# ----------- Contingency tables --------------
#' @title Calculating the `COEX` matrix
#' @description These are the functions and methods used to calculate the
#' **COEX** matrices according to the `COTAN` model. From there it is possible
#' to calculate the associated *pValue* and the *GDI* (*Global Differential
#' Expression*)
#' @description The **COEX** matrix is defined by following formula:
#' \deqn{\frac{\sum_{i,j \in \{\text{Y, N}\}}{
#' (-1)^{\#\{i,j\}}\frac{O_{ij}-E_{ij}}{1 \vee E_{ij}}}}
#' {\sqrt{n \sum_{i,j \in \{\text{Y, N}\}}{
#' \frac{1}{1 \vee E_{ij}}}}}}
#' where \eqn{O} and \eqn{E} are the observed and expected contingency tables
#' and \eqn{n} is the relevant numerosity (the number of genes/cells depending
#' on given `actOnCells` flag).
#' The formula can be more effectively implemented as:
#' \deqn{\sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i,j \in \{\text{Y, N}\}}{
#' \frac{1}{1 \vee E_{ij}}}}
#' \, \bigl(O_\text{YY}-E_\text{YY}\bigr)}
#' once one notices that \eqn{O_{ij} - E_{ij} = (-1)^{\#\{i,j\}} \, r} for
#' some constant \eqn{r} for all \eqn{i,j \in \{\text{Y, N}\}}.
#' The latter follows from the fact that the relevant marginal sums of the
#' expected contingency tables were enforced to match the marginal sums of the
#' observed ones.
#' @description The new implementation of the function relies on the `torch`
#' package. This implies that it is potentially able to use the system `GPU`
#' to run the heavy duty calculations required by this method. However
#' installing the `torch` package on a system can be *finicky*, so we
#' tentatively provide a short help page [Installing_torch] hoping that it
#' will help...
#' @seealso [ParametersEstimations] for more details.
#' @seealso [Installing_torch] about the `torch` package
#' @name CalculatingCOEX
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
#' @note The sum of the matrices returned by the function
#' `observedContingencyTables()` and `expectedContingencyTables()` will have
#' the same value on all elements. This value is the number of genes/cells
#' depending on the parameter `actOnCells` being `TRUE/FALSE`.
#' @details `calculateLikelihoodOfObserved()` gives for each cell and each gene
#' the likelihood of the observed zero/one data
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @returns `calculateLikelihoodOfObserved()` returns a `data.frame` with the
#' likelihood of the observed zero/one
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lh <- calculateLikelihoodOfObserved(objCOTAN)
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
calculateLikelihoodOfObserved <- function(objCOTAN) {
zeroOne <- getZeroOneProj(objCOTAN)
probZero <- getProbabilityOfZero(objCOTAN)
# estimate the likelihood of observed result
return((1.0 - zeroOne) * probZero + zeroOne * (1.0 - probZero))
#' @details `observedContingencyTablesYY()` calculates observed *Yes/Yes* field
#' of the contingency table
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param actOnCells Boolean - when `TRUE` the function works for the cells,
#' otherwise for the genes
#' @param asDspMatrices Boolean - when `TRUE` the function will return only
#' packed dense symmetric matrices
#' @returns `observedContingencyTablesYY()` returns a `list` with:
#' * `observedYY` the *Yes/Yes* observed contingency table as `matrix`
#' * `observedY` the full *Yes* observed `vector`
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom Matrix crossprod
#' @importFrom Matrix tcrossprod
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgeMatrix
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dsyMatrix
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
observedContingencyTablesYY <- function(objCOTAN,
actOnCells = FALSE,
asDspMatrices = FALSE) {
logThis("calculating YY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
zeroOne <- getZeroOneProj(objCOTAN)
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
# for cells
observedYY <- crossprod(zeroOne)
observedY <- colSums(zeroOne)
} else {
# for genes
observedYY <- tcrossprod(zeroOne)
observedY <- rowSums(zeroOne)
observedYY <- forceSymmetric(as(observedYY, "denseMatrix"))
if (isTRUE(asDspMatrices)) {
observedYY <- pack(observedYY)
logThis(" done", logLevel = 3L)
return(list("observedYY" = observedYY, "observedY" = observedY))
#' @details `observedPartialContingencyTablesYY()` calculates observed *Yes/Yes*
#' field of the contingency table
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param columnsSubset a sub-set of the columns of the matrices that will be
#' returned
#' @param zeroOne the raw count matrix projected to `0` or `1`. If not given the
#' appropriate one will be calculated on the fly
#' @param actOnCells Boolean - when `TRUE` the function works for the cells,
#' otherwise for the genes
#' @param asDspMatrices Boolean - when `TRUE` the function will return only
#' packed dense symmetric matrices
#' @returns `observedPartialContingencyTablesYY()` returns a `list` with:
#' * `observedYY` the *Yes/Yes* observed contingency table as `matrix`,
#' restricted to the selected columns as named `list` with elements
#' * `observedY` the full *Yes* observed `vector`
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom Matrix crossprod
#' @importFrom Matrix tcrossprod
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
observedPartialContingencyTablesYY <-
zeroOne = NULL,
actOnCells = FALSE) {
logThis("calculating partial YY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
if (is_empty(zeroOne)) {
# get zero/one projection with internal function get
zeroOne <- getZeroOneProj(objCOTAN)
assert_that(identical(dim(zeroOne), dim(getRawData(objCOTAN))))
msg = paste0("Error: some NA in matrix of probability",
" of zero UMI counts"))
