
Defines functions enrichedIn

Documented in enrichedIn

#' This function builds a cross-tabulation of enriched (TRUE) and non-enriched (FALSE) GO terms vs. gene lists
#' @param x either an object of class "character" (or coerzable to "character") or "list".
#' In the "character" interface, these values should represent Entrez gene (or, in general, feature)
#' identifiers.
#' In the "list" interface, each element of the list must be a "character" vector of
#' Entrez identifiers
#' @param orgPackg A string with the name of the genomic annotation package corresponding to a specific species to be analyzed, which must be previously installed and activated. For more details, refer to vignette \href{../doc/goSorensen_Introduction.html}{goSorensen_Introduction}.
#' @param geneUniverse character vector containing the universe of genes from where gene lists have been extracted. This vector must be obtained from the annotation package declared in \code{orgPackg}. For more details, refer to vignette \href{../doc/goSorensen_Introduction.html}{goSorensen_Introduction}.
#' @param onto string describing the ontology. Belongs to c('BP', 'MF', 'CC')
#' @param GOLevel GO level, an integer
#' @param pAdjustMeth string describing the adjust method. Belongs to c('BH', 'BY', 'Bonf')
#' @param pvalCutoff adjusted pvalue cutoff on enrichment tests to report
#' @param qvalCutoff qvalue cutoff on enrichment tests to report as significant.
#' Tests must pass i) pvalueCutoff on unadjusted pvalues, ii) pvalueCutoff on adjusted pvalues and
#' iii) qvalueCutoff on qvalues to be reported
#' @param parallel Logical. Only in "list" interface. Defaults to FALSE, put it at TRUE for parallel computation
#' @param nOfCores Number of cores for parallel computations. Only in "list" interface
#' @param onlyEnriched logical. If TRUE (the default), the returned result only contains those GO terms
#' enriched in almost one of the gene lists
#' @param ... Additional parameters
#' @return In the "character" interface, a length k vector of TRUE/FALSE values
#' corresponding to enrichment or not of the GO terms at level 'GOLev' in ontology 'onto'.
#' If 'onlyEnriched' is FALSE, k corresponds to the total number of these GO terms. If 'onlyEnriched'
#' is TRUE (default) k is the number of enriched GO terms (and then all values in the resulting
#' vector are TRUE).
#' In the "list" interface, a logical matrix of TRUE/FALSE values indicating enrichment or not,
#' with k rows and s columns. s is the number of gene lists (the length of "list" 'x').
#' If 'onlyEnriched' is FALSE, k corresponds to the total number of GO terms at level 'GOLev' in ontology
#' 'onto'. If 'onlyEnriched' is TRUE (default), the resulting matrix only contains the k rows
#' corresponding to GO terms enriched in almost one of these s gene lists.
#' In both interfaces ("character" or "list"), the result also has an attribute (\code{nTerms}) with
#' the total number of GO terms at level 'GOLev' in ontology 'onto'.

#' @details
#' When the function argument \code{onlyEnriched} is FALSE, commonly the result is a sparse
#' but very large object. This function is primarily designed for internal use of function
#' \code{buildEnrichTable}, with argument \code{onlyEnriched} always put at its default TRUE value.
#' Then calls to \code{enrichedIn} result in much more compact objects, in general.
#' Argument \code{parallel} only applies to interface "list". Its default value ís "FALSE" and you
#' may consider the trade of between the time spent in initializing parallelization and the possible
#' time gain when parallelizing. It is difficult to establish a general guideline, but parallelizing
#' is only worthwhile when analyzing many gene lists, on the order of 30 or more, although it depends
#' a lot on each processor.

#' @importFrom org.Hs.eg.db org.Hs.eg.db
#' @examples
#' # Obtaining ENTREZ identifiers for the gene universe of humans:
#' library(org.Hs.eg.db)
#' humanEntrezIDs <- keys(org.Hs.eg.db, keytype = "ENTREZID")
#' # Gene lists to be explored for enrichment:
#' data(allOncoGeneLists)
#' ?allOncoGeneLists
#' # Computing the cross table:
#' enrichd <- enrichedIn(allOncoGeneLists[["Vogelstein"]],
#'                       geneUniverse = humanEntrezIDs, orgPackg = "org.Hs.eg.db",
#'                       onto = "MF", GOLevel = 6)
#' enrichd
#' # Cross table of enriched GO terms (GO ontology MF, level 6) for all gene
#' # lists in 'allOncoGeneLists':
#' enrichedAllOncoMF.6 <- enrichedIn(allOncoGeneLists,
#'                           geneUniverse = humanEntrezIDs, orgPackg = "org.Hs.eg.db",
#'                           onto = "MF", GOLevel = 6)
#' enrichedAllOncoMF.6
#' object.size(enrichedAllOncoMF.6)
#' # How many GO terms were tested for enrichment at ontology MF and level 6:
#' attr(enrichedAllOncoMF.6, "nTerms")

