# tail approx methods:
# "lao" (last as observed): treat last values as being censored
# "exp" (exponential): Brown-Hollander-Korwar completion of the product-limit
# estimator, approximate tail by exponential distribution
# "os" (order statistics): calculate expected order statistics from a fitted
# weibull distribution. Replacement is then a random
# draw from one of those.
# "wei" : fit weibull distribution, extrapolate
# See: 'A Comparison of Several Methods of Estimating the Survival Function When
# There is Extreme Right Censoring' (M. L. Moeschberger and John P. Klein, 1985)
#' @importFrom stats runif pexp qexp pweibull qweibull
kaplan_meier_imputation <-
covariates = NULL,
tail_approx_method = c("lao", "exp", "os","wei"),
mi_reps = 1) {
tail_approx_method <- match.arg(tail_approx_method)
n <- dim(data)[1]
all_censored_bool <- data[ ,censoring_indicator] == 0
# censored indices that have a lower value than the last observed one
censored_indices <- which(all_censored_bool)# &
# risk set calculation the same as in risk_set_imputation
if (is.null(covariates)){
Risk_Set <- purrr::map(censored_indices, ~ (.x+1):n)
} else{
Risk_Set <- risk_set_cov_adjusted(data, censored_variable, censoring_indicator, covariates)
# max observed value
max_obs <- max(purrr::as_vector(data[data[[censoring_indicator]] == 1,censored_variable]))
# censored indices that have a higher value than the last observed one
censored_indices_no_risk_set <- which(all_censored_bool &
data[ ,censored_variable] > max_obs)
# censored indices that have a lower value than the last observed one
censored_indices_with_risk_set <- censored_indices[!(censored_indices %in% censored_indices_no_risk_set)]
# remove risk set of censored values that are higher than the last observed one (cannot fit survival curve with only censored data)
if (length(censored_indices_no_risk_set) > 0){
for (i in seq_along(censored_indices_no_risk_set)) {
Risk_Set[[length(Risk_Set)]] <- NULL
# additional requirements for tail approximation methods
if (tail_approx_method == "exp"){
# calculation of rate of exponential distribution
km_fit_compl <- survival::survfit(survival::Surv(data[[censored_variable]], data[[censoring_indicator]]) ~ 1)
km_fit_compl_summary <- summary(km_fit_compl)
theta_compl <- -max(km_fit_compl_summary$time)/log(min(km_fit_compl_summary$surv))
} else if (tail_approx_method == "os"){
pot_replace_vals <- order_stat_surv_approx(data, censored_variable, censoring_indicator)
} else if (tail_approx_method == "wei"){
weibull_params <- params_from_weibull_fit(data, censored_variable, censoring_indicator)
} else if (tail_approx_method == "lao"){
# if last value is not observed set it to observed
data <- set_last_as_observed(data , censored_variable, censoring_indicator)
# loop through each censored value
if (length(censored_indices_with_risk_set) > 0){
est <- purrr::map(seq_along(censored_indices_with_risk_set) , function(js){
current_cens_val <- purrr::as_vector(data[censored_indices_with_risk_set[js],censored_variable])
subdata_sorted <- data[sort(Risk_Set[[js]]),c(censored_variable,censoring_indicator)]
# in case no observed cases present (caused by cov_dep_risk_set) revert to simple risk set imputation
if (all(subdata_sorted[[censoring_indicator]] == 0)){
size = mi_reps,
replace = TRUE,
nrow = 1
# fit kapplan meier curve
km_fit <- survival::survfit(survival::Surv(subdata_sorted[[censored_variable]], subdata_sorted[[censoring_indicator]]) ~ 1)
km_fit_summary <- summary(km_fit)
# random draw according to survival time
replacement_value <- surv_tail_lao(km_fit_summary, mi_reps)
# check if some values that are inferred are higher than the highest observed one
too_high <- replacement_value >= km_fit_summary$time[which.min(km_fit_summary$surv)] &
km_fit_summary$n.event[which.min(km_fit_summary$surv)] < 1
# for each inferred value that is higher than the highest observed one apply special procedure
if (sum(too_high) > 0){
if(tail_approx_method == "exp"){
# random draw from truncated exponential
x <- runif(sum(too_high),min = pexp(current_cens_val, theta_compl))
# if x == 1 this would mean the replacement value is Inf
if (x == 1){
if (qexp(x-1e-10, theta_compl) >= current_cens_val){
replacement_value[too_high] <- qexp(x-1e-10, theta_compl)
