#' @include utilities.R
globalVariables(names = 'i', package = 'SnapATAC', add = TRUE)
#' Calcualte Jaccard Index Matrix
#' This function takes a snap object as input and calculates the jaccard index matrix
#' in which each entry Jij equals the intersection over the union between cell i and cell j.
#' Calculating jaccard index becomes exponentially time-consuming and also memory
#' intense with the increase of cell number.
#' The most memory and time consuming step of our procedure is the calculation of jaccard index matrix.
#' This step increases exponentially with the increase of cell number. Here, we calculate a partial jaccard
#' index matrix against a random subset of reference cells in lieu of the full spectrum of features.
#' Here we tested if we can perform the calculation of partial jaccard index matrix using a random
#' subset of max.var reference cells.
#' @param obj A Snap obj
#' @param bin.downsample Percentage of bins to be downsampled to [1].
#' @param tmp.folder A non-empty character vector giving the directory name that saves the temp files
#' @param mat A character class that indicates what matrix slot is used to calculate jaccard index c("bmat", "pmat", "gmat")
#' @param max.var A numeric variable indicates the how many dimentions for jaccard index to be calcualted
#' @param seed.use A numeric variable indicates the random seed to use [10].
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp);
#' demo.sp = makeBinary(demo.sp, mat="bmat");
#' demo.sp = runJaccard(obj=demo.sp, mat="bmat", bin.downsample=1, tmp.folder=tempdir())
#' @return Returns a Snap obj with the jaccard index matrix stored in obj@jmat
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster detectCores
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom stats lm approxfun density
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @export
runJaccard <- function(obj, bin.downsample, tmp.folder, mat, max.var, seed.use) {
UseMethod("runJaccard", obj);
#' @export
runJaccard.default <- function(
mat = c("bmat", "pmat", "gmat"),
max.var = 1000,
stop("obj is missing");
# check if obj is a snap
if(!is(obj, "snap")){
stop("obj is not a snap obj")
stop("tmp.folder is missing")
stop("tmp.folder does not exist");
# check if mat is binary;
mat = match.arg(mat);
mat.use = methods::slot(obj, mat);
p1 = Matrix::rowMeans(mat.use);
if((x=nrow(mat.use)) == 0L){
stop("input matrix is empty");
if((x=max(mat.use)) > 1L){
stop("input matrix is not a binary matrix, run 'makeBinary' first")
# check if empty rows exist in bmat;
if(any(Matrix::rowSums(mat.use) == 0)){
stop("input matrix contains empty rows, remove empty rows first")
# remove the colums in mat.use that have 0 coverage
col.covs = log(Matrix::colSums(mat.use)+1, 10);
mat.use = mat.use[,which(col.covs > 0)];
col.covs = col.covs[which(col.covs > 0)];
# randomly select a subset of cells as reference
if(bin.downsample > 1 | bin.downsample < 0){
stop("bin.downsample must be between 0 and 1");
if(bin.downsample < 1){
col.covs.dens <- density(x = col.covs, bw = 'nrd', adjust = 1)
sampling_prob <- 1 / (approx(x = col.covs.dens$x, y = col.covs.dens$y, xout = col.covs)$y + .Machine$double.eps)
idy <- sort(sample(x = seq(col.covs), size = bin.downsample*length(col.covs), prob = sampling_prob));
mat.use = mat.use[,idy];
# down-sample for jaccard index matrix
if(max.var < nrow(obj)){
max.var = min(max.var, nrow(mat.use));
row.covs = log(Matrix::rowSums(mat.use)+1,10);
row.covs.dens <- density(x = row.covs, bw = 'nrd', adjust = 1)
sampling_prob <- 1 / (approx(x = row.covs.dens$x, y = row.covs.dens$y, xout = row.covs)$y + .Machine$double.eps)
idx <- sort(sample(x = seq(row.covs), size = max.var, prob = sampling_prob));
mat.ref = mat.use[idx,];
p2 = p1[idx];
mat.ref = mat.use;
p2 = p1;
jmat = calJaccard(mat.use, mat.ref);
# remove large objects
obj@jmat@jmat = jmat;
obj@jmat@p1 = p1;
obj@jmat@p2 = p2;
obj@jmat@norm = FALSE;
obj@jmat@method = character();
# Calculate jaccard index between two matrix
# @param X_i first matrix
# @param X_j second matrix
calJaccard <- function(X_i, X_j){
A = Matrix::tcrossprod(X_i, X_j);
bi = Matrix::rowSums(X_i);
bj = Matrix::rowSums(X_j);
jmat = as.matrix(A / (replicate(ncol(A), bi) + t(replicate(nrow(A), bj)) - A));
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