
Defines functions worstSequence bestSequence mss scoreArrayFast degeneratePWM PWM

Documented in bestSequence degeneratePWM mss PWM scoreArrayFast worstSequence

# Constants
AA = c('A', 'R', 'N', 'D', 'C', 'Q', 'E', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'L', 'K', 'M', 'F', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'W', 'Y', 'V')
AA_PRIORS_HUMAN  =   c(A=0.070, R=0.056, N=0.036, D=0.048,C=0.023,Q=0.047,E=0.071,G=0.066,H=0.026,I=0.044,
AA_PRIORS_YEAST  =   c(A=0.055, R=0.045, N=0.061, D=0.058, C=0.013, Q=0.039, E=0.064, G=0.05, H=0.022, I=0.066,
                       L=0.096, K=0.073, M=0.021, F=0.045, P=0.044, S=0.091, T=0.059, W=0.01, Y=0.034, V=0.056)

#' Construct position weight matrix
#' Makes a position weight matrix given aligned sequences.
#' @param seqs Aligned sequences all of the same length
#' @param pseudocount Pseudocount factor. Final pseudocount is background probability * this factor
#' @param relative.freq Set to TRUE if each column should be divided by the sum
#' @param is.kinase.pwm Set to TRUE if matrix is being built for a kinase
#' @param priors Named character vector containing priors of amino acids.
#' @param do.pseudocounts TRUE if we are to add pseudocounts
#' @keywords internal pwm construct
#' @examples
#' # No examples
PWM <- function(seqs, pseudocount=0.01, relative.freq=T, is.kinase.pwm=T, priors=AA_PRIORS_HUMAN, do.pseudocounts=F){
  # Ensure same length characters 
  seq.len = sapply(seqs, nchar)
  num.pos = seq.len[1]
  if(! all(seq.len == num.pos)) stop('Unequal length of sequences')
  # List of valid amino acids, sorted
  namespace = AA
  # Match priors to aa 
  bg.prob = priors[match(namespace, names(priors))]
  # Make matrix of letters
  split = unlist( sapply(seqs, function(seq){strsplit(seq, '')}) )
  m = t( matrix(split, seq.len, length(split)/num.pos) )
  # Construct PWM
  pwm.matrix = apply(m, 2, function(pos.data){
    # Get frequencies 
    t = table(pos.data)
    # Match to aa
    ind = match(namespace, names(t))
    # Create column
    col = t[ind]
    col[is.na(col)] = 0
    names(col) = namespace
    # Do pseudocounts if were logging
    if(do.pseudocounts) col = col + (pseudocount * (20*bg.prob))
    # Do relative frequencies
    if(relative.freq) col = col / sum(col)
  # Information content for MATCH score
  ic2 = apply(pwm.matrix, 2, function(col) sum(col* log2(col/bg.prob), na.rm=T))
  attr(pwm.matrix, 'pseudocount') = pseudocount
  attr(pwm.matrix, 'match.ic') = ic2
  # Assign AA names to rows/pos col
  rownames(pwm.matrix) = namespace
  colnames(pwm.matrix) = 1:num.pos
  attr(pwm.matrix, 'is.kinase.pwm') = is.kinase.pwm
  attr(pwm.matrix, 'nseqs') = length(seqs)

#' Create a degenerate PWM
#' i.e. for each aa group, set weight to the best weight of the group at that position
#' e.g. R-2 has weight 0.7, K-2 has weight 0.1. Set both R-2 and K-2 to 0.7
#' @param pwm position weight matrix
#' @param dgroups groups of amino acids
#' @keywords internal
degeneratePWM <- function(pwm, dgroups=c('DE','KR','ILMV','QN','ST')){
  .pwm = pwm
  sp = strsplit(dgroups, '')
  for(dgroup in sp){
    .pwm[dgroup,] = apply(.pwm[dgroup,], 2, function(z) (z * 0) + max(z))

