## String used as the separator to name edges in a graph.
EDGEMODE_DEPR_MSG <- "The edgemode slot is deprecated.\nUse 'updateGraph' to update this graph object."
EDGEMODE_DEFUNCT_MSG <- "The edgemode slot no longer exists.\nUse 'updateGraph' to update this graph object."
checkValidNodeName <- function(node) {
if (!is.character(node))
stop("node names must be character, got: ", sQuote(class(node)))
## Node names must have nchar(n) > 0, not be NA,
## and not contain the EDGE_KEY_SEP character.
if (any(nchar(node) == 0))
stop("invalid node names: empty string not allowed")
if (any(is.na(node)))
stop("invalid node names: missing value NA not allowed")
bad <- grep(EDGE_KEY_SEP, node, fixed=TRUE)
if (length(bad))
stop("The following node names are invalid, they contain the ",
"edge separator ", sQuote(EDGE_KEY_SEP), "\n",
paste(node[bad], collapse=", "))
setMethod("isDirected", "graph",
edgemode(object) == "directed"
## Look through all serialized object within a folder, check if they are of
## class graph and update if necessary. This is not recursive, so lists of
## graphs or graphs within slots of objects will not be updated.
updateFolder <- function(path="."){
files <- dir(path, pattern="\\.rda$")
for(f in files){
env <- new.env()
load(f, envir=env)
objects <- ls(env)
needSave <- FALSE
for(i in objects){
if(is(get(i, env), "graph") && !graph:::isUpToDate(get(i, env))){
assign(i, updateGraph(get(i, env)), envir=env)
cat("Updated graph object", i, "\n")
needSave <- TRUE
save(list=objects, file=file.path(path,f), envir=env)
## Get the "real" slots of an object (slotNames gets the slots from
## the object definition)
getObjectSlots <- function(object) {
if(!is.object(object) || isVirtualClass(class(object)))
value <- attributes(object)
value$class <- NULL
if(is(object, "vector")) {
.Data <- as.vector(object)
attr(.Data, "class") <- NULL
attrNames <- c('comment', 'dim', 'dimnames', 'names',
'row.names', 'tsp')
for (nm in names(value)[names(value) %in% attrNames])
attr(.Data, nm) <- value[[nm]]
value <- value[!names(value) %in% attrNames]
value$.Data <- .Data
## (FH 11/7/07) If the graph object is not up to data give a
## deprecated warning and try to find something useful,
## else use the edgemode item of the graphData list
setMethod("edgemode", "graph", function(object)
## first check in graphData then in edgemode slot
if(!"graphData" %in% names(getObjectSlots(object))){
em <- object@graphData$edgemode
if (is.null(em) && hasEdgemode(object))
em <- object@edgemode
stop("This 'graph' object is corrupted")
em <- object@graphData$edgemode
## (FH 11/7/07) Changed this to update the object in case it is outdated
## (edgemode now lives as a list item in graphData)
setReplaceMethod("edgemode", c("graph", "character"),
function(object, value) {
if(length(value) != 1)
stop("edgemode is the wrong length")
if(!(value %in% c("directed", "undirected")) )
stop(paste("supplied mode is", value,
"it must be either directed or undirected"))
warning("The edgemode slot is deprecated. ",
"This graph object has been updated to ",
"a new version.\n", call.=FALSE)
object <- updateGraph(object)
object@graphData$edgemode <- value
edgeRenderInfo(object) <- list(arrowhead=NULL, arrowtail=NULL)
## Check if graph object is up to date
isUpToDate <- function(object, error=FALSE)
if(!is(object, "graph"))
stop("Object must inherit from class 'graph'")
availSlots <- getObjectSlots(object)
availSlotNames <- names(availSlots)
definedSlotNames <- slotNames(object)
valid <- setequal(availSlotNames, definedSlotNames) &&
if(error && !valid)
hasEdgemode <- function(object)
if(!is(object, "graph"))
stop("Object must inherit from class 'graph'")
sn <- names(getObjectSlots(object))
return("edgemode" %in% sn)
## Update an old graph instance
setMethod("updateGraph", "graph", function(object)
availSlots <- getObjectSlots(object)
availSlotNames <- names(availSlots)
definedSlotNames <- slotNames(object)
message("This graph object seems to be up to date")
newObject <- object
commonSlots <- intersect(definedSlotNames, availSlotNames)
missingSlots <- setdiff(definedSlotNames, availSlotNames)
if("graphData" %in% missingSlots &&
!"edgemode" %in% availSlotNames)
stop("Object is corrupted, don't know how to update.")
