#' Plot a NucDyn object.
#' Plot a visual representation of a NucDyn object.
#' Coverage profile for ref1 will be shown as a solid grey background and
#' coverage profile for ref2 will be shown as a dotted profile. Superimposed,
#' arrows showing read shifts (upstream in blue and downstream in red). Indels
#' will appear as a small coverage profile at the bottom part of the plot
#' (insertions in green and deletions in red).
#' @param dyn `NucDyn` object with the dynamic to plot.
#' @param plot.range Range from the `NucDyn` object to plot. If not specified,
#' the whole set will be plotted. If `dyn` contains more than one
#' chromosome, they will appear concatenated in the plot.
#' @param chr Chromosome of the `NucDyn` object to plot. If not specified,
#' all chromosomes will appear plotted concatenated.
#' @param dyn.name Name to be given to the dyanamics that will be displayed in
#' the plot.
#' @param expA.name Name to be given to the first data set of the dyanamics
#' that will be displayed in the plot.
#' @param expB.name Name to be given to the second data set of the dyanamics
#' that will be displayed in the plot.
#' @param norm.factor Normalization factor between ref1 and ref2. Use it to
#' visualize both coverages profiles on a similar scale if one of them has
#' a significantly higher coverage.
#' @param \dots Other parameters passed to [graphics::plot()] function.
#' @return Void
#' @author Oscar Flores, Ricard Illa
#' Diana Buitrago \email{diana.buitrago@@irbbarcelona.org}
#' @rdname plotDynamics
#' @export plotDynamics
#' @keywords hplot
function(dyn, ...) standardGeneric("plotDynamics")
#' @rdname plotDynamics
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges ranges start end
#' @importMethodsFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames
function(dyn, plot.range=NULL, chr=NULL,
dyn.name="Dyn", expA.name="Ref 1", expB.name="Ref 2",
norm.factor=1, ...) {
if (is.null(chr)) {
warning("No chromosome specified. ",
"If the input contained more than one chromosome, ",
"they will apprear concatenated in the plot.")
dynRanges <- lapply(list(set.a(dyn), set.b(dyn)), ranges)
} else {
dynRanges <- lapply(
list(set.a(dyn), set.b(dyn)),
function (x) ranges(x[seqnames(x) == chr])
types <- unique(c(names(dynRanges[[1]]),
dyn <- lapply(
function (t)
lapply(dynRanges, function(x) x[[t]])
names(dyn) <- types
if (is.null(plot.range)) {
ran <- range(do.call(c,
plot.range <- c(start(ran), end(ran))
.plotCoverage(dyn$originals, plot.range=plot.range,
dyn.name=dyn.name, expA.name=expA.name,
expB.name=expB.name, norm.factor=norm.factor, ...)
.addDynamics(dyn, plot.range=plot.range, ...)
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges start end coverage
#' @importFrom graphics plot lines legend
.plotCoverage <- function(originalReads, plot.range,
dyn.name="Dyn", expA.name="Ref 1", expB.name="Ref 2",
norm.factor=1, ...)
args <- list(...)
expA <- originalReads[[1]]
expB <- originalReads[[2]]
name <- paste0(dyn.name, " (", expA.name, " -> ", expB.name, ")")
subA <- expA[start(expA) >= plot.range[1] & end(expA) <= plot.range[2]]
subB <- expB[start(expB) >= plot.range[1] & end(expB) <= plot.range[2]]
if (!length(subA) || !length(subB)) {
stop("No reads present in the chromosome/range asked")
# set defaults for unset parameters
if (is.null(args[["xlim"]])) {
args[["xlim"]] <- c(plot.range[1], plot.range[2])
if (is.null(args[["main"]])) {
args[["main"]] <- name
if (is.null(args[["xlab"]])) {
args[["xlab"]] <- "position"
if (is.null(args[["ylab"]])) {
args[["ylab"]] <- "coverage"
if (is.null(args[["col"]])) {
args[["col"]] <- c("grey", "black")
} else if (length(args[["col"]]) < 2) {
args[["col"]] <- rep(args[["col"]], 2)
# calculate coverages
covA <- as.vector(coverage(subA))
covB <- as.vector(coverage(subB)) * norm.factor
args1 <- args
# remove composite pars
args1 <- args1[grep(".", names(args1), fixed=TRUE, invert=TRUE)]
args1[["col"]] <- args[["col"]][1]
args1[["x"]] <- covA
args1[["type"]] <- "h"
args1[["lty"]] <- 1
args1[["lwd"]] <- 2
do.call(plot, args1)
lines(covB, lwd=2, col=args[["col"]][2], lty=3)
c(paste("Ref1:", expA.name), paste("Ref2:", expB.name)),
col=args[["col"]][1:2], lty=c(1,3), lwd=c(3,3), bty="n", cex=0.8)
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges start end
.parseShifts <- function(shiftList, plot.range)
if (0 %in% lapply(shiftList, length)) {
} else {
shiftRange <- start(shiftList[[1]]) >= plot.range[1] &
end (shiftList[[1]]) <= plot.range[2]
shiftList <- lapply(shiftList, function(set) set[shiftRange])
shiftPos <- .dyadPos(shiftList[[1]])
shiftDiff <- .dyadPos(shiftList[[2]]) - shiftPos
shiftRan <- IRanges(start=shiftPos, end=(shiftPos + abs(shiftDiff)))
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges start end
.subsetCov <- function(covRan, plot.range)
if (is.null(covRan)) {
} else {
subset <- start (covRan) >= plot.range[1] &
end(covRan) <= plot.range[2]
covRan <- covRan[subset]
#' @importFrom graphics par lines arrows
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges coverage disjointBins start end
.addDynamics <- function(dyn, plot.range, ...)
