#' This function draws the genetic elements over a plot
#' @title Plot genetic elements
#' @param gff a \code{\link{GRanges}} object with all elements usually imported
#' from a GFF3 file
#' @param region the location on the genome where to draw the genetic elements
#' @param col the colors used to draw the exons and the transposable elemnets
#' @author Radu Zabet
.plotGeneticElements <- function(gff, region, col){
seqname <- seqnames(region)
minPos <- start(region)
maxPos <- end(region)
# Select the genes that lie in the region of interest.
gff <- gff[queryHits(findOverlaps(gff, region))]
# Chop off the ends of anything sticking out...
start(gff) <- pmax(start(gff), minPos)
end(gff) <- pmin(end(gff), maxPos)
genes <- gff[gff$type == 'gene']
genesPos <- genes[strand(genes) == '+' | strand(genes) == '*']
genesNeg <- genes[strand(genes) == '-' | strand(genes) == '*']
exons <- gff[gff$type == 'exon']
exons <- exons[overlapsAny(exons, genes)];
exonsPos <- exons[strand(exons) == '+' | strand(exons) == '*']
exonsNeg <- exons[strand(exons) == '-' | strand(exons) == '*']
transposons <- gff[gff$type == 'transposable_element'];
transposonsPos <- transposons[strand(transposons) == '+' | strand(transposons) == '*'];
transposonsNeg <- transposons[strand(transposons) == '-' | strand(transposons) == '*'];
negativeStrandPosition <- -0.175
positiveStrandPosition <- -0.075
text(maxPos + (maxPos-minPos)/100, positiveStrandPosition, '+');
text(maxPos + (maxPos-minPos)/100, negativeStrandPosition, '-');
lines(c(minPos, maxPos),c(-0.14,-0.14), lty=1, lwd=0.75, col="black")
if(length(genesPos)>0) {
segments(start(genesPos), positiveStrandPosition, end(genesPos), positiveStrandPosition);
text(start(genesPos), -0.115, genesPos$ID, pos=4, cex=0.5);
if(length(genesNeg)>0) {
segments(start(genesNeg), -0.175, end(genesNeg), negativeStrandPosition);
text(start(genesNeg), -0.23, genesNeg$ID, pos=4, cex=0.5);
if(length(exonsPos)>0) {
rect(start(exonsPos), -0.05, end(exonsPos), -0.09, col=col[1], border = NA);
if(length(exonsNeg)>0) {
rect(start(exonsNeg), -0.16, end(exonsNeg), -0.2, col=col[1], border = NA);
if(length(transposonsPos)>0) {
rect(start(transposonsPos), -0.05, end(transposonsPos), -0.09, col=col[2], border = col[2], density=30, angle=30);
text(start(transposonsPos), -0.115, transposonsPos$ID, pos=4, cex=0.5);
if(length(transposonsNeg)>0) {
rect(start(transposonsNeg), -0.16, end(transposonsNeg), -0.2, col=col[2], border = col[2], density=30, angle=30);
text(start(transposonsNeg), -0.23, transposonsNeg$ID, pos=4, cex=0.5);
#' This function plots the methylation profile at one locus for the bisulfite
#' sequencing data.The points on the graph represent methylation proportion of
#' individual cytosines, their colour which sample they belong to and the
#' intesity of the the colour how many reads that particular cytosine had. This
#' means that darker colors indicate stronger evidence that the corresponding
#' cytosine has the corresponding methylation proportion, while lighter colors
#' indicate a weaker evidence. The solid lines represent the smoothed profiles
#' and the intensity of the line the coverage at the corresponding position
#' (darker colors indicate more reads while lighter ones less reads). The boxes
#' on top represent the DMRs, where a filled box will represent a DMR which
#' gained methylation while a box with a pattern represent a DMR that lost
#' methylation. The DMRs need to have a metadafield \code{"regionType"} which
#' can be either \code{"gain"} (where there is more methylation in condition 2
#' compared to condition 1) or \code{"loss"} (where there is less methylation in
#' condition 2 compared to condition 1). In case this metadafield is missing all
#' DMRs are drawn using a filled box. Finally, we also allow annotation of the
#' DNA sequence. We represent by a black boxes all the exons, which are joined
#' by a horizontal black line, thus, marking the full body of the gene. With
#' grey boxes we mark the transposable elements. Both for genes and transposable
#' elements we plot them over a mid line if they are on the positive strand and
#' under the mid line if they are on the negative strand.
#' @title Plot local methylation profile
#' @param methylationData1 the methylation data in condition 1
#' (see \code{\link{methylationDataList}}).
#' @param methylationData2 the methylation data in condition 2
#' (see \code{\link{methylationDataList}}).
#' @param region a \code{\link{GRanges}} object with the region where to plot
#' the high resolution profile.
#' @param DMRs a \code{\link{GRangesList}} object or a list with the list of
#' DMRs (see \code{\link{computeDMRs}} or \code{\link{filterDMRs}}.