newObject <- new(class(object))
for(s in commonSlots)
slot(newObject, s) <- availSlots[[s]]
edgemode(newObject) <- suppressWarnings(edgemode(object))
setMethod("numEdges", signature(object="graph"),
function(object) {
gEdges <- edges(object)
if (length(gEdges) == 0)
numEdges <- length(unlist(gEdges, use.names=FALSE))
if (!isDirected(object)) {
numSelfLoops <- sum(mapply(function(e, n) sum(n == e),
gEdges, names(gEdges)))
numEdges <- numSelfLoops + (numEdges - numSelfLoops) / 2
## a node-edge-list graph
##the edgeL is a list, with edges, weights etc
setMethod("isAdjacent",signature(object="graph", from="character",
function(object, from, to) {
eSpec <- graph:::.normalizeEdges(from, to)
from <- eSpec$from
to <- eSpec$to
fromIdx <- match(from, nodes(object), nomatch=0)
toIdx <- match(to, nodes(object), nomatch=0)
if (any(fromIdx == 0))
stop("Unknown nodes in from: ",
paste(from[fromIdx == 0], collapse=", "))
if (any(toIdx == 0))
stop("Unknown nodes in to: ",
paste(to[toIdx == 0], collapse=", "))
fromEdges <- edges(object)[from]
.Call("graph_is_adjacent", fromEdges, to,
##handle directed graphs by a list inDegree and outDegree
setMethod("degree", signature(object="graph", Nodes="missing"),
function(object) {
degree(object, Nodes=nodes(object))
setMethod("degree", "graph", function(object, Nodes) {
nl <- edges(object)
nls <- nl[Nodes]
deg <- listLen(nls)
names(deg) <- Nodes
if (!isDirected(object))
else {
b1 <- unlist(nl)
b2 <- table(b1)
nonZeroNodes <- Nodes[Nodes %in% names(b2)]
inDegree <- structure(integer(length(Nodes)), names=Nodes)
inDegree[nonZeroNodes] <- as.integer(b2[nonZeroNodes])
return(list(inDegree=inDegree, outDegree=deg))
setMethod("leaves", "graph",
function(object, degree.dir) {
deg <- degree(object)
leaf_degree <- 1L
if (isDirected(object)) {
if (missing(degree.dir))
stop("'degree.dir' must be specified for a directed graph")
degree.dir <- switch(match.arg(degree.dir, c("in", "out")),
deg <- deg[[degree.dir]]
leaf_degree <- 0L
wh <- deg == leaf_degree
## setMethod("acc", "graph", function(object, index) {
## visit <- function(ind) {
## marked[ind] <<- TRUE
## alist <- adj(object, ind)[[1]]
## for( EDGE in alist) {
## if( !marked[EDGE] ) {
## visit(EDGE)
## rval <<- c(EDGE, rval)
## }
## }
## }
## marked <- rep(FALSE, numNodes(object))
## rval <- vector(length=0)
## names(marked) <- nodes(object)
## visit(index)
## return(rval)
## }, where = where)
##an iterative method ! yuck
setMethod("acc", c("graph", "character"), function(object, index) {
nN <- numNodes(object)
nNames<- nodes(object)
nIndex <- length(index)
whN <- match(index, nNames)
if( any(is.na(whN)) )
stop("unmatched node provided")
rval <- vector("list", length=nIndex)
names(rval) <- nNames[whN]
for( i in 1:nIndex) {
marked<-rep(0, nN)
distv <- rep(0, nN)
names(distv) <- nNames
distx <- 1
names(marked) <- nNames
nmkd <- 0
marked[index[i]] <- 1
done <- FALSE
while( !done ) {
minds <- nNames[marked==1]
for( node in minds) {
avec <- adj(object, node)[[1]]
avec <- avec[marked[avec]==0] #don't mark any already marked
marked[avec] <- 1
distv[avec] <- distx
marked[minds] <- 2
distx <- distx+1
newmk <- sum(marked==1)
if( newmk == 0 )
done <- TRUE
marked[index[i]] <- 0 ##not the node itself
rval[[i]] <- distv[marked==2]
setMethod("edgeWeights", signature(object="graph", index="character"),
function(object, index, attr, default, type.checker)
## Check extra args
if (!is.character(attr) || length(attr) != 1)
" must be a character vector of length one.")
