#' Design primers and probes
#' \code{designOligos()} designs oligos (primers and probes)
#' from a consensus profile.
#' @param x An \code{RprimerProfile} object.
#' @param maxGapFrequency
#' Maximum allowed gap frequency at the primer and probe binding sites in
#' the target alignment.
#' A number [0, 1], defaults to \code{0.01}.
#' @param lengthPrimer
#' Primer length range. A numeric vector [15, 30],
#' defaults to \code{c(18, 22)}.
#' @param maxDegeneracyPrimer
#' Maximum number of variants of each primer. A number [1, 256],
#' defaults to \code{4}.
#' @param gcClampPrimer
#' If primers must have a GC clamp.
#' A GC clamp
#' is identified as two to three G or
#' C:s within the last five bases (3' end) of the primer.
#' \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer
#' If primers with more than two runs
#' of the same nucleotide at the terminal 3' end should be avoided.
#' \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param gcPrimer
#' GC-content range for primers.
#' A numeric vector [0, 1], defaults to \code{c(0.40, 0.65)}.
#' @param tmPrimer
#' Tm range for primers (in Celcius degrees).
#' A numeric vector [30, 90], defaults to \code{c(55, 65)}.
#' @param concPrimer
#' Primer concentration in nM, for tm calculation. A number
#' [20, 2000], defaults to \code{500}.
#' @param designStrategyPrimer
#' \code{"ambiguous"} or \code{"mixed"}. Defaults to \code{"ambiguous"}
#' (see details below).
#' @param probe
#' If probes should be designed. \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE},
#' defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param lengthProbe
#' Probe length range. A numeric vector [15, 40],
#' defaults to \code{c(18, 22)}.
#' @param maxDegeneracyProbe
#' Maximum number of variants of each probe. A number [1, 256],
#' defaults to \code{4}.
#' @param avoidFiveEndGProbe
#' If probes with G
#' at the 5' end should be avoided. \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE},
#' defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param gcProbe
#' GC-content range for probes. A numeric vector [0, 1],
#' defaults to \code{c(0.40, 0.65)}.
#' @param tmProbe
#' Tm range for probes (in Celcius degrees).
#' A numeric vector [30, 90], defaults to \code{c(55, 70)}.
#' @param concProbe
#' Primer concentration in nM, for tm calculation. A numeric vector
#' [20, 2000], defaults to \code{250}.
#' @param concNa
#' Sodium ion (equivalent) concentration in the PCR reaction (in M).
#' For calculation of tm and delta G.
#' A numeric vector [0.01, 1], defaults to \code{0.05} (50 mM).
#' @return
#' An \code{RprimerOligo} object, containing the following information:
#' \describe{
#' \item{type}{Whether the oligo is a primer or probe.}
#' \item{fwd}{\code{TRUE} if the oligo is valid in forward direction,
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.}
#' \item{rev}{\code{TRUE} if the oligo is valid in reverse direction,
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.}
#' \item{start}{Start position of the oligo.}
#' \item{end}{End positon of the oligo.}
#' \item{length}{Oligo length.}
#' \item{iupacSequence}{Oligo sequence in IUPAC format
#' (i.e. with ambiguous bases).}
#' \item{iupaSequenceRc}{The reverse complement of the iupacSequence.}
#' \item{identity}{For ambiguous oligos: average identity of the oligo.
#' For mixed oligos: average identity of the 5' (consensus) part of the
#' oligo. The value can range from 0 to 1.}
#' \item{coverage}{For ambiguous oligos: average coverage of the oligo.
#' For mixed oligos: average coverage of the 3' (degenerate) part of the
#' oligo. The value can range from 0 to 1.}
#' \item{degeneracy}{Number of sequence variants of the oligo.}
#' \item{gcContentMean}{Mean GC-content of all sequence variants of the oligo.
#' }
#' \item{gcContent}{Range in GC-content of all sequence variants of
#' the oligo.}
#' \item{tmMean}{Mean tm of all sequence variants of the oligo
#' (in Celcius degrees).}
#' \item{tm}{Range in tm of all sequence variants of the oligo
#' (in Celcius degrees).}
#' \item{deltaGMean}{Mean delta G of all sequence variants of the oligo
#' (in kcal/mol).}
#' \item{deltaG}{Range in delta G of all sequence variants of the oligo
#' (in kcal/mol).}
#' \item{sequence}{All sequence variants of the oligo.}
#' \item{sequenceRc}{Reverse complements of all sequence variants.}
#' \item{gcContent}{GC-content of all sequence variants.}
#' \item{tm}{Tm of all sequence variants (in Celcius degrees).}
#' \item{deltaG}{Delta G of all sequence variants (in kcal/mol).}
#' \item{method}{Design method used to generate the oligo: "ambiguous",
#' "mixedFwd" or "mixedRev".}
#' \item{score}{Oligo score, the lower the better.}
#' \item{roiStart}{First position of the input \code{RprimerProfile} object
#' (roi = region of interest).}
#' \item{roiEnd}{Last position of the input \code{RprimerProfile} object.}
#' }
#' An error message will return if no oligos are found. If so, a good idea
#' could be to re-run the design process with relaxed constraints.
