validGraph<-function(object, quietly=FALSE) {
## FIXME: we are doing if/else branching here on
## specific subclasses of graph. We should make this a generic
## so we can organize checking. Also, graphAM is not
## currently being checked in any way.
bad = FALSE
if (is(object, "graphNEL")) {
if (any( {
if (!quietly ) cat("NA element in nodes.\n")
bad <- TRUE
if(any(,use.names=FALSE)))) {
cat("NA element in edges.\n")
bad <- TRUE
##don't think we want to force this one
## if (length(objNodes)!=length(objEdges)) {
## if( !quietly )
## cat("Nodes and edges must have the same length.\n")
## bad <- TRUE
## }
if (!all( names(objEdges) %in% objNodes )) {
if( !quietly )
cat("Edges don't have the same names as the nodes.\n")
bad <- TRUE
if (any(duplicated(objNodes))) {
if( !quietly )
cat("Node names may not be duplicated\n")
bad <- TRUE
##check for reciprocity in undirected graphs
##paste to->from and from->to if any are not duplicated then
##the edge is not reciprocal. Note we are not going to handle
##multiedges well.
if(edgemode(object) == "undirected" && length(objEdges)>0 ) {
fr <- rep(names(objEdges), sapply(objEdges, length))
to <- unlist(objEdges)
frto <- paste(fr, to, sep=EDGE_KEY_SEP)
tofr <- paste(to, fr, sep=EDGE_KEY_SEP)
badEdges <- setdiff(tofr, frto)
if (length(badEdges) > 0) {
if (!quietly) {
cat("The graph is undirected and the following edges",
"are not reciprocated:\n",
paste(badEdges, collapse=", "), "\n\n")
bad <- TRUE
else if( is(object, "distGraph") ) {
if( is(object@Dist, "dist") )
setMethod("initialize", "graphNEL",
function(.Object, ...) {
.Object <- callNextMethod()
graphNEL_init_edges_nested <- function(nodes, edgeL) {
if(length(nodes) != length(edgeL) )
stop("nodes and edges must align")
nameE <- names(edgeL)
if( !is.null(nameE) && !all( nameE %in% nodes) )
stop("names of nodes and edges must agree")
if( !is.null(nameE) )
edgeL <- edgeL[nodes]
edgeL <- lapply(edgeL, function(x) {
if (is.character(x$edges))
x$edges <- match(x$edges, nodes)
if (is.null(x) || is.null(x$edges))
x <- list(edges=numeric(0))
graphNEL_init_edgeL_weights <- function(gnel) {
defaultWeight <- 1
edgeDataDefaults(gnel, attr="weight") <- defaultWeight
edgeL <- gnel@edgeL
wts <- unlist(lapply(edgeL, function(x) {
w <- x$weights
if (is.null(w) || length(w) == 0)
return(rep(defaultWeight, length(x$edges)))
if (!is.numeric(wts))
stop("weights in edgeL must be numeric")
eSpec <- graph:::.getAllEdges(gnel)
from <- eSpec$from
to <- eSpec$to
edgeData(gnel, from=from, to=to, attr="weight") <- wts
## remove weights, since now stored in the edgeData
edgeL <- lapply(edgeL, function(x) x["edges"])
gnel@edgeL <- edgeL
graphNEL_init_edges <- function(nodes, edges) {
nameE <- names(edges)
if (is.null(nameE) || !all(nameE %in% nodes))
stop("invalid arg: edges must have names corresponding to nodes")
edgeL <- lapply(edges, function(x) {
if (is.list(x))
stop("invalid arg ", sQuote("edgeL"), "\n",
"expecting a list of character or list of lists")
list(edges=match(x, nodes))
setMethod("initialize", "graphNEL",
## FIXME: what about edge weights?
function(.Object, nodes=character(0), edgeL, edgemode) {
if (length(nodes))
if( missing(edgemode) )
edgemode <- "undirected"
doWeights <- FALSE
if (missing(edgeL) || (!is.null(edgeL) && length(edgeL) == 0)) {
edgeL <- vector(mode="list", length=length(nodes))
