setOldClass(Classes = c("grouped_df", "tbl_df", "tibble"))
#' @rdname bcbioSingleCell
#' @aliases NULL
#' @exportClass bcbioSingleCell
#' @usage NULL
bcbioSingleCell <- setClass(
Class = "bcbioSingleCell",
contains = "SingleCellExperiment"
# Constructors =================================================================
#' `bcbioSingleCell` Object and Constructor
#' `bcbioSingleCell` is an S4 class that extends `SingleCellExperiment`, and is
#' designed to store a bcbio single-cell RNA-seq analysis. This class contains
#' read counts saved as a sparse matrix (`dgCMatrix`), sample metadata, and cell
#' quality control metrics.
#' @section Remote Data:
#' When working in RStudio, we recommend connecting to the bcbio-nextgen
#' run directory as a remote connection over
#' [sshfs](
#' @note `bcbioSingleCell` extended `SummarizedExperiment` prior to v0.1.0,
#' where we migrated to `SingleCellExperiment`.
#' @rdname bcbioSingleCell
#' @aliases bcbioSingleCell-class
#' @family S4 Object
#' @docType class
#' @author Michael Steinbaugh, Rory Kirchner
#' @inheritParams bcbioBase::prepareSummarizedExperiment
#' @inheritParams general
#' @param uploadDir Path to final upload directory. This path is set when
#' running "`bcbio_nextgen -w template`".
#' @param organism Organism name. Use the full latin name (e.g.
#' "Homo sapiens"), since this will be input downstream to
#' AnnotationHub and ensembldb, unless `gffFile` is set.
#' @param sampleMetadataFile Sample barcode metadata file. Optional for runs
#' with demultiplixed index barcodes (e.g. SureCell), but otherwise required
#' for runs with multipliexed FASTQs containing multiple index barcodes (e.g.
#' inDrop).
#' @param ensemblRelease *Optional.* Ensembl release version. If `NULL`,
#' defaults to current release, and does not typically need to be
#' user-defined. Passed to AnnotationHub for `EnsDb` annotation matching,
#' unless `gffFile` is set.
#' @param genomeBuild *Optional.* Ensembl genome build name (e.g. "GRCh38").
#' This will be passed to AnnotationHub for `EnsDb` annotation matching,
#' unless `gffFile` is set.
#' @param gffFile *Optional, not recommended.* By default, we recommend leaving
#' this `NULL` for genomes that are supported on Ensembl. In this case, the
#' row annotations ([rowRanges()]) will be obtained automatically from Ensembl
#' by passing the `organism`, `genomeBuild`, and `ensemblRelease` arguments to
#' AnnotationHub and ensembldb. For a genome that is not supported on Ensembl
#' and/or AnnotationHub, a GFF/GTF (General Feature Format) file is required.
#' Generally, we recommend using a GTF (GFFv2) file here over a GFF3 file if
#' possible, although all GFF formats are supported. The function will
#' internally generate a `TxDb` containing transcript-to-gene mappings and
#' construct a `GRanges` object containing the genomic ranges ([rowRanges()]).
#' @param ... Additional arguments, to be stashed in the [metadata()] slot.
#' @return `bcbioSingleCell`.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' - [SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment()].
#' - `.S4methods(class = "bcbioSingleCell")`.
#' @examples
#' uploadDir <- system.file("extdata/indrops", package = "bcbioSingleCell")
#' x <- bcbioSingleCell(
#' uploadDir = uploadDir,
#' organism = "Homo sapiens",
#' sampleMetadataFile = file.path(uploadDir, "metadata.csv"),
#' ensemblRelease = 87L
#' )
#' show(x)
#' validObject(x)
bcbioSingleCell <- function(
organism = NULL,
sampleMetadataFile = NULL,
interestingGroups = "sampleName",
ensemblRelease = NULL,
genomeBuild = NULL,
transgeneNames = NULL,
spikeNames = NULL,
gffFile = NULL,
) {
dots <- list(...)
