#' Upper limit of a one-sided confidence interval (0, dUpp] for the Sorensen-Dice dissimilarity
#' @param x either an object of class "table", "matrix" or "numeric" representing a 2x2 contingency table,
#' or a "character" (a set of gene identifiers) or "list" or "tableList" object.
#' See the details section for more information.
#' @param y an object of class "character" representing a vector of gene identifiers (e.g., ENTREZ).
#' @param dis Sorensen-Dice dissimilarity value. Only required to speed computations if this value
#' is known in advance.
#' @param se standard error estimate of the sample dissimilarity. Only required to speed computations
#' if this value is known in advance.
#' @param conf.level confidence level of the one-sided confidence interval, a numeric value between 0 and 1.
#' @param z.conf.level standard normal (or bootstrap, see arguments below) distribution quantile at the
#' \code{1 - conf.level} value. Only required to speed computations if this value is known in advance.
#' Then, the argument \code{conf.level} is ignored.
#' @param boot boolean. If TRUE, \code{z.conf.level} is computed by means of a bootstrap
#' approach instead of the asymptotic normal approach. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param nboot numeric, number of initially planned bootstrap replicates. Ignored if
#' \code{boot == FALSE}. Defaults to 10000.
#' @param check.table Boolean. If TRUE (default), argument \code{x} is checked to adequately
#' represent a 2x2 contingency table. This checking is performed by means of function
#' \code{nice2x2Table}.
#' @param ... additional arguments for function \code{buildEnrichTable}.
#' @return In the "table", "matrix", "numeric" and "character" interfaces, the value of the Upper
#' limit of the confidence interval for the Sorensen-Dice dissimilarity.
#' When \code{boot == TRUE}, this result also haves a an extra attribute: "eff.nboot" which
#' corresponds to the number of effective bootstrap replicats, see the details section.
#' In the "list" and "tableList" interfaces, the result is the symmetric matrix
#' of all pairwise upper limits.
#' @details
#' This function computes the upper limit of a one-sided confidence interval for the Sorensen-Dice dissimilarity,
#' given a 2x2 arrangement of frequencies (either implemented as a "table", a "matrix"
#' or a "numeric" object):
#' \eqn{n_{11}} \tab \eqn{n_{10}} \cr
#' \eqn{n_{01}} \tab \eqn{n_{00}},
#' The subindex '11' corresponds to those
#' GO terms enriched in both lists, '01' to terms enriched in the second list but not in the first one,
#' '10' to terms enriched in the first list but not enriched in the second one and '00' corresponds
#' to those GO terms non enriched in both gene lists, i.e., to the double negatives, a value which
#' is ignored in the computations, except if \code{boot == TRUE}.
#' In the "numeric" interface, if \code{length(x) >= 4}, the values are interpreted
#' as
#' \eqn{(n_{11}, n_{01}, n_{10}, n_{00})}{%
#' (n_11, n_01, n_10, n_00)}, always in this order and discarding extra values if necessary.
#' Arguments \code{dis}, \code{se} and \code{z.conf.level} are not required. If known in advance (e.g., as
#' a consequence of previous computations with the same data), providing its value may speed the computations.
#' By default, \code{z.conf.level} corresponds to the 1 - conf.level quantile of a standard normal N(0,1)
#' distribution, as the studentized statistic (^d - d) / ^se) is asymptotically N(0,1). In
#' the studentized statistic, d stands for the "true" Sorensen-Dice dissimilarity, ^d to its sample estimate
#' and ^se for the estimate of its standard error.
#' In fact, the normal is its limiting distribution but, for finite samples, the true sampling
#' distribution may present departures from normality (mainly with some inflation in the
#' left tail).
#' The bootstrap method provides a better approximation to the true sampling distribution.
#' In the bootstrap approach, \code{nboot} new bootstrap contingency tables are generated from a
#' multinomial distribution with parameters
#' \code{size =} \eqn{n = n_{11} + n_{01} + n_{10} + n_{00}}{%
#' n11 + n01 + n10 + n00} and probabilities
#' \eqn{(n_{11} / n, n_{01} / n, n_{10}, n_{00} / n)}{%}.
#' Sometimes, some of these generated tables may present so low
#' frequencies of enrichment that make them unable for Sorensen-Dice computations. As a consequence,
#' the number of effective bootstrap samples may be lower than the number of initially planned bootstrap
#' samples \code{nboot}.
#' Computing in advance the value of argument \code{z.conf.level} may be a way to cope with
#' these departures from normality, by means of a more adequate quantile function.
#' Alternatively, if \code{boot == TRUE}, a bootstrap quantile is internally computed.