if (!is.null(type.checker) && !is.function(type.checker))
stop(sQuote("type.checker"), " must be a function or NULL.")
if (! attr %in% names(edgeDataDefaults(object))) {
## No existing 'weight' edge attr, uses default
edgeDataDefaults(object, attr) <- default
ew <- edgeData(object, from=index, attr=attr)
if (!length(ew))
return(lapply(edges(object), function(x)
vector(mode=mode(default), length=0))[index])
gEdges <- edges(object)[index]
edgeCounts <- sapply(gEdges, length)
nn <- rep(index, edgeCounts)
names(ew) <- unlist(gEdges, use.names=FALSE)
ew <- unlist(ew)
if (!is.null(type.checker) && !isTRUE(type.checker(ew)))
stop("invalid type of edge weight.\n",
"type.checker(ew) not TRUE\n",
"typeof(ew): ", typeof(ew))
## for (el in ew) {
## ## XXX: if el is an S4 instance, it will match "list"
## if (!isTRUE(type.checker(el)))
## stop("invalid type of edge weight.\n",
## "type.checker(el) not TRUE\n",
## "typeof(el): ", typeof(el))
## }
## if (!is.null(type.checker)) {
## dMode <- storage.mode(default)
## tryCatch(storage.mode(ew) <- dMode,
## warning=function(w) {
## wMsg <- conditionMessage(w)
## msg <- paste("unable to type.checker edge weight to",
## dMode, "\n", wMsg)
## if (grep("NA", msg))
## stop(msg)
## else
## warning(wMsg)
## })
ans = split(unlist(ew), nn)
ans <- c(ans, lapply(gEdges[edgeCounts == 0], as.numeric))
ans[index] ## split does sorting, we want orig order
setMethod("edgeWeights", signature(object="graph", index="numeric"),
function(object, index, attr, default, type.checker)
index <- nodes(object)[index]
edgeWeights(object, index, attr=attr, default=default,
setMethod("edgeWeights", signature(object="graph", index="missing"),
function(object, index, attr, default, type.checker)
index <- nodes(object)
edgeWeights(object, index, attr=attr, default=default,
setMethod("DFS", c("graph", "character", "ANY"), function(object, node,
checkConn=TRUE) {
nNames <- nodes(object)
marked <- rep(NA, length(nNames))
names(marked) <- nNames
m1 <- match(node, nNames)
if( is.na(m1) )
stop(paste("node:", node, "is not in the graph"))
##this could be expensive
if (checkConn) {
c1 <- connComp(object)
if(length(c1) != 1)
stop("graph is not connected")
marked[m1] <- 0
##repeat until all are marked - marked has no NA's
counter <- 1
while( any(is.na(marked)) ) {
fE <- boundary(nNames[!is.na(marked)], object)
fE <- fE[sapply(fE, length) > 0]
wh <- marked[names(fE)]
v1 <- sort(wh)
newN <- fE[[names(v1)[v1==max(v1)]]]
marked[newN[1]] <- counter
counter <- counter+1
### yet another implementation of "intersection", in C
setMethod("intersection2", c("graph", "graph"), function(x,y) {
if (edgemode(x) != edgemode(y) )
stop("both graphs must have the same edgemode")
if (edgemode(x) == "undirected")
edgeM <- 0
edgeM <- 1
.Call("graphIntersection", nodes(x), nodes(y),