names(edgeL) <- nodes
} else {
## which list structure was used?
edgeParser <- graphNEL_init_edges
firstVal <- edgeL[[1]]
if (is.null(firstVal))
stop("invalid arg ", sQuote("edgeL"), "\n",
"elements must be character or list, got NULL")
if (length(edgeL) > 0 && is.list(edgeL[[1]])) {
edgeParser <- graphNEL_init_edges_nested
doWeights <- TRUE
edgeL <- edgeParser(nodes, edgeL)
.Object@nodes <- nodes
.Object@edgeL <- edgeL
.Object@graphData$edgemode <- edgemode
if (doWeights)
.Object <- graphNEL_init_edgeL_weights(.Object)
##the graphNEL representation stores edges as indexes into the
##node label vector
setMethod("edges", c("graphNEL", "missing"), function(object, which) {
gNodes <- object@nodes
lapply(object@edgeL, function(x) gNodes[x$edges])})
setMethod("edges", c("graphNEL", "character"),
function(object, which) {
gNodes <- nodes(object)
lapply(object@edgeL[which], function(x) gNodes[x$edges])})
setMethod("adj", c("graphNEL", "ANY"), function(object, index) {
initI <- as.character(index)
nd <- nodes(object)
if( is.character(index) )
index <- match(index, nd)
if( || index < 0 || index > length(nd) )
stop(paste("selected vertex", initI, "is not in the graph"))
setMethod("edgeL", "graphNEL", function(graph, index) {
if( missing(index) )
setMethod("subGraph", signature(snodes="character", graph="graphNEL"),
function(snodes, graph) {
origNodes <- nodes(graph)
snodesIdx <- match(snodes, origNodes)
if (any( {
bad <- snodes[which(]
stop("invalid arg: snodes contains nodes not in the ",
"graph:\n", paste(bad, collapse=", "))
killedNodes <- origNodes[-snodesIdx]
newEdges <- lapply(edges(graph)[snodes],
function(x) {
whD <- match(killedNodes, x, nomatch=0)
if (any(whD))
ans <- graphNEL(nodes=snodes, edgeL=newEdges,
## FIXME: need to clean the attributes, right now we are passing
## too much.
nodeIdx <- match(snodes, names(graph@nodeData), 0)
ans@nodeData@defaults <- graph@nodeData@defaults
ans@nodeData@data <- graph@nodeData@data[nodeIdx]
ee <- .getAllEdges(ans)
if (length(ee$from) && length(ee$to)) {
kk <- .makeEdgeKeys(ee$from, ee$to)
whkk <- match(kk, names(graph@edgeData), 0)
ans@edgeData@defaults <- graph@edgeData@defaults
ans@edgeData@data <- graph@edgeData@data[whkk]
setMethod("numNodes", "graphNEL", function(object) length(object@nodes))
setMethod("addNode", signature(node="character", object="graphNEL",
function(node, object, edges) {
gN = nodes(object)
already <- match(node, gN)
if( any(! )
stop(paste(gN[already], collapse=", "), " is already a node")
## add them on the end so we don't renumber
gN = c(gN, node)
edgeL <- object@edgeL
nEd <- vector("list", length=length(node))
names(nEd) <- node
for(i in seq(along=nEd))
nEd[[i]] <- list(edges=numeric(0))
edgeL <- c(edgeL, nEd)
object@nodes <- gN
object@edgeL <- edgeL
##they need to supply a list of edges, one for each element of node
##it might be better to do this by first adding the nodes then
##calling addEdges on that graph
setMethod("addNode", signature(node="character", object="graphNEL",
function(node, object, edges) {
## first add the nodes, it does the checking too
object <- addNode(node, object)
## now add the edges:
if (!all(names(edges) == node))
stop("edges must be named and in the same order as nodes")
doWeights <- FALSE
newEdges <- lapply(edges, function(x) {
if (is.character(x))
else if (is.numeric(x)) {
doWeights <<- TRUE ## set flag in function scope
if (length(x) == 0)
enms <- character(0)
enms <- names(x)
if (is.null(enms))
stop("invalid arg ", sQuote("edges"), "\n",
"elements must be character or have names ",
"corresponding to nodes")
} else {
stop("invalid arg ", sQuote("edges"), "\n",
"expecting character or numeric list elements.")