#' @param conditionsNames the names of the two conditions. This will be used to
#' plot the legend.
#' @param gff a \code{\link{GRanges}} object with all elements usually imported
#' from a GFF3 file. The gff file needs to have an metafield \code{"type"}. Only
#' the elements of type \code{"gene"}, \code{"exon"} and
#' \code{"transposable_element"} are plotted. Genes are represented as
#' horizontal black lines, exons as a black rectangle and transposable elements
#' as a grey rectangle. The elements are plotted on the corresponding strand
#' (\code{+} or \code{-}).
#' @param windowSize the size of the triangle base used to smooth the average
#' methylation profile.
#' @param context the context in which the DMRs are computed (\code{"CG"},
#' \code{"CHG"} or \code{"CHH"}).
#' @param labels a \code{vector} of \code{character} used to add a subfigure
#' characters to the plot. If \code{NULL} nothing is added.
#' @param col a \code{character} vector with the colors. It needs to contain a
#' minimum of \code{4 length(DMRs)} colors. If not or if \code{NULL}, the
#' defalut colors will be used.
#' @param main a \code{character} with the title of the plot
#' @param plotMeanLines a \code{logical} value indicating whether to plot the
#' mean lines or not.
#' @param plotPoints a \code{logical} value indicating whether to plot the
#' points or not.
#' @return Invisibly returns \code{NULL}
#' @examples
#' # load the methylation data
#' data(methylationDataList)
#' # load the gene annotation data
#' data(GEs)
#' #select the genes
#' genes <- GEs[which(GEs$type == "gene")]
#' # the coordinates of the area to be plotted
#' chr3Reg <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle("Chr3"), ranges = IRanges(510000,530000))
#' # load the DMRs in CG context
#' data(DMRsNoiseFilterCG)
#' DMRsCGlist <- list("noise filter"=DMRsNoiseFilterCG)
#' # plot the CG methylation
#' par(mar=c(4, 4, 3, 1)+0.1)
#' par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#' plotLocalMethylationProfile(methylationDataList[["WT"]],
#' methylationDataList[["met1-3"]], chr3Reg,
#' DMRsCGlist, c("WT", "met1-3"), GEs,
#' windowSize=100, main="CG methylation")
#' @author Nicolae Radu Zabet
#' @export
plotLocalMethylationProfile <- function(methylationData1,
conditionsNames = NULL,
gff = NULL,
windowSize = 150,
context = "CG",
plotPoints=TRUE) {
.validateMethylationData(methylationData1, variableName="methylationData1")
.validateMethylationData(methylationData2, variableName="methylationData1")
" plotMeanLines is a logical parameter and can be only TRUE or FALSE.")
" plotPoints is a logical parameter and can be only TRUE or FALSE.")
numberOfConditions <- 2
if(is.null(conditionsNames) | length(conditionsNames) < numberOfConditions | !all(is.character(conditionsNames))){
conditionsNames <- paste("condition ",(1:numberOfConditions),sep="")
.validateGRanges(region, length=1, generateGenomeWide=FALSE)
.stopIfNotAll(c(.isInteger(windowSize, positive=TRUE)),
" the window size used by the interpolation method is an integer higher or equal to 0")
numberOfDMRs <- 0
numberOfDMRs <- length(DMRs)
if(!is.null(labels) & (length(labels) < 1 | !is.character(labels))){
labels <- LETTERS[1:length(labels)]
if(!.isColor(col, minLength = (4+numberOfDMRs))){
col <- c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7", "#999999")
cond1Color <- col[7]
cond2Color <- col[6]
geneColor <- col[1]
TEColor <- col[9]
DMRsColor <- col[c(4, 5, 8, 2, 3)]
} else{
cond1Color <- col[1]
cond2Color <- col[2]
geneColor <- col[3]
TEColor <- col[4]
DMRsColor <- col[5:length(col)]
seqname <- seqnames(region)
minPos <- start(region)
maxPos <- end(region)
methylationData <- .joinMethylationData(methylationData1, methylationData2)
hits <- findOverlaps(methylationData, region)
localMethylationData <- methylationData[queryHits(hits)];
contextMethylationData <- localMethylationData[localMethylationData$context%in%context];
ramp1 <- colorRampPalette(c("white", cond1Color))
colramp1 <- ramp1(100)
ramp2 <- colorRampPalette(c("white", cond2Color))
colramp2 <- ramp2(100)
# plot the points
proportion1 <- rep(0, length(contextMethylationData))
index <- which(contextMethylationData$readsM1 >= 0 & contextMethylationData$readsN1 > 0)