#' If \code{x} is an object of class "character", then \code{x} (and \code{y}) must represent
#' two "character" vectors of valid gene identifiers (e.g., ENTREZ).
#' Then the confidence interval for the dissimilarity between lists \code{x} and \code{y} is computed,
#' after internally summarizing them as a 2x2 contingency table of joint enrichment.
#' This last operation is performed by function \code{\link{buildEnrichTable}} and "valid gene
#' identifiers (e.g., ENTREZ)" stands for the coherency of these gene identifiers with the arguments
#' \code{geneUniverse} and \code{orgPackg} of \code{buildEnrichTable}, passed by the ellipsis
#' argument \code{...} in \code{dUppSorensen}.
#' In the "list" interface, the argument must be a list of "character" vectors, each one
#' representing a gene list (character identifiers). Then, all pairwise upper limits of
#' the dissimilarity between these gene lists are computed.
#' In the "tableList" interface, the upper limits are computed over each one of these tables.
#' Given gene lists (i.e. "character" vectors of gene identifiers) l1, l2, ..., lk,
#' an object of class "tableList" (typically constructed by a call to function
#' \code{\link{buildEnrichTable}}) is a list of lists of
#' contingency tables t(i,j) generated from each pair of gene lists i and j, with the
#' following structure:
#' $l2
#' $l2$l1$t(2,1)
#' $l3
#' $l3$l1$t(3,1), $l3$l2$t(3,2)
#' ...
#' $lk
#' $lk$l1$t(k,1), $lk$l2$t(k,2), ..., $lk$l(k-1)t(k,k-1)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{buildEnrichTable}} for constructing contingency tables of mutual
#' enrichment,
#' \code{\link{nice2x2Table}} for checking contingency tables validity,
#' \code{\link{dSorensen}} for computing the Sorensen-Dice dissimilarity,
#' \code{\link{seSorensen}} for computing the standard error of the dissimilarity,
#' \code{\link{equivTestSorensen}} for an equivalence test.
#' @examples
#' # Gene lists 'atlas' and 'sanger' in 'Cangenes' dataset. Table of joint enrichment
#' # of GO terms in ontology BP at level 3.
#' data(cont_atlas.sanger_BP4)
#' ?cont_atlas.sanger_BP4
#' duppSorensen(cont_atlas.sanger_BP4)
#' dSorensen(cont_atlas.sanger_BP4) + qnorm(0.95) * seSorensen(cont_atlas.sanger_BP4)
#' # Using the bootstrap approximation instead of the normal approximation to
#' # the sampling distribution of (^d - d) / se(^d):
#' duppSorensen(cont_atlas.sanger_BP4, boot = TRUE)
#' # Contingency table as a numeric vector:
#' duppSorensen(c(56, 1, 30, 47))
#' duppSorensen(c(56, 1, 30))
#' # Upper confidence limit for the Sorensen-Dice dissimilarity, from scratch,
#' # directly from two gene lists:
#' # (These examples may be considerably time consuming due to many enrichment
#' # tests to build the contingency tables of mutual enrichment)
#' # data(allOncoGeneLists)
#' # ?allOncoGeneLists
#' # Obtaining ENTREZ identifiers for the gene universe of humans:
#' # library(org.Hs.eg.db)
#' # humanEntrezIDs <- keys(org.Hs.eg.db, keytype = "ENTREZID")
#' # Computing the Upper confidence limit:
#' # duppSorensen(allOncoGeneLists$atlas, allOncoGeneLists$sanger,
#' # onto = "CC", GOLevel = 5,
#' # geneUniverse = humanEntrezIDs, orgPackg = "org.Hs.eg.db")
#' # Even more time consuming (all pairwise values):
#' # duppSorensen(allOncoGeneLists,
#' # onto = "CC", GOLevel = 5,
#' # geneUniverse = humanEntrezIDs, orgPackg = "org.Hs.eg.db")
#' @md
#' @importFrom stats qnorm quantile rmultinom
#' @export
duppSorensen <- function(x, ...) {
#' @describeIn duppSorensen S3 method for class "table"
#' @export
duppSorensen.table <- function(x,
dis = dSorensen.table(x, check.table = FALSE),
se = seSorensen.table(x, check.table = FALSE),
conf.level = 0.95, z.conf.level = qnorm(1 - conf.level),
boot = FALSE, nboot = 10000,
check.table = TRUE, ...){
stopifnot("Argument'conf.level' must be numeric between 0 and 1" =
(0 < conf.level) && (conf.level < 1))
stopifnot("Argument 'check.table' must be logical" = is.logical(check.table))
