.listEnvEnv <- new.env()
assign("listEnv", NULL, envir=.listEnvEnv)
#' Load compound list for RMassBank
#' Loads a CSV compound list with compound IDs
#' The list is loaded into the variable \code{\var{compoundList}} in the environment
#' \code{listEnv} (which defaults to the global environment) and used by
#' the \code{findMz}, \code{findCAS}, ... functions. The CSV file is required to have at least the following columns, which are used for
#' further processing and must be named correctly (but present in any order): \var{ID, Name, SMILES, RT,
#' CAS}
#' resetList() clears a currently loaded list.
#' @aliases loadList resetList
#' @usage loadList(path, listEnv=NULL, check=TRUE)
#' resetList()
#' @param path Path to the CSV list.
#' @param listEnv The environment to load the list into. By default, the namelist is loaded
#' into an environment internally in RMassBank.
#' @param check A parameter that specifies whether the SMILES-Codes in the list should be checked for readability by rcdk.
#' @return No return value.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{findMz}}
#' @examples
#' ##
#' \dontrun{loadList("mylist.csv")}
#' @export
loadList <- function(path, listEnv = NULL, check = TRUE)
listEnv <- .listEnvEnv
stop("The supplied file does not exist, please supply a correct path")
# Try out if the file is comma- or semicolon-separated
compoundList <- read.csv(path, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE)
n <- colnames(compoundList)
if(!("ID" %in% n)){ # If no ID column, it must be semicolon separated
compoundList <- read.csv2(path, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE)
n <- colnames(compoundList)
if(!("ID" %in% n)){ # ...or there must be something wrong with the column names
stop("There is no 'ID' column in the compound list")
# Now everything should be fine, at least regarding csv and ssv
# Are there duplicate compound IDs?
stop("Duplicate compound IDs are present. Please check the compound list.")
# Do all Compoundlist IDs have 4 characters or less?
if(any(nchar(compoundList$ID) > 4)){
stop("The maximum number of digits for compound IDs is 4")
# Evaluate if all strictly necessary columns are in the list
cols <- c('ID', 'Name', 'SMILES', 'RT', 'CAS')
d <- setdiff(cols, n)
stop(paste("Some columns are missing in the compound list. It needs at least", paste(cols,collapse=", ")))
# Is there a "Level" column?
if("Level" %in% n){
newList <- TRUE
} else {
newList <- FALSE
# Assign for now...
assign("listEnv", listEnv, envir=.listEnvEnv)
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList <- compoundList
# If "level" is in the compound list we have to check several things:
# a) Are the levels part of the defined levels?
# b) Are the values ok for every level? (i.e. all necessary values supplied for each line in the compound list?)
# Check a) (and translate to number levels because handling numbers and text would make the if-statements here even more confusing)
compoundList$Level <- sapply(as.character(compoundList$Level),.translateLevel)
# Need this variable for levels 3b, 3c, 3d, 4 and potentially 3 and 3a
formulaColPresent <- "Formula" %in% n
if(any(c("3b","3c","3d","4") %in% compoundList$Level)){
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList <- NULL
stop('The compound list must contain the column "Formula" if a tentative or formula compound (levels 3b, 3c, 3d, 4) is present')
# Need this variable for level 5
if("5" %in% compoundList$Level){
mzCol <- which(c("mz","m/z","mass","exactMass") %in% n)
if(length(mzCol) > 1){
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList <- NULL
stop("The compound list can only contain one column with one of the following column names: 'mz','m/z','mass','exactMass' if an unknown compound (level 5) is present")
if(mzCol == 2){
n[which(n == "m/z")] <- "mz"
if(mzCol == 4){
n[which(n == "exactMass")] <- "mass"
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$mzCol <- c("mz","m/z","mass","exactMass")[mzCol]
colnames(compoundList) <- n
# Check b)
for(i in 1:length(compoundList$Level)){
