# mclapply wrapper
# wrapper to choose between lapply and mclapply accordingly
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
.xlapply <- function(X, FUN, mc.cores=1, ...)
if (mc.cores > 1) {
succ.mc <- "parallel" %in% loadedNamespaces()
if (!succ.mc) {
warning("'parallel' library not available, switching to mc.cores=1")
return(lapply(X=X, FUN=FUN, ...))
} else {
return(mclapply(X=X, FUN=FUN, mc.cores=mc.cores, ...))
} else {
return(lapply(X=X, FUN=FUN, ...))
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges width
.rmLongReads <- function(set, maxLen=170)
{ # remove reads longer than a specified maximum length
set[width(set) < maxLen, ]
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges start end width "start<-" "end<-"
.stdSetLen <- function(sets)
{ # make the median read length of both sets roughly equal, by enlarging
# the reads in the set with the smallest median length
set1 <- sets[[1]]
set2 <- sets[[2]]
lenDiff <- median(width(set1)) - median(width(set2))
halfLen <- round(abs(lenDiff)/2)
if (lenDiff > 0) { # median read length is higher in set1
start(set2) <- start(set2) - halfLen
end(set2) <- end(set2) + halfLen
} else if (lenDiff < 0) { # higher in set2
start(set1) <- start(set1) - halfLen
end(set1) <- end(set1) + halfLen
list(set1, set2)
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges start
.normSize <- function (sets)
sizeA <- length(sets[[1]])
sizeB <- length(sets[[2]])
sDiff <- sizeA - sizeB
if (sDiff > 0) { # first one is bigger
biggest <- sets[[1]]
bigSize <- sizeA
} else if (sDiff < 0) { # the second one is bigger
biggest <- sets[[2]]
bigSize <- sizeB
} else { # the improbable case where they are exactly the same size
return(list(removed=list(NULL, NULL), rest=sets))
toRm <- sample(1:bigSize, abs(sDiff))
normalized <- biggest[-toRm, ]
removed <- biggest[toRm, ]
# Keep them sorted. Blame my OCD.
sortIdxs <- sort(start(removed), index.return=TRUE)[[2]]
removed <- removed[sortIdxs, ]
if (sDiff > 0) {
removed <- list(removed, NULL)
rest <- list(normalized, sets[[2]])
} else if (sDiff < 0) {
removed <- list(NULL, removed)
rest <- list(sets[[1]], normalized)
} # we already dealt with the improbable equal case
return (list(removed=removed, rest=rest))
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges reduce start end "start<-" "end<-"
.clusterizeShifts <- function (left, right, maxDiff=74)
allShifts <- c(left, right)
reducedShifts <- reduce(allShifts)
start(reducedShifts) <- start(reducedShifts) - maxDiff
end(reducedShifts) <- end(reducedShifts) + maxDiff
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges start end
.toIRanges <- function (set)
cl <- class(set)
if (cl == "RangedData") {
IRanges(start=start(set), end=end(set))
} else if (cl == "CompressedIRangesList") {
do.call(c, unname(set))
} else {
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges start end
.dyadPos <- function(ran)
round((start(ran) + end(ran)) / 2)
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
.setSizeTo <- function(set, readSize)
IRanges(start=.dyadPos(set) - (readSize/2), width=readSize)
.initEmptyVect <- function(n)
as.integer(rep(0, n))
.dlplyf <- function (data, splitter, fun, ...)
# Similar to dlply, but splits the data using a splitter function that
# should return a list of data.frames
lapply(splitter(data), fun, ...)
.ddplyf <- function (data, splitter, fun, ...)
# Similar to ddply, but splits the data using a splitter function that
# should return a list of data.frames
do.call(rbind, .dlplyf(data, splitter, fun, ...))
.xdlply_rep <- function (X, VAR, FUN, ..., report=FALSE, mc.cores=1)
{ # multicore version of dlply that also reports the name of the element
# being processed
xs <- unique(X[[VAR]])
res <- .xlapply(xs,
function (i) {
if (report) {
message("Starting ", i)
res <- FUN(X[X[[VAR]] == i, ], ...)
if (report) {
message(i, " done")
names(res) <- xs
.xddply_rep <- function (X, VAR, FUN, ..., report=FALSE, mc.cores=1)
# multicore version of ddply that also reports the name of the element
# being processed
.nmapply <- function (FUN, ..., MoreArgs=NULL)
{ # Similar to mapply but using the names of the elements
args <- list(...)
ns <- unique(unlist(lapply(args, names)))
res <- lapply(ns,
function (n)
c(lapply(args, `[[`, n),
names(res) <- ns
.vectorMean <- function (...)
{ # Get the mean of a number of numeric vectors
args <- list(...)
Reduce(`+`, args) / length(args)
compose <- function(...)
{ # Function composition.
comp2 <- function(f, g) {
function(...) f(g(...))
Reduce(comp2, list(...))
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