#' @details
#' \strong{Valid oligos}
#' For an oligo to be considered as valid, all sequence variants must fulfill
#' all the specified design constraints.
#' Furthermore, oligos with at least one sequence variant containing
#' more than four consecutive runs
#' of the same
#' nucleotide (e.g. "AAAAA") and/or more than three consecutive runs
#' of the same di-nucleotide (e.g. "TATATATA") will be excluded
#' from consideration.
#' \strong{Calculation of tm and delta G}
#' Melting temperatures
#' are calculated for perfectly matching
#' DNA duplexes using the
#' nearest-neighbor
#' method (SantaLucia and Hicks, 2004), by using the following equation:
#' \loadmathjax
#' \mjsdeqn{Tm = (\Delta H ^o \cdot 1000) / (\Delta S ^o + R \cdot \log [\mathrm{oligo}]) - 273.15}
#' where \mjseqn{\Delta H ^o} is
#' the change in enthalpy (in cal/mol) and \mjseqn{\Delta S ^o} is the
#' change in entropy (in cal/K/mol) when an
#' oligo and a perfectly matching target sequence goes from random coil to
#' duplex formation.
#' \mjseqn{K} is the gas constant (1.9872 cal/mol \emph{K}).
#' Delta G is calculated at 37 Celcius degrees, for when an oligo and a
#' perfectly matching target
#' sequence goes from random coil to duplex state, by using the following
#' equation:
#' \mjsdeqn{ \Delta G ^o _T = ( \Delta H ^o \cdot 1000 - T \cdot \Delta S ^o ) / 1000}{ASCII representation}
#' For both tm and delta G, the following salt correction method is used
#' for \mjseqn{ \Delta S^o }, as
#' described in SantaLucia and Hicks (2004):
#' \mjsdeqn{ \Delta S^o [\mathrm{Na^+}] = \Delta S^o [\mathrm{1 M NaCl}] + 0.368 \cdot N / 2 \cdot \log [\mathrm{Na^+}] }
#' where \mjseqn{N} is the total number of phosphates in the duplex, and [Na+] is
#' the total
#' concentration of monovalent cations.
#' Nearest neighbor table values for \mjseqn{\Delta S^o} and \mjseqn{\Delta H^o} are
#' from SantaLucia and Hicks, 2004, and can be
#' retrieved calling \code{rprimer:::lookup$nn}.
#' \strong{Primer design strategies}
#' Primers can be generated by using one of the two following strategies:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{The \strong{ambiguous strategy} (default) generates primers from the
#' IUPAC consensus sequence alone, which means that ambiguous bases can
#' occur at any position in the primer.}
#' \item{The \strong{mixed strategy} generates primers from both the majority
#' and the IUPAC consensus sequence. These primers consist of a shorter
#' degenerate part at the 3' end (approx. 1/3 of the primer, targeting a
#' conserved
#' region) and a longer consensus part at the 5' end (approx.
#' 2/3 of the primer),
#' which instead of having ambiguous bases contains the most frequently occuring
#' nucleotide at each position.
#' This strategy resembles the widely-adopted Consensus-Degenerate Hybrid
#' Oligonucleotide Primer (CODEHOP) principle (Rose et al., 1998), and aims to
#' to allow amplification of highly variable targets using primers with
#' low degeneracy.
#' The idea is that the degenerate 3' end part will bind specifically to
#' the target sequence in the initial PCR cycles, and promote amplification
#' in spite of eventual mismatches at the 5' consensus part
#' (since 5' end mismatches are generally less detrimental than
#' 3' end mismatches). In this way, the generated products
#' will match the 5' ends of all primers perfectly, which allows them
#' to be efficiently amplified in later PCR cycles.
#' To provide a sufficiently high tm in spite of mismatches, it is
#' recommended to design relatively long primers (at least 25 bases) when using
#' this strategy.}
#' }
#' Probes are always designed using the ambiguous strategy.
#' \strong{Scoring system for oligos}
#' All valid oligos are scored based on their identity, coverage and
#' average GC content. The scoring system is presented below.
#' \strong{Identity and coverage}
#' \tabular{lr}{
#' Value range \tab Score \cr
#' \eqn{(0.99, 1]} \tab 0 \cr
#' \eqn{(0.95, 0.99]} \tab 1 \cr
#' \eqn{(0.90, 0.95]} \tab 2 \cr
#' \eqn{\leq 0.90} \tab 3
#' }
#' \strong{Average GC-content}
#' This score is based on how much
#' the average GC-content deviates from 0.5 (in absolute value).
#' \tabular{lr}{
#' Value range \tab Score \cr
#' \eqn{[0, 0.05)}
#' \tab 0 \cr
#' \eqn{[0.05, 0.1)}
#' \tab 1 \cr
#' \eqn{[0.1, 0.2)}
#' \tab 2 \cr
#' \eqn{\geq 0.2} \tab 3
#' }
#' These scores are summarized. The weight of each individual score is 1, and
#' thus, the lowest and best
#' possible score for an oligo is 0, and the worst possible score is 9.
