## adjacency matrix representation of a graph
isValidAdjMat <- function(adjMat, mode="undirected") {
## Determine if adjacency matrix adjMat is valid Element adjMat[i, j] == 1
## if the graph contains an edge FROM node i TO node j. If mode is
## "undirected", then adjMat should be symmetrix.
if (length(adjMat) == 0L) return(character(0L))
if (! nrow(adjMat) == ncol(adjMat))
stop("adjacency matrix must be square")
if (mode == "undirected")
if (any(adjMat != t(adjMat))) ## XXX: this could be slow
stop("adjacency matrix must be symmetric for undirected graphs")
if (any(adjMat < 0))
stop("negative values not allowed in adjacency matrix")
if (is.null(dimnames(adjMat))) {
nNames <- NULL
} else {
## take first non-null dimname
nonNullIndices <- which(sapply(dimnames(adjMat),
function(x) !is.null(x)))
nNames <- dimnames(adjMat)[[nonNullIndices[1]]]
if (any(duplicated(nNames)))
stop("node names must be distinct")
if (length(nonNullIndices) == 2) {
## verify rownames match colnames
if (any(rownames(adjMat) != colnames(adjMat)))
stop("row and column names must match")
isValidNodeList <- function(nList, nNames) {
if (!is.list(nList) || is.null(names(nList)))
stop("nodes must be specified as a named list")
if (!setequal(names(nList), nNames))
stop("names of node list must match graph node names")
initEdgeSet <- function(self, values) {
## Put matrix elements into @edgeData using attr name from 'values'.
if (!is.list(values) || length(values) != 1 || is.null(names(values)))
stop("values must be a named list with one element")
self@edgeData <- new("attrData", defaults=values)
valName <- names(values)[1]
eSpec <- graph:::.getAllEdges(self)
from <- eSpec$from
to <- eSpec$to
if (length(from) > 0L && length(to) > 0L) {
v <- t(self@adjMat)
v <- v[v != 0] ## this unrolls the matrix in the right way
edgeData(self, from=from, to=to, attr=valName) <- v
## FIXME: consider storing matrix as logical
setMethod("initialize", signature("graphAM"),
function(.Object, adjMat, edgemode="undirected", values) {
nNames <- graph:::isValidAdjMat(adjMat, edgemode)
if (is.null(nNames))
nNames <- paste("n", 1:ncol(adjMat), sep="")
.Object@graphData$edgemode <- edgemode
.Object@nodeData <- new("attrData")
colnames(adjMat) <- nNames
rownames(adjMat) <- NULL
.Object@adjMat <- adjMat
if (!missing(values))
.Object <- graph:::initEdgeSet(.Object, values)
.Object@edgeData <- new("attrData")
## Matrix values have been stored in @edgeData,
## so now we normalize to 0/1
adjMat <- .Object@adjMat
adjMat[adjMat != 0L] <- 1L
.Object@adjMat <- adjMat
getEdgeList <- function(adjMat, nodeNames) {
numNodes <- length(nodeNames)
eList <- vector(mode="list", length=numNodes)
for (i in seq(length=numNodes)) {
aRow <- adjMat[i, ]
result <- names(base::which(aRow != 0))
if (is.null(result))
result <- character(0)
eList[[i]] <- result
names(eList) <- nodeNames
setMethod("edges", signature("graphAM", "missing"),
function(object) {
if (length(object@adjMat) == 0L) return(list())
getEdgeList(object@adjMat, nodes(object))
setMethod("edges", signature("graphAM", "character"),
function(object, which) {
if (length(object@adjMat) == 0L) return(list())
idx <- base::which(colnames(object@adjMat) %in% which)
getEdgeList(object@adjMat[idx, ], nodes(object)[idx])
setMethod("numNodes", signature("graphAM"),
function(object) length(nodes(object)))
setMethod("numEdges", signature(object="graphAM"),
function(object) {
nE <- sum(object@adjMat != 0)
if (!isDirected(object)) {
selfLoops <- sum(diag(object@adjMat) != 0)
nE <- selfLoops + (nE - selfLoops)/2
signature(object="graphAM", from="character", to="character"),
function(object, from, to) {
eSpec <- graph:::.normalizeEdges(from, to)
from <- eSpec$from
to <- eSpec$to
fromIdx <- match(from, nodes(object), nomatch=0)
toIdx <- match(to, nodes(object), nomatch=0)
if (any(fromIdx == 0))
stop("Unknown nodes in from: ",
paste(from[fromIdx == 0], collapse=", "))
if (any(toIdx == 0))
stop("Unknown nodes in to: ",
paste(to[toIdx == 0], collapse=", "))
result <- logical(length(fromIdx))
for (i in 1:length(fromIdx))
result[i] <- object@adjMat[fromIdx[i], toIdx[i]] != 0
extendAdjMat <- function(adjMat, nodes) {
nms <- c(colnames(adjMat), nodes)
curCols <- ncol(adjMat)
newCols <- matrix(0, nrow=curCols, ncol=length(nodes))
adjMat <- cbind(adjMat, newCols)
newRows <- matrix(0, nrow=length(nodes), ncol=ncol(adjMat))
adjMat <- rbind(adjMat, newRows)