#' @export
enrichedIn <- function(x, ...) {

#' @describeIn enrichedIn S3 default method
#' @export
enrichedIn.default <- function (x, geneUniverse, orgPackg,
                                onto, GOLevel,
                                pAdjustMeth = "BH", pvalCutoff = 0.01, qvalCutoff = 0.05,
                                parallel = FALSE,
                                nOfCores = 1,
                                onlyEnriched = TRUE, ...){
  enrichedIn.character(as.character(x), geneUniverse = geneUniverse, orgPackg = orgPackg,
                       onto = onto, GOLevel = GOLevel,
                       pAdjustMeth = pAdjustMeth, pvalCutoff = pvalCutoff, qvalCutoff = qvalCutoff,
                       parallel = parallel,
                       nOfCores = nOfCores,
                       onlyEnriched = onlyEnriched, ...)

#' @describeIn enrichedIn S3 method for class "character"
#' @export
enrichedIn.character <- function (x, geneUniverse, orgPackg,
                                  onto, GOLevel, #restricted = FALSE,
                                  pAdjustMeth = "BH", pvalCutoff = 0.01, qvalCutoff = 0.05,
                                  parallel = FALSE,
                                  nOfCores = 1,
                                  onlyEnriched = TRUE, ...)
  if (!requireNamespace(orgPackg, quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop(paste("Genomic annotation of the organism to analyse is in package", orgPackg, ". Please, install this package before to use this function."),
         call. = FALSE)
  allGOIDs <- goProfiles::getGOLevel(onto, GOLevel)
  nGOIDs <- length(allGOIDs)
  enriched <- clusterProfiler::enrichGO(gene = x,
                                        universe = geneUniverse, OrgDb = orgPackg,
                                        ont = onto, pAdjustMethod = pAdjustMeth,
                                        pvalueCutoff = pvalCutoff, qvalueCutoff = qvalCutoff)
  GOIDs <- as.character(as.data.frame(enriched)$ID)
  result <- is.element(allGOIDs, GOIDs)
  names(result) <- allGOIDs
  if (onlyEnriched) {
    result <- result[result]
  attr(result, "nTerms") <- nGOIDs

#' @describeIn enrichedIn S3 method for class "list"
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster clusterExport clusterEvalQ parSapply stopCluster
#' @export
enrichedIn.list <- function (x, geneUniverse, orgPackg,
                             onto, GOLevel,
                             pAdjustMeth = "BH", pvalCutoff = 0.01, qvalCutoff = 0.05,
                             parallel = FALSE,
                             nOfCores = min(detectCores() - 1, length(x)),
                             onlyEnriched = TRUE, ...)
  if (!requireNamespace(orgPackg, quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop(paste("Genomic annotation of the organism to analyse is in package", orgPackg, ". Please, install this package before to use this function."),
         call. = FALSE)
  allGOIDs <- goProfiles::getGOLevel(onto, GOLevel)
  nGOIDs <- length(allGOIDs)
  lenGeneLists <- length(x)
  if (parallel) {
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
      cl <- makeCluster(nOfCores)
      clusterExport(cl, c("geneUniverse", "orgPackg",
                          "onto", "GOLevel", #"restricted",
                          "pAdjustMeth", "pvalCutoff", "qvalCutoff"),
                    envir = environment())
      clusterEvalQ(cl, {
        library(orgPackg, character.only = TRUE)
    } else {
      cl <- makeCluster(nOfCores, type = "FORK")
    result <- parSapply(cl, seq_len(lenGeneLists), function(iList, ...) {
      enriched <- clusterProfiler::enrichGO(gene = x[[iList]],
                                            universe = geneUniverse, OrgDb = orgPackg,
                                            ont = onto, pAdjustMethod = pAdjustMeth,
                                            pvalueCutoff = pvalCutoff, qvalueCutoff = qvalCutoff)
      GOIDs <- as.character(as.data.frame(enriched)$ID)
      return(is.element(allGOIDs, GOIDs))
  } else {
    result <- vapply(seq_len(lenGeneLists), function(iList, ...) {
      enriched <- clusterProfiler::enrichGO(gene = x[[iList]],
                                            universe = geneUniverse, OrgDb = orgPackg,
                                            ont = onto, pAdjustMethod = pAdjustMeth,
                                            pvalueCutoff = pvalCutoff, qvalueCutoff = qvalCutoff)
      GOIDs <- as.character(as.data.frame(enriched)$ID)
      return(is.element(allGOIDs, GOIDs))
    }, FUN.VALUE = logical(nGOIDs), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  rownames(result) <- allGOIDs
  colnames(result) <- names(x)
  if (onlyEnriched) {
    result <- result[apply(result, 1, any),]
  attr(result, "nTerms") <- nGOIDs
pablof1988/goSorensen documentation built on Dec. 15, 2024, 12:01 p.m.