if (is.character(columnsSubset)) {
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
allColumns <- getCells(objCOTAN)
} else {
allColumns <- getGenes(objCOTAN)
columnsSubset <- which(allColumns %in% columnsSubset)
} else {
columnsSubset <- sort(columnsSubset)
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
# for cells
observedYY <- crossprod(zeroOne,
zeroOne[, columnsSubset, drop = FALSE])
observedY <- colSums(zeroOne)
} else {
# for genes
observedYY <- tcrossprod(zeroOne,
zeroOne[columnsSubset, , drop = FALSE])
observedY <- rowSums(zeroOne)
logThis(" done", logLevel = 3L)
return(list("observedYY" = observedYY, "observedY" = observedY))
#' @details `observedContingencyTables()` calculates the observed contingency
#' tables. When the parameter `asDspMatrices == TRUE`, the method will
#' effectively throw away the lower half from the returned `observedYN` and
#' `observedNY` matrices, but, since they are transpose one of another, the
#' full information is still available.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param actOnCells Boolean; when `TRUE` the function works for the cells,
#' otherwise for the genes
#' @param asDspMatrices Boolean; when `TRUE` the function will return only
#' packed dense symmetric matrices
#' @returns `observedContingencyTables()` returns the observed contingency
#' tables as named `list` with elements:
#' * `"observedNN"`
#' * `"observedNY"`
#' * `"observedYN"`
#' * `"observedYY"`
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix symmetricMatrix
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
observedContingencyTables <- function(objCOTAN,
actOnCells = FALSE,
asDspMatrices = FALSE) {
numGenes <- getNumGenes(objCOTAN)
numCells <- getNumCells(objCOTAN)
c(observedYY, observedY) %<-%
actOnCells = actOnCells,
asDspMatrices = FALSE)
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
# dimension m x m (m number of cells)
logThis("calculating NY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
# Any/Yes vector [cycled] = Yes/Yes + No/Yes
#observedNY <- observedY - observedYY
logThis("YN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
observedYN <- t(observedY - observedYY)
logThis("NN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
observedNN <- numGenes - observedY - observedYN
observedYN <- as(observedYN, "denseMatrix")
} else {
# dimension n x n (n number of genes)
logThis("calculating YN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
# Yes/Any vector [cycled] = Yes/Yes + Yes/No
#observedYN <- observedY - observedYY
logThis("NY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
observedNY <- t(observedY - observedYY)
logThis("NN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
observedNN <- numCells - observedY - observedNY
observedNY <- as(observedNY, "denseMatrix")
logThis("t()..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
observedNN <- forceSymmetric(as(observedNN, "denseMatrix"))
if (isTRUE(asDspMatrices)) {
observedNN <- pack(observedNN)
observedYY <- pack(observedYY)
# these operation drops the lower triangle values
# but the other matrix contains them anyway
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
observedNY <- pack(forceSymmetric(t(observedYN)))
observedYN <- pack(forceSymmetric( observedYN) )
} else {
observedYN <- pack(forceSymmetric(t(observedNY)))
observedNY <- pack(forceSymmetric( observedNY) )
} else {
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
observedNY <- t(observedYN)
} else {
observedYN <- t(observedNY)
logThis(" done", logLevel = 3L)
return(list("observedNN" = observedNN,
"observedNY" = observedNY,
"observedYN" = observedYN,
"observedYY" = observedYY))
#' @details `observedPartialContingencyTables()` calculates the observed
#' contingency tables.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param columnsSubset a sub-set of the columns of the matrices that will be
#' returned
#' @param zeroOne the raw count matrix projected to `0` or `1`. If not given the
#' appropriate one will be calculated on the fly
#' @param actOnCells Boolean; when `TRUE` the function works for the cells,
#' otherwise for the genes
#' @returns `observedPartialContingencyTables()` returns the observed
#' contingency tables, restricted to the selected columns, as named `list`
#' with elements:
#' * `"observedNN"`
#' * `"observedNY"`
#' * `"observedYN"`
#' * `"observedYY"`
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
observedPartialContingencyTables <-
zeroOne = NULL,
actOnCells = FALSE) {
numGenes <- getNumGenes(objCOTAN)
numCells <- getNumCells(objCOTAN)
if (is.character(columnsSubset)) {
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
allColumns <- getCells(objCOTAN)
} else {
allColumns <- getGenes(objCOTAN)
columnsSubset <- which(allColumns %in% columnsSubset)
} else {
columnsSubset <- sort(columnsSubset)
c(observedYY, observedY) %<-%
columnsSubset = columnsSubset,
zeroOne = zeroOne,
actOnCells = actOnCells)
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
# dimension m x m (m number of cells)
logThis("calculating partial NY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
# Any/Yes vector [cycled] = Yes/Yes + No/Yes
observedNY <- observedY - observedYY
logThis("YN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
observedYN <- t(observedY[columnsSubset] - t(observedYY))
logThis("NN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
observedNN <- numGenes - observedY - observedYN
} else {
# dimension n x n (n number of genes)
logThis("calculating partial YN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
# Yes/Any vector [cycled] = Yes/Yes + Yes/No
observedYN <- observedY - observedYY
logThis("NY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
observedNY <- t(observedY[columnsSubset] - t(observedYY))