#' @references
#' Rose, TM., Schultz ER., Henikoff JG., Pietrokovski S.,
#' McCallum CM., and Henikoff S. 1998. Consensus-Degenerate
#' Hybrid Oligonucleotide Primers for
#' Amplification of Distantly Related Sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 26 (7):
#' 1628-35.
#' SantaLucia Jr, J., & Hicks, D. (2004).
#' The thermodynamics of DNA structural motifs.
#' Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct., 33, 415-440.
#' @export
#' @import mathjaxr
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' x <- exampleRprimerProfile
#' ## Design primers and probes with default values
#' designOligos(x)
designOligos <- function(x,
maxGapFrequency = 0.01,
lengthPrimer = c(18, 22),
maxDegeneracyPrimer = 4,
gcClampPrimer = TRUE,
avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer = TRUE,
gcPrimer = c(0.40, 0.65),
tmPrimer = c(50, 65),
concPrimer = 500,
designStrategyPrimer = "ambiguous",
probe = TRUE,
lengthProbe = c(18, 22),
maxDegeneracyProbe = 4,
avoidFiveEndGProbe = TRUE,
gcProbe = c(0.40, 0.65),
tmProbe = c(50, 70),
concProbe = 250,
concNa = 0.05) {
if (!methods::is(x, "RprimerProfile")) {
stop("'x' must be an RprimerProfile object.", call. = FALSE)
if (!(maxGapFrequency >= 0 && maxGapFrequency <= 1)) {
stop("'maxGapFrequency' must be from 0 to 1.", call. = FALSE)
if (!(min(lengthPrimer) >= 15 && max(lengthPrimer) <= 40)) {
stop("'lengthPrimer' must be from 15 to 40.", call. = FALSE)
if (!(maxDegeneracyPrimer >= 1 && maxDegeneracyPrimer <= 256)) {
stop("'maxDegeneracyPrimer' must be from 1 to 256.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.logical(gcClampPrimer)) {
stop("'gcClampPrimer' must be TRUE or FALSE", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.logical(avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer)) {
stop("'avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer' must be TRUE or FALSE", call. = FALSE)
if (!(min(gcPrimer) >= 0 && max(gcPrimer) <= 1)) {
"'gcPrimer' must be from 0 to 1, e.g. c(0.45, 0.65).",
call. = FALSE
if (!(min(tmPrimer) >= 20 && max(tmPrimer) <= 90)) {
"'tmPrimer' must be from 20 to 90, e.g. c(55, 60).",
call. = FALSE
if (!(concPrimer >= 20 && concPrimer <= 2000)) {
stop("'concPrimer' must be from 20 to 2000.", call. = FALSE)
if (!(
designStrategyPrimer == "ambiguous" || designStrategyPrimer == "mixed")
) {
"'designStrategyPrimer' must be either 'ambiguous' or 'mixed'.",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.logical(probe)) {
stop("'probe' must be TRUE or FALSE", call. = FALSE)
if (!(min(lengthProbe) >= 15 && max(lengthProbe) <= 40)) {
stop("'lengthProbe' must be from 15 to 40.", call. = FALSE)
if (!(maxDegeneracyProbe >= 1 && maxDegeneracyProbe <= 256)) {
stop("'maxDegeneracyProbe' must be from 1 to 256.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.logical(avoidFiveEndGProbe)) {
stop("'avoidFiveEndGProbe' must be TRUE or FALSE", call. = FALSE)
if (!(min(gcProbe) >= 0 && max(gcProbe) <= 1)) {
"'gcProbe' must be from 0 to 1, e.g. c(0.45, 0.65).",
call. = FALSE
if (!(min(tmProbe) >= 20 && max(tmProbe) <= 90)) {
"'tmProbe' must be from 20 to 90, e.g. c(55, 60).",
call. = FALSE
if (!(concProbe >= 20 && concProbe <= 2000)) {
stop("'concProbe' must be from 20 to 2000.", call. = FALSE)
if (!(concNa >= 0.01 && concNa <= 1)) {
stop("'concNa' must be from 0.01 to 1.", call. = FALSE)
lengthPrimer <- seq(min(lengthPrimer), max(lengthPrimer))
lengthProbe <- seq(min(lengthProbe), max(lengthProbe))
if (designStrategyPrimer == "mixed") {
primers <- .designMixedPrimers(
maxGapFrequency = maxGapFrequency,
lengthPrimer = lengthPrimer,
maxDegeneracyPrimer = maxDegeneracyPrimer,
gcClampPrimer = gcClampPrimer,
avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer = avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer,
gcPrimer = gcPrimer,
tmPrimer = tmPrimer,
concPrimer = concPrimer,
concNa = concNa
if (nrow(primers) == 0L) {
stop("No primers were found.", call. = FALSE)
oligos <- primers
if (probe) {