pipeline <- "bcbio"
# Legacy arguments =========================================================
call <- = TRUE)
# annotable
if ("annotable" %in% names(call)) {
stop("Use `gffFile` instead of `annotable`")
# ensemblVersion
if ("ensemblVersion" %in% names(call)) {
warning("Use `ensemblRelease` instead of `ensemblVersion`")
ensemblRelease <- call[["ensemblVersion"]]
dots[["ensemblVersion"]] <- NULL
# gtfFile
if ("gtfFile" %in% names(call)) {
warning("Use `gffFile` instead of `gtfFile`")
gffFile <- call[["gtfFile"]]
dots[["gtfFile"]] <- NULL
# organism
if (!"organism" %in% names(call)) {
warning("`organism` is now recommended, to acquire gene annotations")
dots <- Filter(Negate(is.null), dots)
# Assert checks ============================================================
assert_is_any_of(transgeneNames, c("character", "NULL"))
assert_is_any_of(spikeNames, c("character", "NULL"))
if (is_a_string(gffFile)) {
# Directory paths ==========================================================
uploadDir <- normalizePath(uploadDir, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
projectDir <- dir(
pattern = bcbioBase::projectDirPattern,
full.names = FALSE,
recursive = FALSE
match <- str_match(projectDir, bcbioBase::projectDirPattern)
runDate <- as.Date(match[[2L]])
template <- match[[3L]]
projectDir <- file.path(uploadDir, projectDir)
sampleDirs <- sampleDirs(uploadDir)
# Sequencing lanes =========================================================
if (any(grepl(bcbioBase::lanePattern, sampleDirs))) {
lanes <- str_match(names(sampleDirs), bcbioBase::lanePattern) %>%
.[, 2L] %>%
unique() %>%
lanes, "sequencing lane detected", "(technical replicates)"
} else {
lanes <- 1L
# Project summary YAML =====================================================
yamlFile <- file.path(projectDir, "project-summary.yaml")
yaml <- readYAML(yamlFile)
# bcbio run information ====================================================
dataVersions <- readDataVersions(
file = file.path(projectDir, "data_versions.csv")
programVersions <- readProgramVersions(
file = file.path(projectDir, "programs.txt")
bcbioLog <- readLog(
file = file.path(projectDir, "bcbio-nextgen.log")
bcbioCommandsLog <- readLog(
file = file.path(projectDir, "bcbio-nextgen-commands.log")
# Cellular barcode cutoff ==================================================
cellularBarcodeCutoffPattern <- "--cb_cutoff (\\d+)"
x = bcbioCommandsLog,
pattern = cellularBarcodeCutoffPattern
match <- str_match(
string = bcbioCommandsLog,
pattern = cellularBarcodeCutoffPattern
cellularBarcodeCutoff <- match %>%
.[, 2L] %>%
na.omit() %>%
unique() %>%
"reads per cellular barcode cutoff detected"
# Detect gene or transcript-level output ===================================
genemapPattern <- "--genemap (.+)-tx2gene.tsv"
if (any(grepl(genemapPattern, bcbioCommandsLog))) {
level <- "genes"
} else {
level <- "transcripts"
# Molecular barcode (UMI) type =============================================
umiPattern <- "/umis/([a-z0-9\\-]+)\\.json"
assert_any_are_matching_regex(bcbioCommandsLog, umiPattern)
umiType <- str_match(bcbioCommandsLog, umiPattern) %>%
.[, 2L] %>%
na.omit() %>%
unique() %>%
pattern = "-transform",
replacement = "",
x = .
message(paste("UMI type:", umiType))
# Sample metadata ==========================================================
# External file required for inDrop
if (grepl("indrop", umiType) && is.null(sampleMetadataFile)) {
"inDrop samples require `sampleMetadataFile`",
"containing the index barcode sequences"
if (is_a_string(sampleMetadataFile)) {
sampleData <- readSampleData(sampleMetadataFile)
} else {
sampleData <- readYAMLSampleData(yamlFile)
# Check for incorrect reverse complement input
if ("sequence" %in% colnames(sampleData)) {
sampleDirSequence <- str_extract(names(sampleDirs), "[ACGT]+$")
if (identical(
)) {
"It appears that the reverse complement sequence of the",
"i5 index barcodes were input into the sample metadata",
"`sequence` column. bcbio outputs the revcomp into the",
"sample directories, but the forward sequence should be",
"used in the R package."