logThis("NN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
observedNN <- numCells - observedY - observedNY
logThis(" done", logLevel = 3L)
return(list("observedNN" = observedNN,
"observedNY" = observedNY,
"observedYN" = observedYN,
"observedYY" = observedYY))
#' @details `expectedContingencyTablesNN()` calculates the expected *No/No*
#' field of the contingency table
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param actOnCells Boolean; when `TRUE` the function works for the cells,
#' otherwise for the genes
#' @param asDspMatrices Boolean; when `TRUE` the function will return only
#' packed dense symmetric matrices
#' @param optimizeForSpeed Boolean; deprecated: always TRUE
#' @returns `expectedContingencyTablesNN()` returns a `list` with:
#' * `expectedNN` the *No/No* expected contingency table as `matrix`
#' * `expectedN` the *No* expected `vector`
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgeMatrix
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dsyMatrix
#' @importFrom Rfast Crossprod
#' @importFrom Rfast Tcrossprod
#' @importFrom Rfast rowsums
#' @importFrom Rfast colsums
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
expectedContingencyTablesNN <- function(objCOTAN,
actOnCells = FALSE,
asDspMatrices = FALSE,
optimizeForSpeed = TRUE) {
logThis("calculating NN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
# estimate Probabilities of 0 with internal function funProbZero
probZero <- getProbabilityOfZero(objCOTAN)
msg = paste0("Error: some NA in matrix of probability",
" of zero UMI counts"))
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
# dimension m x m (m number of cells)
expectedNN <- Crossprod(probZero, probZero)
expectedN <- colsums(probZero, parallel = TRUE)
rownames(expectedNN) <- colnames(expectedNN) <- getCells(objCOTAN)
} else {
# dimension n x n (n number of genes)
expectedNN <- Tcrossprod(probZero, probZero)
expectedN <- rowsums(probZero, parallel = TRUE)
rownames(expectedNN) <- colnames(expectedNN) <- getGenes(objCOTAN)
expectedNN <- forceSymmetric(as(expectedNN, "denseMatrix"))
if (isTRUE(asDspMatrices)) {
expectedNN <- pack(expectedNN)
logThis(" done", logLevel = 3L)
return(list("expectedNN" = expectedNN, "expectedN" = expectedN))
#' @details `expectedPartialContingencyTablesNN()` calculates the expected
#' *No/No* field of the contingency table
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param columnsSubset a sub-set of the columns of the matrices that will be
#' returned
#' @param probZero is the expected **probability of zero** for each gene/cell
#' pair. If not given the appropriate one will be calculated on the fly
#' @param actOnCells Boolean; when `TRUE` the function works for the cells,
#' otherwise for the genes
#' @param optimizeForSpeed Boolean; deprecated: always TRUE
#' @returns `expectedPartialContingencyTablesNN()` returns a `list` with:
#' * `expectedNN` the *No/No* expected contingency table as `matrix`,
#' restricted to the selected columns, as named `list` with elements
#' * `expectedN` the full *No* expected `vector`
#' @importFrom Rfast Crossprod
#' @importFrom Rfast Tcrossprod
#' @importFrom Rfast rowsums
#' @importFrom Rfast colsums
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
expectedPartialContingencyTablesNN <-
probZero = NULL,
actOnCells = FALSE,
optimizeForSpeed = TRUE) {
logThis("calculating partial NN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
if (is_empty(probZero)) {
# estimate Probabilities of 0 with internal function funProbZero
probZero <- getProbabilityOfZero(objCOTAN)
assert_that(identical(dim(probZero), dim(getRawData(objCOTAN))))
msg = paste0("Error: some NA in matrix of probability",
" of zero UMI counts"))
if (is.character(columnsSubset)) {
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
allColumns <- getCells(objCOTAN)
} else {
allColumns <- getGenes(objCOTAN)
columnsSubset <- which(allColumns %in% columnsSubset)
} else {
columnsSubset <- sort(columnsSubset)
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
# dimension m x m (m number of cells)
expectedNN <- Crossprod(probZero,
probZero[, columnsSubset, drop = FALSE])
expectedN <- colsums(probZero, parallel = TRUE)
rownames(expectedNN) <- getCells(objCOTAN)
colnames(expectedNN) <- getCells(objCOTAN)[columnsSubset]
} else {
# dimension n x n (n number of genes)
expectedNN <- Tcrossprod(probZero,
probZero[columnsSubset, , drop = FALSE])
expectedN <- rowsums(probZero, parallel = TRUE)
rownames(expectedNN) <- getGenes(objCOTAN)
colnames(expectedNN) <- getGenes(objCOTAN)[columnsSubset]
logThis(" done", logLevel = 3L)
return(list("expectedNN" = expectedNN, "expectedN" = expectedN))
#' @details `expectedContingencyTables()` calculates the expected values of
#' contingency tables. When the parameter `asDspMatrices == TRUE`, the method
#' will effectively throw away the lower half from the returned `expectedYN`
#' and `expectedNY` matrices, but, since they are transpose one of another,
#' the full information is still available.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param actOnCells Boolean; when `TRUE` the function works for the cells,
#' otherwise for the genes
#' @param asDspMatrices Boolean; when `TRUE` the function will return only
#' packed dense symmetric matrices
#' @param optimizeForSpeed Boolean; deprecated: always TRUE
#' @return `expectedContingencyTables()` returns the expected contingency tables
#' as named `list` with elements:
#' * `"expectedNN"`
#' * `"expectedNY"`
#' * `"expectedYN"`
#' * `"expectedYY"`
#' @importFrom Rfast Crossprod
#' @importFrom Rfast Tcrossprod
#' @importFrom Rfast rowsums
#' @importFrom Rfast colsums
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix symmetricMatrix
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
