#' Creates scAlign object
#' @return Initialized scAlign object
#' @param sce.objects List of Seurat or Matrix objects; sample x feature.
#' @param genes.use Genes to use during PCA/CCA, all genes used as default.
#' @param labels List of labels for each object.
#' @param data.use Specificies which data to use from a Seurat object for dimensionality reduction.
#' @param pca.reduce Initial step of dimensionality be performced by PCA.
#' @param pcs.compute Number of PCs to retrain for alignment.
#' @param cca.reduce Initial step of dimensionality be performced by CCA.
#' @param ccs.compute Number of CCs to retrain for alignment.
#' @param cca.standardize Standardize the data matrices before CCA.
#' @param project.name Name for current scAlign project.
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @import irlba
#' @import Seurat
#' @import methods
#' @import utils
#' @examples
#' library(Seurat)
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' ## Input data, 1000 genes x 100 cells
#' data = matrix(sample.int(10000, 1000*100, TRUE), 1000, 100)
#' rownames(data) = paste0("gene", seq_len(1000))
#' colnames(data) = paste0("cell", seq_len(100))
#' age = c(rep("young",50), rep("old",50))
#' labels = c(c(rep("type1",25), rep("type2",25)), c(rep("type1",25), rep("type2",25)))
#' ctrl.data = data[,which(age == "young")]
#' stim.data = data[,which(age == "old")]
#' ctrlSCE <- SingleCellExperiment(
#' assays = list(scale.data = data[,which(age == "young")]))
#' stimSCE <- SingleCellExperiment(
#' assays = list(scale.data = data[,which(age == "old")]))
#' ## Build the scAlign class object and compute PCs
#' scAlignHSC = scAlignCreateObject(sce.objects = list("YOUNG"=ctrlSCE,
#' "OLD"=stimSCE),
#' labels = list(labels[which(age == "young")],
#' labels[which(age == "old")]),
#' pca.reduce = TRUE,
#' pcs.compute = 50,
#' cca.reduce = TRUE,
#' ccs.compute = 15,
#' project.name = "scAlign_Kowalcyzk_HSC")
#' @export
scAlignCreateObject = function(sce.objects,
genes.use = NULL,
labels = list(),
pca.reduce = FALSE,
pcs.compute = 20,
cca.reduce = FALSE,
ccs.compute = 15,
cca.standardize = TRUE,
data.use = "scale.data",
project.name = "scAlignProject"){
## Grab version of scAlign being run
version = packageVersion("scAlign")
## Ensure all objects are SCE
if(all(vapply(sce.objects, class, character(1)) == "SingleCellExperiment") == FALSE){
stop("Unsupported or inconsistent input type(s): Must be SingleCellExperiment objects")
## Ensure data list has names
if(is.null(names(sce.objects))){ names(sce.objects) = paste0("dataset", seq_len(length(sce.objects))) }
if(!is.list(labels)) { stop("labels must be a list.") }
## Combine data into a common SCE
combined.sce = Reduce(cbind, sce.objects)
## If no gene set provided then use all genes in common across datasets
genes.use = rownames(combined.sce)
## Ensure all objects are SCE
if(!is(combined.sce, "SingleCellExperiment")){
stop("Unsupported or inconsistent input type(s): Must be SingleCellExperiment objects")
## Determines dataset split
for(name in names(sce.objects)){
group.by = c(group.by, rep(name, ncol(sce.objects[[name]])))
colData(combined.sce)[,"group.by"] = group.by
if(length(labels) == length(sce.objects)){
## Set cell labels
## Set labels to be used in supervised training or defaults
colData(combined.sce)[,"scAlign.labels.orig"] = unlist(labels)
colData(combined.sce)[,"scAlign.labels"] = if(length(unlist(labels)) == 0) rep("NA", nrow(colData(combined.sce))) else (as.integer(factor(unlist(labels)))-1)
colData(combined.sce)[,"scAlign.labels"][is.na(colData(combined.sce)[,"scAlign.labels"])] = -1
}, error=function(e){print("Error converting labels to factors."); stop(e);})
colData(combined.sce)[,"scAlign.labels"] = rep(0, ncol(combined.sce))
print("Ignoring labels list which is either empty or less than the number of sce objects")
metadata(combined.sce)[["arguments"]] = data.frame(encoder.data=character(),
device=character(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
metadata(combined.sce)[["options"]] = data.frame(steps=integer(),
seed=integer(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
## Ensure data to be used for dimensionality reduction is available
if(is.element(data.use, names(assays(combined.sce))) == FALSE){ stop("data.use is not reachable in assays.") }
## Reduce to top 50 pcs
if(pca.reduce == TRUE){
print(paste("Computing partial PCA for top ", pcs.compute, " PCs."))
pca_results = irlba(A = t(assay(combined.sce, data.use)[genes.use,]), nv = pcs.compute)
pca_mat = pca_results$u
colnames(pca_mat) <- paste0("PC", seq_len(pcs.compute))
reducedDim(combined.sce, "PCA") = pca_results$u
metadata(combined.sce)[["PCA.output"]] = pca_results
## Reduce to top ccs
if(cca.reduce == TRUE & (length(sce.objects) == 2)){
print(paste("Computing CCA using Seurat."))