level <- compoundList$Level[i]
# ID must have numbers as values
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList <- NULL
stop(paste("Value for 'ID' in line", i, "of the compound list is not a valid compound ID"))
# If level is "1x" or "2x", the SMILES must be supplied and must be correct
if(level %in% c("0","1","1a","1b","1c","2","2a","2b")){
currEnvir <- environment()
error = function(e){
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList <- NULL
stop(paste("'SMILES' value for compound", compoundList[i,"ID"] ,"in line", i, "of the compound list is not a valid SMILES"))
# If level is "3" or "3a", a valid smiles or formula must be supplied
if(level %in% c("3","3a")){
error = function(e){
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList <- NULL
stop(paste("'SMILES' value for compound", compoundList[i,"ID"] ,"in line", i, "of the compound list is not a valid SMILES"))
} else{
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList <- NULL
stop(paste("Compound", compoundList[i,"ID"], "in line", i, "of the compound list is marked as level 3, but there is no valid SMILES
value nor a 'Formula' column present"))
rcdk::get.formula(findFormula(compoundList[i,"ID"], retrieval="tentative")),
error = function(e){
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList <- NULL
stop(paste("'Formula' value for compound", compoundList[i,"ID"] ,"in line", i, "of the compound list is not a valid Formula"))
# If level is "3b","3c","3d" or "4", a valid formula must be supplied
if(level %in% c("3b","3c","3d","4")){
rcdk::get.formula(findFormula(compoundList[i,"ID"], retrieval="tentative")),
error = function(e){
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList <- NULL
stop(paste("'Formula' value for compound", compoundList[i,"ID"] ,"in line", i, "of the compound list is not a valid Formula"))
# If level is "5", m/z must be supplied
if(level == "5"){
if(!is.numeric(findMz(compoundList[i,"ID"], retrieval="unknown")$mzCenter)){
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList <- NULL
stop(paste(c("mz","m/z","mass","exactMass")[mzCol],"value for compound", compoundList[i,"ID"] ,"in line", i, "of the compound list is not a valid number"))
# If "Level" is not in the compound list it MUST be a standard list, so process just as before:
cols <- c('ID', 'Name', 'SMILES', 'RT', 'CAS')
d <- setdiff(cols, n)
stop("Some columns are missing in the compound list. Needs at least ID, Name, SMILES, RT, CAS.")
###Test if all the IDs work
wrongID <- vector()
currEnvir <- environment()
sapply(compoundList[,"ID"], function(x){
error = function(e){
cat(paste("### Warning ### Error finding SMILES for ID '", x, "': ", e, sep = ""))
currEnvir$wrongID <- c(currEnvir$wrongID, x)
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList <- NULL
stop(paste("Unable to interpret the SMILES-strings for ID(s)", paste(wrongID, collapse= " "), "\nPlease check these and load the list again."))
Level <- rep("0",nrow(compoundList))
.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList <- cbind(compoundList,Level)
message("Loaded compoundlist successfully")
#' @export
resetList <- function()
if(!exists("compoundList", where=.listEnvEnv$listEnv))
assign("listEnv", NULL, envir=.listEnvEnv)
# Function that translates one entry of the level column of the compound list into the number system
.translateLevel <- function(level){
if(!(level %in% c("0","1","1a","1b","1c","2","2a","2b","3","3a","3b","3c","3d","4","5"))){
stop(paste(level, "is not a valid level"))
} else{
#' Create Rcdk molecule from SMILES
#' Generates a Rcdk molecule object from SMILES code, which is fully typed and
#' usable (in contrast to the built-in \code{parse.smiles}).
#' \bold{NOTE: As of today (2012-03-16), Rcdk discards stereochemistry when
#' loading the SMILES code!} Therefore, do not trust this function blindly,
#' e.g. don't generate InChI keys from the result. It is, however, useful if
#' you want to compute the mass (or something else) with Rcdk.
#' @usage getMolecule(smiles)
#' @param smiles The SMILES code of the compound.
