#' @title Reading MSP files
#' @description
#' The `readMsp()` function imports the data from a file in MGF format reading
#' all specified fields and returning the data as a [S4Vectors::DataFrame()].
#' Format constraints for MSP files:
#' - Comment lines are expected to start with a `#`.
#' - Multiple spectra within the same MSP file are separated by an empty line.
#' - The first n lines of a spectrum entry represent metadata.
#' - Metadata is provided as "name: value" pairs (i.e. name and value separated
#' by a ":").
#' - One line per mass peak, with values separated by a whitespace or tabulator.
#' - Each line is expected to contain at least the m/z and intensity values (in
#' that order) of a peak. Additional values are currently ignored.
#' @param f `character(1)` with the path to an MSP file.
#' @param msLevel `numeric(1)` with the MS level. Default is 2. This value will
#' be reported as the spectra's MS level **unless** the source MSP file
#' defines the MS level.
#' @param mapping named `character` vector to rename MSP fields to spectra
#' variables (see `spectraVariableMapping()` help). This allows to
#' correctly import also custom fields or data from files with different
#' MSP *flavors*.
#' @param BPPARAM parallel processing setup. See [BiocParallel::bpparam()]
#' for more details.
#' @param ... Additional parameters, currently ignored.
#' @return
#' A `DataFrame` with each row containing the data from one spectrum
#' in the MSP file. m/z and intensity values are available in columns `"mz"`
#' and `"intensity"` in a list representation.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Spectra coreSpectraVariables
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom IRanges NumericList
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils rbindFill
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpmapply
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @author Laurent Gatto, Steffen Neumann, Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' f <- system.file("extdata", "minimona.msp", package = "MsBackendMsp")
#' readMsp(f)
readMsp <- function(f, msLevel = 2L,
mapping = spectraVariableMapping(MsBackendMsp()),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(), ...) {
if (length(f) != 1L)
stop("Please provide a single msp file.")
msp <- scan(file = f, what = "", sep = "\n", quote = "",
allowEscapes = FALSE, quiet = TRUE,
blank.lines.skip = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE)
## Ignore comments
cmts <- grep("^[#]", msp)
if (length(cmts))
msp <- msp[-cmts]
## Find individual records. Instead of grepping by NAME: we use blank
## lines. These are expected to separate entries.
wsp <- grep("^[[:space:]]|(^$)", msp)
begin <- c(1, wsp +1L)
end <- c(wsp -1L, length(msp))
keep <- begin < end # drop consecutive blank lines.
begin <- begin[keep]
end <- end[keep]
sp <- bpmapply(begin, end, FUN = function(a, b) {
.extract_msp_spectrum(msp[a:b], mapping = mapping)
res <- DataFrame(rbindFill(sp))
spv <- coreSpectraVariables()
spv <- spv[!names(spv) %in% c("mz", "intensity")]
for (i in seq_along(res)) {
if (all(lengths(res[[i]]) == 1))
res[[i]] <- unlist(res[[i]])
if (any(col <- names(spv) == colnames(res)[i]))
res[[i]] <- suppressWarnings(as(res[[i]], spv[col][1]))
res$mz <- NumericList(res$mz, compress = FALSE)
res$intensity <- NumericList(res$intensity, compress = FALSE)
res$dataOrigin <- f
if (!any(colnames(res) == "msLevel"))
res$msLevel <- as.integer(msLevel)
#' @param msp `character()` of lines defining a spectrum in msp
#' format.
#' @param mapping spectra variable mapping that allows renaming data fields.
#' @author Laurent Gatto, Johannes Rainer
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @note
#' https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/srd/NIST1aVer22Man.pdf
#' @noRd
.extract_msp_spectrum <- function(msp, mapping) {
## grep description
desc.idx <- grep(":", msp)
desc <- msp[desc.idx]
l <- length(desc.idx)
if (desc.idx[1L] != 1L || desc.idx[l] != l)
stop("MSP format error. Make sure that data for multiple spectra are ",
"separated by an empty new line and that general spectrum ",
"metadata/information is provided in 'name: value' format ",
"(i.e. name and value of the metadata field separated by ",
"a \":\").", call. = FALSE)
spec <- trimws(msp[-desc.idx], "left")
pks <- strsplit(sub("^(\\t|[[:space:]]+)", "", spec),
anns <- lengths(pks) > 2
if (any(anns)) {
warning("Unexpected number of values per peak found. Keeping only the ",
"first two values assuming they correspond to m/z and ",
"intensity", call. = FALSE)
pks[anns] <- lapply(pks[anns], function(z) z[1:2])
ms <- do.call(rbind, pks)
mode(ms) <- "double"
if (!length(ms))
ms <- matrix(numeric(), ncol = 2L)
else {
if (anyNA(ms[, 1L]))
stop("MSP format error. Missing values (NA) for m/z are not ",
"supported. Please ensure that no missing or non-numeric ",
"values are reported as the peaks' m/z values.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.unsorted(ms[, 1L]))
ms <- ms[order(ms[, 1L]), ]
r <- regexpr(":", desc, fixed = TRUE)
desc <- setNames(trimws(substring(desc, r + 1L, nchar(desc)), "left"),
substring(desc, 1L, r - 1L))
## map fields to spectra variables
idx <- match(names(desc), mapping)
not_na <- !is.na(idx)
if (any(not_na))
names(desc)[not_na] <- names(mapping)[idx][not_na]
## Handle eventually duplicated names -> list
if (anyDuplicated(names(desc))) {
res <- split(unname(desc), names(desc))
dups <- lengths(res) > 1L
dup_res <- res[dups]
res <- as.data.frame(res[!dups])
for (name in names(dup_res))
res <- do.call("$<-", list(res, name, unname(dup_res[name])))
} else res <- as.data.frame(as.list(desc))
## Ensure correct data type
## polarity
if (any(have <- colnames(res) == "polarity"))
res[, have] <- .process_polarity(res[, have])
if (any(have <- colnames(res) == "msLevel"))
res[, have] <- .process_mslevel(res[, have])
res$mz <- list(ms[, 1L])
res$intensity <- list(ms[, 2L])
.process_polarity <- function(x, input = TRUE) {
if (input) {
if (grepl("^(p|\\+)", x, ignore.case = TRUE))
if (grepl("^(n|-)", x, ignore.case = TRUE))
} else {
xnew <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
xnew[x == 1L] <- "Positive"
xnew[x == 0L] <- "Negative"
#' @param x value to be formatted
#' @param input `logical(1)` whether the data is imported or exported.