expectedContingencyTables <- function(objCOTAN,
actOnCells = FALSE,
asDspMatrices = FALSE,
optimizeForSpeed = TRUE) {
numGenes <- getNumGenes(objCOTAN)
numCells <- getNumCells(objCOTAN)
c(expectedNN, expectedN) %<-%
actOnCells = actOnCells,
asDspMatrices = FALSE,
optimizeForSpeed = TRUE)
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
# dimension m x m (m number of cells)
logThis("calculating YN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
# Any/No vector [cycled] = No/No + Yes/No
#expectedYN <- expectedN - expectedNN
logThis("NY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
expectedNY <- t(expectedN - expectedNN)
logThis("YY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
expectedYY <- numGenes - expectedN - expectedNY
expectedNY <- as(expectedNY, "denseMatrix")
} else {
# dimension n x n (n number of genes)
logThis("calculating NY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
# No/Any vector [cycled] = No/No + No/Yes
#expectedNY <- expectedN - expectedNN
logThis("YN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
expectedYN <- t(expectedN - expectedNN)
logThis("YY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
expectedYY <- numCells - expectedN - expectedYN
expectedYN <- as(expectedYN, "denseMatrix")
logThis("t()..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
expectedYY <- forceSymmetric(as(expectedYY, "denseMatrix"))
if (isTRUE(asDspMatrices)) {
expectedNN <- pack(expectedNN)
expectedYY <- pack(expectedYY)
# these operation drops the lower triangle values
# but the other matrix contains them anyway
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
expectedYN <- pack(forceSymmetric(t(expectedNY)))
expectedNY <- pack(forceSymmetric( expectedNY) )
} else {
expectedNY <- pack(forceSymmetric(t(expectedYN)))
expectedYN <- pack(forceSymmetric( expectedYN) )
} else {
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
expectedYN <- t(expectedNY)
} else {
expectedNY <- t(expectedYN)
logThis(" done", logLevel = 3L)
return(list("expectedNN" = expectedNN,
"expectedNY" = expectedNY,
"expectedYN" = expectedYN,
"expectedYY" = expectedYY))
#' @details `expectedPartialContingencyTables()` calculates the expected values
#' of contingency tables, restricted to the specified column sub-set
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param columnsSubset a sub-set of the columns of the matrices that will be
#' returned
#' @param probZero is the expected **probability of zero** for each gene/cell
#' pair. If not given the appropriate one will be calculated on the fly
#' @param actOnCells Boolean; when `TRUE` the function works for the cells,
#' otherwise for the genes
#' @param optimizeForSpeed Boolean; deprecated: always TRUE
#' @return `expectedPartialContingencyTables()` returns the expected contingency
#' tables, restricted to the selected columns, as named `list` with elements:
#' * `"expectedNN"`
#' * `"expectedNY"`
#' * `"expectedYN"`
#' * `"expectedYY"`
#' @importFrom Rfast Crossprod
#' @importFrom Rfast Tcrossprod
#' @importFrom Rfast rowsums
#' @importFrom Rfast colsums
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
expectedPartialContingencyTables <-
probZero = NULL,
actOnCells = FALSE,
optimizeForSpeed = TRUE) {
numGenes <- getNumGenes(objCOTAN)
numCells <- getNumCells(objCOTAN)
if (is.character(columnsSubset)) {
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
allColumns <- getCells(objCOTAN)
} else {
allColumns <- getGenes(objCOTAN)
columnsSubset <- which(allColumns %in% columnsSubset)
} else {
columnsSubset <- sort(columnsSubset)
c(expectedNN, expectedN) %<-%
expectedPartialContingencyTablesNN(objCOTAN, columnsSubset, probZero,
actOnCells = actOnCells,
optimizeForSpeed = TRUE)
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
# dimension m x m (m number of cells)
logThis("calculating partial YN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
# Any/No vector [cycled] = No/No + Yes/No
expectedYN <- expectedN - expectedNN
logThis("NY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
expectedNY <- t(expectedN[columnsSubset] - t(expectedNN))
logThis("YY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
expectedYY <- numGenes - expectedN - expectedNY
} else {
# dimension n x n (n number of genes)
logThis("calculating partial NY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
# No/Any vector [cycled] = No/No + No/Yes
expectedNY <- expectedN - expectedNN
logThis("YN..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
expectedYN <- t(expectedN[columnsSubset] - t(expectedNN))
logThis("YY..", logLevel = 3L, appendLF = FALSE)
expectedYY <- numCells - expectedN - expectedYN
logThis(" done", logLevel = 3L)
return(list("expectedNN" = expectedNN,
"expectedNY" = expectedNY,
"expectedYN" = expectedYN,
"expectedYY" = expectedYY))
#' @details `contingencyTables()` returns the observed and expected contingency
#' tables for a given pair of genes. The implementation runs the same
#' algorithms used to calculate the full observed/expected contingency tables,
#' but restricted to only the relevant genes and thus much faster and less
#' memory intensive
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param g1 a gene
#' @param g2 another gene
#' @return `contingencyTables()` returns a list containing the observed and
#' expected contingency tables
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
contingencyTables <- function(objCOTAN, g1, g2) {
genes <- getGenes(objCOTAN)
numCells <- getNumCells(objCOTAN)
assert_that(c(g1) %in% genes, msg = "the first gene is unknown")
assert_that(c(g2) %in% genes, msg = "the second gene is unknown")
dimnames <- list(c(paste(g2, "yes", sep = "."), paste(g2, "no", sep = ".")),
c(paste(g1, "yes", sep = "."), paste(g1, "no", sep = ".")))