#' @return A Rcdk \code{IAtomContainer} reference.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{parse.smiles}}
#' @examples
#' # Lindane:
#' getMolecule("C1(C(C(C(C(C1Cl)Cl)Cl)Cl)Cl)Cl")
#' # Benzene:
#' getMolecule("C1=CC=CC=C1")
#' @export
getMolecule <- function(smiles)
capture.output(mol <- parse.smiles(smiles)[[1]])
knownAdducts <- function(){
getMonoisotopicMass <- function(formula){
if(!exists("isotopes")) data("isotopes", package = "enviPat")
if(formula == "") return(0)
if(grepl(x = formula, pattern = "-")){
starts <- gregexpr(text = formula, pattern = "[A-Z]")[[1]]
subFormulas <- sapply(X = seq_along(starts), FUN = function(startIdx){
test = startIdx < length(starts),
yes = substr(x = formula, start = starts[[startIdx]], stop = starts[[startIdx + 1]] - 1),
no = substr(x = formula, start = starts[[startIdx]], stop = nchar(formula))
monoisotopicMass <- sum(sapply(X = subFormulas, FUN = function(subFormula){
test = grepl(x = subFormula, pattern = "-"),
yes = -enviPat::isopattern(isotopes = isotopes, chemforms = gsub(x = subFormula, pattern = "-", replacement = ""), threshold=0.1, charge = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)[[1]][[1,1]],
no = enviPat::isopattern(isotopes = isotopes, chemforms = subFormula, threshold=0.1, charge = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)[[1]][[1,1]]
} else {
monoisotopicMass <- enviPat::isopattern(isotopes = isotopes, chemforms = formula, threshold=0.1, charge = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)[[1]][[1,1]]
getAdductInformation <- function(formula){
adductDf <- as.data.frame(rbind(
## positive: M+X
c(mode = "pH", addition = "H", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+H]+"),
c(mode = "pLi", addition = "Li", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+Li]+"),
c(mode = "pNa", addition = "Na", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+Na]+"),
c(mode = "pNa_mO3S_mH", addition = "Na1O-3S-1H-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-O3S-H+Na]+"),
c(mode = "pK", addition = "K", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+K]+"),
c(mode = "pM", addition = "", charge = 1, adductString = "[M]+"),
c(mode = "pM_mC7H11NO9S2", addition = "C-7H-11NO-9S-2", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C7H11NO9S2]+"),
c(mode = "pM_mC7H12NO9S2", addition = "C-7H-12NO-9S-2", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C7H12NO9S2]+"),
c(mode = "pNH4", addition = "NH4", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+NH4]+"),
c(mode = "p2Na_mH", addition = "Na2H-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+2Na-H]+"),
c(mode = "pACN_pH", addition = "C2H4N1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+ACN+H]+"),
c(mode = "pACN_pNa", addition = "C2H3N1Na1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+ACN+Na]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC7H6O", addition = "C-7H-5O-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C7H6O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC18H30O14", addition = "C-18H-29O-14", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C18H30O14+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC6H10O5", addition = "C-6H-9O-5", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C6H10O5+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC12H20O9", addition = "C-12H-19O-9", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C12H20O9+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC9H8O4_mH2O", addition = "C-9H-9O-5", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C9H8O4-H2O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC6H10O5_mH2O", addition = "C-6H-11O-6", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C6H10O5-H2O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC5H8NO4", addition = "C-5H-7N-1O-4", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C5H8NO4+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mO3S", addition = "O-3S-1H1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-O3S+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC6H10O8S", addition = "C-6H-9O-8S-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C6H10O8S+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC5H10N2O", addition = "C-5H-9N-2O-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C5H10N2O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mHO3P", addition = "O-3P-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-HO3P+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC4H7", addition = "C-4H-6", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C4H7+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC6H10O4", addition = "C-6H-9O-4", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C6H10O4+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC5H8O3", addition = "C-5H-7O-3", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C5H8O3+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mCO", addition = "H1C-1O-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-CO+H]+"),