probes <- .designAmbiguousOligos(
primer = FALSE,
lengthProbe = lengthProbe,
maxDegeneracyProbe = maxDegeneracyProbe,
avoidFiveEndGProbe = avoidFiveEndGProbe,
gcProbe = gcProbe,
tmProbe = tmProbe,
concProbe = concProbe,
concNa = concNa
if (nrow(probes) == 0L) {
stop("No probes were found.", call. = FALSE)
oligos <- rbind(oligos, probes)
} else {
oligos <- .designAmbiguousOligos(
maxGapFrequency = maxGapFrequency,
primer = TRUE,
lengthPrimer = lengthPrimer,
maxDegeneracyPrimer = maxDegeneracyPrimer,
gcClampPrimer = gcClampPrimer,
avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer = avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer,
gcPrimer = gcPrimer,
tmPrimer = tmPrimer,
concPrimer = concPrimer,
probe = probe,
lengthProbe = lengthProbe,
maxDegeneracyProbe = maxDegeneracyProbe,
avoidFiveEndGProbe = avoidFiveEndGProbe,
gcProbe = gcProbe,
tmProbe = tmProbe,
concProbe = concProbe,
concNa = concNa
if (nrow(oligos[oligos$type == "primer", ]) == 0L) {
stop("No primers were found.", call. = FALSE)
if (probe) {
if (nrow(oligos[oligos$type == "probe", ]) == 0L) {
stop("No probes were found.", call. = FALSE)
oligos <- .scoreOligos(oligos)
oligos <- .beautifyOligos(oligos)
# Helpers ======================================================================
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' .nmers(c("A", "G", "T", "T", "C", "G"), n = 4)
.nmers <- function(x, n) {
start <- seq_len(length(x) - n + 1)
end <- start + n - 1
nmers <- lapply(start, \(i) x[start[[i]]:end[[i]]])
do.call("rbind", nmers)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' .countDegeneracy(c("A", "R", "T", "T", "N", "G"))
.countDegeneracy <- function(x) prod(lookup$degeneracy[x])
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' .generateAmbiguousOligos(exampleRprimerProfile, lengthOligo = 18)
.generateAmbiguousOligos <- function(x, lengthOligo = 20) {
oligos <- list()
oligos$iupacSequence <- .nmers(x$iupac, lengthOligo)
oligos$start <- seq_len(nrow(oligos$iupacSequence)) + min(x$position) - 1
oligos$end <- seq_len(
) + lengthOligo - 1 + min(x$position) - 1
oligos$length <- rep(lengthOligo, nrow(oligos$iupacSequence))
oligos$degeneracy <- apply(oligos$iupacSequence, 1, .countDegeneracy)
oligos$gapFrequency <- apply(.nmers(x$gaps, lengthOligo), 1, max)
oligos$coverage <- .nmers(x$coverage, lengthOligo) |> rowMeans()
oligos$identity <- .nmers(x$identity, lengthOligo) |> rowMeans()
oligos$method <- rep("ambiguous", nrow(oligos$iupacSequence))
oligos$roiStart <- rep(
min(x$position, na.rm = TRUE), nrow(oligos$iupacSequence)
oligos$roiEnd <- rep(
max(x$position, na.rm = TRUE), nrow(oligos$iupacSequence)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' .splitAndPaste(t(matrix(rep(1, 10))), t(matrix(rep(2, 10))))
#' .splitAndPaste(t(matrix(rep(1, 10))), t(matrix(rep(2, 10))), combine = FALSE)
#' .splitAndPaste(t(matrix(rep(1, 10))), t(matrix(rep(2, 10))), rev = TRUE)
.splitAndPaste <- function(first, second, rev = FALSE, combine = TRUE) {
n <- ncol(first)
small <- seq_len(as.integer(n / 3))
large <- seq(small[length(small)] + 1, n)
if (rev) {
first <- first[, small, drop = FALSE]
second <- second[, large, drop = FALSE]
} else {
first <- first[, seq_along(large), drop = FALSE]
second <- second[, small + n - length(small), drop = FALSE]
if (combine) {
cbind(first, second)
} else {
list(first, second)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' .mixFwd(exampleRprimerProfile, 20)
.mixFwd <- function(x, lengthOligo = 20) {
oligos <- list()
majority <- .nmers(x$majority, lengthOligo)
iupac <- .nmers(x$iupac, lengthOligo)
oligos$iupacSequence <- .splitAndPaste(majority, iupac)
oligos$start <- seq_len(nrow(oligos$iupacSequence)) + min(x$position) - 1
oligos$end <- seq_len(
) + lengthOligo - 1 + min(x$position) - 1
oligos$length <- rep(lengthOligo, nrow(oligos$iupacSequence))
oligos$degeneracy <- apply(oligos$iupacSequence, 1, .countDegeneracy)
oligos$gapFrequency <- apply(.nmers(x$gaps, lengthOligo), 1, max)
identityCoverage <- .splitAndPaste(