# observed
zeroOne <- sign(getRawData(objCOTAN)[c(g1, g2), ])
rownames(zeroOne) <- c(g1, g2)
observedYY <- tcrossprod(zeroOne)
observedY <- rowSums(zeroOne)
observedNY <- t(observedY - observedYY)
observedNN <- numCells - observedY - observedNY
observedCT <- matrix(c(observedYY[g1, g2], observedNY[g2, g1],
observedNY[g1, g2], observedNN[g1, g2]),
ncol = 2L, nrow = 2L, dimnames = dimnames)
# estimated
probZero <- funProbZero(getDispersion(objCOTAN)[c(g1, g2)],
getLambda(objCOTAN)[c(g1, g2)] %o% getNu(objCOTAN))
rownames(probZero) <- c(g1, g2)
if (anyNA(probZero)) {
warning("Some NA in estimated probability of zero matrix")
expectedNN <- tcrossprod(probZero)
expectedN <- rowSums(probZero)
expectedYN <- t(expectedN - expectedNN)
expectedYY <- numCells - expectedN - expectedYN
expectedCT <- matrix(c(expectedYY[g1, g2], expectedYN[g1, g2],
expectedYN[g2, g1], expectedNN[g1, g2]),
ncol = 2L, nrow = 2L, dimnames = dimnames)
return(list("observed" = observedCT, "expected" = expectedCT))
# --------------- COEX and related matrices -----------
# legacy code for cases when the torch library is not available
calculateCoex_Legacy <- function(objCOTAN, actOnCells, returnPPFract) {
startTime <- Sys.time()
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
kind <- "cells'"
} else {
kind <- "genes'"
logThis(paste("Calculate", kind, "coex (legacy): START"), logLevel = 1L)
logThis(paste("Retrieving expected", kind, "contingency table"),
logLevel = 3L)
# four estimators:
c(expectedNN, expectedNY, expectedYN, expectedYY) %<-%
actOnCells = actOnCells,
asDspMatrices = TRUE,
optimizeForSpeed = TRUE)
expectedTime <- Sys.time()
logThis(paste("Expected", kind, "contingency table elapsed time:",
difftime(expectedTime, startTime, units = "secs")),
logLevel = 3L)
logThis(paste("Calculating", kind, "coex normalization factor"),
logLevel = 3L)
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
allNames <- getCells(objCOTAN)
normFact <- 1.0 / sqrt(getNumGenes(objCOTAN)) # divided by sqrt(n)
} else {
allNames <- getGenes(objCOTAN)
normFact <- 1.0 / sqrt(getNumCells(objCOTAN)) # divided by sqrt(m)
thresholdForPP <- 0.5
problematicPairsFraction <- NA
if (isTRUE(returnPPFract)) {
problematicPairsFraction <-
sum(pmin(expectedYY@x, expectedYN@x, expectedNY@x, expectedNN@x) <
thresholdForPP) / length(expectedYY@x)
logThis(paste("Fraction of", kind, "with very low",
"expected contingency tables:",
problematicPairsFraction), logLevel = 3L)
coex <- normFact * sqrt(1.0 / pmax(1.0, expectedYY@x) +
1.0 / pmax(1.0, expectedYN@x) +
1.0 / pmax(1.0, expectedNY@x) +
1.0 / pmax(1.0, expectedNN@x))
rm(expectedYN, expectedNY, expectedNN)
sqrtTime <- Sys.time()
logThis(paste("Calculate", kind, "normalization factor elapsed time:",
difftime(sqrtTime, expectedTime, units = "secs")),
logLevel = 3L)
logThis(paste("Retrieving observed", kind, "yes/yes contingency table"),
logLevel = 3L)
c(observedYY, .) %<-%
actOnCells = actOnCells,
asDspMatrices = TRUE)
observedTime <- Sys.time()
logThis(paste("Observed", kind, "contingency table elapsed time:",
difftime(observedTime, sqrtTime, units = "secs")),
logLevel = 3L)
# coex estimation
logThis(paste("Estimating", kind, "coex"), logLevel = 3L)
coex <- coex * (observedYY@x - expectedYY@x)
assert_that(2L * length(coex) == length(allNames) * (length(allNames) + 1L),
msg = "Output coex@x has the wrong size")
coex <- new("dspMatrix", Dim = dim(expectedYY), x = coex)
rownames(coex) <- colnames(coex) <- allNames
endTime <- Sys.time()
logThis(paste("Calculate", kind, "coex elapsed time:",
difftime(endTime, observedTime, units = "secs")),
logLevel = 3L)
logThis(paste("Total calculations elapsed time:",
difftime(endTime, startTime, units = "secs")),
logLevel = 2L)
logThis(paste("Calculate", kind, "coex (legacy): DONE"), logLevel = 1L)
return(list("coex" = coex, "ppf" = problematicPairsFraction))
# torch based code
calculateCoex_Torch <- function(objCOTAN, returnPPFract, deviceStr) {
logThis(paste0("Calculate genes coex (torch) on device ", deviceStr,
": START"), logLevel = 1L)
startTime <- Sys.time()
