# ------------ Metadata handling ------------
#' @details `datasetTags()` defines a list of short names associated to an
#' enumeration. It also defines the relative long names as they appear in the
#' meta-data
#' @returns `datasetTags()` a named `character array` with the standard labels
#' used in the `metaDataset` of the `COTAN` objects
#' @export
#' @rdname HandleMetaData
datasetTags <- function() {
return(c("GEO" = "GEO:" # 1
, "sc.m" = "scRNAseq method:" # 2
, "cond" = "condition sample:" # 3
, "cells" = "starting n. of cells:" # 4
, "gsync" = "genes' coex is in sync:" # 5
, "csync" = "cells' coex is in sync:" # 6
, "gbad" = "genes' pairs fraction with small expected count:" # 7
, "cbad" = "cells' pairs fraction with small expected count:" # 8
#' @details `updateMetaInfo()` is an internal function: updates an information
#' `data.frame`
#' @param meta the information `data.frame` to update
#' @param tag the tag of the line
#' @param value the value or the values to associate to the tag
#' @returns `updateMetaInfo()` returns the updated `data.frame`
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @noRd
updateMetaInfo <- function(meta, tag, value) {
# all values are converted to strings
newLine <- c(tag, paste0(value))
if (!is_empty(meta) && (tag %in% meta[[1L]])) {
# existing tag: update the value
rowPos <- which(meta[[1L]] %in% tag)
} else {
# new tag: add a new entry
rowPos <- nrow(meta) + 1L
meta[rowPos, seq_along(newLine)] <- newLine
#' @aliases initializeMetaDataset
#' @details `initializeMetaDataset()` initializes meta-data data-set
#' @param objCOTAN the `COTAN` object
#' @param GEO a code reporting the GEO identification or other specific data-set
#' code
#' @param sequencingMethod a string reporting the method used for the sequencing
#' @param sampleCondition a string reporting the specific sample condition or
#' time point
#' @returns `initializeMetaDataset()` returns the given `COTAN` object with the
#' updated `metaDataset`
#' @export
#' @rdname HandleMetaData
function(objCOTAN, GEO, sequencingMethod, sampleCondition) {
logThis("Initializing `COTAN` meta-data", logLevel = 2L)
tags <- datasetTags()
meta <- objCOTAN@metaDataset
meta <- updateMetaInfo(meta, tags[["GEO"]], GEO)
meta <- updateMetaInfo(meta, tags[["sc.m"]], sequencingMethod)
meta <- updateMetaInfo(meta, tags[["cond"]], sampleCondition)
meta <- updateMetaInfo(meta, tags[["cells"]], getNumCells(objCOTAN))
meta <- updateMetaInfo(meta, tags[["gsync"]], FALSE)
meta <- updateMetaInfo(meta, tags[["csync"]], FALSE)
objCOTAN@metaDataset <- meta
#' @aliases addElementToMetaDataset
#' @details `addElementToMetaDataset()` is used to add a line of information to
#' the meta-data `data.frame`. If the tag was already used it will update the
#' associated value(s) instead
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param tag the new information tag
#' @param value a value (or an array) containing the information
#' @returns `addElementToMetaDataset()` returns the updated `COTAN` object
#' @export
#' @rdname HandleMetaData
function(objCOTAN, tag, value) {
objCOTAN@metaDataset <- updateMetaInfo(objCOTAN@metaDataset, tag, value)
# ------------ Raw data cleaning --------------
#' @aliases findFullyExpressedGenes
#' @details `findFullyExpressedGenes()` determines the fully-expressed genes
#' inside the raw data
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param cellsThreshold any gene that is expressed in more cells than threshold
#' times the total number of cells will be marked as **fully-expressed**.
#' Default threshold is \eqn{0.99 \; (99.0\%)}
#' @returns `findFullyExpressedGenes()` returns the given `COTAN` object with
#' updated **fully-expressed** genes' information
#' @export
#' @rdname RawDataCleaning
function(objCOTAN, cellsThreshold = 0.99) {
threshold <- cellsThreshold * getNumCells(objCOTAN)
feGenes <- getNumOfExpressingCells(objCOTAN) >= threshold
objCOTAN@metaGenes <-
setColumnInDF(objCOTAN@metaGenes, feGenes, "feGenes", getGenes(objCOTAN))
#' @aliases findFullyExpressingCells
#' @details `findFullyExpressingCells()` determines the cells that are
#' expressing all genes in the dataset
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param genesThreshold any cell that is expressing more genes than threshold
#' times the total number of genes will be marked as **fully-expressing**.
