#' nmr_dataset (S3 class)
#' An `nmr_dataset` represents a set of NMR samples.
#' It is defined as an S3 class, and it can be treated as a regular list.
#' It currently has the following elements:
#' - `metadata`: A list of data frames. Each data frame contains metadata of
#' a given area (acquisition parameters, preprocessing parameters, general sample information...)
#' - `axis`: A list with length equal to the dimensionality of the data.
#' For 1D spectra it is a list with a numeric vector
#' - `data_*`: Data arrays with the actual spectra. The first index represents
#' the sample, the rest of the indices match the length of each `axis`.
#' Typically `data_1r` is a matrix with one sample on each row and the chemical
#' shifts in the columns.
#' - `num_samples`: The number of samples in the dataset
#' @name nmr_dataset
#' @family AlpsNMR dataset objects
#' @seealso [Functions to save and load these objects][load_and_save_functions]
#' @examples
#' metadata_1D <- list(external = data.frame(NMRExperiment = c("10", "20")))
#' # Sample 10 and Sample 20 can have different lengths (due to different setups)
#' data_fields_1D <- list(data_1r = list(runif(16), runif(32)))
#' # Each sample has its own axis list, with one element (because this example is 1D)
#' axis_1D <- list(list(1:16), list(1:32))
#' my_1D_data <- new_nmr_dataset(metadata_1D, data_fields_1D, axis_1D)
#' Read NMR samples
#' These functions load samples from files and return a [nmr_dataset].
#' @name nmr_read_samples
#' @param sample_names A character vector with file or directory names.
#' @param samples_dir A directory or directories that contain multiple samples
#' @param format Either "bruker" or "jdx"
#' @param metadata_only A logical, to load only metadata (default: `FALSE`)
#' @param pulse_sequence If it is set to a pulse sequence
#' ("NOESY", "JRES", "CPMG"...) it will only load
#' the samples that match that pulse sequence.
#' @inheritDotParams read_bruker_pdata
#' @seealso [read_bruker_pdata()]
#' @return a [nmr_dataset] object
#' @rdname nmr_read_samples
#' @family import/export functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
nmr_read_samples_dir <- function(samples_dir,
format = "bruker",
pulse_sequence = NULL,
metadata_only = FALSE,
...) {
samples_dir <- as.character(samples_dir)
dirs_that_dont_exist <- !dir.exists(samples_dir)
if (any(dirs_that_dont_exist)) {
rlang::abort(c("These directories do not exist:", samples_dir[dirs_that_dont_exist]))
if (format == "bruker") {
all_samples <-
path = samples_dir,
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = FALSE
path = samples_dir,
full.names = TRUE,
pattern = ".*zip$"
} else if (format == "jdx") {
all_samples <-
path = samples_dir,
full.names = TRUE,
pattern = ".*jdx$"
} else {
stop("Unsupported sample format: ", format)
all_samples <- stringr::str_sort(all_samples, numeric = TRUE)
dataset <- nmr_read_samples(
sample_names = all_samples,
format = format,
pulse_sequence = pulse_sequence,
metadata_only = metadata_only,
#' @rdname nmr_read_samples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' zip_files <- fs::dir_ls(dir_to_demo_dataset, glob = "*.zip")
#' dataset <- nmr_read_samples(sample_names = zip_files)
nmr_read_samples <- function(sample_names,