# TODO: 16 bits are OK here?
if (deviceStr == "cpu") {
dtypeForCalc <- torch::torch_float32()
halfDtypeForCalc <- torch::torch_float32()
} else {
dtypeForCalc <- torch::torch_float32()
halfDtypeForCalc <- torch::torch_float16()
device <- torch::torch_device(deviceStr)
probOne <- function(nu, lambda, a) {
zero <- torch::torch_tensor( 0.0, device = device,
dtype = torch::torch_float64())
minusOne <- torch::torch_tensor(-1.0, device = device,
dtype = torch::torch_float64())
# Calculate terms based on conditions
term1 <- (a <= zero) *
torch::torch_exp(torch::torch_ger(nu, lambda) *
(torch::torch_minimum(a, zero) + minusOne))
term2 <- (a > zero) *
torch::torch_pow(one + torch::torch_ger(nu, lambda)
* torch::torch_maximum(a, zero), minusOne / a)
logThis("Retrieving expected genes contingency table", logLevel = 3L)
one <- torch::torch_tensor(1.0, device = device,
dtype = dtypeForCalc)
m <- torch::torch_tensor(getNumCells(objCOTAN),
device = device, dtype = dtypeForCalc)
expectedYY <- torch::torch_tensor(probOne(
dtype = torch::torch_float64(), device = device),
dtype = torch::torch_float64(), device = device),
dtype = torch::torch_float64(), device = device)),
device = device, dtype = dtypeForCalc)
expectedY <- torch::torch_sum(expectedYY, 1L, dtype = dtypeForCalc)
expectedYY <- torch::torch_mm(torch::torch_t(expectedYY), expectedYY)
expectedTime <- Sys.time()
logThis(paste("Expected genes contingency table elapsed time:",
difftime(expectedTime, startTime, units = "secs")),
logLevel = 3L)
logThis("Calculating genes coex normalization factor", logLevel = 3L)
coex <- torch::torch_maximum(expectedYY, one)$reciprocal_()
thresholdForPP <- 0.5
problematicPairs <- NULL
if (isTRUE(returnPPFract)) {
problematicPairs <-
torch::torch_tensor(expectedYY < thresholdForPP,
dtype = torch::torch_bool(), device = device)
# expectedYN
#TODO: use in-place torch_maximum_() as soon as it becomes available
tmp <- expectedY$view(c(-1L, 1L)) - expectedYY
if (isTRUE(returnPPFract)) {
invisible(problematicPairs$bitwise_or_(tmp < thresholdForPP))
# expectedNY
tmp <- expectedY$view(c(1L, -1L)) - expectedYY
if (isTRUE(returnPPFract)) {
invisible(problematicPairs$bitwise_or_(tmp < thresholdForPP))
# expectedNN
tmp <- expectedYY - expectedY$view(c(-1L, 1L))
invisible(tmp$sub_(expectedY$view(c(1L, -1L))))
if (isTRUE(returnPPFract)) {
invisible(problematicPairs$bitwise_or_(tmp < thresholdForPP))
rm(tmp, expectedY)
# count problematic pairs
problematicPairsFraction <- NA
if (isTRUE(returnPPFract)) {
numDiagPP <- torch::torch_diag(problematicPairs)$sum()$item()
problematicPairsFraction <-
((problematicPairs$sum()$item() + numDiagPP) /
(problematicPairs$size(1L) * (problematicPairs$size(1L) + 1L)))
logThis(paste("Fraction of genes with very low",
"expected contingency tables:",
problematicPairsFraction), logLevel = 3L)
sqrtTime <- Sys.time()
logThis(paste("Calculating genes coex normalization factor elapsed time:",
difftime(sqrtTime, expectedTime, units = "secs")),
logLevel = 3L)
logThis("Retrieving observed genes yes/yes contingency table", logLevel = 3L)
# observedYY
observedYY <- torch::torch_tensor(
device = device, dtype = torch::torch_int16())
observedYY <- torch::torch_tensor(observedYY != 0L, dtype = halfDtypeForCalc)
observedYY <- torch::torch_mm(observedYY, torch::torch_t(observedYY))
observedTime <- Sys.time()
logThis(paste("Observed genes contingency table elapsed time:",
difftime(observedTime, sqrtTime, units = "secs")),
logLevel = 3L)
rm(expectedYY, observedYY)
ret <- pack(forceSymmetric(as(as.matrix(coex$cpu()), "denseMatrix")))
rownames(ret) <- colnames(ret) <- getGenes(objCOTAN)
rm(coex, device)
endTime <- Sys.time()
logThis(paste("Calculate genes coex elapsed time:",
difftime(endTime, observedTime, units = "secs")),
logLevel = 3L)
logThis(paste("Total calculations elapsed time:",
difftime(endTime, startTime, units = "secs")),
logLevel = 2L)
logThis(paste0("Calculate genes coex (torch) on device ", deviceStr,
": DONE"), logLevel = 1L)
return(list("coex" = ret, "ppf" = problematicPairsFraction))
## ---- Calculate COEX ----
#' @aliases calculateCoex
#' @details `calculateCoex()` estimates and stores the `COEX` matrix in the
#' `cellCoex` or `genesCoex` field depending on given `actOnCells` flag. It
#' also calculates the percentage of *problematic* genes/cells pairs. A pair
#' is *problematic* when one or more of the expected counts were significantly
#' smaller than 1 (\eqn{< 0.5}). These small expected values signal that scant
#' information is present for such a pair.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param actOnCells Boolean; when `TRUE` the function works for the cells,
#' otherwise for the genes
#' @param returnPPFract Boolean; when `TRUE` the function returns the fraction
#' of genes/cells pairs for which the *expected contingency table* is smaller
