# fit cox proportional hazards model and return coefficients
coxph_coef_calc <- function(formula, data){
cox_fit <- survival::coxph(formula, data = data)
return(matrix(cox_fit$coefficients, ncol = 1))
# matrix multiplication between data and coxph coefficients with subsequent
# centering and normalization
RS_cent_calc <- function(data, cox_coef_mat){
RS <- as.matrix(data) %*% cox_coef_mat
# data needs to be sorted according to censored_variable
risk_set_cov_adjusted <- function(data, censored_variable, censoring_indicator,
covariates, nn=max(ceiling(dim(data)[1]/4),10), wc=0.5){
# check that correct weight is given
if (wc < 0 | wc > 1){
stop("weight 'wc' in 'risk_set_cov_adjusted' not between 0 and 1",
call. = FALSE)
# check that correct number of neighbors is given
if (nn < 1){
stop("number of neighbors to use 'nn' in 'risk_set_cov_adjusted' too low",
call. = FALSE)
n <- dim(data)[1]
tmpformula <- as.formula(
paste0("survival::Surv(data$", censored_variable, ", data$",
censoring_indicator, ") ~ ",
paste0(purrr::map_chr(covariates, ~ paste0("data$", .x)), collapse = "+")
# make sure covariates are numeric
data <- covariates_from_factor_to_numeric(data, covariates)
censored_indices <- which(data[ ,censoring_indicator] == 0)
event_indices <- which(data[ ,censoring_indicator] == 1)
# cox proportional hazards coefficients
cox_coef_c <- coxph_coef_calc(tmpformula, data[censored_indices, ])
cox_coef_e <- coxph_coef_calc(tmpformula, data[event_indices, ])
# if any coefficient is exactly zero return normal risk set (cannot calculate)
if (anyNA(cox_coef_c) | anyNA(cox_coef_e) | any(cox_coef_c == 0) | any(cox_coef_e == 0)){
return(purrr::map(censored_indices, ~ (.x+1):n))
# normalized, centered matrix
RSc_cent <- RS_cent_calc(data[,covariates], cox_coef_c)
RSe_cent <- RS_cent_calc(data[,covariates], cox_coef_e)
# main distance calculation
d2 <- sqrt( wc * (outer(RSc_cent[,1], RSc_cent[,1], FUN = "-") ^ 2) +
(1-wc) * (outer(RSe_cent[,1], RSe_cent[,1], FUN = "-") ^ 2)
rownames(d2) <- seq_len(n)
colnames(d2) <- seq_len(n)
# create risk set for all censored values
Risk_Set <- purrr::map(censored_indices, function(j){
startind <- which((data[[censored_variable]][j] < data[[censored_variable]]))[1]
startind <- ifelse(is.na(startind), n, startind)
if (n-startind >= 1){
risk_set_j <- as.integer(names(sort(d2[j,startind:n])[seq_len(min(nn,n-startind+1))]))
} else{
risk_set_j <- n
risk_set_imputation <- function(data, censored_variable, censoring_indicator, covariates = NULL, mi_reps = 1){
n <- dim(data)[1]
# assumes sorted dataset according to censored variable
censored_indices <- which(data[ ,censoring_indicator] == 0)
if (is.null(covariates)){
# risk set without covariates in sorted data
Risk_Set <- purrr::map(censored_indices, ~ (.x+1):n)
} else{
# risk set with covariates in sorted data, see Hsu et al. 2006
Risk_Set <- risk_set_cov_adjusted(data, censored_variable, censoring_indicator, covariates)
# estimate is a random value from the risk set
est <-
purrr::reduce(purrr::map(Risk_Set, ~ matrix(
as.double(data[[censored_variable]][resample(.x, size = mi_reps, replace = TRUE)]), nrow = 1
)), rbind),
error = function(e)
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