#' Function to Aggregate CCC Method Results
#' @param liana_res LIANA results
#' @param aggregate_how way to aggregate, by default (NULL) will aggregate
#' all passed methods with the approach specified in `liana:::.score_specs`.
#' Alternative options are `magnitude` and `specificity`.
#' @param set_cap Function used to set ranked cap (i.e. the value that is
#' assigned to interactions with NA for scores);
#' By default, this is set to "max", which is the maximum number of interactions
#' obtained by the methods; Some methods return all possible ligand-receptor
#' combinations for each possible source and target cell pair - i.e. the
#' known universe of all possible interactions (based on the CCC resource)
#' @param resource If methods are ran with multiple resources, the name of the
#' resource of interest needs to be provided
#' *Note* if a name is not provided, the first results based on the first
#' resource in the list will be returned
#' @param cap A cap can for all methods can also be manually set, then the top X
#' interactions, based on the `specificity` scores for each method will be
#' returned and the ranking will be carried out solely on them
#' @param get_ranks boolean, whether to return consensus ranks for methods
#' @param get_agrank boolean, whether to return aggregate rank using the
#' `RobustRankAggreg` package.
#' @param .score_mode defines the way that the methods would be aggragate.
#' By default, we use the score of each method which reflects specificity
#' (if available), if not e.g. the case of SCA we use it's sole scoring function.
#' This aggregation is by default done on the basis of the list returns by
#' `.score_mode`. Alternatively, one could pass `.score_housekeep` to obtain an
#' aggragate of the housekeeping interactions of each method.
#' @param join_cols columns by which different method results will be joined.
#' NULL by default, and automatically will handle the columns depending on the
#' methods used.
#' @inheritDotParams .rank_matrix
#' @return Tibble with the interaction results and ranking for each method
#' @details set_cap is the name of the name of a function that is to be executed
#' on a vector representing the number of rows in the results for each method,
#' by default this is set to \link{base::max}, but any other function that
#' works with vectors could be passed - e.g. min, mean, etc.
#' This function also decomplexifies any complex present in the CellChat results
#' which returns complexes by default
#' @export
#' @examples
#' liana_path <- system.file(package = "liana")
#' # load testdata
#' testdata <- readRDS(file.path(liana_path , "testdata", "input", "testdata.rds"))
#' # run liana
#' liana_res <- liana_wrap(testdata, method=c("sca", "natmi"))
#' # aggregate results from multiple methods
#' liana_res <- liana_aggregate(liana_res)
liana_aggregate <- function(liana_res,
resource = NULL,
set_cap = "max",
cap = NULL,
get_ranks = TRUE,
get_agrank = TRUE,
.score_mode = .score_specs,
verbose = TRUE,
join_cols = NULL,
# define approach to aggregate
score_mode = liana:::.score_housekeep()
} else if(aggregate_how=="specificity"){
specs <- liana:::.score_specs()
specs$sca <- NULL # remove SingleCellSignalR score
specs$call_sca <- NULL # remove SingleCellSignalR score
score_mode = specs
} else{
stop("Please specify an existing aggregate approach!")
} else{
score_mode <- .score_mode()
if(!is_tibble(liana_res[[1]]) && is.null(resource)){
stop("Please provide provide a name for the resource ",
"to be plucked and used to aggregate the method results!")
} else if(!is_tibble(liana_res[[1]])){
liana_res %<>% map(function(m_results) m_results %>% pluck(resource))
# fix external methods which return only ligand/receptor, but not .complex
if(any(startsWith(names(liana_res), "call_"))){
if(!all(startsWith(names(liana_res), "call_"))){
"Using internal and external methods should be done with caution!",
output = "warning",
verbose = verbose)
join_cols %<>% `%||%` (c("source", "target",
"ligand", "receptor"))
} else{
# Default/internal-only liana runs
join_cols %<>% `%||%` (c("source", "target",
"ligand.complex", "receptor.complex"))
cap %<>% `%||%`(.select_cap(liana_res, set_cap))
liana_mlist <- liana_res %>%
map2(names(.), function(res, method_name){
"Unknown method name or missing specifics for: {method_name}"
), output = "warning", verbose = verbose)
} else{
liana_message(str_glue("Now aggregating {method_name}"),
output = "message",
verbose = verbose)
method_score <- score_mode[[method_name]]@method_score
desc_order <- score_mode[[method_name]]@descending_order
.method = sym(as.character(str_glue("{method_name}.{method_score}")))
.rank_col = sym(as.character(str_glue("{method_name}.rank")))
res %>%
# split ligand and receptors for cellchat
decomplexify(., columns = c("ligand", "receptor")) %>%
dplyr::rename(ligand.complex = ligand_complex,
receptor.complex = receptor_complex) else .} %>%
wt=!!sym(method_score)) %>%
mutate( {{ .rank_col }} := .rank_enh(.data[[method_score]],
desc_order)) %>%
arrange(!!.rank_col) %>%
rename( {{ .method }} := method_score) %>%
!!.method, !!.rank_col) %>%
mutate(across(c(source, target), as.character)) %>%
distinct() %>%
}) %>% compact()
liana_aggr <- liana_mlist %>%
purrr::reduce(., full_join, by = join_cols) %>%
{`if`(get_ranks, .liana_consensus(., cap, join_cols))}
# Get Robust Ranks
liana_aggr <- liana_mlist %>%
.aggregate_rank(join_cols = join_cols,
verbose = verbose,
...) %>%
right_join(., liana_aggr,
by = join_cols)
#' Aggregate CCC Method results and by both magnitude and specificity ranks
#' @param liana_res LIANA results
#' @inheritDotParams liana_aggregate
#' @export
#' @examples
#' liana_path <- system.file(package = "liana")
#' # load testdata
#' testdata <- readRDS(file.path(liana_path , "testdata", "input", "testdata.rds"))
#' # run liana
#' liana_res <- liana_wrap(testdata, method=c("sca", "natmi"))
#' # aggregate results from multiple methods
#' liana_res <- rank_aggregate(liana_res)
rank_aggregate <- function(liana_res, ...){
dots <- list(...)