c(mode = "p_mCO", addition = "C-1O-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-CO]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mO3", addition = "H-1O-3", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-O3+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC3H6", addition = "C-3H-5", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C3H6+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC4H3O5", addition = "C-4H-2O-5", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C4H3O5+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC6H11O6", addition = "C-6H-10O-6", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C6H11O6+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mCH4S", addition = "C-1H-3S-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-CH4S+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC7H12O6", addition = "C-7H-11O-6", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C7H12O6+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mCH4O", addition = "C-1H-3O-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-CH4O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mCH2O2", addition = "C-1H-1O-2", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-CH2O2+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC4H8", addition = "C-4H-7", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C4H8+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC3H6O", addition = "C-3H-5O-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C3H6O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC8H18O2", addition = "C-8H-17O-2", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C8H18O2+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC6H14O2", addition = "C-6H-13O-2", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C6H14O2+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mC4H12O2", addition = "C-4H-11O-2", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-C4H12O2+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mH2O", addition = "H-1O-1", charge = 2, adductString = "[M-H2O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pNa_mH2O", addition = "H-2O-1Na1", charge = 2, adductString = "[M-H2O+Na]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mCO2", addition = "C-1O-2H1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-CO2+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mO", addition = "O-1H1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-O+H]+"),
c(mode = "p_mO", addition = "O-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-O]+"),
c(mode = "p2H", addition = "H2", charge = 2, adductString = "[M+2H]2+"),
c(mode = "pACN_p2H", addition = "C2H5N1", charge = 2, adductString = "[M+ACN+2H]2+"),
## positive: 2M+X
c(mode = "pM_pH", addition = add.formula(formula, "H1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M+H]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pK", addition = add.formula(formula, "K1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M+K]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pNa", addition = add.formula(formula, "Na1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M+Na]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pNH4", addition = add.formula(formula, "N1H4"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M+NH4]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pACN_pH", addition = add.formula(formula, "C2H4N1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M+ACN+H]+"),
## positive: strange positive adducts
c(mode = "pCOONa", addition = "C1O2Na1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+COONa]+"),
c(mode = "p3H_c1", addition = "H3", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+3H]+"),
c(mode = "pH2O_c1", addition = "H2O1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+H2O]+"),
c(mode = "pH_m2H2O", addition = "H-3O-2", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-2H2O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_pH2O", addition = "H3O1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+H2O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_mNH3", addition = "N-1H-2", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-NH3+H]+"),
c(mode = "p2H_c1", addition = "H2", charge = 1, adductString = "[M+2H]+"),
c(mode = "p_mNH3_c1", addition = "N-1H-3", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-NH2-H]+"),
c(mode = "p_mNH2_pH_c1", addition = "N-1H-1", charge = 1, adductString = "[M-NH2+H]+"),
c(mode = "pM_p2Na_m3H_c1", addition = add.formula(formula, "Na2H-3"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M+2Na-3H]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pNa_m2H_c1", addition = add.formula(formula, "Na1H-2"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M+Na-2H]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pNa_mH_c1", addition = add.formula(formula, "Na1H-1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M+Na-H]+"),