if (check.table){
if ((se == 0.0) || !is.finite(dis) || !is.finite(se)) {
if (boot) {
stopifnot("Argument 'nboot' must be numeric" = is.numeric(nboot))
n <- sum(x)
pTab <- x / n
bootTabs <- rmultinom(nboot, size = n, prob = pTab)
tStats <- apply(bootTabs, 2, boot.tStat, dis = dis)
tStats <- tStats[is.finite(tStats)]
len.tStats <- length(tStats)
z.conf.level <- quantile(tStats, probs = 1 - conf.level)
result <- min(dis - z.conf.level * se, 1.0)
if (boot) {
attr(result, "eff.nboot") <- len.tStats
#' @describeIn duppSorensen S3 method for class "matrix"
#' @export
duppSorensen.matrix <- function(x,
dis = dSorensen.matrix(x, check.table = FALSE),
se = seSorensen.matrix(x, check.table = FALSE),
conf.level = 0.95, z.conf.level = qnorm(1 - conf.level),
boot = FALSE, nboot = 10000,
check.table = TRUE, ...){
stopifnot("Argument'conf.level' must be numeric between 0 and 1" =
(0 < conf.level) && (conf.level < 1))
if (check.table){
if ((se == 0.0) || !is.finite(dis) || !is.finite(se)) {
if (boot) {
stopifnot("Argument 'nboot' must be numeric" = is.numeric(nboot))
n <- sum(x)
pTab <- x / n
bootTabs <- rmultinom(nboot, size = n, prob = pTab)
tStats <- apply(bootTabs, 2, boot.tStat, dis = dis)
tStats <- tStats[is.finite(tStats)]
len.tStats <- length(tStats)
z.conf.level <- quantile(tStats, probs = 1 - conf.level)
result <- min(dis - z.conf.level * se, 1.0)
if (boot) {
attr(result, "eff.nboot") <- len.tStats
#' @describeIn duppSorensen S3 method for class "numeric"
#' @export
duppSorensen.numeric <- function(x,
dis = dSorensen.numeric(x, check.table = FALSE),
se = seSorensen.numeric(x, check.table = FALSE),
conf.level = 0.95, z.conf.level = qnorm(1 - conf.level),
boot = FALSE, nboot = 10000,
check.table = TRUE, ...){
stopifnot("Argument'conf.level' must be numeric between 0 and 1" =
(0 < conf.level) && (conf.level < 1))
if (check.table){
if ((se == 0.0) || !is.finite(dis) || !is.finite(se)) {
if (boot) {
stopifnot("Bootstraping requires a numeric vector of 4 frequencies" = length(x) == 4)
stopifnot("Argument 'nboot' must be numeric" = is.numeric(nboot))
n <- sum(x)
pTab <- x / n
bootTabs <- rmultinom(nboot, size = n, prob = pTab)
tStats <- apply(bootTabs, 2, boot.tStat, dis = dis)
tStats <- tStats[is.finite(tStats)]
len.tStats <- length(tStats)
z.conf.level <- quantile(tStats, probs = 1 - conf.level)
result <- min(dis - z.conf.level * se, 1.0)
if (boot) {
attr(result, "eff.nboot") <- len.tStats
#' @describeIn duppSorensen S3 method for class "character"
#' @export
duppSorensen.character <- function(x, y,
conf.level = 0.95,
boot = FALSE, nboot = 10000,
check.table = TRUE,
tab <- buildEnrichTable(x, y,
check.table, ...)
# Typical ... arguments:
# geneUniverse=humanEntrezIDs, orgPackg="org.Hs.eg.db",
# onto = onto, GOLevel = ontoLevel,
result <- duppSorensen.table(tab,
conf.level = conf.level,
boot = boot, nboot = nboot,
check.table = check.table)
#' @describeIn duppSorensen S3 method for class "list"
#' @export
duppSorensen.list <- function(x,
conf.level = 0.95,
boot = FALSE, nboot = 10000,
check.table = TRUE,
tabs <- buildEnrichTable(x, check.table = check.table, ...)
boot = boot, nboot = nboot,
conf.level = conf.level, check.table = FALSE))
#' @describeIn duppSorensen S3 method for class "tableList"
#' @export
duppSorensen.tableList <- function(x,
conf.level = 0.95, boot = FALSE, nboot = 10000,
check.table = TRUE, ...){
numLists <- length(x) + 1
lstNams <- c(names(x[[1]]), names(x))
uTri <- sapply(seq.int(1, numLists - 1), function(iLst1) {
aux <- vapply(seq.int(1, iLst1), function(iLst2) {
check.table = check.table)
}, FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
result <- matrix(0.0, ncol = numLists, nrow = numLists)
result[upper.tri(result)] <- unlist(uTri)
result[lower.tri(result)] <- t(result)[lower.tri(result)]
colnames(result) <- lstNams
rownames(result) <- lstNams
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