for (i in seq(along=newEdges)) {
if (length(newEdges[[i]]) == 0)
if (doWeights)
object <- addEdge(from=node[i], to=newEdges[[i]], object,
object <- addEdge(from=node[i], to=newEdges[[i]], object)
setMethod("removeNode", c("character", "graphNEL"),
function(node, object) {
##first clear the node -- does the checking too
object <- clearNode(node, object)
nN <- nodes(object)
wh <- match(node, nN)
gN <- nN[-wh]
nE <- object@edgeL[-wh]
## Now renumber the nodes as stored in the edgelist
nE2 <- lapply(nE, function(el) {
oldN <- nN[el$edges]
el$edges <- match(oldN, gN)
object@nodes <- gN
object@edgeL <- nE2
setMethod("clearNode", c("character", "graphNEL"), function(node, object) {
gN <- nodes(object)
whN <- match(node, gN)
if(any( )
stop("the following are not nodes in the graph:\n",
paste(gN[], collapse=", "))
## clear node attributes
object <- clearNodeData(object, node)
object <- .dropEdges(object, whN)
object@edgeL[whN] <- list(list(edges=numeric(0)))
edgeKiller <- function(edgeL, from, whichKill) {
for (i in seq(along=from)) {
toKill <- whichKill[[i]]
toKill <- toKill[!]
if (length(toKill) == 0)
stop("no edge from ", from[i], " to remove")
edgeL[[from[i]]]$edges <- edgeL[[from[i]]]$edges[-toKill]
signature(from="character", to="character", graph="graphNEL"),
function(from, to, graph) {
gN <- nodes(graph)
wh <- match(c(from, to), gN)
if( any( )
stop(paste(wh[[wh]], "is not a node"))
if (length(to) == 1)
to <- rep(to, length(from))
if (length(from) == 1)
from <- rep(from, length(to))
if (!isDirected(graph)) {
fromOrig <- from
from <- c(fromOrig, to)
to <- c(to, fromOrig)
graph <- clearEdgeData(graph, from, to)
remEL <- split(to, from)
fromU <- names(remEL)
nE <- edges(graph, fromU)
whD <- mapply(function(x, y) match(x, y), remEL, nE,
graph@edgeL <- edgeKiller(graph@edgeL, fromU, whD)
setMethod("addEdge", signature=signature(from="character", to="character",
graph="graphNEL", weights="numeric"),
function(from, to, graph, weights) {
graph <- addEdge(from, to, graph)
if (!("weight" %in% names(edgeDataDefaults(graph))))
edgeDataDefaults(graph, attr="weight") <- 1:1
edgeData(graph, from=from, to=to, attr="weight") <- weights
setMethod("addEdge", signature=signature(from="character", to="character",
graph="graphNEL", weights="missing"),
function(from, to, graph) {
preEdges <- isAdjacent(graph, from, to)
if (any(preEdges)) {
preFr <- from[preEdges]
preTo <- to[preEdges]
preEdges <- paste(preFr, preTo, sep=EDGE_KEY_SEP)
warning("The following edges already exist and ",
"will be replaced:\n",
paste(preEdges, collapse=", "))
gN <- nodes(graph)
whF <- match(from, gN)
if( any( )
stop(paste(from[], "is not a node"))
whT <- match(to, gN)
if( any( )
stop(paste(to[], "is not a node"))
##roll out the shorter one
lenT <- length(to)
lenF <- length(from)
if( lenT > lenF ) {
from <- rep(from, lenT)
whF <- rep(whF, lenT)
if( lenF > lenT ) {
whT <- rep(whT, lenF)
to <- rep(to, lenF)
##now the same
lenN <- max(lenT, lenF)
eL <- graph@edgeL
for(i in 1:lenN) {
old <- eL[[from[i]]]
## remove duplicate edges
old$edges <- unique(c(old$edges, whT[i]))
eL[[from[i]]] <- old
##if undirected, then we need to go in both directions
if( edgemode(graph) == "undirected")
for(i in 1:lenN) {
old <- eL[[to[i]]]
## remove duplicate edges
old$edges <- unique(c(old$edges, whF[i]))
eL[[to[i]]] <- old
graph@edgeL <- eL
##FIXME: should we call validObject here?
