equal= NULL, name = NA, 
	lavaanMode = c("sem", "lavaan"), std.lv = FALSE, suffix = "", comparison = TRUE, 
	type = c("Auto", "FIML", "cov", "cor", "WLS", "DWLS", "ULS"), 
	allContinuousMethod = c("cumulants", "marginals"), 
	autoRun = getOption("umx_auto_run"), tryHard = c("no", "yes", "ordinal", "search"), 
	verbose = FALSE, optimizer = NULL, std = FALSE, printTab = TRUE){

	# TODO: make groups independent
	# TODO: support group.equal Equality constraints across multiple
	# groups: "loadings", "intercepts", "means", "regressions", "residuals", "covariances"
	type                = match.arg(type)
	tryHard             = match.arg(tryHard)
	allContinuousMethod = match.arg(allContinuousMethod)
	lavaanMode          = match.arg(lavaanMode)
	umx_check(is.character(model), "stop", "model should be a lavaan model string. You gave me a ", omxQuotes(class(model)))
	# =~  =  L  -> A
	# ~   =  y <-  x
	# ~~  =  A <-> B
	# ~-  =  man -> Latent ((formative factor (+ biv?))
	# lav = ("A ~ B")
	# lav = ("y ~ x1 + 2.4*x2 + x3)
	# lavaanify("y ~ x")
	# TODO accept a list of these properties as lavaan="sem"
	# TODO plot color residuals gray; biv blue; one-way green?
	# tmp = umxRAM2("e1~~n1; e2~~n2; e2+n2 ~ e1; n2 ~ n1");
	# Process lavaanString
	lavaanString = umx_trim(model)
		data = "auto"
		# TODO could use a list of group names??
		ngroups = 1
		groupLevels = NA # ??
			groupLevels = as.character(unique(data[,group]))
			ngroups = length(groupLevels)
		} else {
			ngroups = 1
			groupLevels = NA # ??

	# Use `name` if provided, otherwise look for #name in line 1, else use "m1"
	name = xmu_name_from_lavaan_str(lavaanString = lavaanString, name = name, default = "m1")

	# TODO umxLav2RAM: detect additional legal options (like auto.var) in the ... list and filter into lavaanify call
	if(lavaanMode == "sem"){
		# model = "x1~b1*x2; B1_sq := b1^2"; std.lv=FALSE
		tab = lavaan::lavaanify(model = model, ngroups = ngroups,
			int.ov.free     = TRUE,
			int.lv.free     = FALSE,
			std.lv          = std.lv,
			auto.fix.first  = !std.lv, # (so will default to TRUE)
			auto.fix.single = TRUE,
			auto.var        = TRUE,
			auto.cov.lv.x   = TRUE, 
			auto.th         = TRUE,
			auto.delta      = TRUE,
			auto.cov.y      = TRUE, 
			group.equal     = group.equal,
			fixed.x         = FALSE # Not standard in lavaan::sem, but needed for RAM
			# If TRUE, would fix mean, var, cov, of exogenous covariates to their sample values.			
	}else	if(lavaanMode == "lavaan"){
		tab = lavaan::lavaanify(model = model, ngroups = ngroups, group.equal = group.equal, std.lv = std.lv, auto.fix.first = !std.lv, fixed.x = FALSE)
		message("Only sem and lavaan (only what the user explicitly requests) are implemented as yet: What other modes would be useful?")		


	# tab = lavaanify(model = lav, meanstructure = FALSE, 
	#     orthogonal = FALSE,
	#     conditional.x = FALSE, fixed.x = TRUE, parameterization = "delta",
	#     constraints = NULL, auto = FALSE, model.type = "sem",
	#     varTable = NULL, ngroups = 1L, group.equal = NULL,
	#     group.partial = NULL, group.w.free = FALSE,
	#     debug = FALSE, warn = TRUE, as.data.frame. = TRUE)

	# auto.var=TRUE, auto.fix.first=TRUE, auto.cov.lv.x=TRUE
	#   id lhs op rhs user block group free ustart exo label plabel
	# 1  1   A  ~   B    1     1     1    1     NA   0         .p1.
	# 2  2   A ~~   A    0     1     1    0      0   0         .p2.
	# 3  3   B ~~   B    0     1     1    0     NA   1         .p3.

	# Pull out group 0 (algebras) if found : might need to create in supergroup.
	algebraRows = tab[tab$group == 0, ]
	nAlg = nrow(algebraRows)

	# Already have
	# groupLevels = as.character(unique(data[,group]))
	# ngroups = length(groupLevels)

	# Remove group 0 from the big table
	tab     = tab[tab$group != 0, ]
	tabGroups  = unique(tab[, "group"]) # numeric
	if(ngroups != length(tabGroups)){
		message("I found ", ngroups, " in the data column ", omxQuotes(group), " but lavaanify found", length(tabGroups))

	# if(ngroups){ message("Found ", ngroups, " groups") }
	# if(nAlg)   { message("Found ", nAlg   , " algebras (:=) or group-0 items")}

		sketchMode = TRUE
	} else if( is.character(data) && length(data) == 1 && data == "auto"){
		# auto
		sketchMode = TRUE
		sketchMode = FALSE

	modelList = list()
	for (groupNum in tabGroups) {
		# Process a group/Model
		tmp = xmu_lavaan_process_group(tab, groupNum = groupNum)
		latents   = tmp$latents
		manifests = tmp$manifests
		plist     = tmp$plist
		# All model paths in plist: time to make the RAM model

