#' plot_gsva_pathway
#' Plots the expression of a specific pathway from a ssGSEA result.
#' @param object The \code{\link{ReactomeAnalysisResult}} object.
#' @param pathway_id The pathway's id
#' @param ... Additional parameters for specific implementations.
#' @return A ggplot2 plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_point geom_hline labs
#' @family ReactomeAnalysisResult functions
#' @examples
#' # load the scRNA-seq example data
#' library(ReactomeGSA.data)
#' data(jerby_b_cells)
#' # perform the GSVA analysis
#' gsva_result <- analyse_sc_clusters(jerby_b_cells, verbose = FALSE)
#' # create the plot
#' plot_obj <- plot_gsva_pathway(gsva_result, "R-HSA-389542")
setGeneric("plot_gsva_pathway", function(object, pathway_id, ...) callGeneric("plot_gsva_pathway"))
#' ReactomeAnalysisResult - plot_gsva_pathway
#' @inherit plot_gsva_pathway
setMethod("plot_gsva_pathway", c("object" = "ReactomeAnalysisResult"), function(object, pathway_id, ...) {
# make sure it is a GSVA result
if (!is_gsva_result(object)) {
stop("ReactomeAnalysisResult object does not represent a GSVA result (choose method 'ssGSEA' during the analysis)")
gsa_pathways <- pathways(object)
# get the pathway
if (!pathway_id %in% rownames(gsa_pathways)) {
stop("Error: Unknown pathway ", pathway_id)
pathway_name <- gsa_pathways[pathway_id, "Name"]
# remove the name
gsa_pathways$Name <- NULL
# fix the column names
colnames(gsa_pathways) <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", colnames(gsa_pathways))
colnames(gsa_pathways) <- gsub("\\.", " ", colnames(gsa_pathways))
# get the data.frame for ggplot
plot_data <- data.frame(
cluster_id = colnames(gsa_pathways),
expr = as.numeric(gsa_pathways[pathway_id, ])
sorted_ids <- plot_data$cluster_id[order(plot_data$expr)]
plot_data$cluster_id <- factor(plot_data$cluster_id, levels = unique(sorted_ids))
plot_obj <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot_data, ggplot2::aes(x = cluster_id, y = expr)) +
ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
ggplot2::labs(x = "Cluster", y = "Pathway expression", title = paste0(pathway_name, "(", pathway_id, ")")) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
# plot_gsva_heatmap functions ----
#' plot_gsva_heatmap
#' Plots pathway expression values / sample as a heatmap. Ranks pathways based on their
#' expression difference.
#' @param object The \code{\link{ReactomeAnalysisResult}} object.
#' @param pathway_ids A vector of pathway ids. If set, only these pathways are included in the plot.
#' @param max_pathways The maximum number of pathways to include. Only takes effect if \code{pathway_ids}
#' is not set.
#' @param truncate_names If set, long pathway names are truncated.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to specific implementations.
#' @return None
#' @family ReactomeAnalysisResult functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load the scRNA-seq example data
#' library(ReactomeGSA.data)
#' data(jerby_b_cells)
#' # perform the GSVA analysis
#' gsva_result <- analyse_sc_clusters(jerby_b_cells, verbose = FALSE)
#' # plot the heatmap
#' relevant_pathways <- c("R-HSA-983170", "R-HSA-388841", "R-HSA-2132295",
#' "R-HSA-983705", "R-HSA-5690714")
#' plot_gsva_heatmap(gsva_result,
#' pathway_ids = relevant_pathways, # limit to these pathways
#' margins = c(6,30), # adapt the figure margins in heatmap.2
#' dendrogram = "col", # only plot column dendrogram
#' scale = "row", # scale for each pathway
#' key = FALSE, # don't display the color key
#' lwid=c(0.1,4)) # remove the white space on the left
setGeneric("plot_gsva_heatmap", function(object, pathway_ids = NULL, max_pathways = 20, truncate_names = TRUE, ...) callGeneric("plot_gsva_heatmap"))
#' plot_gsva_heatmap - ReactomeAnalysisResult function
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the heatmap.2 function.