if("aggregate_how" %in% names(dots)){
stop("A consensus for both magnitude and specificity will be assigned!")
keys <- c("source", "target",
magnitude_rank <- liana_aggregate(liana_res,
...) %>%
dplyr::rename(magnitude_rank = aggregate_rank,
magnitude_mean_rank = mean_rank) %>%
specificity_rank <- liana_aggregate(liana_res,
...) %>%
specificity_rank = aggregate_rank,
specificity_mean_rank = mean_rank,
consensus_rank <- left_join(magnitude_rank, specificity_rank, by=keys) %>%
select(all_of(keys), magnitude_rank, specificity_rank, everything()) %>%
#' Helper function to execute a function on the vector representing the number
#' of rows in the results for each method
#' @param fun function to execute
#' @param liana_res ligand-receptor stats between clusters, output of
#' `liana_pipe`
#' @noRd
.select_cap <- function(liana_res, fun){
nums <- liana_res %>% map(function(res) nrow(res)) %>% as.numeric()
exec(fun, nums)
#' Get Consensus Rankings for the Methods
#' @param liana_aggr Aggregated method results
#' @param cap Value assigned to NA (by default, the max number of all possible
#' interactions, depending on the resource)
#' @import purrr tibble
#' @return aggregated liana tibble with consensus ranks
#' @noRd
.liana_consensus <- function(liana_aggr, cap, join_cols){
liana_aggr %>%
~ replace(., is.na(.), cap)) %>% # assign .rank_cap to NA
mutate(mean_rank = pmap_dbl(select(., ends_with(".rank")),
function(...) mean(c(...)))) %>%
arrange(mean_rank) %>%
#' Convert to Rank Helper Function
#' @param vec vector to rank
#' @param descending_order boolean, whether to sort in desc
#' @return Rank vector
#' @noRd
.rank_enh <- function(vec, descending_order){
rank(desc(vec), ties.method = "average")
} else{
rank(vec, ties.method = "average")
#' Robust Aggregate ranks using `RobustRankAggreg`
#' @param liana_mlist liana list with method tibbles
#' @param join_cols columns to be concatenated to create entity to be ranked
#' @noRd
.aggregate_rank <- function(liana_mlist, join_cols, verbose, ...){
liana_message("Aggregating Ranks", output = "message", verbose = verbose)
rankmat <- liana_mlist %>%
res %>%
col = "interaction",
sep = "⊎") %>%
select(interaction, ends_with("rank"))
}) %>%
reduce(full_join, by="interaction") %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "interaction") %>%
rankmat[is.na(rankmat)] <- max(rankmat, na.rm=TRUE)
rankmat %>%
{. / max(.)} %>%
...) %>%
separate(col = "interaction", sep = "⊎",
into = join_cols)
#' Function to calculate and format aggregate ranks
#' @param rmat a ranked matrix [0,1]
#' @details Adated from Kolde et al., 2012.
#' Required due to the removal of the RobustRankAggregate package from CRAN.
#' @references Kolde, R., Laur, S., Adler, P. and Vilo, J., 2012.
#' Robust rank aggregation for gene list integration and meta-analysis.
#' Bioinformatics, 28(4), pp.573-580.
#' @noRd
.robust_rank_agg <- function(rmat){
tibble(interaction = rownames(rmat), # Name
# calc aggr ranks
aggregate_rank = unname(apply(rmat, 1, .rho_scores))) %>% # Score
#' Calculate (corrected) beta scores and rho values
#' @param r normalized ranks vector [0,1]
#' @return The functions returns a vector of p-values
#' @details Adated from Kolde et al., 2012.
#' Required due to the removal of the RobustRankAggregate package from CRAN.
#' @references Kolde, R., Laur, S., Adler, P. and Vilo, J., 2012.
#' Robust rank aggregation for gene list integration and meta-analysis.
#' Bioinformatics, 28(4), pp.573-580.
#' @noRd
.rho_scores <- function(r){
r <- sort(r)
n <- length(r) #length is sometimes larger than max -> over-inflates FPs
# Calc beta p-vals
p <- pbeta(q=r,
shape1 = 1:n,
shape2 = n - (1:n) + 1)
# correct beta pvals
.corr_beta_pvals(p = min(p), k=n)
#' Correct beta p-vals
#' @param p min p-val
#' @param k number of elements in the vec
#' @noRd
.corr_beta_pvals <- function(p, k){
min(p * k, 1)
#' Helper function to rank each method
#' @param liana_res liana_results for a single method
#' @param method_name name of the method
#' @param mode ranking to be carried out. Accepted modes are `specificity`
#' and `magnitude`. The first is meant to reflect the specificity of interactions
#' across all cell types, while the latter typically reflects how highly expressed
#' is a given interaction.
#' @details this function makes use of liana's `liana:::.score_specs` and
#' `liana:::.score_housekeep` functions.
#' @export
rank_method <- function(liana_res,
.score_mode <- liana:::.score_specs
} else if(mode=="magnitude"){
.score_mode <- liana:::.score_housekeep
} else {
stop("Passed `mode` not found!")
stop("Score-method combination not found!")
method_score <- .score_mode()[[method_name]]@method_score
desc_order <- .score_mode()[[method_name]]@descending_order
liana_res %>%
mutate(rank_col = .rank_enh(.data[[method_score]],
desc_order)) %>%
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