edges(x), edges(y), edgeM, PACKAGE="BioC_graph")
setMethod("intersection", c("graph", "graph"), function(x,y) {
if( edgemode(x) != edgemode(y) )
stop("both graphs must have the same edgemode")
xN <- nodes(x)
yN <- nodes(y)
bN <- intersect(xN, yN)
if( length(bN) == 0 )
edgeL=vector("list", 0), edgemode=edgemode(x)))
##lb <- length(bN)
##if(lb != length(xN) || lb != length(yN))
## stop("graphs must have the same node set")
xE <- edges(x, bN)
xE = lapply(xE, function(x) {
x[x %in% bN]})
yE <- edges(y, bN)
yE = lapply(yE, function(x) {
x[x %in% bN]})
rval <- vector("list", length=length(xE))
for(i in 1:length(xE) ) {
ans <- intersect(xE[[i]], yE[[i]])
rval[[i]] <- list(edges=match(ans, bN),
weights=rep(1, length(ans)))
names(rval) <- bN
graphNEL(nodes=bN, edgeL=rval, edgemode=edgemode(x))
setMethod("join", c("graph", "graph"), function(x, y) {
ex <- edgemode(x); ey <- edgemode(y)
if(ex == ey)
outmode <- ex
stop("cannot handle different edgemodes, yet")
nX <- nodes(x)
numXnodes <- length(nX)
nY <- nodes(y)
## Combine the two sets of nodes, removing any duplications
newNodes <- unique(c(nX, nY))
eLX <- edgeL(x)
eLY <- edgeL(y)
newEdgeL <- eLX
## Can't just cat the edgeL's together like this
## as the node #s have all changed.
if (length(eLY) > 0) {
eLYnames <- names(eLY)
for (i in 1:length(eLY)) {
newEntry <- eLY[i]
## !! first need to adjust the targets on the edges
newEdges <- newEntry[[1]]$edges
if (length(newEdges) > 0) {
for (j in 1:length(newEdges)) {
curTo <- nY[newEdges[j]]
newTo <- match(curTo,newNodes)
if (is.na(newTo))
stop("Error reassigning duplicated nodes")
newEdges[j] <- newTo
newEntry[[1]]$edges <- newEdges
## now need to attach it to the list. If this
## is a duplicated node, combine it with the
## original, otherwise add it ot the list
if (length(newEdgeL) == 0)
newEdgeL <- newEntry
else if (eLYnames[i] %in% nX) {
entry <- which(names(newEdgeL) == eLYnames[i])
if (length(entry) > 1)
stop("Duplicated node names in original graph")
curEntry <- newEdgeL[[entry]]
curEntry$edges <- c(curEntry$edges, newEntry[[1]]$edges)
curEntry$weights <- c(curEntry$weights,
##should be user adjustable -
##for now just remove extras
dups = duplicated(curEntry$edges)
if(any(dups) ) {
curEntry$edges = curEntry$edges[!dups]
curEntry$weights = curEntry$weights[!dups]
if (!is.null(curEntry))
newEdgeL[[entry]] <- curEntry
newEdgeL <- c(newEdgeL,newEntry)
## Some graphs have edgeL's that are missing the original
## node from the edgeL. When we collated the edgeL above,
## those nodes will be missing - so need to make sure that
## all nodes are present, as the graphNEL() call below
## will check to make sure that length(nodes) == length(edgeL)
for (missNode in newNodes[! newNodes %in% names(newEdgeL)]) {
newEdgeL[[length(newEdgeL) + 1]] <- list(edges=numeric(),