#' @importFrom gplots heatmap.2
#' @inherit plot_gsva_heatmap
setMethod("plot_gsva_heatmap", c("object" = "ReactomeAnalysisResult"), function(object, pathway_ids = NULL, max_pathways = 20, truncate_names = TRUE, ...) {
# make sure it is a GSVA result
if (!is_gsva_result(object)) {
stop("ReactomeAnalysisResult object does not represent a GSVA result (choose method 'ssGSEA' during the analysis)")
gsa_pathways <- pathways(object)
# sort the pathways based on their difference
max_difference <- do.call(rbind, apply(gsa_pathways, 1, function(row) {
values <- as.numeric(row[2:length(row)])
return(data.frame(name = row[1], min = min(values), max = max(values)))
max_difference$diff <- max_difference$max - max_difference$min
gsa_pathways <- gsa_pathways[order(max_difference$diff, decreasing = T), ]
# get the pathways to plot
if (!is.null(pathway_ids)) {
# make sure all pathways exist
if (!all(pathway_ids %in% rownames(gsa_pathways))) {
warning("Warning: No results for the following pathways: ", paste(pathway_ids[!pathway_ids %in% rownames(gsa_pathways)], collapse = ", ", sep = ", "))
pathway_ids <- pathway_ids[pathway_ids %in% rownames(gsa_pathways)]
} else {
# use the top different pathways
if (nrow(gsa_pathways) > max_pathways) {
pathway_ids <- rownames(gsa_pathways)[1:max_pathways]
} else {
pathway_ids <- rownames(gsa_pathways)
# get the expression values as a matrix
expression_matrix <- as.matrix(gsa_pathways[pathway_ids, 2:ncol(gsa_pathways)])
# remove the redundant dataset name
if (length(names(object)) == 1) {
colnames(expression_matrix) <- gsub("\\.[^\\.]*$", "", colnames(expression_matrix))
# use pathway names
rownames(expression_matrix) <- gsa_pathways[rownames(expression_matrix), "Name"]
# shorten the names
if (truncate_names) {
is_long <- nchar(rownames(expression_matrix)) > 40
rownames(expression_matrix)[is_long] <- paste0(substr(rownames(expression_matrix)[is_long], 1, 32), "...")
# merge default with user parameters
heatmap_params <- list(
x = expression_matrix,
margins = c(6, 15),
density.info = "none",
trace = "none",
col = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "RdYlBu"))
user_params <- list(...)
for (param_name in names(user_params)) {
if (nchar(param_name) > 0) {
heatmap_params[[param_name]] <- user_params[[param_name]]
# create the heatmap
do.call(gplots::heatmap.2, heatmap_params)
# plot_gsva_pca ----
#' plot_gsva_pca
#' Runs a Principal Component analysis (using \code{prcomp}) on the samples
#' based on the pathway analysis results.
#' @param object A \code{\link{ReactomeAnalysisResult}} object containing a ssGSEA result
#' @param pathway_ids A character vector of pathway ids. If set, only these pathways will be
#' used for the PCA analysis.
#' @param ... Additional paramters passed to specific implementations.
#' @return A ggplot2 object representing the plot.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load the scRNA-seq example data
#' library(ReactomeGSA.data)
#' data(jerby_b_cells)
#' # perform the GSVA analysis
#' gsva_result <- analyse_sc_clusters(jerby_b_cells, verbose = FALSE)
setGeneric("plot_gsva_pca", function(object, pathway_ids = NULL, ...) callGeneric("plot_gsva_pca"))
#' plot_gsva_pca - ReactomeAnalysisResult
#' @param ... Additional parameters are passed to \code{prcomp}
#' @inherit plot_gsva_pca
setMethod("plot_gsva_pca", c("object" = "ReactomeAnalysisResult"), function(object, pathway_ids = NULL, ...) {
if (!is_gsva_result(object)) {
stop("ReactomeAnalysisResult object does not represent a GSVA result (choose method 'ssGSEA' during the analysis)")
gsa_pathways <- pathways(object)
# get the pathways to plot
if (!is.null(pathway_ids)) {
# make sure all pathways exist
if (!all(pathway_ids %in% rownames(gsa_pathways))) {
warning("Warning: No results for the following pathways: ", paste(pathway_ids[!pathway_ids %in% rownames(gsa_pathways)], collapse = ", ", sep = ", "))
pathway_ids <- pathway_ids[pathway_ids %in% rownames(gsa_pathways)]
} else {
pathway_ids <- rownames(gsa_pathways)
# get the expression values as a matrix
expression_matrix <- as.matrix(gsa_pathways[pathway_ids, 2:ncol(gsa_pathways)])
# remove the redundant dataset name
if (length(names(gsva_result)) == 1) {
colnames(expression_matrix) <- gsub("\\.[^\\.]*$", "", colnames(expression_matrix))
# perform the PCA
prcomp_params <- list(x = expression_matrix)
user_params = list(...)
for (param_name in names(user_params)) {
if (nchar(param_name) > 0 ) {
prcomp_params[[param_name]] <- user_params[[param_name]]
pca_fit <- do.call(stats::prcomp, prcomp_params)
pca_summary <- summary(pca_fit)
# create the data for ggplot
plot_data <- data.frame(pca_fit$rotation)
plot_data$sample <- rownames(pca_fit$rotation)
# get the proportion of variance
prop_var_x <- round(pca_summary$importance["Proportion of Variance", "PC1"] * 100, 1)
prop_var_y <- round(pca_summary$importance["Proportion of Variance", "PC2"] * 100, 1)
plot_obj <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot_data, ggplot2::aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = sample)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = 3) +
ggplot2::labs(x = paste0("PC1 (", prop_var_x, "% var. expl.)"), y = paste0("PC2 (", prop_var_y, "% var. expl.)")) +
#' is_gsva_result
#' @param object A \code{\link{ReactomeAnalysisResult}} object
#' @return Boolean indicating whether the object is a GSVA result.
is_gsva_result <- function(object) {
# must contain the "pathways" result
if (!"pathways" %in% ReactomeGSA::result_types(object)) {
# must not contain the FDR column
for (dataset in names(object)) {
if ("FDR" %in% colnames(ReactomeGSA::get_result(object, "pathways", dataset))) {
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