} else {
replacement_value[too_high] <- rep(current_cens_val,length(x))
} else {
replacement_value[too_high] <- qexp(x, theta_compl)
} else if (tail_approx_method == "wei"){
# random draw from truncated weibull
x <- runif(sum(too_high),min = pweibull(current_cens_val, weibull_params$shape, weibull_params$scale))
replacement_value[too_high] <- qweibull(x, weibull_params$shape, weibull_params$scale)
} else if (tail_approx_method == "os"){
# random draw from order statistics
pot_replace_vals_adj <- pot_replace_vals[pot_replace_vals >= current_cens_val]
replacement_value[too_high] <- matrix(resample(pot_replace_vals_adj,sum(too_high),replace = TRUE),nrow=1)
}) %>% purrr::reduce(rbind)
} else {
est <- NULL
# for censored values higher than the highest observed one impute with exponential distribution
if (length(censored_indices_no_risk_set) > 0){
est <- rbind(est,purrr::map(censored_indices_no_risk_set, function(i){
current_cens_val <- purrr::as_vector(data[i,censored_variable])
if(tail_approx_method == "exp"){
# random draw from truncated exponential
x <- runif(mi_reps,min = pexp(current_cens_val, theta_compl))
# if x == 1 this would mean the replacement value is Inf
if (any(x == 1)){
if (qexp(x-1e-10, theta_compl) >= current_cens_val){
return(matrix(qexp(x-1e-10, theta_compl),nrow = 1))
} else {
return(matrix(rep(current_cens_val,length(x)),nrow = 1))
} else {
return(matrix(qexp(x, theta_compl),nrow = 1))
} else if (tail_approx_method == "os"){
pot_replace_vals_adj <- pot_replace_vals[pot_replace_vals >= current_cens_val]
mat <- matrix(matrix(resample(pot_replace_vals_adj,mi_reps,replace = TRUE),nrow=1),nrow = 1)
} else if (tail_approx_method == "wei"){
# random draw from truncated weibull
x <- runif(mi_reps,min = pweibull(current_cens_val, weibull_params$shape, weibull_params$scale))
matrix(qweibull(x, weibull_params$shape, weibull_params$scale),nrow = 1)
} else if (tail_approx_method == "lao"){
}) %>% purrr::reduce(rbind))
dimnames(est) <- NULL
# resample function from 'sample' manual to get correcto behaviour if length of x is 1
resample <- function(x, ...) x[sample.int(length(x), ...)]
# random replacement from survival curve
surv_tail_lao <- function(km_fit_summary,mi_reps=1){
if(length(km_fit_summary$surv) == 1){
return(matrix(rep(km_fit_summary$time,mi_reps),nrow = 1))
} else {
prob <- diff(c(0,1 - km_fit_summary$surv, 1))
prob[length(prob)-1] <- sum(prob[(length(prob)-1):length(prob)])
prob <- prob[seq_len(length(prob)-1)]
if(length(prob) == 0){
prob <- 1
size = mi_reps,
replace = TRUE,
prob = prob
nrow = 1
dtweibull <- function(x, shape, scale = 1, left_trunc=0) {
ptweibull <- function(x, shape, scale = 1, left_trunc=0) {
integrand <- function(x,r,n,shape=1, scale=1, left_trunc=0) {
x * (1 - ptweibull(x, shape, scale,left_trunc))^(r-1) * ptweibull(x, shape, scale,left_trunc)^(n-r) * dtweibull(x, shape, scale,left_trunc)
#' @importFrom stats integrate
expected_j_order_stat <- function(r,n, shape=1, scale=1, left_trunc=0) {
(1/beta(n-r+1,n-(n-r+1)+1)) * stats::integrate(integrand,left_trunc,Inf, n-r+1, n, shape, scale, left_trunc)$value
params_from_weibull_fit <- function(data, censored_variable, censoring_indicator){
tmpdat <- data.frame(left=data[[censored_variable]],
right = ifelse(data[[censoring_indicator]]==1,data[[censored_variable]],rep(NA,length(data[[censored_variable]]))))
tmpdat <- tmpdat[order(tmpdat$left),]
order_stat_surv_approx <- function(data, censored_variable, censoring_indicator){
all_censored_bool <- data[ ,censoring_indicator] == 0
# max observed value
max_obs <- max(purrr::as_vector(data[data[[censoring_indicator]] == 1,censored_variable]))
# censored indices that have a higher value than the last observed one
censored_indices_no_risk_set <- which(all_censored_bool &
data[ ,censored_variable] > max_obs)
# fit weibull to data to get parameters
weibull_params <- params_from_weibull_fit(data, censored_variable, censoring_indicator)
# calculate order statistics of censored values higher than highest observed one
return(purrr::map_dbl(censored_indices_no_risk_set, function(i){
expected_j_order_stat(i,dim(data)[1],weibull_params$shape,weibull_params$scale,left_trunc = max_obs)
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