#' Default threshold is \eqn{0.99 \; (99.0\%)}
#' @returns `findFullyExpressingCells()` returns the given `COTAN` object with
#' updated **fully-expressing** cells' information
#' @export
#' @rdname RawDataCleaning
function(objCOTAN, genesThreshold = 0.99) {
threshold <- genesThreshold * getNumGenes(objCOTAN)
feCells <- getNumExpressedGenes(objCOTAN) >= threshold
objCOTAN@metaCells <-
setColumnInDF(objCOTAN@metaCells, feCells, "feCells", getCells(objCOTAN))
#' @aliases storeGDI
#' @details `storeGDI()` stored and already calculated genes' GDI `array` in a
#' `COTAN` object. It can be retrieved using the method [getGDI()]
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param genesGDI the named genes' GDI `array` to store or the output
#' `data.frame` of the function [calculateGDI()]
#' @returns `storeGDI()` returns the given `COTAN` object with updated
#' **GDI** genes' information
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @rdname GenesStatistics
function(objCOTAN, genesGDI) {
if (isa(genesGDI, "data.frame")) {
assert_that("GDI" %in% colnames(genesGDI),
msg = "Passed data.frame has no GDI column")
genesGDI <- getColumnFromDF(genesGDI, colName = "GDI")
allGenes <- getGenes(objCOTAN)
assert_that(setequal(names(genesGDI), allGenes),
msg = paste("Passed GDI array must be named",
"and aligned to the object genes' list"))
objCOTAN@metaGenes <-
setColumnInDF(objCOTAN@metaGenes, genesGDI[allGenes], "GDI", allGenes)
#' @aliases dropGenesCells
#' @details `dropGenesCells()` removes an array of genes and/or cells from the
#' current `COTAN` object.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param genes an array of gene names
#' @param cells an array of cell names
#' @returns `dropGenesCells()` returns a completely new `COTAN` object with the
#' new raw data obtained after the indicated genes/cells were expunged. All
#' remaining data is dropped too as no more relevant with the restricted
#' matrix. Exceptions are:
#' * the meta-data for the data-set that gets kept unchanged
#' * the meta-data of genes/cells that gets restricted to the remaining
#' elements. The columns calculated via `estimate` and `find` methods are
#' dropped too
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @rdname RawDataCleaning
function(objCOTAN, genes, cells) {
assert_that((all(genes %in% getGenes(objCOTAN)) &&
all(cells %in% getCells(objCOTAN))),
msg = paste0("Asked to drop genes and/or cells",
" that were not present in the 'COTAN' object"))
if (length(genes) == 0L && length(cells) == 0L) {
logThis("Asked to drop no genes or cells", logLevel = 2L)
} else {
logThis(paste("Asked to drop", length(genes), "genes and",
length(cells), "cells"), logLevel = 3L)
genesPosToKeep <- which(!(getGenes(objCOTAN) %in% genes))
cellsPosToKeep <- which(!(getCells(objCOTAN) %in% cells))
assert_that(length(genesPosToKeep) != 0L,
length(cellsPosToKeep) != 0L,
msg = "Asked to drop all genes and/or cells")
# As all estimates would be wrong, a completely new object is created
output <- COTAN(objCOTAN@raw[genesPosToKeep, cellsPosToKeep, drop = FALSE])
# Copy the meta data for the data-set
output@metaDataset <- getMetadataDataset(objCOTAN)
# Filter the meta data for genes keeping those not related to estimates
colsToKeep <- !(names(getMetadataGenes(objCOTAN)) %in%
c("feGenes", "lambda", "dispersion", "GDI"))
if (any(colsToKeep)) {
output@metaGenes <-
getMetadataGenes(objCOTAN)[genesPosToKeep, colsToKeep, drop = FALSE]
# Filter the meta data for cells keeping those not related to estimates
colsToKeep <- !(names(getMetadataCells(objCOTAN)) %in%
c("feCells", "nu"))
if (any(colsToKeep)) {
output@metaCells <-
getMetadataCells(objCOTAN)[cellsPosToKeep, colsToKeep, drop = FALSE]
# Drop all clusterizations' data.frames, but ensure object validity
for (internalName in names(getClustersCoex(objCOTAN))) {
output@clustersCoex[[internalName]] <- data.frame()
# -------------- Clusterization handling ---------------
#' @aliases addClusterization