names(newEdgeL)[length(newEdgeL)] <- missNode
graphNEL(nodes=newNodes, edgeL=newEdgeL, edgemode=ex)
setMethod("union", c("graph", "graph"), function(x, y) {
ex <- edgemode(x); ey <- edgemode(y);
if( ex == ey )
outmode <- ex
stop("cannot handle different edgemodes, yet")
xN <- sort(nodes(x))
yN <- sort(nodes(y))
if( any(xN != yN) )
stop("graphs must have the same nodes")
xE <- edges(x)
yE <- edges(y)
rval <- vector("list", length=length(xE))
names(rval) <- xN
for(i in names(xE) ) {
ans <- unique(c(xE[[i]], yE[[i]]))
rval[[i]] <-
if( length(ans) > 0 )
list(edges = match(ans, xN),
weights= rep(1, length(ans)))
list(edges=numeric(0), weights=numeric(0))
names(rval) <- xN
graphNEL(nodes=xN, edgeL=rval, edgemode=outmode)
setMethod("complement", c("graph"), function(x) {
if( edgemode(x) != "undirected" )
stop(paste("can't handle edgemode:", edgemode(x), "yet"))
xN <- nodes(x)
xE <- edges(x)
rval <- vector("list", length=length(xE))
names(rval) <- xN
for( i in xN ) {
ans <-xN[ !(xN %in% c(i, xE[[i]])) ]
lena <- length(ans)
if( lena > 0 )
rval[[i]] <- list(edges=match(ans, xN),
weights=rep(1, lena))
rval[[i]] <- list(edges=numeric(0), weights=numeric(0))
graphNEL(nodes=xN, edgeL=rval, edgemode=edgemode(x))
##connected components
setMethod("connComp", "graph", function(object) {
##if directed we do weak connectivity
##by transforming to the underlying undirected graph
if( edgemode(object) == "directed")
object = ugraph(object)
NL <- nodes(object)
marked <- rep(0, length(NL))
names(marked) <- NL
done <- FALSE
rval <- vector("list", 1)
cnode <- 1
index <- 1
nused <- numeric(0)
while( !done ) {
curracc <- acc(object, NL[cnode])[[1]]
rval[[index]] <- curracc
nused <- c(nused, cnode)
index <- index + 1
if( length(curracc) > 0 )
marked[names(curracc)] <- 1
marked[cnode] <- 1
cnode <- match(0, marked)
if( is.na(cnode) )
done <- TRUE
nmR <- NL[nused]
nc <- length(rval)
rL <- vector("list", length=nc)
for(i in 1:nc) rL[[i]]<-c(nmR[[i]], names(rval[[i]]))
setMethod("isConnected", "graph",
function(object, ...) (length(connComp(object)) == 1))
setMethod("numNodes", "graph", function(object) length(nodes(object)))
setMethod("show", signature("graph"),
function(object) {
isUpToDate(object, error=TRUE)
numNodes<- numNodes(object)
cat("A", class(object), "graph with", edgemode(object), "edges\n")
cat("Number of Nodes =", numNodes, "\n")
cat("Number of Edges =", numEdge, "\n")
.edgeWeight <- function(from, to, graph)
gN <- nodes(graph)
wF <- match(from, gN)
if( is.na(wF) )
stop(paste(from, "is not a node"))
wT <- match(to, gN)
if( is.na(wT) )
stop(paste(to, "is not a node"))
eL <- graph@edgeL[[from]]
mt <- match(wT, eL$edges)
if(is.na(mt) )
stop(paste("no edge from", from, "to", to))
##take a sparse matrix - csr and put it into a graph
sparseM2Graph <- function(sM, nodeNames, edgemode=c("directed", "undirected"))