c(mode = "pM_p2Na_m2H_c1", addition = add.formula(formula, "Na2H-2"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M+2Na-2H]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pH_m2H2O_c1", addition = add.formula(formula, "H-3O-2"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M-2H2O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pH_mH2O", addition = add.formula(formula, "H-1O-1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M-H2O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pNa_mH2O", addition = add.formula(formula, "H-2O-1Na1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M-H2O+Na]+"),
c(mode = "pM_m2H_c1", addition = add.formula(formula, "H-2"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M-2H]+"),
c(mode = "pM_mH_c2", addition = add.formula(formula, "H-1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M-2H+H]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pLi", addition = add.formula(formula, "Li1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M+Li]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pH_m2O", addition = add.formula(formula, "O-2H1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M-2O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pNa_m2O", addition = add.formula(formula, "O-2Na1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M-2O+Na]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pH_m3O", addition = add.formula(formula, "O-3H1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M-3O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pM_pNa_m3O", addition = add.formula(formula, "O-3Na1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M-3O+Na]+"),
c(mode = "pM_mH_c1", addition = add.formula(formula, "H-1"), charge = 1, adductString = "[2M-H]+"),
c(mode = "p_p2M_m3H", addition = add.formula(formula, add.formula(formula, "H-3")), charge = 1, adductString = "[3M-3H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_p2M_m2H2O", addition = add.formula(formula, add.formula(formula, "H-3O-2")), charge = 1, adductString = "[3M-2H2O+H]+"),
c(mode = "pNa_p2M_m2H2O", addition = add.formula(formula, add.formula(formula, "H-4O-2Na1")), charge = 1, adductString = "[3M-2H2O+Na]+"),
c(mode = "p_p2M_m2H2O", addition = add.formula(formula, add.formula(formula, "H-4O-2")), charge = 1, adductString = "[3M-2H2O]+"),
c(mode = "pM_mH_pH", addition = formula, charge = 1, adductString = "[2M-H+H]+"),
c(mode = "pH_c2", addition = "H1", charge = 2, adductString = "[M+H]2+"),
## negative: M-X
c(mode = "mH", addition = "H-1", charge = -1, adductString = "[M-H]-"),
c(mode = "mCl", addition = "Cl1", charge = -1, adductString = "[M+Cl]-"),
c(mode = "mFA", addition = "C1O2H", charge = -1, adductString = "[M+HCOOH-H]-"),
c(mode = "mH_pTFA", addition = "C2F3O2", charge = -1, adductString = "[M+CF3CO2H-H]-"),
c(mode = "mH_mC6H10O5", addition = "C-6H-11O-5", charge = -1, adductString = "[M-C6H10O5-H]-"),
c(mode = "mFA_pH", addition = "C1O2H2", charge = -1, adductString = "[M+HCOOH]-"),
c(mode = "mH_mH2O", addition = "H-3O-1", charge = -1, adductString = "[M-H2O-H]-"),
c(mode = "mCO2", addition = "C-1O-2", charge = -1, adductString = "[M-CO2]-"),
c(mode = "mH_mCH3", addition = "C-1H-4", charge = -1, adductString = "[M-CH3-H]-"),
c(mode = "mH_mCO2", addition = "C-1H-1O-2", charge = -1, adductString = "[M-CO2-H]-"),
c(mode = "mCH3", addition = "C-1H-3", charge = -1, adductString = "[M-CH3]-"),
c(mode = "m2H_pNa", addition = "H-2Na1", charge = -1, adductString = "[M+Na-2H]-"),
c(mode = "mM", addition = "", charge = -1, adductString = "[M]-"),
c(mode = "m2H", addition = "H-2", charge = -1, adductString = "[M-2H]-"), ## in case of positively charged compounds
c(mode = "m2H_c2", addition = "H-2", charge = -2, adductString = "[M-2H]2-"),
## negative: 2M-X
c(mode = "mH_pM", addition = add.formula(formula, "H-1"), charge = -1, adductString = "[2M-H]-"),
c(mode = "mFA_pM", addition = add.formula(formula, "C1O2H"), charge = -1, adductString = "[2M+HCOOH-H]-"),
c(mode = "mH_pM_mH2O", addition = add.formula(formula, "H-3O-1"), charge = -1, adductString = "[2M-H2O-H]-"),
c(mode = "m2H_pM_pNa", addition = add.formula(formula, "H-2Na1"), charge = -1, adductString = "[2M+Na-2H]-"),
## negative: strange adducts
c(mode = "mpM", addition = formula, charge = -1, adductString = "[2M]-"),
c(mode = "m2H_pHCOOH_pNa", addition = "Na1C1O2", charge = -1, adductString = "[M+HCOOH+Na-2H]-"),
c(mode = "mH_p2H", addition = "H2", charge = -1, adductString = "[M+3H-H]-"),
c(mode = "mH_pH", addition = "H1", charge = -1, adductString = "[M+2H-H]-"),
c(mode = "mH_pH2O", addition = "H1O1", charge = -1, adductString = "[M+H2O-H]-"),
c(mode = "m4H_pM_p3Na", addition = add.formula(formula, "Na3H-4"), charge = -1, adductString = "[2M+3Na-4H]-"),
c(mode = "m2H_mNH3_pNa", addition = add.formula(formula, "Na1N-1H-5"), charge = -1, adductString = "[2M-NH3+Na-2H]-"),
c(mode = "m3H_pM_p2Na", addition = add.formula(formula, "Na2H-3"), charge = -1, adductString = "[2M+2Na-3H]-"),
c(mode = "m3H_pM", addition = add.formula(formula, "H-3"), charge = -1, adductString = "[2M-3H]-"),
c(mode = "mH_p2M", addition = add.formula(formula, add.formula(formula, "H-1")), charge = -1, adductString = "[3M-H]-"),