## Collapse a set of nodes and the corresponding edges
setMethod("combineNodes", c("character", "graphNEL", "character"),
function(nodes, graph, newName, collapseFunction=sum) {
if( length(newName) > 1 )
stop("must have a single name")
gN <- nodes(graph)
whN <- match(nodes, gN)
if( any( )
stop(paste(from[], "is not a node"))
eL <- graph@edgeL
outE <- eL[nodes]
if( length(nodes) == 1 ) {
warning("nothing to collapse")
##function to collapse weights for combined edges
collapseFunction <-
##if undirected then we know everything
inE <- if( edgemode(graph) == "directed" ) inEdges(nodes, graph) else NULL
g2 <- removeNode(nodes, graph)
g2 <- addNode(newName, g2)
oE <- gN[unlist(lapply(outE[nodes], "[[", "edges"), use.names=FALSE)]
oW <- unlist(edgeWeights(graph, nodes), use.names=FALSE)
if (is.null(oW)) oW <- rep(1, length(oE))
toW <- tapply(oW, oE, collapseFunction)[setdiff(unique(oE), nodes)]
##there might be no edges to add
g2 <- addEdge(newName, names(toW), g2, as.numeric(toW))
##if directed we need to fix up the incoming edges
if( !is.null(inE) )
inE <- lapply(inE, setdiff, nodes)
inEl <- unique(unlist(inE), use.names=FALSE)
oW <- as.numeric(sapply(edgeWeights(graph, inEl), function(x)
collapseFunction(x[intersect(names(x), nodes)])))
g2 <- addEdge(inEl, newName, g2, oW)
##inEdges returns a list of all nodes with edges
##to the nodes in "node"
setMethod("inEdges", c("missing", "graphNEL"),
function(node, object)
inEdges(nodes(object), object))
##seems more sensible - if there is only one arg
setMethod("inEdges", c("graphNEL", "missing"),
function(node, object)
inEdges(nodes(node), node))
setMethod("inEdges", c("character", "graphNEL"),
function(node, object) {
gN <- nodes(object)
whN <- match(node, gN)
if( any( )
stop(paste(node[], "is not a node"))
nN <- length(node)
rval <- vector("list", length=nN)
names(rval) <- node
eL <- object@edgeL
for(i in 1:nN) {
whOnes <- sapply(eL,
function(x) {
if( whN[i] %in% x$edges)
rval[[i]] <- gN[whOnes]
.dropEdges <- function(self, x) {
## Remove all edges in graphNEL self to node with
## index x. Also remove all edges from node with index x.
## Return the modified graphNEL.
## Removing edges also removes the associated attributes.
oldEdgeL <- self@edgeL
newEdgeL <- vector(mode="list", length=length(oldEdgeL))
names(newEdgeL) <- names(oldEdgeL)
nds <- nodes(self)
for (i in seq(along=nds)) {
toList <- oldEdgeL[[i]]$edges
if (i %in% x) {
to <- nds[toList]
if (length(to))
self <- clearEdgeData(self, from=nds[i], to=to)
toList <- list(edges=numeric(0))
} else {
bad <- match(x, toList)
bad <- bad[!]
if (length(bad)) {
self <- clearEdgeData(self, from=nds[i], to=nds[toList[bad]])
toList <- list(edges=toList[-bad])
} else {
toList <- list(edges=toList)
newEdgeL[[nds[i]]] <- (toList)
self@edgeL <- newEdgeL
##a leaf is an element of the graph with in edges and no out
## edges - the edgeL list in a directed graphNEL list the out
inOutCounts <- function(object) {
if(!(edgemode(object)) == "directed") stop("only for directed graphs")
numOut=sapply(object@edgeL, function(x) length(x$edges))
inEdges = nodes(object)[unlist(sapply(object@edgeL, function(x)
numIn = table(inEdges)
return(list(numOut = numOut, numIn = numIn))
##FIXME: this is a replacement for the inEdges function -
##it needs to be tested and made to handle a list of
##nodes to find in edges - but that can easily be done
##simply by computing all and then subsetting
inE <- function(object) {
if(!(edgemode(object)) == "directed") stop("only for directed graphs")
inEdges = nodes(object)[unlist(sapply(object@edgeL, function(x)
numE = sapply(object@edgeL, function(x) length(x$edges))
froms = rep(names(object@edgeL), numE)
split(froms, inEdges)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.