.nmers(x$identity, lengthOligo), .nmers(x$coverage, lengthOligo),
combine = FALSE
oligos$identity <- identityCoverage[[1]] |> rowMeans()
oligos$coverage <- identityCoverage[[2]] |> rowMeans()
oligos$method <- rep("mixedFwd", nrow(oligos$iupacSequence))
oligos$roiStart <- rep(
min(x$position, na.rm = TRUE), nrow(oligos$iupacSequence)
oligos$roiEnd <- rep(
max(x$position, na.rm = TRUE), nrow(oligos$iupacSequence)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' .mixRev(exampleRprimerProfile, 20)
.mixRev <- function(x, lengthOligo = 20) {
oligos <- list()
majority <- .nmers(x$majority, lengthOligo)
iupac <- .nmers(x$iupac, lengthOligo)
oligos$iupacSequence <- .splitAndPaste(iupac, majority, rev = TRUE)
oligos$start <- seq_len(nrow(oligos$iupacSequence)) + min(x$position) - 1
oligos$end <- seq_len(
) + lengthOligo - 1 + min(x$position) - 1
oligos$length <- rep(lengthOligo, nrow(oligos$iupacSequence))
oligos$degeneracy <- apply(oligos$iupacSequence, 1, .countDegeneracy)
oligos$gapFrequency <- apply(.nmers(x$gaps, lengthOligo), 1, max)
coverageIdentity <- .splitAndPaste(
.nmers(x$coverage, lengthOligo), .nmers(x$identity, lengthOligo),
combine = FALSE, rev = TRUE
oligos$identity <- coverageIdentity[[2]] |> rowMeans()
oligos$coverage <- coverageIdentity[[1]] |> rowMeans()
oligos$method <- rep("mixedRev", nrow(oligos$iupacSequence))
oligos$roiStart <- rep(
min(x$position, na.rm = TRUE), nrow(oligos$iupacSequence)
oligos$roiEnd <- rep(
max(x$position, na.rm = TRUE), nrow(oligos$iupacSequence)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' fwd <- .mixFwd(exampleRprimerProfile)
#' rev <- .mixRev(exampleRprimerProfile)
#' .mergeLists(fwd, rev)
.mergeLists <- function(first, second) {
x <- lapply(names(first), \(i) {
if (is.matrix(first[[i]])) {
rbind(first[[i]], second[[i]])
} else {
c(first[[i]], second[[i]])
names(x) <- names(first)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' .generateMixedOligos(exampleRprimerProfile, lengthOligo = 20)
.generateMixedOligos <- function(x, lengthOligo = 20) {
fwd <- .mixFwd(x, lengthOligo)
rev <- .mixRev(x, lengthOligo)
.mergeLists(fwd, rev)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' x <- .generateMixedOligos(exampleRprimerProfile)
#' .filterOligos(x)
.filterOligos <- function(x, maxGapFrequency = 0.1, maxDegeneracy = 4) {
invalidCharacters <- apply(x$iupacSequence, 1, \(x) {
any(x == "-") | any(is.na(x))
invalid <- unique(c(
which(x$degeneracy > maxDegeneracy),
which(x$gapFrequency > maxGapFrequency),
if (length(invalid) > 0L) {
x <- lapply(x, \(x) {
if (is.matrix(x)) x[-invalid, , drop = FALSE] else x[-invalid]
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' .expandDegenerates(c("A", "R", "T", "T", "N", "G"))
.expandDegenerates <- function(x) {
bases <- lapply(x, \(i) {
degen <- unname(lookup$degenerates[[i]])
unlist(strsplit(degen, split = ","))
all <- expand.grid(bases[seq_along(bases)], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
all <- as.matrix(all)
colnames(all) <- NULL
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' x <- .filterOligos(.generateMixedOligos(exampleRprimerProfile))
#' x$sequence <- apply(x$iupacSequence, 1, .expandDegenerates)
#' .oligoMatrix(x$sequence)
.oligoMatrix <- function(x) {
degeneracy <- vapply(x, nrow, integer(1L))
id <- lapply(seq_along(degeneracy), \(x) rep(x, degeneracy[[x]]))
id <- unlist(id)
x <- do.call("rbind", x)
rownames(x) <- id
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' .reverseComplement(matrix(c("A", "R", "T", "T", "N", "G")))
.reverseComplement <- function(x) {
rc <- x[, rev(seq_len(ncol(x))), drop = FALSE]
rc[] <- lookup$complement[rc]
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' seq <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0))
#' .gcClamp(gc, rev = FALSE)
#' .gcClamp(gc, rev = TRUE)
.gcClamp <- function(x, rev = FALSE) {
if (rev) {
end <- x[, seq_len(5), drop = FALSE]
5 - rowSums(end) >= 2 & 5 - rowSums(end) <= 3 ## Because of complement..