proportion1[index] <- contextMethylationData$readsM1[index] / contextMethylationData$readsN1[index]
proportion2 <- rep(0, length(contextMethylationData))
index <- which(contextMethylationData$readsM2 >= 0 & contextMethylationData$readsN2 > 0)
proportion2[index] <- contextMethylationData$readsM2[index] / contextMethylationData$readsN2[index]
maxColor <- max(c(contextMethylationData$readsN1[!is.na(contextMethylationData$readsN1)],
plot(start(contextMethylationData), proportion1,
col=colramp1[round(99 * log(contextMethylationData$readsN1) / log(maxColor))+1],
pch = 16, cex=0.7,
xlim = c(minPos, maxPos),
ylim = c(-.2, 1.2 + numberOfDMRs*.1),
xlab = paste("genomic coordinate on chromosome ",seqname, sep="") ,
ylab = "methylation proportion",
yaxt = "n",
main = main,
mar = c(4,4,2,2)+.1,
type = "n")
points(start(contextMethylationData), proportion1,
col=colramp1[round(99 * log(contextMethylationData$readsN1) / log(maxColor))+1],
pch = 16, cex=0.7)
points(start(contextMethylationData), proportion2,
col=colramp2[round(99 * log(contextMethylationData$readsN2) / log(maxColor))+1],
pch = 15, cex=0.7)
legend("topright", bty="n", col=c(cond1Color, cond2Color), legend=conditionsNames, pch=c(15,16), horiz=TRUE)
windowSizeHalf <- floor((windowSize - 1)/2)
positions <- start(region) : end(region)
movingAverageMethylReads1 <- .movingAverage(start(region),
windowSizeHalf = windowSizeHalf)
movingAverageTotalReads1 <- .movingAverage(start(region),
windowSizeHalf = windowSizeHalf)
movingAverageProportion1 <- movingAverageMethylReads1 / movingAverageTotalReads1
movingAverageMethylReads2 <- .movingAverage(start(region),
windowSizeHalf = windowSizeHalf)
movingAverageTotalReads2 <- .movingAverage(start(region),
windowSizeHalf = windowSizeHalf)
movingAverageProportion2 <- movingAverageMethylReads2 / movingAverageTotalReads2
maxColor <- max(c(movingAverageTotalReads1[!is.na(movingAverageTotalReads1)],
#lines(positions, movingAverageProportion1, lty=1, lwd=2, col=cond1Color)
#lines(positions, movingAverageProportion2, lty=1, lwd=2, col=cond2Color)
#compute coordinates for mean lines condition 1
bufferIndex <- !is.na(movingAverageProportion1) & !is.na(movingAverageTotalReads1)
minID <- min(which(bufferIndex))
maxID <- max(which(bufferIndex))
colorId <- round(99 * log(round(movingAverageTotalReads1)) / log(maxColor))+1
colorId <- round((colorId[minID:(maxID-1)] + colorId[(minID+1):(maxID)])/2)
colorId[is.na(colorId)] <- 1
lty=1, lwd=2)
#compute coordinates for mean lines condition 2
bufferIndex <- !is.na(movingAverageProportion2) & !is.na(movingAverageTotalReads2)
minID <- min(which(bufferIndex))
maxID <- max(which(bufferIndex))
colorId <- round(99 * log(round(movingAverageTotalReads2)) / log(maxColor))+1
colorId <- round((colorId[minID:(maxID-1)] + colorId[(minID+1):(maxID)])/2)
colorId[is.na(colorId)] <- 1
lty=1, lwd=2)
legend("topright", bty="n", col=c(cond1Color, cond2Color), legend=conditionsNames, lty=1, lwd = 2, horiz=TRUE)
if(numberOfDMRs > 0) {
for(i in 1:numberOfDMRs) {
range <- DMRs[[i]][queryHits(findOverlaps(DMRs[[i]],region))]
if(length(range) > 0 ){
start(range) <- pmax(start(range), start(region))
end(range) <- pmin(end(range), end(region))
if(length(which(range$regionType == "gain"))>0){
rect(start(range)[range$regionType == "gain"], 1.025 + (length(DMRs) - i)*.1,
end(range)[range$regionType == "gain" ], 1.075 + (length(DMRs)-i)*.1,
col=DMRsColor[i], border=DMRsColor[i])
if(length(which(range$regionType == "loss"))>0){
rect(start(range)[range$regionType == "loss"], 1.025 + (length(DMRs) - i)*.1,
end(range)[range$regionType == "loss"], 1.075 + (length(DMRs)-i)*.1,
col=DMRsColor[i], border=DMRsColor[i], density =30)
if(length(range) > 0 & (is.null(range$regionType))){
rect(start(range), (1.025 + (length(DMRs) - i)*.1), end(range), (1.075 + (length(DMRs)-i)*.1),
col=DMRsColor[i], border=DMRsColor[i])
text(par('usr')[1], 1.050 + (length(DMRs)-i)*.1, pos=4, names(DMRs)[i])
if(is(gff, "GRanges")){
.plotGeneticElements(gff,region, c(geneColor, TEColor))
if(length(labels) >= 1){
mtext(labels[1], line = 0.7, adj = 0, cex=1.0);
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