format = "bruker",
pulse_sequence = NULL,
metadata_only = FALSE,
...) {
nn <- names(sample_names)
if (all(sample_names == nn)) {
nn <- NULL
sample_names <- as.character(sample_names)
if (is.null(nn)) {
names(sample_names) <- create_sample_names(sample_names)
} else {
names(sample_names) <- nn
if (format == "bruker") {
samples <- nmr_read_samples_bruker(
sample_names = sample_names,
metadata_only = metadata_only,
pulse_sequence = pulse_sequence,
} else if (format == "jdx") {
# otherwise the jdx format
samples <- nmr_read_samples_jdx(
sample_names = sample_names,
metadata_only = metadata_only
} else {
stop("Unsupported format")
create_sample_names <- function(x) {
# 1. Separate the zip path: "/a/b/c.zip!/d/e" -> "/a/b/c.zip"
# 1. Use the basename without the extension: "c"
# 2. If there are repeated names, prepend the dirname: "b/c"
# 3. If there are repeated names, use vctrs::name_repair()
has_zip_path <- grepl("\\.zip!.*$", x)
x_without_zip_path <- x
x_without_zip_path[has_zip_path] <- gsub(
pattern = "\\.zip!.*$",
replacement = ".zip",
remove_extensions <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(x_without_zip_path)
xnames <- basename(remove_extensions)
if (anyDuplicated(xnames) == 0) {
prepended_dirnames <- basename(dirname(remove_extensions))
xnames2 <- paste(prepended_dirnames, xnames, sep = "/")
if (anyDuplicated(xnames2) == 0) {
vctrs::vec_as_names(xnames2, repair = "unique")
nmr_read_sample_bruker <- function(sample_path, pulse_sequence = NULL, metadata_only = FALSE, ...) {
is_zip <- grepl("\\.zip$", sample_path) || grepl("\\.zip!.*$", sample_path)
if (!is_zip) {
sampl_dir <- normalizePath(sample_path)
} else {
zip_fn <- gsub(
pattern = "(.*\\.zip)!(.*)$",
replacement = "\\1",
zip_fn <- normalizePath(zip_fn)
zip_basename <- basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(zip_fn))
if (grepl("(.*\\.zip)!(.*)$", sample_path)) {
zip_subdir <- gsub(
pattern = "(.*\\.zip)!(.*)$",
replacement = "\\2",
} else {
# By default, we assume the zip file has one folder with the same
# name. This may not always be true, we could do some smart detection
# here
zip_subdir <- zip_basename
sampl_temp_dir <- tempfile(pattern = paste0("nmr_sample_", zip_basename, "_"))
utils::unzip(zip_fn, exdir = sampl_temp_dir)
on.exit({unlink(sampl_temp_dir, recursive = TRUE)})
sampl_dir <- file.path(sampl_temp_dir, zip_subdir)
# Ignore internal TopSpin directory used for sample processing
if (basename(sampl_dir) == "98888") {
meta <- read_bruker_metadata(sampl_dir)
if (is_zip) {
meta$info$file_format <- "Zipped Bruker NMR directory"
meta$info$sample_path <- sample_path
if (!is.null(pulse_sequence) &&
toupper(meta$info$pulse_sequence) != toupper(pulse_sequence)) {
if (metadata_only) {
pdata <- NULL
} else {
pdata <- read_bruker_pdata(sample_path = sampl_dir, ...)
output <- bruker_merge_meta_pdata(meta, pdata)
nmr_read_samples_bruker <-
pulse_sequence = NULL,
metadata_only = FALSE,
...) {
if (length(sample_names) == 0) {
stop("No samples to load")
list_of_samples <- BiocParallel::bplapply(
X = sample_names,
FUN = function(sampl, pulse_sequence, metadata_only, ...) {
loaded_sample <-
nmr_read_sample_bruker(sampl, pulse_sequence = pulse_sequence, metadata_only = metadata_only, ...)