} else {
end <- x[, seq((ncol(x) - 4), ncol(x)), drop = FALSE]
rowSums(end) >= 2 & rowSums(end) <= 3
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' seq <- matrix(c("A", "C", "G", "G", "T", "T", "A", "A"))
#' .endRuns(seq, rev = FALSE)
.endRuns <- function(x, rev = FALSE) {
if (rev) {
end <- x[, seq_len(3), drop = FALSE]
} else {
end <- x[, seq((ncol(x) - 2), ncol(x)), drop = FALSE]
apply(end, 1, \(x) {
all(x == "A") | all(x == "C") | all(x == "T") | all(x == "G")
#' @noRd
#' @examples
.repeats <- function(x) {
di <- "(AT){4,}|(TA){4,}|(AC){4,}|(CA){4,}|(AG){4,}|(GA){4,}|(GT){4,}|(TG){4,}|(CG){4,}|(GC){4,}|(CT){4,}|(TC){4,}|)"
mono <- "([A-Z])\\1\\1\\1\\1"
vapply(x, \(y) {
grepl(di, y) | grepl(mono, y)
}, logical(1L))
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' x <- .filterOligos(.generateMixedOligos(exampleRprimerProfile))
#' .allVariants(x)
.allVariants <- function(x,
concPrimer = 500,
concProbe = 250,
concNa = 0.05) {
all <- list()
all$sequence <- apply(x$iupacSequence, 1, .expandDegenerates, simplify = FALSE)
## If there is only one variant of each oligo,
## (and apply returns a matrix instead of a list):
if (is.matrix(all$sequence)) {
all$sequence <- t(all$sequence)
all$sequence <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(all$sequence)), \(i) {
all$sequence[i, , drop = FALSE]
all$sequence <- .oligoMatrix(all$sequence)
all$sequenceRc <- .reverseComplement(all$sequence)
gc <- all$sequence == "C" | all$sequence == "G"
n <- rowSums(
all$sequence == "A" | all$sequence == "C" |
all$sequence == "G" | all$sequence == "T"
all$gcContent <- rowSums(gc) / n
all$gcClampFwd <- .gcClamp(gc)
all$gcClampRev <- .gcClamp(gc, rev = TRUE)
all$threeEndRunsFwd <- .endRuns(all$sequence)
all$threeEndRunsRev <- .endRuns(all$sequence, rev = TRUE)
all$fiveEndGPlus <- all$sequence[, 1] == "G"
all$fiveEndGMinus <- all$sequence[, ncol(all$sequence)] == "C"
tmParam <- .tmParameters(all$sequence, concNa)
all$tmPrimer <- .tm(tmParam, concPrimer)
all$tmProbe <- .tm(tmParam, concProbe)
all$deltaG <- .deltaG(tmParam)
all$sequence <- apply(all$sequence, 1, paste, collapse = "")
all$sequenceRc <- apply(all$sequenceRc, 1, paste, collapse = "")
all$repeats <- .repeats(all$sequence)
lapply(all, \(x) unname(split(unname(x), f = as.integer(names(x)))))
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' x <- .allVariants(.filterOligos(.generateMixedOligos(exampleRprimerProfile)))
#' .meanRange(x)
.meanRange <- function(x) {
x <- x[c("gcContent", "tmPrimer", "tmProbe", "deltaG")]
means <- lapply(x, \(y) {
vapply(y, \(z) {
sum(z) / length(z)
}, double(1L))
means <- do.call("cbind.data.frame", means)
names(means) <- paste0(names(means), "Mean")
ranges <- lapply(x, \(y) {
vapply(y, \(z) {
max(z) - min(z)
}, double(1L))
ranges <- do.call("cbind.data.frame", ranges)
names(ranges) <- paste0(names(ranges), "Range")
cbind(means, ranges)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' x <- .filterOligos(.generateMixedOligos(exampleRprimerProfile))
#' .makeOligoDf(x)
.makeOligoDf <- function(x) {
x <- within(x, rm("gapFrequency"))
x$iupacSequenceRc <- .reverseComplement(x$iupacSequence)
x$iupacSequence <- apply(x$iupacSequence, 1, paste, collapse = "")
x$iupacSequenceRc <- apply(x$iupacSequenceRc, 1, paste, collapse = "")
do.call("cbind.data.frame", x)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' x <- .allVariants(.filterOligos(.generateMixedOligos(exampleRprimerProfile)))
#' .isWithinRange(x$gcContent, c(0.4, 0.6))
.isWithinRange <- function(x, range) {
lapply(x, \(y) y >= min(range) & y <= max(range))
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' x <- .allVariants(.filterOligos(.generateMixedOligos(exampleRprimerProfile)))
#' gcInRange <- .isWithinRange(x$gcContent, c(0.4, 0.6))
#' x <- data.frame(cbind(gcInRange))
#' .convertToMatrices(x["gcInRange"])
.convertToMatrices <- function(x) {
lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), \(i) {
y <- lapply(x[i, , drop = FALSE], unlist)
do.call("cbind", y)
#' Column means represent the proportion
