#' This function asses an expression and if this is FALSE stops the execution
#' and prints a message
#' @title .stopIfNotAll
#' @param expr an array of logical expressions
#' @param errorMsg the error message to be printed
#' @author Radu Zabet
.stopIfNotAll <- function(exprs, errorMsg) {
for(expr in exprs){
if (! expr)
stop(errorMsg, call. = FALSE)
#' This function checks is a variable is an integer number
#' @title .is.integer
#' @param x the variable
#' @param positive a logical variable indicating whether to check if the number
#' is a positive integer
#' @return a logical number whether the variable x is an integer or not
#' @author Radu Zabet
.isInteger <- function(x, positive = FALSE){
isInteger <- TRUE
if (is.null(x)){
isInteger <- FALSE
} else{
if (!is.numeric(x)){
isInteger <- FALSE
} else{
isInteger <- FALSE
} else{
if(positive & x < 0){
isInteger <- FALSE
#' This function that prints a GenomicRanges object
#' @title Print GenomicRanges
#' @param gr the GenomicRanges object
#' @return a vector of type \code{character} with template chr:start..end
#' @author Radu Zabet
.printGenomicRanges <- function(gr){
is(gr, "GRanges")),
" gr is a GenomicRanges object");
for(index in 1:length(gr)){
result <- c(result,
#' This function checks whether the argument is a vector containing colours
#' @title Is color
#' @param x the vector to be validated
#' @param minLength the minimum length of the vector. If NULL the minimum
#' length is 1
#' @return a \code{logical} value indicating whether \code{x} is a vector
#' containing only colors
#' @author Radu Zabet
.isColor <- function(x, minLength=NULL){
isColor <- TRUE
isColor <- FALSE
minLength = 1
if(isColor & length(x) < minLength){
isColor <- FALSE
for(i in 1:length(x)){
if(!(x[i]%in%colors()) & length(grep("^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$", x[i])) < 1){
isColor <- FALSE
#' Returns a \code{\link{GRanges}} object spanning from the first cytocine until
#' the last one on each chromosome
#' @title Get whole chromosomes from methylation data
#' @param methylationData the methylation data stored as a \code{\link{GRanges}}
#' object with four metadata columns (see \code{\link{methylationDataList}}).
#' @return a \code{\link{GRanges}} object will all chromosomes.
#' @examples
#' # load the methylation data
#' data(methylationDataList)
#' # get all chromosomes
#' chromosomes <- getWholeChromosomes(methylationDataList[["WT"]])
#' @author Nicolae Radu Zabet
#' @export
getWholeChromosomes <- function(methylationData){
max <- c()
min <- c()
seqnames <- c()
for(chr in levels(seqnames(methylationData))){
indexes=which(as.character(seqnames(methylationData)) == chr)
if(length(indexes) > 0){
seqnames <- c(seqnames, chr)
max <- c(max, max(start(ranges(methylationData))[indexes]))
min <- c(min, min(start(ranges(methylationData))[indexes]))
regions <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(seqnames), ranges = IRanges(min,max))
#' Checks whether the passed parameter has the correct format for methylation data
#' @title Validate methylation data
#' @param methylationData the methylation data stored as a \code{\link{GRanges}}
#' object containing all the replicates.
#' @author Alessandro Pio Greco and Nicolae Radu Zabet
.validateMethylationData <- function(methylationData, variableName="methylationData",
manageDuplicates = "mean"){
is(methylationData, "GRanges")),
" methylationData needs to be a GRanges object")
names(mcols(methylationData)))])%%2 == 0,
length(methylationData) > 0,
any(grepl("context", names(mcols(methylationData)))) == TRUE,
any(grepl("trinucleotide_context", names(mcols(methylationData)))) == TRUE),
paste(" ",variableName," the object does not contain the correct metadata columns", sep=" "))
if(any(duplicated(methylationData)) == TRUE){
indexesDuplicated <- which(ranges(methylationData) ==
checkMetadataEqual <- all(mcols(methylationData[indexesDuplicated[1:(length(indexesDuplicated)/2)]]) ==
if(all(checkMetadataEqual) == TRUE){
if(manageDuplicates == "mean"){
cat("Cytosines that were duplicated and had the different metadata columns were merged by meaning readings \n")
} else if(manageDuplicates == "sum"){
} else if(manageDuplicates == "discard"){
cat("Cytosines that were duplicated (",indexesDuplicated, ") and had the same metadata columns were discarded \n", sep = " ")
methylationData <- unique(methylationData)
} else{
stop(" context or trinucleotide context on duplicated cytosines (", indexesDuplicated, ") are not equal")
#' Checks whether the passed parameter has the correct format for methylation data
#' @title Validate methylation data
#' @param methylationData the methylation data stored as a \code{\link{GRanges}}
#' object with six metadata columns (see \code{\link{methylationData}}).
