#' Extract GitHub user and repo name from GitHub URL
#' @param urls `character()` A vector of URLs
#' @return A `data.frame` with four columns:
#' * url: The original GitHub URL
#' * user_repo: The GitHub "username/repo", combined
#' * user: The GitHub username
#' * repo: The GitHub repo name
#' @importFrom stringr str_match
#' @examples
#' # find GitHub URL details for
#' # Bioconductor packages
#' bpkgl = biocPkgList()
#' urldetails = githubURLParts(bpkgl$URL)
#' urldetails = urldetails[!is.na(urldetails$url),]
#' head(urldetails)
#' @export
githubURLParts <- function(urls) {
tmp = str_match(urls,'.*http[s]?://github.com/(([^/]+)/([^/]+)).*')
tmp = data.frame(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(tmp) = c('url', 'user_repo', 'user', 'repo')
## remove ".git" from tail of GitHub repo
tmp$user_repo = sub('\\.git$','', tmp$user_repo)
tmp$repo = sub('\\.git$','', tmp$repo)
.gh_pkg_info <- function(user_repo) {
f = tryCatch(gh(sprintf('/repos/%s', user_repo)),
error=function(e) {
warning(sprintf("package %s not found", user_repo))
#' Get package details from GitHub
#' For packages that live on GitHub, we can mine
#' further details. This function returns the
#' GitHub details for the listed packages.
#' @details
#' The \code{\link[gh]{gh}} function is used to
#' do the fetching. If the number of packages supplied
#' to this function is large (>40 or so), it is possible
#' to run into problems with API rate limits. The \code{gh}
#' package uses the environment variable "GITHUB_PAT"
#' (for personal access token) to authenticate and then
#' provide higher rate limits. If you run into problems
#' with rate limits, set sleep to some small positive
#' number to slow queries. Alternatively, create a Personal
#' Access Token on GitHub and register it. See the \code{gh}
#' package for details.
#' @importFrom gh gh
#' @param pkgs a character() vector of username/repo
#' for one or more GitHub repos, such as `seandavi/GEOquery`.
#' @param sleep numeric() denoting the number of seconds to
#' sleep between GitHub API calls. Since GitHub rate limits
#' its APIs, it might be necessary to either use small
#' chunks of packages iteratively or to supply a non-zero
#' argument here. See the `details` section for a better
#' solution using GitHub tokens.
#' @examples
#' pkglist = biocPkgList()
#' # example of "pkgs" format.
#' head(pkglist$URL)
#' gh_list = githubURLParts(pkglist$URL)
#' gh_list = gh_list[!is.null(gh_list$user_repo),]
#' head(gh_list$user_repo)
#' ghd = githubDetails(gh_list$user_repo[1:5])
#' lapply(ghd, '[[', "stargazers")
#' @export
githubDetails <- function(pkgs, sleep=0) {
vals = lapply(pkgs, function(pkg) {
names(vals) = pkgs
vals = vals[!is.na(vals)]
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