#' @details `addClusterization()` adds a *clusterization* to the current `COTAN`
#' object, by adding a new column in the `metaCells` `data.frame` and adding a
#' new element in the `clustersCoex` `list` using the passed in `COEX`
#' `data.frame` or an empty `data.frame` if none were passed in.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param clName the name of the *clusterization* to be added. It cannot match
#' an existing name unless `override = TRUE` is used
#' @param clusters a (factors) array of *cluster* **labels**
#' @param coexDF a `data.frame` where each column indicates the `COEX` for each
#' of the *clusters* of the *clusterization*
#' @param override When `TRUE` silently allows overriding data for an existing
#' *clusterization* name. Otherwise the default behavior will avoid potential
#' data losses
#' @returns `addClusterization()` returns the updated `COTAN` object
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @export
#' @rdname HandlingClusterizations
function(objCOTAN, clName, clusters,
coexDF = data.frame(), override = FALSE) {
internalName <- clName
if (!startsWith(internalName, "CL_")) {
internalName <- paste0("CL_", clName)
clusters <- factor(clusters)
assert_that(nchar(internalName) >= 4L,
msg = "Given an empty name for the new clusterization.")
assert_that(isTRUE(override) ||
!(internalName %in% colnames(getMetadataCells(objCOTAN))),
msg = paste0("A clusterization with name '",
clName, "' already exists."))
assert_that(length(clusters) == getNumCells(objCOTAN),
msg = paste0("The passed clusterization has the ",
"wrong number of elements [", length(clusters),
"] instead of the expected number of cells [",
getNumCells(objCOTAN), "]."))
assert_that(identical(names(clusters), getCells(objCOTAN)),
msg = paste0("The passed clusterization must be named ",
"and aligned to the cells' list"))
if (!is_empty(coexDF)) {
assert_that(isa(coexDF, "data.frame"),
msg = paste0("'coexDF' is supposedly composed of ",
"data.frames. A '", class(coexDF),
"' was given instead for clusterization '",
clName, "'."))
assert_that(identical(rownames(coexDF), getGenes(objCOTAN)),
setequal(colnames(coexDF), levels(clusters)),
msg = "coex is not aligned to the given clusterization")
objCOTAN@metaCells <- setColumnInDF(objCOTAN@metaCells, clusters,
internalName, getCells(objCOTAN))
# this add a new entry in the list for the new name!
objCOTAN@clustersCoex[[internalName]] <- coexDF
#' @aliases addClusterizationCoex
#' @details `addClusterizationCoex()` adds a *clusterization* `COEX`
#' `data.frame` to the current `COTAN` object. It requires the named
#' *clusterization* to be already present.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param clName the name of an existing *clusterization*
#' @param coexDF a `data.frame` where each column indicates the `COEX` for each
#' of the *clusters* of the *clusterization*
#' @returns `addClusterizationCoex()` returns the updated `COTAN` object
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname HandlingClusterizations
function(objCOTAN, clName, coexDF) {
internalName <- getClusterizationName(objCOTAN, clName = clName,
keepPrefix = TRUE)
if (!is_empty(coexDF)) {
assert_that(isa(coexDF, "data.frame"),
msg = paste0("'coexDF' is supposedly composed of ",
"data.frames. A '", class(coexDF),
"' was given instead for clusterization '",
clName, "'."))
assert_that(identical(rownames(coexDF), getGenes(objCOTAN)),
getClusters(objCOTAN, clName = internalName)),
msg = "coex is not aligned to the given clusterization")
# this should not add any new elements to the list!
objCOTAN@clustersCoex[[internalName]] <- coexDF
#' @aliases dropClusterization
#' @details `dropClusterization()` drops a *clusterization* from the current
#' `COTAN` object, by removing the corresponding column in the `metaCells`
#' `data.frame` and the corresponding `COEX` `data.frame` from the
#' `clustersCoex` `list`.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param clName the name of an existing *clusterization*.