## FIXME: this needs to become a method
require("SparseM") || stop("need SparseM for this operation")
edgemode <- match.arg(edgemode)
nN <- dim(sM)[1]
if( nN != dim(sM)[2] )
stop("only square matrices can be transformed, now")
if( length(nodeNames) != nN )
stop("wrong number of node names supplied")
if( !is.character(nodeNames) )
stop("wrong type of node names supplied")
dd <- diff(sM@ia)
e1 <- rep(1:nN, dd)
eL <- split(sM@ja, e1)
eW <- split(sM@ra, e1)
edL <- vector("list", length=nN)
names(edL) <- 1:nN
for(i in as.character(1:nN) ){
##need this because otherwise partial matching is done
if( i %in% names(eL) )
edL[[i]] <- list(edges=eL[[i]], weights=eW[[i]])
edL[[i]] <- list(edges=numeric(0))
names(edL) <- nodeNames
graphNEL(nodes=nodeNames, edgeL=edL, edgemode=edgemode)
##translate a graph to a SparseMatrix:
##ra - the values; these will be 1's for now
##ja - the column indices
##ia the row offsets (
graph2SparseM <- function(g, useweights=FALSE) {
## FIXME: this needs to become a method
require("SparseM") || stop("need SparseM for this operation")
if (! is(g, "graphNEL"))
stop("coercion only works for graphNEL class")
nr = nc = numNodes(g)
e1 = g@edgeL
e2 = lapply(e1, function(x) x$edges)
eL = listLen(e2)
if (useweights && ("weight" %in% names(edgeDataDefaults(g))))
ra <- unlist(edgeData(g, attr="weight"))
ra = rep(1, sum(eL))
ja = as.integer(unlist(e2))
ia = as.integer(cumsum(c(1, eL)))
new("matrix.csr", ra=ra, ja=ja, ia=ia, dimension=c(nr, nc))
## edge names
definition=function(object, recipEdges=c("combined", "distinct")) {
recipEdges <- match.arg(recipEdges)
## convert names to integers ("standard node labeling")
to <- lapply(edges(object), match, nodes(object))
from <- match(names(to), nodes(object))
stop("Edge names do not match node names.")
## from-to matrix
ft <- matrix(c(rep(from, listLen(to)), to=unlist(to)), ncol=2)
if (recipEdges == "combined") {
## revert those edges for which 'from' > 'to'
revert <- ft[, 1] > ft[, 2]
ft2 <- ft
ft2[revert,] <- ft2[revert, c(2, 1)]
ft <- ft[!duplicated.array(ft2, MARGIN=1),, drop=FALSE]
return(paste(nodes(object)[ft[, 1]], nodes(object)[ft[, 2]], sep="~"))
## clustering coefficient
definition=function(object, selfLoops=FALSE) {
## Convert names to integers ("standard node labeling")
## This is here for efficiency - the matching code in the for-loop
## below would also work for the characters (names).
to <- lapply(edges(object), match, nodes(object))
from <- match(names(to), nodes(object))
stop("Edge names do not match node names.")
if(!selfLoops) {
ufrom <- rep(from, listLen(to))
uto <- unlist(to)
stop("Graph must not contain self-loops.")
totEdges <- function(i) i*(i-1)
} else {
totEdges <- function(i) i*i
clustCoef <- rep(as.numeric(NA), numNodes(object))
names(clustCoef) <- nodes(object)