#' Get weight/probability for each amino acid in a sequence 
#' Gets weight/probability for the amino acid at each position of the sequence
#' as an array.
#' @param seqs One or more sequences to be processed
#' @param pwm Position weight matrix
#' @param do_sum If TRUE sum position-based scores per sequence
#' @param ignore_cent If TRUE, ignore central residue before returning
#' @keywords internal pwm mss match tfbs
#' @examples
#' # No Examples
scoreArrayFast <- function(seqs, pwm, do_sum = T, ignore_cent=F){
  # Number of positions
  npos = ncol(pwm)
  nseqs = length(seqs)
  # Central index
  cent_ind = ceiling(npos/2)
  cent_inds = seq(cent_ind, by = npos, length.out=nseqs)
  # Split sequence
  sp = strsplit(paste0(seqs, collapse=''), '')[[1]]
  # Ignore central residue 
  npos_2 = npos
    sp = sp[-cent_inds]
    npos_2 = npos - 1
    pwm = pwm[,-cent_ind]
  col_ind = rep(1:npos_2, times=nseqs)
  id = rep(1:nseqs, each=npos_2)
  # Extract position-based scores from matrix
  row_ind = as.numeric( factor(sp, levels = rownames(pwm)) )
  sc = pwm[ row_ind + (col_ind-1L)*nrow(pwm) ]
  # Do fast group sum with data tables
    dt = data.table(id=id, score=sc)
    dt = dt[, list(mysum=sum(score, na.rm = T)) ,by='id' ]
    return( dt[[2]] )
  # Not doing sum - return position based scores per sequence
  by_seq = split(sc, id)
  names(by_seq) = seqs

#' Compute matrix similarity score as described in MATCH algorithm
#' Computes matrix similarity score of a PWM with a k-mer.
#' Score ranges from 0-1, as described in [PMID: 12824369]
#' @param seqs Sequences to be scored
#' @param pwm Position weight matrix
#' @param na_rm Remove NA scores?
#' @param ignore_cent If TRUE, central residue is ignore from scoring.
#' @keywords pwm mss match tfbs
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # No Examples
mss <- function(seqs, pwm, na_rm=F, ignore_cent=T){
  cent_ind = ceiling(ncol(pwm)/2)
  # Only score sequences which have a central residue S/T or Y depending on the PWM
  kinase_type = names(which.max(pwm[,cent_ind]))
  kinase_type = ifelse(grepl('S|T', kinase_type), 'S|T', 'Y')
  central_res = kinase_type
  # Central residue index
  central_ind = NA
    central_ind = ceiling(ncol(pwm)/2)
  # Info content
  ic = attr(pwm, 'match.ic')
  pwm_match = sweep(pwm, MARGIN=2, ic ,`*`)
  # Best/worst sequence match
  best_score = scoreArrayFast(bestSequence(pwm_match), pwm_match, 
                              ignore_cent = ignore_cent)
  worst_score = scoreArrayFast(worstSequence(pwm_match), pwm_match, 
                               ignore_cent = ignore_cent)
  # Get array of scores
  keep_scores = grepl(central_res, substr(seqs, central_ind, central_ind))
  # Score only ones we're keeping
  scores = rep(NA, length(seqs))
  if(sum(keep_scores) != 0){
    scores[keep_scores] = scoreArrayFast(seqs[keep_scores], pwm_match, 
                                         ignore_cent = ignore_cent)
  # Normalize
  scores = (scores - worst_score) / (best_score - worst_score)
  # Remove NA if requested
  if(na_rm) scores = scores[!is.na(scores)]
  # For thinks on terminals - can end up with negatives
  scores[scores < 0] = 0

#' Given a position weight matrix, find the best matching sequence
#' Finds the amino acid at each position of the PWM with the highest occurence.
#' Used in matrix similarity score calculation.  
#' @param pwm Position weight matrix
#' @keywords internal pwm best
#' @examples
#' # No Examples
bestSequence <- function(pwm){
  b = rownames(pwm)[apply(pwm, 2, which.max)]
  return(paste(b, collapse=''))

#' Given a position weight matrix, find the worst matching sequence
#' Finds the amino acid at each position of the PWM with the lowest occurence.
#' Used in matrix similarity score calculation.  
#' @param pwm Position weight matrix
#' @keywords internal pwm worst
#' @examples
#' # No Examples
worstSequence <- function(pwm){
  w = rownames(pwm)[apply(pwm, 2, which.min)]
  return(paste(w, collapse=''))
omarwagih/rmimp documentation built on May 18, 2020, 3:11 p.m.