#' than \eqn{0.5}. Default is FALSE
#' @param optimizeForSpeed Boolean; when `TRUE` `COTAN` tries to use the `torch`
#' library to run the matrix calculations. Otherwise, or when the library is
#' not available will run the slower legacy code
#' @param deviceStr On the `torch` library enforces which device to use to run
#' the calculations. Possible values are `"cpu"` to us the system *CPU*,
#' `"cuda"` to use the system *GPUs* or something like `"cuda:0"` to restrict
#' to a specific device
#' @returns `calculateCoex()` returns the updated `COTAN` object
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
function(objCOTAN, actOnCells = FALSE, returnPPFract = FALSE,
optimizeForSpeed = TRUE, deviceStr = "cuda") {
coex <- NULL
problematicPairsFraction <- NA
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
if (isTRUE(optimizeForSpeed)) {
warning("The 'torch' package is not supported yet for cells' COEX",
" Falling back to legacy code.")
c(coex, problematicPairsFraction) %<-%
calculateCoex_Legacy(objCOTAN, actOnCells = TRUE,
returnPPFract = returnPPFract)
objCOTAN@cellsCoex <- coex
objCOTAN@metaDataset <- updateMetaInfo(objCOTAN@metaDataset,
datasetTags()[["csync"]], TRUE)
objCOTAN@metaDataset <- updateMetaInfo(objCOTAN@metaDataset,
} else {
c(useTorch, deviceStr) %<-% canUseTorch(optimizeForSpeed, deviceStr)
if (useTorch) {
c(coex, problematicPairsFraction) %<-%
calculateCoex_Torch(objCOTAN, deviceStr = deviceStr,
returnPPFract = returnPPFract)
} else {
c(coex, problematicPairsFraction) %<-%
calculateCoex_Legacy(objCOTAN, actOnCells = FALSE,
returnPPFract = returnPPFract)
objCOTAN@genesCoex <- coex
objCOTAN@metaDataset <- updateMetaInfo(objCOTAN@metaDataset,
datasetTags()[["gsync"]], TRUE)
objCOTAN@metaDataset <- updateMetaInfo(objCOTAN@metaDataset,
#' @details `calculatePartialCoex()` estimates a sub-section of the `COEX`
#' matrix in the `cellCoex` or `genesCoex` field depending on given
#' `actOnCells` flag. It also calculates the percentage of *problematic*
#' genes/cells pairs. A pair is *problematic* when one or more of the expected
#' counts were significantly smaller than 1 (\eqn{< 0.5}). These small
#' expected values signal that scant information is present for such a pair.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param columnsSubset a sub-set of the columns of the matrices that will be
#' returned
#' @param probZero is the expected **probability of zero** for each gene/cell
#' pair. If not given the appropriate one will be calculated on the fly
#' @param actOnCells Boolean; when `TRUE` the function works for the cells,
#' otherwise for the genes
#' @param optimizeForSpeed Boolean; deprecated: always TRUE
#' @returns `calculatePartialCoex()` returns the asked section of the `COEX`
#' matrix
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
calculatePartialCoex <- function(objCOTAN,
probZero = NULL,
zeroOne = NULL,
actOnCells = FALSE,
optimizeForSpeed = TRUE) {
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
kind <- "cells'"
} else {
kind <- "genes'"
logThis(paste("Calculate", kind, "partial coex: START"), logLevel = 1L)
logThis(paste("Retrieving expected", kind, "partial contingency table"),
logLevel = 3L)
# four estimators:
c(expectedNN, expectedNY, expectedYN, expectedYY) %<-%
expectedPartialContingencyTables(objCOTAN, columnsSubset,
probZero = probZero,
actOnCells = actOnCells,
optimizeForSpeed = TRUE)
logThis(paste("Calculating", kind, "partial coex normalization factor"),
logLevel = 3L)
if (isTRUE(actOnCells)) {
normFact <- 1.0 / sqrt(getNumGenes(objCOTAN)) # divided by sqrt(n)
} else {
normFact <- 1.0 / sqrt(getNumCells(objCOTAN)) # divided by sqrt(m)
problematicPairsFraction <-
sum(pmin(expectedYY, expectedYN,
expectedNY, expectedNN) < 0.5) / length(expectedYY)
logThis(paste0("Fraction of genes with very low",
" expected contingency tables: ",
problematicPairsFraction), logLevel = 3L)
coex <- normFact * sqrt(1.0 / pmax(1.0, expectedYY) +
1.0 / pmax(1.0, expectedYN) +
1.0 / pmax(1.0, expectedNY) +
1.0 / pmax(1.0, expectedNN))
rm(expectedYN, expectedNY, expectedNN)
logThis(paste("Retrieving observed", kind,
"yes/yes partial contingency table"),
logLevel = 3L)
c(observedYY, .) %<-%
columnsSubset = columnsSubset,
zeroOne = zeroOne,
actOnCells = actOnCells)
# coex estimation
logThis(paste("Estimating", kind, "partial coex"), logLevel = 3L)
coex <- coex * (observedYY - expectedYY)
rm(observedYY, expectedYY)
logThis(paste("Calculate", kind, "partial coex: DONE"), logLevel = 1L)
#' @details `calculateS()` calculates the statistics **S** for genes contingency
#' tables. It always has the diagonal set to zero.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param geneSubsetCol an array of genes. It will be put in columns. If left
#' empty the function will do it genome-wide.