#' @returns `dropClusterization()` returns the updated `COTAN` object
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname HandlingClusterizations
function(objCOTAN, clName) {
internalName <- clName
if (!startsWith(internalName, "CL_")) {
internalName <- paste0("CL_", clName)
assert_that(internalName %in% colnames(getMetadataCells(objCOTAN)),
msg = paste0("No clusterization with name '",
clName, "' is present."))
keptCols <- !colnames(objCOTAN@metaCells) %in% internalName
objCOTAN@metaCells <- objCOTAN@metaCells[, keptCols, drop = FALSE]
# assign NULL to drop elements from list
objCOTAN@clustersCoex[[internalName]] <- NULL
# -------------- Conditions handling ---------------
#' @aliases addCondition
#' @details `addCondition()` adds a *condition* to the current `COTAN` object,
#' by adding a new column in the `metaCells` `data.frame`
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param condName the name of the *condition* to be added. It cannot match an
#' existing name unless `override = TRUE` is used
#' @param conditions a (factors) array of *condition* **labels**
#' @param override When `TRUE` silently allows overriding data for an existing
#' *condition* name. Otherwise the default behavior will avoid potential
#' data losses
#' @returns `addCondition()` returns the updated `COTAN` object
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @export
#' @rdname HandlingConditions
function(objCOTAN, condName, conditions, override = FALSE) {
internalName <- condName
if (!startsWith(internalName, "COND_")) {
internalName <- paste0("COND_", condName)
assert_that(nchar(internalName) >= 6L,
msg = "Given an empty name for the new condition")
assert_that(isTRUE(override) ||
!(internalName %in% colnames(getMetadataCells(objCOTAN))),
msg = paste0("A condition with name '",
condName, "' already exists."))
assert_that(length(conditions) == getNumCells(objCOTAN),
msg = paste0("The passed condition has the wrong ",
"number of elements [", length(conditions),
"] instead ofthe expected number of cells [",
getNumCells(objCOTAN), "]."))
assert_that(identical(names(conditions), getCells(objCOTAN)),
msg = paste0("The passed condition must be named ",
"and aligned to the cells' list"))
objCOTAN@metaCells <- setColumnInDF(objCOTAN@metaCells, factor(conditions),
internalName, getCells(objCOTAN))
#' @aliases dropCondition
#' @details `dropCondition()` drops a *condition* from the current `COTAN`
#' object, by removing the corresponding column in the `metaCells`
#' `data.frame`
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param condName the name of an existing *condition*.
#' @returns `dropCondition()` returns the updated `COTAN` object
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @rdname HandlingConditions
function(objCOTAN, condName) {
internalName <- condName
if (!startsWith(internalName, "COND_")) {
internalName <- paste0("COND_", condName)
assert_that(internalName %in% colnames(getMetadataCells(objCOTAN)),
msg = paste0("No condition with name '",
condName, "' is present."))
keptCols <- !colnames(objCOTAN@metaCells) %in% internalName
objCOTAN@metaCells <- objCOTAN@metaCells[, keptCols, drop = FALSE]
# ------------ COEX erasers ---------------
#' @aliases dropGenesCoex
#' @details `dropGenesCoex()` drops the `genesCoex` member from the given
#' `COTAN` object
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @returns `dropGenesCoex()` returns the updated `COTAN` object
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
function(objCOTAN) {
if (!is_empty(objCOTAN@genesCoex)) {
objCOTAN@genesCoex <- emptySymmetricMatrix()
#' @aliases dropCellsCoex
#' @details `dropCellsCoex()` drops the `cellsCoex` member from the given
#' `COTAN` object
#' @param objCOTAN A `COTAN` object
#' @returns `dropCellsCoex()` returns the updated `COTAN` object
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @export
#' @rdname CalculatingCOEX
function(objCOTAN) {
if (!is_empty(objCOTAN@cellsCoex)) {
objCOTAN@cellsCoex <- emptySymmetricMatrix()
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