#' @noRd
.process_mslevel <- function(x, input = TRUE) {
if (input)
as.integer(sub("ms", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE))
else paste0("MS", x)
#' @description
#' Function to export a `Spectra` object in MSP format to `con`.
#' @param x `Spectra`
#' @param con output file.
#' @param mapping named `character` vector that maps from `spectraVariables`
#' (i.e. `names(mapping)`) to the variable name that should be used in the
#' MSP file.
#' @param allVariables `logical(1)` whether all spectra variables in `x` should
#' be exported or only those that are listed in `mapping`. Note that if
#' `exportName = TRUE` a field *NAME* will be exported regardless of
#' `mapping`.
#' @param exportName `logical(1)` whether a NAME field will always be exported
#' even if no such spectra variable is available in `x`.
#' @author Michael Witting, Johannes Rainer
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra spectraVariables spectraNames spectraData
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics peaksData
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' spd <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L, 2L), rtime = c(1, 2, 3))
#' spd$mz <- list(c(12, 14, 45, 56), c(14.1, 34, 56.1), c(12.1, 14.15, 34.1))
#' spd$intensity <- list(c(10, 20, 30, 40), c(11, 21, 31), c(12, 22, 32))
#' sps <- Spectra(spd)
#' .export_msp(sps)
#' ## Handling of variables with multiple entries
#' sps$synonym <- list(c("a", "b"), "d", c("e", "f", "g"))
#' .export_msp(sps)
.export_msp <- function(x, con = stdout(),
mapping = spectraVariableMapping(MsBackendMsp()),
allVariables = TRUE, exportName = TRUE) {
spv <- spectraVariables(x)
spv <- spv[!(spv %in% c("dataOrigin", "dataStorage"))]
if (!allVariables)
spv <- spv[spv %in% names(mapping)]
spd <- spectraData(x, spv)
## Process any known required data conversions
if (any(spv == "msLevel"))
spd$msLevel <- .process_mslevel(spd$msLevel, input = FALSE)
if (any(spv == "polarity"))
spd$polarity <- .process_polarity(spd$polarity, input = FALSE)
idx <- match(colnames(spd), names(mapping))
colnames(spd)[!is.na(idx)] <- mapping[idx[!is.na(idx)]]
## Force variable NAME:
if (!any(tolower(colnames(spd)) == "name") && exportName)
spd$NAME <- seq_len(nrow(spd))
idx <- which(tolower(colnames(spd)) == "name")
if (length(idx)) {
idx <- idx[1L]
spd <- spd[, c(idx, seq_len(ncol(spd))[-idx])]
## Determine which columns contain list-like data (i.e. multiple entries).
mult <- colnames(spd)[!vapply(spd, function(z) is.vector(z) & !is.list(z),
for (m in mult) {
spd[, m] <- vapply(
spd[, m], function(z) paste0(z, collapse = paste0("\n", m, ": ")),
tmp <- lapply(colnames(spd), function(z) {
paste0(z, ": ", spd[, z], "\n")
pks <- vapply(peaksData(x), function(z)
paste0("Num Peaks: ", nrow(z), "\n",
paste0(paste0(z[, 1], " ", z[, 2], "\n"), collapse = ""),
collapse = ""),
tmp <- do.call(cbind, c(tmp, list(pks)))
tmp[grep(": NA\n", tmp, fixed = TRUE)] <- ""
writeLines(apply(tmp, 1, paste0, collapse = ""), con = con)
## #' @title Parse the comment field from a MoNA MSP file
## #'
## #' @description
## #'
## #' Parse comment field from MoNA.
## #'
## #' @author Johannes Rainer
## #'
## #' @noRd
## parseMoNaComment <- function(x, names = c("InChI", "author", "SMILES",
## "date", "cas", "kegg",
## "pubchem cid")) {
## ## extract value between "<name>= and ".
## names(names) <- names
## as.data.frame(lapply(names, function(z) {
## tmp <- sub(paste0(".*?\"", z, "=(.*?)\".*"), "\\1", x, perl = TRUE)
## tmp[tmp == x] <- NA_character_
## tmp
## }))
## }
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