colnames(adjMat) <- nms
getIndices <- function(nodes, from, to) {
## Return indices into the adjMat for nodes from and to.
i <- match(from, nodes, nomatch=0)
if (any(bad <- (i == 0)))
stop("Unknown node", sQuote(from[bad]), "specified in from")
j <- match(to, nodes, nomatch=0)
if (any(bad <- (j == 0)))
stop("Unknown node", sQuote(to[bad]), "specified in to")
list(from=i, to=j)
signature(node="character", object="graphAM", edges="missing"),
function(node, object) {
already <- node %in% nodes(object)
stop(paste(sQuote(node[already]), collapse=", "),
" are already nodes in the graph")
object@adjMat <- extendAdjMat(object@adjMat, node)
signature(from="character", to="character", graph="graphAM",
function(from, to, graph) {
if (any(bad <- isAdjacent(graph, from, to)))
stop("edges specified for addition already exist\n",
paste(sQuote(from[bad]), sQuote(to[bad]), sep="|",
collapse=", "))
idx <- getIndices(nodes(graph), from, to)
idx <- cbind(idx$from, idx$to)
graph@adjMat[idx] <- 1L
if (! isDirected(graph))
graph@adjMat[idx[ , c(2L, 1L)]] <- 1L
signature(node="character", object="graphAM"),
function(node, object) {
idx <- getNodeIndex(nodes(object), node)
zeroVect <- rep(0, ncol(object@adjMat))
## clear edges from node to other
object@adjMat[idx, ] <- zeroVect
## clear edges from other to node
object@adjMat[, idx] <- zeroVect
## TODO: clear edge attributes
## TODO: implement a clearEdgeAttributes method
signature(node="character", object="graphAM"),
function(node, object) {
idx <- getNodeIndex(nodes(object), node)
object@adjMat <- object@adjMat[-idx, -idx]
## TODO: clear edge attributes
getNodeIndex <- function(nodeNames, node) {
idx <- match(node, nodeNames, nomatch=NA)
if (any(is.na(idx)))
stop("Unknown node", sQuote(node))
coordToIndex <- function(x, y, nrow) (y * nrow) - (nrow - x)
signature(from="character", to="character", graph="graphAM"),
function(from, to, graph) {
fromIdx <- getNodeIndex(nodes(graph), from)
toIdx <- getNodeIndex(nodes(graph), to)
rowCnt <- nrow(graph@adjMat)
graph@adjMat[coordToIndex(fromIdx, toIdx, rowCnt)] <- 0
if (!isDirected(graph))
graph@adjMat[coordToIndex(toIdx, fromIdx, rowCnt)] <- 0
## This signature looks strange, but to get in edges for all nodes
## it makes sense to be able to write inEdges(g)
setMethod("inEdges", signature(node="graphAM", object="missing"),
function(node, object) {
allNodes <- nodes(node)
return(inEdges(allNodes, node))
## But we still want inEdges(object=g) to work
setMethod("inEdges", signature(node="missing", object="graphAM"),
function(node, object) {
allNodes <- nodes(object)
return(inEdges(allNodes, object))
setMethod("inEdges", signature(node="character", object="graphAM"),
function(node, object) {
allNodes <- nodes(object)
unknownNodes <- !(node %in% allNodes)
if (any(unknownNodes))
stop("Unknown nodes:\n", paste(unknownNodes, collapse=", "))
## cols of adjMat tells us in edges
adjMat <- object@adjMat
ans <- list()
for (n in node) {
ans[[n]] <- allNodes[as.logical(adjMat[, n])]
setAs(from="graphAM", to="matrix",
function(from) {
am <- from@adjMat
if (length(am) == 0L) return(am)
if ("weight" %in% names(edgeDataDefaults(from))) {
tm <- t(am)
tm[tm != 0] <- unlist(edgeData(from, attr="weight"))
m <- t(tm)
} else {
m <- am
rownames(m) <- colnames(m)
## ^^ the reverse is in ./mat2graph.R
setAs(from="graphAM", to="graphNEL",
function(from) {
gnel <- graphNEL(nodes=nodes(from), edgeL=edges(from),
## copy edge and node attributes:
gnel@edgeData <- from@edgeData
gnel@nodeData <- from@nodeData
## This is also used in mat2graph.R :
NEL2mat <- function(g) {
theNodes <- nodes(g)
numNodes <- length(theNodes)
mat <- matrix(0:0, nrow=numNodes, ncol=numNodes)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- theNodes
theEdges <- edges(g)
wts <- edgeWeights(g)
use.wts <- any(unlist(wts) != 1)
for (n in theNodes) {
e <- theEdges[[n]]
if (length(e))
mat[n, e] <- if(use.wts) wts[[n]] else 1:1
setAs(from="graphNEL", to="graphAM",
function(from) {
theNodes <- nodes(from)
numNodes <- length(theNodes)
mat <- matrix(0, nrow=numNodes, ncol=numNodes,
dimnames=list(theNodes, theNodes))
theEdges <- edges(from)
for (n in theNodes) {
e <- theEdges[[n]]
if (length(e))
mat[n, e] <- 1
## XXX: it would be safer to pass mat here, but since we cannot
## yet pass in the edgeData and nodeData, we benefit greatly
## by avoiding the copying of large matrices.
gam <- graphAM(matrix(0), edgemode=edgemode(from))
## one of the things that initialize will do is remove row
## names, so that only one copy of node names are stored
rownames(mat) <- NULL
## copy edge and node attributes
gam@edgeData <- from@edgeData
gam@nodeData <- from@nodeData
gam@adjMat <- mat
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.