#' Read configuration options from file or API
#' @param pathIni Path to config/ini file to read.
#' @template opts-arg
#' @param default_ext Default extension used for config files.
#' @return A list with an element for each section of the .ini file.
#' @name read-ini
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(antaresRead)
#' library(antaresEditObject)
#' # With physical study:
#' setSimulationPath("../tests-studies/Study_V8.2/", simulation = "input")
#' readIni("settings/generaldata")
#' # With API
#' setSimulationPathAPI(
#' host = "http://localhost:8080",
#' study_id = "73427ae1-be83-44e0-b04f-d5127e53424c",
#' token = NULL,
#' simulation = "input"
#' )
#' readIni("settings/generaldata")
#' }
readIni <- function(pathIni, opts = antaresRead::simOptions(), default_ext = ".ini") {
stopifnot(inherits(opts, "simOptions"))
if (is_api_study(opts)) {
if (endsWith(pathIni, default_ext))
pathIni <- sub(sprintf("\\%s$", default_ext), "", x = pathIni)
study_id = opts$study_id,
path = pathIni,
host = opts$host,
token = opts$token
} else {
if (!endsWith(pathIni, default_ext))
pathIni <- paste0(pathIni, default_ext)
file = file.path(opts$studyPath, pathIni),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' @param file File path.
#' @param stringsAsFactors logical: should character vectors be converted to factors?
#' @importFrom utils type.convert
#' @export
#' @rdname read-ini
readIniFile <- function(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) {
X <- readLines(file)
sections <- grep("^\\[.*\\]$", X)
starts <- sections + 1
ends <- c(sections[-1] - 1, length(X))
L <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(sections))
names(L) <- gsub("\\[|\\]", "", X[sections])
for(i in seq(along = sections)) {
if (starts[i] >= ends[i]) next
pairs <- X[seq(starts[i], ends[i])]
pairs <- pairs[pairs != ""]
pairs <- strsplit(pairs, "=")
key <- lapply(pairs, `[`, 1)
key <- unlist(key)
key <- trimws(key)
value <- lapply(pairs, `[`, 2)
value <- as.list(trimws(unlist(value)))
value <- lapply(value, function(x){
if (tolower(x) %in% c("true", "false")) {
tolower(x) == "true"
} else if(!identical(grep(pattern = "^[0-9]+(e|i)$", x = x), integer(0))) {
# Not convert those type of values : 789e or 789i (complex number)
} else {
utils::type.convert(x, as.is = TRUE)
L[[i]] <- value
names(L[[i]]) <- key
#' @param study_id Study's identifier.
#' @param path Path of configuration object to read.
#' @param host Host of AntaREST server API.
#' @param token API personnal access token.
#' @export
#' @rdname read-ini
readIniAPI <- function(study_id, path, host, token = NULL) {
api_get_ini_file <- api_get(
opts = list(host = host, token = token),
endpoint = paste0(study_id, "/raw"),
query = list(
path = path,
formatted = TRUE
# reformat list contains unnamed list
# reformat list from JSON format
.format_list <- function(list_x){
# check list to find sub list
check_class_list <- lapply(list_x, function(x)
lapply(x, class) %in% "list")
is_true_list <- lapply(check_class_list, function(x)
any(x %in% TRUE))
index_true <- which(is_true_list %in% TRUE)
# reformat sub list
list_to_reformat <- list_x[index_true]
list_to_reformat <- lapply(list_to_reformat, function(x){
index_list <- which(
lapply(x, class) %in% "list")
# reformat only unnamed list
for (sub_list in index_list){
elements <- unlist(x[sub_list], use.names = FALSE)
elements <- paste("'", elements, "'", sep="", collapse=",")
elements <- paste0("[", elements, "]")
elements <- paste0(elements, collapse= ",")
elements <- paste0("[", elements, "]")
x[sub_list] <- elements
# return original list
if(identical(index_true, integer(0)))
# return list reformated
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