#' @param geneSubsetRow an array of genes. It will be put in rows. If left empty
#' the function will do it genome-wide.
#' @returns `calculateS()` returns the `S` matrix
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
calculateS <- function(objCOTAN, geneSubsetCol = vector(mode = "character"),
geneSubsetRow = vector(mode = "character")) {
geneSubsetCol <- handleNamesSubsets(getGenes(objCOTAN), geneSubsetCol)
geneSubsetRow <- handleNamesSubsets(getGenes(objCOTAN), geneSubsetRow)
logThis("Calculating S: START", logLevel = 3L)
assert_that(isCoexAvailable(objCOTAN), msg = "Coex is missing")
coex <- getGenesCoex(objCOTAN, zeroDiagonal = TRUE)
if (!identical(geneSubsetRow, getGenes(objCOTAN)) ||
!identical(geneSubsetCol, getGenes(objCOTAN))) {
coex <- coex[geneSubsetRow, geneSubsetCol, drop = FALSE]
assert_that(!is_empty(coex), msg = "Genes subset result in empty matrix")
S <- coex^2L * getNumCells(objCOTAN)
logThis("Calculating S: DONE", logLevel = 3L)
#' @details `calculateG()` calculates the statistics *G-test* for genes
#' contingency tables. It always has the diagonal set to zero. It is
#' proportional to the genes' presence mutual information.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param geneSubsetCol an array of genes. It will be put in columns. If left
#' empty the function will do it genome-wide.
#' @param geneSubsetRow an array of genes. It will be put in rows. If left empty
#' the function will do it genome-wide.
#' @returns `calculateG()` returns the G matrix
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
calculateG <- function(objCOTAN, geneSubsetCol = vector(mode = "character"),
geneSubsetRow = vector(mode = "character")) {
geneSubsetCol <- handleNamesSubsets(getGenes(objCOTAN), geneSubsetCol)
geneSubsetRow <- handleNamesSubsets(getGenes(objCOTAN), geneSubsetRow)
logThis("Calculating G: START", logLevel = 2L)
c(observedNN, observedNY, observedYN, observedYY) %<-%
observedContingencyTables(objCOTAN, actOnCells = FALSE)
c(expectedNN, expectedNY, expectedYN, expectedYY) %<-%
expectedContingencyTables(objCOTAN, actOnCells = FALSE)
logThis("Estimating G", logLevel = 3L)
tNN <- observedNN * log(observedNN / pmax(1.0, expectedNN))
tNN[observedNN == 0L] <- 0.0
diag(tNN) <- 0.0
tNN <- tNN[geneSubsetRow, geneSubsetCol, drop = FALSE]
rm(observedNN, expectedNN)
tNY <- observedNY * log(observedNY / pmax(1.0, expectedNY))
tNY[observedNY == 0L] <- 0.0
diag(tNY) <- 0.0
tNY <- tNY[geneSubsetRow, geneSubsetCol, drop = FALSE]
rm(observedNY, expectedNY)
tYN <- observedYN * log(observedYN / pmax(1.0, expectedYN))
tYN[observedYN == 0L] <- 0.0
diag(tYN) <- 0.0
tYN <- tYN[geneSubsetRow, geneSubsetCol, drop = FALSE]
rm(observedYN, expectedYN)
tYY <- observedYY * log(observedYY / pmax(1.0, expectedYY))
tYY[observedYY == 0L] <- 0.0
diag(tYY) <- 0.0
tYY <- tYY[geneSubsetRow, geneSubsetCol, drop = FALSE]
rm(observedYY, expectedYY)
G <- 2.0 * (tNN + tNY + tYN + tYY)
if (identical(geneSubsetRow, getGenes(objCOTAN)) &&
identical(geneSubsetCol, getGenes(objCOTAN))) {
G <- pack(forceSymmetric(G))
rm(tNN, tNY, tYN, tYY)
logThis("Calculating G: DONE", logLevel = 2L)
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