		# Figure out data
			theseData = manifests
		}else if (ngroups > 1){
			filter = data[, group] == groupLevels[groupNum]
			theseData = data[filter, ]
			theseData = data
		if(ngroups > 1){
			modelName = paste0(name, "_", groupLevels[groupNum])
			modelName = gsub("(\\h+)", "_", modelName, perl = TRUE)
			# Delete illegal characters
			modelName = as.character(mxMakeNames(modelName))			
			modelName = name
		m1 = umxRAM(modelName, plist, data = theseData, autoRun = FALSE, type = type, allContinuousMethod = allContinuousMethod)
		modelList = append(modelList, m1)

	# ModelList contains a list of models (groups)
	if(ngroups > 1){
		# If more than one, make a superModel
		model = umxSuperModel("top", modelList, autoRun = FALSE)
	} else {
		# Just one model
		model = modelList[[1]] # (should be just a model)
	# Add algebras	(if any)
	tmp   = xmu_lavaan_process_group(algebraRows, groupNum = 0)
	model = mxModel(model, tmp$plist)

	if (class(data)[[1]] == "character"){
		# User is just running a trial model, with no data, but provided names for sketch mode
		autoPlot = umx_set_auto_plot(silent = TRUE)
		if(autoRun && autoPlot){
		model = omxAssignFirstParameters(model)
		model = xmu_safe_run_summary(model, autoRun = autoRun, tryHard = tryHard, std= std)

#' Process table of paths to model
#' @description
#' Process a set of lavaan tables rows forming a group (Model).
#' Returns empty arrays if no rows matching the requested group are found.
#' @param tab a parameter table
#' @param groupNum group number to filter table on
#' @return - list(plist=plist, latents = latents, manifests = manifests)
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @seealso - [umxLav2RAM()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tab = lavaan::lavaanify("y~x")
#' xmu_lavaan_process_group(tab, groupNum = 1)
#' xmu_lavaan_process_group(tab, groupNum = 0)
#' }
xmu_lavaan_process_group <- function(tab, groupNum){
	constraintOps = c("==", "<", ">")
	handledOps = c("=~", "~", "~1", "~~", ":=", constraintOps)

	# groupNum = 1
	grpRows = tab[tab$group == groupNum, ]

	# handle none exist
	if(nrow(grpRows) == 0){
		return(list(plist = list(), latents = c(), manifests = c()))
	latents = unique(grpRows$lhs[grpRows$op == "=~" | grpRows$op == "<~"])
	all = unique(c(grpRows$lhs[! (grpRows$op %in% constraintOps)], grpRows$rhs[! (grpRows$op %in% constraintOps)]))
	manifests = setdiff(all, latents)
	manifests = setdiff(manifests, '') # Operations with no rhs can generate empty labels...

	# Process rows
	plist = list()
	for (r in 1:nrow(grpRows)) {
		# r= 1
		thisRow = grpRows[r, ]

		lhs   = thisRow$lhs
		op    = thisRow$op
		rhs   = thisRow$rhs
		free  = thisRow$free > 0 # in lavaan, free is a list of numbers: same for equated; 0 for free, distinct for unique
		value = thisRow$ustart # often NA
		label = thisRow$label  # likely ""
		label = xmu_clean_label(label, replace = "_")			
		if(label == '') {label = NA}

		if(op %in% handledOps){
			if(op == "~"){
				# Regressions, x on y, 1-headed arrow, rhs = from
					new = umxPath(rhs, to = lhs, free = free, values = value, labels = label)
			} else if(op == "~1"){
				# Intercepts (mean) lhs = variable name rhs == "1"
				new = umxPath(means = lhs, free = free, values = value, labels = label)
			} else if(op == "=~"){
				# Latent variable definitions: "=~", 1-headed arrow, lhs is latent
				new = umxPath(lhs, to = rhs, free = free, values = value, labels = label)
			} else if(op == "~~"){
				# Variance/covariance: "~~", 2-headed arrow
				new = umxPath(lhs, with = rhs, free = free, values = value, labels = label)
			}else if(op==":="){
				# OpenMx Algebra (lavaan calls this "defined as", op ":="
				new = mxAlgebraFromString(name=lhs, algString = rhs)
			}else if(op %in% constraintOps){
				# constraint
				new = mxConstraintFromString(paste(lhs,op, rhs))
			plist = append(plist, new)
		} else {
				message("Thresholds ('|') not yet implemented for lavaan-2-umx translation")
			}else if(op=="~*~"){
				message("Scaling factors ('~*~' for Delta parameterized multi-group models with categorical indicators) not yet implemented for lavaan-2-umx translation")
				# e.g. formative op = "<-" latent on rhs
				stop("Haven't implemented op = ", omxQuotes(op), " yet. email maintainer('umx')")
		# path processed
	return(list(plist= plist, latents = latents, manifests = manifests))
tbates/umx documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 1:10 a.m.