#' of sequence variants that fulfill a specific criteria (e.g. GC clamp),
#' and row means represent the proportion of the desired design criteria that
#' are fulfilled by specific sequence variants.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' x <- .allVariants(.filterOligos(.generateMixedOligos(exampleRprimerProfile)))
#' gcInRange <- .isWithinRange(x$gcContent, c(0.4, 0.6))
#' x <- data.frame(cbind(gcInRange))
#' check <- .convertToMatrices(x["gcInRange"])
#' .isValid(check, rowThreshold = 0.5, colThreshold = 0.5)
.isValid <- function(x, rowThreshold = 1, colThreshold = 1) {
valid <- vapply(x, \(y) {
toInvert <- c(
"repeats", "threeEndRunsFwd", "threeEndRunsRev",
"fiveEndGPlus", "fiveEndGMinus"
select <- colnames(y) %in% toInvert
y[, select] <- !y[, select]
col <- colMeans(y)
row <- rowMeans(y)
all(col >= colThreshold) & all(row >= rowThreshold)
}, logical(1L))
#' @noRd
.checkPrimers <- function(x,
gcClampPrimer = TRUE,
avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer = TRUE) {
selectFwd <- c("repeats", "tmInRange", "gcInRange")
selectRev <- c("repeats", "tmInRange", "gcInRange")
if (gcClampPrimer) {
selectFwd <- c(selectFwd, "gcClampFwd")
selectRev <- c(selectRev, "gcClampRev")
if (avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer) {
selectFwd <- c(selectFwd, "threeEndRunsFwd")
selectRev <- c(selectRev, "threeEndRunsRev")
fwdPrimers <- x[selectFwd]
fwdPrimers <- .convertToMatrices(fwdPrimers)
fwd <- .isValid(fwdPrimers)
revPrimers <- x[selectRev]
revPrimers <- .convertToMatrices(revPrimers)
rev <- .isValid(revPrimers)
x <- cbind(x, fwd, rev)
x[x$fwd | x$rev, , drop = FALSE]
#' @noRd
.filterPrimers <- function(x,
lengthPrimer = 18:22,
maxDegeneracyPrimer = 4,
gcClampPrimer = TRUE,
avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer = TRUE,
gcPrimer = c(0.45, 0.55),
tmPrimer = c(55, 65)) {
x <- x[x$length %in% lengthPrimer, , drop = FALSE]
x <- x[x$degeneracy <= maxDegeneracyPrimer, , drop = FALSE]
gcInRange <- .isWithinRange(x$gcContent, gcPrimer)
tmInRange <- .isWithinRange(x$tmPrimer, tmPrimer)
x <- cbind(x, data.frame(cbind(tmInRange, gcInRange)))
x <- .checkPrimers(
x$rev[x$method == "mixedFwd" & x$rev] <- FALSE
x$fwd[x$method == "mixedRev" & x$fwd] <- FALSE
x <- x[x$fwd | x$rev, , drop = FALSE]
remove <- c(
"gcInRange", "tmInRange",
"okFwd", "okRev", "tmProbeMean", "tmProbeRange", "tmProbe"
x <- x[!names(x) %in% remove]
oldnames <- c("tmPrimerMean", "tmPrimerRange", "tmPrimer")
newnames <- c("tmMean", "tmRange", "tm")
names(x)[names(x) %in% oldnames] <- newnames
type <- rep("primer", nrow(x))
cbind(type, x)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' .designMixedPrimers(exampleRprimerProfile)
.designMixedPrimers <- function(x,
maxGapFrequency = 0.01,
lengthPrimer = 18:22,
maxDegeneracyPrimer = 4,
gcClampPrimer = TRUE,
avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer = TRUE,
gcPrimer = c(0.45, 0.55),
tmPrimer = c(55, 65),
concPrimer = 500,
concNa = 0.05) {
lengthPrimer <- lengthPrimer[order(lengthPrimer)]
all <- lapply(lengthPrimer, \(i) {
mixed <- .generateMixedOligos(x, lengthOligo = i)
mixed <- .filterOligos(
mixed, maxGapFrequency, maxDegeneracyPrimer
if (length(mixed[[1]] > 0L)) {
allVariants <- .allVariants(
mixed, concPrimer,
concProbe = NA, concNa
meansAndRanges <- .meanRange(allVariants)
allVariants <- data.frame(do.call("cbind", allVariants))
mixed <- .makeOligoDf(mixed)
cbind(mixed, meansAndRanges, allVariants)
} else {
all <- do.call("rbind", all)
if (is.null(all)) {
stop("No primers were found.", call. = FALSE)
all <- .filterPrimers(
#' @noRd
.checkProbes <- function(x,
avoidFiveEndGProbe) {
selectFwd <- c("repeats", "tmInRange", "gcInRange")
selectRev <- c("repeats", "tmInRange", "gcInRange")
if (avoidFiveEndGProbe) {
selectFwd <- c(selectFwd, "fiveEndGPlus")
selectRev <- c(selectRev, "fiveEndGMinus")
fwdProbes <- x[selectFwd]
fwdProbes <- .convertToMatrices(fwdProbes)
fwd <- .isValid(fwdProbes)
revProbes <- x[selectRev]
revProbes <- .convertToMatrices(revProbes)
rev <- .isValid(revProbes)
x <- cbind(x, fwd, rev)