args <- list(...)
left.shifts <- .parseShifts(dyn$left.shifts, plot.range)
right.shifts <- .parseShifts(dyn$right.shifts, plot.range)
# set defaults for unset parameters
if (is.null(args[["col"]])) {
args[["col"]] <- c("grey", "black")
} else if (length(args[["col"]]) < 2) {
args[["col"]] <- rep(args[["col"]], 2)
if (is.null(args[["col.arr"]])) { # arrow colors
args[["col.arr"]] <- c("darkred", "darkblue")
} else if (length(args[["col.arr"]]) < 2) {
args[["col.arr"]] <- rep(args[["col.arr"]], 2)
if (is.null(args[["col.indel"]])) { # indel colors
args[["col.indel"]] <- c("green", "red")
} else if (length(args[["col.indel"]]) < 2) {
args[["col.indel"]] <- rep(args[["col.indel"]], 2)
if (is.null(args[["arr.length"]])) {
args[["arr.length"]] <- 0.05
if (is.null(args[["arr.lwd"]])) {
args[["arr.lwd"]] <- 1
if (is.null(args[["arr.angle"]])) {
args[["arr.angle"]] <- 30
if (is.null(args[["arr.code"]])) {
args[["arr.code"]] <- 2
par.usr <- par("usr")
par.ypc <- (par.usr[4] - par.usr[3]) / 100
deletions <- .subsetCov(dyn$indels[[1]], plot.range)
insertions <- .subsetCov(dyn$indels[[2]], plot.range)
if (length(deletions) > 0) {
covDel <- as.vector(coverage(deletions))
lines(covDel, type="h", lwd=2, col=args[["col.indel"]][2])
if (length(insertions)) {
covIns <- as.vector(coverage(insertions))
lines(covIns, type="h", lwd=2, col=args[["col.indel"]][1])
middle <- (par.usr[4] - par.usr[3]) * 0.5
db.left <- disjointBins(left.shifts)
db.right <- disjointBins(right.shifts)
for (i in 1:length(right.shifts)) {
x1 <- start(right.shifts)[i]
y1 <- middle + par.ypc*db.right[i]
x2 <- end(right.shifts)[i]
y2 <- middle + par.ypc*db.right[i]
arrows(x1, y1, x2, y2,
length=args[["arr.length"]], col=args[["col.arr"]][2],
angle=args[["arr.angle"]], code=args[["arr.code"]],
for (i in 1:length(left.shifts)) {
x1 <- end(left.shifts)[i]
y1 <- middle - par.ypc*db.left[i]
x2 <- start(left.shifts)[i]
y2 <- middle - par.ypc*db.left[i]
arrows(x1, y1, x2, y2,
length=args[["arr.length"]], col=args[["col.arr"]][1],
angle=args[["arr.angle"]], code=args[["arr.code"]],
c("", "", "Inserted reads", "Removed reads", "Upstream shift",
"Downstream shift"),
col=c(NA, NA, args[["col.indel"]], args[["col.arr"]]),
lty=c(NA, NA, 1, 1, 1, 1), lwd=c(NA, NA, 3, 3, 3, 3), bty="n",
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