## ???
c(mode = "", addition = "", charge = 0, adductString = "[M]")
), stringsAsFactors = F)
adductDf$charge <- as.integer(adductDf$charge)
if(any(any(duplicated(adductDf$mode)), any(duplicated(adductDf$adductString)))) stop("Invalid adduct table")
getAdductProperties <- function(mode, formula){
if(grepl(x = mode, pattern = "pM") & is.null(formula))
stop("Cannot calculate pM adduct without formula")
else if(is.null(formula)) formula <- ""
adductDf <- getAdductInformation(formula)
if(!(mode %in% adductDf$mode))
stop("mode = \"", mode, "\" not defined")
mzopt <- as.list(adductDf[adductDf$mode==mode,])
#' Find the exact mass +/- a given margin for a given formula or its ions and adducts.
#' @param formula The molecular formula in text or list format (see \code{\link{formulastring.to.list}}
#' @param mode \code{"pH", "pNa", "pM", "pNH4", "mH", "mM", "mFA"} for different ions
#' ([M+H]+, [M+Na]+, [M]+, [M+NH4]+, [M-H]-, [M]-, [M+FA]-). "" for the uncharged molecule.
#' @param ppm The ppm margin to add/subtract
#' @param deltaMz The absolute mass to add/subtract. Cumulative with \code{ppm}
#' @return A \code{list(mzMin=, mzCenter=, mzMax=)} with the masses.
#' @author Michael A. Stravs, Eawag <michael.stravs@@eawag.ch>
#' @examples findMz.formula("C6H6")
#' @seealso \code{\link{findMz}}
#' @export
findMz.formula <- function(formula, mode="pH", ppm=10, deltaMz=0)
if (!any(mode %in% knownAdducts()))
stop(paste("The ionization mode", mode, "is unknown."))
mzopt <- getAdductProperties(mode, formula)
formula <- add.formula(formula, mzopt$addition)
# Since in special cases we want to use this with negative and zero number of atoms, we account for this case
# by splitting up the formula into positive and negative atom counts (this eliminates the zeroes.)
formula.split <- split.formula.posneg(formula)
m <- 0
if(formula.split$pos != "")
formula.pos <- get.formula(formula.split$pos, charge = mzopt$charge)
m = m + formula.pos@mass
if(formula.split$neg != "")
formula.neg <- get.formula(formula.split$neg, charge = -mzopt$charge)
m = m - formula.neg@mass
if((nchar(formula.split$pos)==0) & (nchar(formula.split$neg)==0))
m <- get.formula("H", charge = mzopt$charge)@mass - get.formula("H", charge = 0)@mass
delta <- ppm(m, ppm, l = TRUE)
return(list(mzMin = delta[[2]] - deltaMz, mzMax = delta[[1]] +
deltaMz, mzCenter = m))
#' Find compound information
#' Retrieves compound information from the loaded compound list or calculates
#' it from the SMILES code in the list.