assert_is_subset(rownames(sampleData), names(sampleDirs))
sampleData <- sanitizeSampleData(sampleData)
# Interesting groups =======================================================
# Ensure internal formatting in camelCase
interestingGroups <- camel(interestingGroups, strict = FALSE)
assertFormalInterestingGroups(sampleData, interestingGroups)
# Subset sample directories by metadata ====================================
# Check to see if a subset of samples is requested via the metadata file.
# This matches by the reverse complement sequence of the index barcode.
if (nrow(sampleData) < length(sampleDirs)) {
message("Loading a subset of samples, defined by the metadata file")
allSamples <- FALSE
sampleDirs <- sampleDirs[rownames(sampleData)]
message(paste(length(sampleDirs), "samples matched by metadata"))
} else {
allSamples <- TRUE
# Assays ===================================================================
message(paste("Reading counts as", level))
countsList <- .sparseCountsList(
sampleDirs = sampleDirs,
pipeline = pipeline,
umiType = umiType
# Ensure samples with empty matrices (`NULL`) are filtered
countsList <- Filter(Negate(is.null), countsList)
counts <-, countsList)
# Require transcript to gene conversion (legacy) ===========================
if (level == "transcripts") {
message("Converting transcripts to genes")
# GFF file is required
if (!is_a_string(gffFile)) {
stop("GFF is required to convert transcripts to genes")
# Note that this data.frame won't contain transcript versions
tx2gene <- makeTx2geneFromGFF(gffFile)
# Add spike-ins to tx2gene, if necessary
if (is.character(isSpike)) {
assert_are_disjoint_sets(rownames(tx2gene), isSpike)
spike <- data.frame(
"txID" = isSpike,
"geneID" = isSpike,
row.names = isSpike,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
tx2gene <- rbind(spike, tx2gene)
# Ensure Ensembl transcript versions are removed
counts <- stripTranscriptVersions(counts)
# Resize the tx2gene to match the matrix rownames
assert_is_subset(rownames(counts), rownames(tx2gene))
tx2gene <- tx2gene[rownames(counts), , drop = FALSE]
# Now we're ready to assign `geneID` and aggregate
rownames(counts) <- tx2gene[["geneID"]]
counts <- aggregate.Matrix(
x = counts,
groupings = rownames(counts),
fun = "sum"
level <- "genes"
} else {
tx2gene <- NULL
# Unfiltered cellular barcode distributions ================================
cbList <- .cellularBarcodesList(sampleDirs)
cbData <- .bindCellularBarcodes(cbList)
# Row data =================================================================
rowRangesMetadata <- NULL
if (is_a_string(gffFile)) {
rowRanges <- makeGRangesFromGFF(gffFile, format = "genes")
} else if (is_a_string(organism)) {
# ah: AnnotationHub
ah <- makeGRangesFromEnsembl(
organism = organism,
format = "genes",
genomeBuild = genomeBuild,
release = ensemblRelease,
metadata = TRUE
assert_are_identical(names(ah), c("data", "metadata"))
rowRanges <- ah[["data"]]
assert_is_all_of(rowRanges, "GRanges")
rowRangesMetadata <- ah[["metadata"]]
} else {
rowRanges <- emptyRanges(rownames(counts))
assert_is_subset(rownames(counts), names(rowRanges))
rowData <-
rownames(rowData) <- names(rowRanges)
# Column data ==============================================================
# Always prefilter, removing very low quality cells with no UMIs or genes
metrics <- metrics(
object = counts,
rowData = rowData,
prefilter = TRUE
# Subset the counts to match the prefiltered metrics
counts <- counts[, rownames(metrics), drop = FALSE]
colData <- as(metrics, "DataFrame")
colData[["cellID"]] <- rownames(colData)
cell2sample <- mapCellsToSamples(
cells = rownames(colData),
samples = rownames(sampleData)
colData[["sampleID"]] <- cell2sample
sampleData[["sampleID"]] <- rownames(sampleData)