for (i in which(listLen(to)>0)) {
## to[[i]] are all the nodes reached from i.
## to[ to[[i]] ] are all second-degree neihbours
nb <- sapply(to[ to[[i]] ], function(x) sum(!is.na(match(x, to[[i]]))))
clustCoef[from[i]] <- sum(nb) / totEdges(length(nb))
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## node data access
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod("nodeDataDefaults", signature(self="graph", attr="missing"),
function(self, attr) attrDefaults(self@nodeData))
setMethod("nodeDataDefaults", signature(self="graph", attr="character"),
function(self, attr) attrDefaults(self@nodeData, attr))
setReplaceMethod("nodeDataDefaults", signature(self="graph", attr="missing",
function(self, attr, value) {
attrDefaults(self@nodeData) <- value
setReplaceMethod("nodeDataDefaults", signature(self="graph", attr="character",
function(self, attr, value) {
attrDefaults(self@nodeData, attr) <- value
.verifyNodes <- function(n, nodes) {
unknownNodes <- n[! n %in% nodes]
if (length(unknownNodes) > 0)
stop("Unknown nodes: ",
paste(unknownNodes, collapse=", "))
signature(self="graph", n="character", attr="character"),
function(self, n, attr) {
graph:::.verifyNodes(n, nodes(self))
attrDataItem(self@nodeData, x=n, attr=attr)
signature(self="graph", n="character", attr="character",
function(self, n, attr, value) {
graph:::.verifyNodes(n, nodes(self))
attrDataItem(self@nodeData, x=n, attr=attr) <- value
signature(self="graph", n="character", attr="missing"),
function(self, n, attr) {
graph:::.verifyNodes(n, nodes(self))
attrDataItem(self@nodeData, x=n)
signature(self="graph", n="missing", attr="character"),
function(self, n, attr) {
attrDataItem(self@nodeData, x=nodes(self), attr=attr)
signature(self="graph", n="missing", attr="character", value="ANY"),
function(self, n, attr, value) {
attrDataItem(self@nodeData, x=nodes(self), attr=attr) <- value
signature(self="graph", n="missing", attr="missing"),
function(self, n, attr) {
attrDataItem(self@nodeData, x=nodes(self))
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## edge data access
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod("edgeDataDefaults", signature(self="graph", attr="missing"),
function(self, attr) attrDefaults(self@edgeData))
setMethod("edgeDataDefaults", signature(self="graph", attr="character"),
function(self, attr) attrDefaults(self@edgeData, attr))
setReplaceMethod("edgeDataDefaults", signature(self="graph", attr="missing",
function(self, attr, value) {
attrDefaults(self@edgeData) <- value
setReplaceMethod("edgeDataDefaults", signature(self="graph", attr="missing",
function(self, attr, value) {
attrDefaults(self@edgeData) <- value
setReplaceMethod("edgeDataDefaults", signature(self="graph", attr="character",
function(self, attr, value) {
attrDefaults(self@edgeData, attr) <- value
.normalizeEdges <- function(from, to) {
lenFr <- length(from)
lenTo <- length(to)
if (lenFr > lenTo) {
if (lenTo != 1)
stop("'to' must be length 1 or ", lenFr, " for this call.")
to <- rep(to, lenFr)
} else if (lenFr < lenTo) {
if (lenFr != 1)
stop("'from' must be length 1 or ", lenTo, " for this call.")
from <- rep(from, lenTo)
list(from=from, to=to)
.verifyEdges <- function(graph, from, to) {
stopifnot(length(from) == length(to))
if (length(from) == 0L) return(TRUE) # no edges
adjList <- isAdjacent(graph, from, to)
if (any(!adjList)) {
badFr <- from[!adjList]
badTo <- to[!adjList]
res <- paste(badFr, badTo, sep=EDGE_KEY_SEP, collapse=", ")
stop("Edges not found: ", res)
.makeEdgeKeys <- function(from, to) {
stopifnot(length(from) == length(to))
paste(from, to, sep=EDGE_KEY_SEP)
.getEdgeKeys <- function(graph, from, to) {
eSpec <- graph:::.normalizeEdges(from, to)
from <- eSpec$from
to <- eSpec$to
graph:::.verifyEdges(graph, from, to)
edgeKeys <- graph:::.makeEdgeKeys(from, to)
setMethod("edgeData", signature(self="graph", from="character", to="character",
function(self, from, to, attr) {
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, from, to)
attrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys, attr=attr)
setMethod("edgeData", signature(self="graph", from="character", to="missing",
function(self, from, to, attr) {
graph:::.verifyNodes(from, nodes(self))
gEdges <- edges(self)[from]
lens <- sapply(gEdges, length)
fEdges <- rep(from, lens)
if (!length(fEdges))
tEdges <- unlist(gEdges)
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, fEdges, tEdges)
attrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys, attr=attr)
setMethod("edgeData", signature(self="graph", from="missing", to="character",
function(self, from, to, attr) {
eDat <- edges(self)
inE <- inEdges(to, self)
to <- rep(to, sapply(inE, length))
from <- unlist(inE)
## from <- names(eDat)[sapply(eDat, function(x) to %in% x)]
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, from, to)
attrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys, attr=attr)
signature(self="graph", from="character", to="character",
attr="character", value="ANY"),
function(self, from, to, attr, value) {
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, from, to)
attrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys, attr=attr) <- value
if (!isDirected(self)) {
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, to, from)
attrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys,
attr=attr) <- value
signature(self="graph", from="character", to="missing",
attr="character", value="ANY"),
function(self, from, to, attr, value) {
graph:::.verifyNodes(from, nodes(self))
gEdges <- edges(self)[from]
lens <- sapply(gEdges, length)
if (any(lens == 0))
warning("No edges from nodes: ",
paste(from[lens == 0], collapse=", "))
fEdges <- rep(from, lens)
tEdges <- unlist(edges(self)[from])
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, fEdges, tEdges)
attrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys, attr=attr) <- value
if (!isDirected(self)) {
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, tEdges, fEdges)
attrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys,
attr=attr) <- value
signature(self="graph", from="missing", to="character",
attr="character", value="ANY"),
function(self, from, to, attr, value) {
eDat <- edges(self)
from <- names(eDat)[sapply(eDat, function(x) to[1] %in% x)]
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, from, to)
attrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys, attr=attr) <- value
if (!isDirected(self)) {
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, to, from)
attrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys,
attr=attr) <- value
.getAllEdges <- function(graph) {
e1 <- edges(graph)
if (length(e1) == 0L) {
list(from=character(0), to=character(0))
} else {
n1 <- nodes(graph)
n1 <- rep(n1, sapply(e1, length))
list(from=n1, to=unlist(e1))
setMethod("edgeData", signature(self="graph", from="missing", to="missing",
function(self, from, to, attr) {
eSpec <- graph:::.getAllEdges(self)
from <- eSpec$from
to <- eSpec$to
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, from, to)
attrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys, attr=attr)
setMethod("edgeData", signature(self="graph", from="character", to="character",
function(self, from, to, attr) {
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, from, to)
attrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys)
setMethod("edgeData", signature(self="graph", from="missing", to="missing",
function(self, from, to, attr) {
eSpec <- graph:::.getAllEdges(self)
from <- eSpec$from
to <- eSpec$to
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, from, to)
attrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys)
## still needed for Rgraphviz' plot() [well, as long as edgeL() is still there]
setMethod("edgeL", "graph",
function(graph, index) callGeneric(as(graph, "graphNEL")))
## This is a placeholder; if it's missing, i.e., currently,
## and 'Rgraphviz' is not loaded, users get bad error messages.
## Unfortunately, it doesn't work -- to MM, this seems like a bug in R
setMethod("plot", "graph",
function(x, y, ...) {
if(require("Rgraphviz")) {
## Remove 'myself' :
removeMethod("plot", "graph",
where = as.environment("package:graph"))
message("now that the 'Rgraphviz' package is loaded, try again...")
else stop("'Rgraphviz' package is required for plot(<graph>)")
## else, try again *after* loading 'Rgraphviz':
## gives infinite recursion: callGeneric()
## gives infinite recursion: plot(x,y, ...)
## dispatches to S3 plot.default: callNextMethod()
clearEdgeData <- function(self, from, to) {
##FIXME: make me a method
edgeKeys <- graph:::.getEdgeKeys(self, from, to)
removeAttrDataItem(self@edgeData, x=edgeKeys) <- NULL
clearNodeData <- function(self, n) {
##FIXME: make me a method
removeAttrDataItem(self@nodeData, x=n) <- NULL
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.