#' @aliases findMz findSmiles findFormula findRt findCAS findName findLevel
#' @usage findMz(cpdID, mode = "pH", ppm = 10, deltaMz = 0, retrieval="standard")
#' findRt(cpdID)
#' findSmiles(cpdID)
#' findFormula(cpdID, retrieval="standard")
#' findCAS(cpdID)
#' findName(cpdID)
#' findLevel(cpdID, compact=FALSE)
#' @param cpdID The compound ID in the compound list.
#' @param mode Specifies the species of the molecule: An empty string specifies
#' uncharged monoisotopic mass, \code{\var{pH}} (positive H) specifies [M+H]+,
#' \code{\var{pNa}} specifies [M+Na]+, \code{\var{pM}} specifies [M]+,
#' \code{\var{mH}} and \code{\var{mFA}} specify [M-H]- and [M+FA]-,
#' respectively. (I apologize for the naming of \code{\var{pH}} which has
#' absolutely nothing to do with chemical \emph{pH} values.)
#' @param ppm Specifies ppm window (10 ppm will return the range of the
#' molecular mass + and - 10 ppm).
#' @param deltaMz Specifies additional m/z window to add to the range (deltaMz
#' = 0.02 will return the range of the molecular mass +- 0.02 (and additionally
#' +- the set ppm value).
#' @param retrieval A value that determines whether the files should be handled either as "standard",
#' if the compoundlist is complete, "tentative", if at least a formula is present or "unknown"
#' if the only know thing is the m/z
#' @param compact Only for \code{findLevel}, returns the "retrieval" parameter used for many functions
#' within RMassBank if TRUE
#' @return \code{findMz} will return a \code{list(mzCenter=, mzMin=, mzMax=)}
#' with the molecular weight of the given ion, as calculated from the SMILES
#' code and Rcdk.
#' \code{findRt}, \code{findSmiles},\code{findCAS},\code{findName} will return
#' the corresponding entry from the compound list. \code{findFormula} returns
#' the molecular formula as determined from the SMILES code.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{findMass}}, \code{\link{loadList}}, \code{\link{findMz.formula}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{%
#' findMz(123, "pH", 5)
#' findFormula(123)
#' }
#' @export
findMz <- function(cpdID, mode="pH", ppm=10, deltaMz=0, retrieval="standard",
unknownMass = getOption("RMassBank")$unknownMass)
unknownMass = "charged"
if(!(unknownMass %in% c("charged", "neutral")))
stop("unknownMass definition must be either 'charged' or 'neutral', default is 'charged'")
# In case of unknown: m/z is in table
if(retrieval == "unknown"){
mz <- .listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList[which(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList$ID == cpdID),.listEnvEnv$listEnv$mzCol]
delta <- ppm(mz, ppm, l=TRUE)
if(unknownMass == "neutral")
dmass <- findMz.formula("", mode=mode)$mzCenter
dmass <- 0
return(list(mzMin=delta[2] - deltaMz + dmass, mzMax=delta[1] + deltaMz + dmass, mzCenter=mz + dmass))
# In case of tentative: calculate mass from formula
if(retrieval == "tentative"){
return(findMz.formula(findFormula(cpdID, "tentative"),mode=mode))
# All other cases: Use smiles to calculate mass
if(retrieval == "standard"){
s <- findSmiles(cpdID)
#if(s=="-") s <- NA
stop("There was no matching SMILES-entry to the supplied cpdID(s) \n Please check the cpdIDs and the compoundlist.")
formula <- .get.mol2formula(getMolecule(s))
return(findMz.formula(formula@string, mode, ppm, deltaMz))
#findMz <- function(...) findMz.rcdk(...)