error = function(err) {
msg <- conditionMessage(err)
message = c(
"Error loading a sample",
"i" = glue::glue("The sample '{sampl}' failed to load"),
"i" = glue::glue("The underlying error message is: {msg}")
underlying_error = err
pulse_sequence = pulse_sequence,
metadata_only = metadata_only,
# Remove samples that could not be loaded:
any_error <- purrr::map_lgl(list_of_samples, function(s) inherits(s, "error"))
list_of_errors <- list_of_samples[any_error]
list_of_samples <- list_of_samples[!any_error]
sample_names <- sample_names[!any_error]
if (length(list_of_samples) == 0) {
message = c(
"No samples could be loaded",
"i" = "You can check the underlying error messages with rlang::last_error()$error_list"
error_list = list_of_errors
# merge the sample information:
all_fields <-
unique(do.call(c, lapply(list_of_samples, function(x) {
axis_fields <- "axis"
data_fields <-
all_fields[grepl(pattern = "^data_.*", x = all_fields)]
metadata_fields <-
setdiff(all_fields, c(axis_fields, data_fields))
sample_meta <- list()
for (meta_field in metadata_fields) {
sample_meta[[meta_field]] <-
list_of_lists_to_tibble(purrr::map(list_of_samples, meta_field))
if (ncol(sample_meta[[meta_field]]) > 0) {
colnames(sample_meta[[meta_field]]) <-
paste(meta_field, colnames(sample_meta[[meta_field]]), sep = "_")
if (!is.null(names(sample_names))) {
nmr_experiment_col <- names(sample_names)
} else {
nmr_experiment_col <- sample_meta[["info"]][["info_NMRExperiment"]]
nmr_experiment_col <- vctrs::vec_as_names(nmr_experiment_col, repair = "unique")
sample_meta <- purrr::map(
function(x) {
x %>%
dplyr::mutate(NMRExperiment = nmr_experiment_col) %>%
dplyr::select("NMRExperiment", dplyr::everything())
sample_meta[["external"]] <- tibble::tibble(NMRExperiment = nmr_experiment_col)
data_fields_full <- list()
axis <- NULL
if (!metadata_only) {
for (data_field in data_fields) {
data_fields_full[[data_field]] <- purrr::map(list_of_samples, data_field)
axis <- purrr::map(list_of_samples, "axis")
samples <- new_nmr_dataset(
metadata = sample_meta,
data_fields = data_fields_full,
axis = axis
# @rdname nmr_read_samples
nmr_read_samples_jdx <-
function(sample_names, metadata_only = FALSE) {
nn <- names(sample_names)
sample_names <- normalizePath(sample_names, mustWork = FALSE)
names(sample_names) <- nn
raw_samples <- read_jdx(sample_names, metadata_only = metadata_only)
# Assume 1-D
if (!metadata_only) {
block_with_data_per_sample <-
FUN = function(sample) {
block_with_xydata <-
function(block) {
"XYDATA" %in% names(block)
}, logical(1)
if (sum(block_with_xydata) == 1) {
} else {
if (any(block_with_data_per_sample == -1)) {
stop("Loading samples: ", sample_names[block_with_data_per_sample == -1], "failed")
num_samples <- length(raw_samples)
# Metadata:
metadata <-
dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(raw_samples, create_df_from_jdx_sample))
metadata$file_name <- sample_names
# Make a reasonable NMRExperiment:
# 1. If it is given as the names of sample_names
# 2. If it is found in the metadata
# 3. Based on the filename
if (!is.null(nn)) {
if (anyDuplicated(nn) > 0) {
rlang::abort("names of samples must be unique")
NMRExperiments <- nn
} else if (!"NMRExperiment" %in% colnames(metadata)) {
NMRExperiments <- basename(sample_names)
if (any(duplicated(NMRExperiments))) {
NMRExperiments <- sample_names
NMRExperiments <- vctrs::vec_as_names(NMRExperiments, repair = "unique")
} else {
NMRExperiments <- metadata$NMRExperiment
metadata$NMRExperiment <- NMRExperiments
metadata <-
dplyr::select(metadata, "NMRExperiment", dplyr::everything())
metadata_external <- tibble::tibble(NMRExperiment = metadata$NMRExperiment)
axis <- NULL
data_fields <- list()
if (!metadata_only) {
data_fields[["data_1r"]] <-
vector(mode = "list", length = num_samples)
axis <- vector(mode = "list", length(num_samples))