x[x$fwd | x$rev, , drop = FALSE]
#' @noRd
.filterProbes <- function(x,
lengthProbe = 18:22,
maxDegeneracyProbe = 4,
avoidFiveEndGProbe = TRUE,
gcProbe = c(0.45, 0.55),
tmProbe = c(55, 65)) {
x <- x[x$length %in% lengthProbe, , drop = FALSE]
x <- x[x$degeneracy <= maxDegeneracyProbe, , drop = FALSE]
gcInRange <- .isWithinRange(x$gcContent, gcProbe)
tmInRange <- .isWithinRange(x$tmProbe, tmProbe)
x <- cbind(x, data.frame(cbind(tmInRange, gcInRange)))
x <- .checkProbes(
remove <- c(
"gcInRange", "tmInRange", "tmPrimerMean",
"tmPrimerRange", "tmPrimer"
x <- x[!names(x) %in% remove]
oldnames <- c("tmProbeMean", "tmProbeRange", "tmProbe")
newnames <- c("tmMean", "tmRange", "tm")
names(x)[names(x) %in% oldnames] <- newnames
type <- rep("probe", nrow(x))
cbind(type, x)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerProfile")
#' .designAmbiguousOligos(exampleRprimerProfile)
.designAmbiguousOligos <- function(x,
maxGapFrequency = 0.01,
primer = TRUE,
lengthPrimer = 18:22,
maxDegeneracyPrimer = 4,
gcClampPrimer = TRUE,
avoidThreeEndRunsPrimer = TRUE,
gcPrimer = c(0.40, 0.65),
tmPrimer = c(50, 65),
concPrimer = 500,
probe = TRUE,
lengthProbe = 18:22,
maxDegeneracyProbe = 4,
avoidFiveEndGProbe = TRUE,
gcProbe = c(0.40, 0.65),
tmProbe = c(50, 70),
concProbe = 250,
concNa = 0.05) {
if (probe && primer) {
lengthOligo <- unique(c(lengthPrimer, lengthProbe))
maxDegeneracy <- max(c(maxDegeneracyPrimer, maxDegeneracyProbe))
} else if (!probe && primer) {
lengthOligo <- lengthPrimer
maxDegeneracy <- maxDegeneracyPrimer
} else if (probe && !primer) {
lengthOligo <- lengthProbe
maxDegeneracy <- maxDegeneracyProbe
lengthOligo <- lengthOligo[order(lengthOligo)]
ambiguous <- lapply(lengthOligo, \(i) {
amb <- .generateAmbiguousOligos(x, lengthOligo = i)
amb <- .filterOligos(
maxGapFrequency = maxGapFrequency,
maxDegeneracy = maxDegeneracy
if (length(amb[[1]] > 0L)) {
allVariants <- .allVariants(
concPrimer = concPrimer,
concProbe = concProbe,
concNa = concNa
meanAndRange <- .meanRange(allVariants)
allVariants <- data.frame(do.call("cbind", allVariants))
amb <- .makeOligoDf(amb)
cbind(amb, meanAndRange, allVariants)
} else {
ambiguous <- do.call("rbind", ambiguous)
if (is.null(ambiguous)) {
stop("No primers were found.", call. = FALSE)
if (primer) {
primers <- .filterPrimers(
} else {
primers <- NULL
if (probe) {
probes <- .filterProbes(
} else {
probes <- NULL
rbind(primers, probes)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerOligo")
#' x <- head(exampleRprimerOligo$identity)
#' .scoreIdentityCoverage(x)
.scoreIdentityCoverage <- function(x) {
score <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(x))
score[x <= 1 & x > 0.99] <- 0
score[x <= 0.99 & x > 0.95] <- 1
score[x <= 0.95 & x > 0.90] <- 2
score[x <= 0.90] <- 3
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerOligo")
#' x <- head(exampleRprimerOligo$gcContentMean)
#' .scoreGcContent(x)
.scoreGcContent <- function(x) {
deviation <- abs(x - 0.5)
score <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(deviation))
score[deviation >= 0 & deviation < 0.05] <- 0
score[deviation >= 0.05 & deviation < 0.1] <- 1
score[deviation >= 0.1 & deviation < 0.2] <- 2
score[deviation >= 0.2] <- 3
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerOligo")
#' x <- head(exampleRprimerOligo)
#' .scoreOligos(x)
.scoreOligos <- function(x) {
score <- list()
score$identity <- .scoreIdentityCoverage(x$identity)
score$coverage <- .scoreIdentityCoverage(x$coverage)
score$gcContent <- .scoreGcContent(x$gcContentMean)
score <- do.call("cbind", score)
score <- rowSums(score)
cbind(x, score)
#' @noRd
.beautifyOligos <- function(x) {
keep <- c(
"type", "fwd", "rev", "start", "end", "length",
"iupacSequence", "iupacSequenceRc", "identity",
"coverage", "degeneracy", "gcContentMean", "gcContentRange",
"tmMean", "tmRange", "deltaGMean", "deltaGRange", "sequence",
"sequenceRc", "gcContent", "tm", "deltaG", "method", "score",
"roiStart", "roiEnd"
x <- x[keep]
x <- x[order(x$start), ]
rownames(x) <- NULL
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