#' @export
findRt <- function(cpdID) {
stop("Compound list must be loaded first.")
if(!exists("compoundList", where=.listEnvEnv$listEnv))
stop("Compound list must be loaded first.")
cpdID <- as.numeric(cpdID)
rt <- as.numeric(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList[which(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList$ID == cpdID),"RT"])
rt <- rt + getOption("RMassBank")$rtShift
if(is.na(rt)) return(list(RT=NA))
else return(list(RT=rt))
#' @export
findSmiles <- function(cpdID) {
cpdID <- as.numeric(cpdID)
stop("Compound list must be loaded first.")
if(!exists("compoundList", where=.listEnvEnv$listEnv))
stop("Compound list must be loaded first.")
if(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList[match(cpdID, .listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList$ID),"SMILES"] == "")
return(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList[match(cpdID, .listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList$ID),"SMILES"])
#' @export
findFormula <- function(cpdID, retrieval = "standard") {
# In case of tentative: read formula from table
return(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList[which(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList$ID == cpdID),"Formula"])
# Otherwise: Convert smiles to formula
smiles <- findSmiles(cpdID)
mol <- getMolecule(smiles)
f <- .get.mol2formula(mol)
#' @export
findCAS <- function(cpdID) {
cpdID <- as.numeric(cpdID)
stop("Compound list must be loaded first.")
if(!exists("compoundList", where=.listEnvEnv$listEnv))
stop("Compound list must be loaded first.")
return(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList[which(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList$ID == cpdID),"CAS"])
#' @export
findName <- function(cpdID) {
cpdID <- as.numeric(cpdID)
stop("Compound list must be loaded first.")
if(!exists("compoundList", where=.listEnvEnv$listEnv))
stop("Compound list must be loaded first.")
return(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList[which(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList$ID == cpdID),"Name"])
#' @export
findLevel <- function(cpdID, compact=FALSE) {
cpdID <- as.numeric(cpdID)
stop("Compound list must be loaded first.")
if(!exists("compoundList", where=.listEnvEnv$listEnv))
stop("Compound list must be loaded first.")
level <- .listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList[which(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList$ID == cpdID),"Level"]
if(level %in% c("0","1","1a","1b","1c","2","2a","2b","3","3a")){
if(level %in% c("3b","3c","3d","4")){
if(level == "5"){
return(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList[which(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList$ID == cpdID),"Level"])
#' Calculate exact mass
#' Retrieves the exact mass of the uncharged molecule. It works directly from
#' the SMILES and therefore is used in the MassBank workflow
#' (\code{\link{mbWorkflow}}) - there, all properties are calculated from the
#' SMILES code retrieved from the database. (Alternatively, takes also the
#' compound ID as parameter and looks it up.) Calculation relies on Rcdk.
#' @param cpdID_or_smiles SMILES code or compound ID of the molecule. (Numerics
#' are treated as compound ID).
#' @param retrieval A value that determines whether the files should be handled either as "standard",
#' if the compoundlist is complete, "tentative", if at least a formula is present or "unknown"
#' if the only know thing is the m/z
#' @param mode \code{"pH", "pNa", "pM", "pNH4", "mH", "mM", "mFA"} for different ions
#' ([M+H]+, [M+Na]+, [M]+, [M+NH4]+, [M-H]-, [M]-, [M+FA]-).
#' Only needed for retrieval="unknown"
#' @return Returns the exact mass of the uncharged molecule.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{findMz}}
#' @examples
#' ##
#' findMass("OC[C@@H]1OC(O)[C@@H](O)[C@@@@H](O)[C@@@@H]1O")
#' @export
findMass <- function(cpdID_or_smiles, retrieval="standard", mode = "pH")
# Must calculate mass manually if no formula is given
if(retrieval == "unknown"){
adductProperties <- getAdductProperties(mode, rcdk::get.formula(findFormula(cpdID_or_smiles)))
allowed_additions <- adductProperties$addition
mode.charge <- adductProperties$charge
mass <- getMonoisotopicMass(allowed_additions)
return(findMz(cpdID_or_smiles, mode=mode, retrieval=retrieval)$mzCenter - mass + mode.charge * .emass)
# Calculate mass from formula
if(retrieval == "tentative"){
return(get.formula(findFormula(cpdID_or_smiles, "tentative"))@mass)
# Calculate mass from SMILES
if(retrieval == "standard"){
s <- cpdID_or_smiles
s <- findSmiles(cpdID_or_smiles)
mol <- getMolecule(s)
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