for (sample_idx in seq_along(raw_samples)) {
xydata <-
data_fields[["data_1r"]][[sample_idx]] <- xydata$y
axis[[sample_idx]] <- list(x = xydata$x)
samples <-
metadata = list(
external = metadata_external,
metadata = metadata
data_fields = data_fields,
axis = axis
#' Object is of [nmr_dataset] class
#' @param x An object
#' @return `TRUE` if the object is an [nmr_dataset], `FALSE` otherwise
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
#' is(dataset)
is.nmr_dataset <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "nmr_dataset")
#' Extract parts of an nmr_dataset
#' @param x an [nmr_dataset] object
#' @param i indices of the samples to keep
#' @return an nmr_dataset with the extracted samples
#' @family subsetting functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
#' dataset2 <- dataset[1:3] # get the first 3 samples
`[.nmr_dataset` <- function(x, i) {
output <- x
output$metadata <- purrr::map(output$metadata, function(metad) {
metad[i, , drop = FALSE]
data_fields <-
names(unclass(output))[grepl(pattern = "^data_.*", x = names(unclass(output)))]
output[["axis"]] <- output[["axis"]][i]
for (data_field in data_fields) {
output[[data_field]] <- output[[data_field]][i]
output$num_samples <- nrow(output$metadata[[1]])
#' Print for nmr_dataset
#' @param x an [nmr_dataset] object
#' @param ... for future use
#' @family class helper functions
#' @return Print for nmr_dataset
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
#' print(dataset)
print.nmr_dataset <- function(x, ...) {
cat(format(x, ...), "\n")
#' Format for nmr_dataset
#' @param x an [nmr_dataset] object
#' @param ... for future use
#' @family class helper functions
#' @return Format for nmr_dataset
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
#' format(dataset)
format.nmr_dataset <- function(x, ...) {
paste0("An nmr_dataset (", x$num_samples, " samples)")
#' Validate nmr_dataset objects
#' @param samples An nmr_dataset object
#' @family class helper functions
#' @export
#' @return Validate nmr_dataset objects
#' @name validate_nmr_dataset
#' @examples
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
#' validate_nmr_dataset(dataset)
validate_nmr_dataset <- function(samples) {
inherits(samples, "nmr_dataset"),
message = "Not an nmr_dataset object"
#' Create an nmr_dataset object
#' @param metadata A named list of data frames
#' @param data_fields A named list. Check the examples
#' @param axis A list. Check the examples
#' @family class helper functions
#' @name new_nmr_dataset
#' @return Create an nmr_dataset object
#' @export
#' @return Create an nmr_dataset object
#' @examples
#' #
#' metadata_1D <- list(external = data.frame(NMRExperiment = c("10", "20")))
#' # Sample 10 and Sample 20 can have different lengths (due to different setups)
#' data_fields_1D <- list(data_1r = list(runif(16), runif(32)))
#' # Each sample has its own axis list, with one element (because this example is 1D)
#' axis_1D <- list(list(1:16), list(1:32))
#' my_1D_data <- new_nmr_dataset(metadata_1D, data_fields_1D, axis_1D)
#' # Example for 2D samples
#' metadata_2D <- list(external = data.frame(NMRExperiment = c("11", "21")))
#' data_fields_2D <- list(data_2rr = list(matrix(runif(16 * 3), nrow = 16, ncol = 3),
#' runif(32 * 3),
#' nrow = 32, ncol = 3
#' ))
#' # Each sample has its own axis list, with one element (because this example is 1D)
#' axis_2D <- list(list(1:16, 1:3), list(1:32, 1:3))
#' my_2D_data <- new_nmr_dataset(metadata_2D, data_fields_2D, axis_2D)
new_nmr_dataset <- function(metadata, data_fields, axis) {
samples <- list()
samples[["metadata"]] <- metadata
samples <- append(x = samples, values = data_fields)
samples[["axis"]] <- axis
samples[["num_samples"]] <- nrow(metadata[[1]])
class(samples) <- c("nmr_dataset", "nmr_dataset_family")
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