colData <- merge(
x = colData,
y = sampleData,
by = "sampleID",
all.x = TRUE
rownames(colData) <- colData[["cellID"]]
colData[["cellID"]] <- NULL
sampleData[["sampleID"]] <- NULL
# Bind the `nCount` column into the colData
nCount <- cbData[rownames(colData), "nCount", drop = FALSE]
colData <- cbind(nCount, colData)
# Metadata =================================================================
metadata <- list(
"version" = packageVersion,
"pipeline" = pipeline,
"level" = level,
"uploadDir" = uploadDir,
"sampleDirs" = sampleDirs,
"sampleMetadataFile" = as.character(sampleMetadataFile),
"interestingGroups" = interestingGroups,
"organism" = as.character(organism),
"genomeBuild" = as.character(genomeBuild),
"ensemblRelease" = as.integer(ensemblRelease),
"rowRangesMetadata" = rowRangesMetadata,
"sampleData" = sampleData,
"cell2sample" = as.factor(cell2sample),
"umiType" = umiType,
"allSamples" = allSamples,
# bcbio pipeline-specific ----------------------------------------------
"projectDir" = projectDir,
"template" = template,
"runDate" = runDate,
"yaml" = yaml,
"gffFile" = as.character(gffFile),
"tx2gene" = tx2gene,
"dataVersions" = dataVersions,
"programVersions" = programVersions,
"bcbioLog" = bcbioLog,
"bcbioCommandsLog" = bcbioCommandsLog,
"cellularBarcodes" = cbList,
"cellularBarcodeCutoff" = cellularBarcodeCutoff,
"call" =
# Add user-defined custom metadata, if specified
if (length(dots)) {
assert_are_disjoint_sets(names(metadata), names(dots))
metadata <- c(metadata, dots)
# Return ===================================================================
assays = list("counts" = counts),
rowRanges = rowRanges,
colData = colData,
metadata = metadata,
transgeneNames = transgeneNames,
spikeNames = spikeNames
# Validity Checks ==============================================================
function(object) {
stopifnot(metadata(object)[["version"]] >= 0.1)
stopifnot(!.hasSlot(object, "bcbio"))
# Assays ===============================================================
assert_are_identical("counts", names(assays(object)))
# Row data =============================================================
assert_is_all_of(rowRanges(object), "GRanges")
assert_is_all_of(rowData(object), "DataFrame")
# Metadata =============================================================
metadata <- metadata(object)
# Optional metadata:
# - filterCells
# - filterGenes
# - filterParams
# - filterSummary
# - lanes: integer
# - rowRangesMetadata: tbl_df
# - tx2gene: data.frame
# bcbio-specific:
# - bcbioCommandsLog: character
# - bcbioLog: character
# - dataVersions: tbl_df
# - gffFile: character
# - programVersions: tbl_df
# - projectDir: character
# - runDate: Date
# - template: character
# - yaml: list
# Class checks
requiredMetadata <- list(
"allSamples" = "logical",
"cell2sample" = "factor",
"date" = "Date",
"devtoolsSessionInfo" = "session_info",
"ensemblRelease" = "integer",
"genomeBuild" = "character",
"interestingGroups" = "character",
"level" = "character",
"organism" = "character",
"pipeline" = "character",
"sampleData" = "data.frame",
"sampleDirs" = "character",
"sampleMetadataFile" = "character",
"umiType" = "character",
"uploadDir" = "character",
"utilsSessionInfo" = "sessionInfo",
"version" = "package_version",
"wd" = "character"
classChecks <- invisible(mapply(
name <- names(requiredMetadata),
expected <- requiredMetadata,
MoreArgs = list(metadata = metadata),
FUN = function(name, expected, metadata) {
actual <- class(metadata[[name]])
if (!length(intersect(expected, actual))) {
} else {
if (!all(classChecks)) {
"Metadata class checks failed.",
sep = "\n"
# level
x = metadata[["level"]],
y = c("genes", "transcripts")
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