seurat.objects = list()
for(name in names(sce.objects)){
seurat.objects[[name]] = CreateSeuratObject(assay(sce.objects[[name]], data.use), project = name)
seurat.objects[[name]] = ScaleData(seurat.objects[[name]], do.center=TRUE, do.scale=TRUE)
## Functional changes due to seurat version
if(packageVersion("Seurat") >= 3.0){
## Reduce from gene to cc space
combined = RunCCA(seurat.objects[[names(sce.objects)[1]]],
## Load dim reduction into SCE object
reducedDim(combined.sce, "CCA") = Embeddings(combined, reduction = "cca")
metadata(combined.sce)[["CCA.output"]] = Loadings(combined, reduction = "cca")
## Reduce from gene to cc space
combined = RunCCA(seurat.objects[[names(sce.objects)[1]]],
## Load dim reduction into SCE object
reducedDim(combined.sce, "CCA") = GetCellEmbeddings(combined, "cca")
metadata(combined.sce)[["CCA.output"]] = GetGeneLoadings(combined, reduction.type = "cca")
}else if(cca.reduce == TRUE & length(sce.objects) > 2){
## Run Multi CCA for input to scAlign
multi.cca.input <- lapply(sce.objects, function(seurat.obj){
assay(seurat.obj, slot='scale.data')[genes.use,]
reducedDim(combined.sce, "MultiCCA") = RunMultiCCA(multi.cca.input, num.ccs = ccs.compute, standardize = cca.standardize)
#' Set training options
#' Defines parameters for optimizer and training procedure.
#' @return Options data.frame
#' @param steps (default: 15000) Number of training iterations for neural networks.
#' @param steps.decoder Number of training iterations for neural networks.
#' @param batch.size (default: 150) Number of input samples per training batch.
#' @param learning.rate (default: 1e-4) Initial learning rate for ADAM.
#' @param log.every (default: 5000) Number of steps before saving results.
#' @param architecture (default: "small") Network function name for scAlign.
#' @param batch.norm.layer (default: FALSE) Include batch normalization in the network structure.
#' @param dropout.layer (default: TRUE) Include dropout in the network.
#' @param num.dim (default: 32) Number of dimensions for joint embedding space.
#' @param perplexity (default: 30) Determines the neighborhood size for each sample.
#' @param betas (default: 0) Sets the bandwidth of the gaussians to be the same if > 0. Otherwise per cell beta is computed.
#' @param norm (default: TRUE) Normalize the data mini batches while training scAlign (repeated).
#' @param full.norm (default: FALSE) Normalize the data matrix prior to scAlign (done once).
#' @param early.stop (default: TRUE) Early stopping during network training.
#' @param walker.loss (default: TRUE) Add walker loss to model.
#' @param reconc.loss (default: FALSE) Add reconstruction loss to model during alignment.
#' @param walker.weight (default: 1.0) Weight on walker loss component
#' @param classifier.weight (default: 1.0) Weight on classifier loss component
#' @param classifier.delay (default: NULL) Delay classifier component of loss function until specific training step. Defaults to (2/3)*steps.
#' @param gpu.device (default: '0') Which gpu to use.
#' @param seed (default: 1245) Sets graph level random seed in tensorflow.
#' @examples
#' options=scAlignOptions(steps=15000,
#' log.every=5000,
#' early.stop=FALSE,
#' architecture="large")
#' @export
scAlignOptions = function(steps = 15000, steps.decoder=10000, batch.size = 150,
learning.rate = 1e-4, log.every = 5000,
architecture="large", batch.norm.layer = FALSE, dropout.layer = TRUE,
num.dim = 32, perplexity = 30, betas=0,
norm = TRUE, full.norm = FALSE,
early.stop = FALSE,
walker.loss = TRUE, reconc.loss = FALSE,
walker.weight = 1.0, classifier.weight = 1.0,
classifier.delay=NA, gpu.device = '0',
seed = 1234){
valid_opts = c("steps", "steps.decoder", "batch.size", "learning.rate", "log.every", "architecture", "batch.norm.layer", "dropout.layer",
"num.dim", "perplexity", "betas", "norm", "full.norm", "early.stop", "walker.loss",
"reconc.loss", "walker.weight", "classifier.weight", "classifier.delay", "gpu.device", "seed")
opts = data.frame(steps = steps,
batch.size = batch.size,
learning.rate = learning.rate,
log.every = log.every,
architecture = architecture,
batch.norm.layer = batch.norm.layer,
dropout.layer = dropout.layer,
num.dim = num.dim,
perplexity = perplexity,
betas = betas,
norm = norm,
full.norm = full.norm,
early.stop = early.stop,
walker.loss = walker.loss,
reconc.loss = reconc.loss,
walker.weight = walker.weight,
classifier.weight = classifier.weight,
classifier.delay = classifier.delay,
gpu.device = as.character(gpu.device),
seed = seed,
colnames(opts) = valid_opts
# if(!is.null(options)){
# if(all(names(options) %in% valid_opts)){
# ## Populate options with user supplied parameters
# for(name in names(options)){
# opts[,name] = options[[name]]
# }
# }else{ stop(paste0("These provided options are not valid: ", names(options)[which(!names(options) %in% valid_opts)])) }
# }
#' Record aguments passed to scAlign
#' @return Arguments data.frame
#' @keywords internal
scAlignArguments = function(sce.object,
args = data.frame(encoder.data=encoder.data,
log.dir=normalizePath(log.dir, mustWork=FALSE),
device=device, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(args) = c("encoder.data", "decoder.data", "supervised", "run.encoder", "run.decoder", "log.dir", "log.results", "device")
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