#' @author Radu Zabet
.validateMethylationDataList <- function(methylationDataList){
is(methylationDataList, "GRangesList"),
length(methylationDataList) > 0),
" methylationDataList needs to be a GRangesList object")
for(i in 1:length(methylationDataList)){
paste(" element ", i," of the methylationDataList is incorrect", sep=""))
#' Checks whether the passed parameter is the context
#' @title Validate context
#' @param context the context in which the DMRs are computed (\code{"CG"},
#' \code{"CHG"} or \code{"CHH"})
#' @param length the expected length of the vector. If NULL any length is
#' allowed
#' @author Radu Zabet
.validateContext <- function(context, length=NULL){
.stopIfNotAll(c(!is.null(context), all(is.character(context)),
all(context %in% c("CG","CHG","CHH"))),
" context can be only CG,CHG or CHH")
.stopIfNotAll(c(is.numeric(length), length(context) == length),
paste(" context needs to contain exactly ", length," elements", sep=""))
#' Checks whether the passed parameter is the statistical test
#' @title Validate statistial test
#' @param test the statistical test used to call DMRs (\code{"fisher"} for
#' Fisher's exact test or \code{"score"} for Score test).
#' @author Radu Zabet
.validateStatisticalTest <- function(test){
.stopIfNotAll(c(!is.null(test), is.character(test), length(test) == 1, test %in% c("fisher","score")),
" test needs to be one of the following \"fisher\" for Fisher's exact test or \"score\" for Score test")
#' Checks whether the passed parameter is a \code{\link{GRanges}} object
#' @title Validate GRanges
#' @param regions a \code{\link{GRanges}} object. If \code{NULL} and
#' \code{generateGenomeWide} is true it uses the \code{methylationData} to
#' compute the regions and returns this \code{\link{GRanges}} object
#' @param methylationData the methylation data stored as a \code{\link{GRanges}}
#' object with six metadata columns (see \code{\link{methylationData}}).
#' @param length the expected length of the vector. If \code{NULL} any length is
#' allowed.
#' @param generateGenomeWide logical value to indicate whether to compute the
#' regions that span over all the \code{methylationData}
#' @return a \code{\link{GRanges}} object representing the regions
#' @author Radu Zabet
.validateGRanges <- function(regions, methylationData, length=NULL, generateGenomeWide=TRUE, variableName="regions", minLength=0){
if(is.null(regions) & generateGenomeWide){
if(is(methylationData, "GRangesList") & length(methylationData) > 0){
regions <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(methylationData)){
regions <- getWholeChromosomes(methylationData[[i]])
} else{
regions <- union(regions, getWholeChromosomes(methylationData[[i]]))
} else if(is(methylationData, "GRanges")){
regions <- getWholeChromosomes(methylationData)
is(regions, "GRanges")),
paste(" ",variableName," neads to be a GRanges object. If NULL, the DMRs are computed genome-wide.",sep=""))
.stopIfNotAll(c(is.numeric(length), length(regions) == length),
paste(" ",variableName," needs to contain exactly ", length," elements", sep=""))
.stopIfNotAll(c(is.numeric(minLength), length(regions) >= minLength),
paste(" ",variableName," needs to contain more than ", minLength," elements", sep=""))
#' Checks whether the passed parameter is a \code{GRangesList} object that
#' represents the methylation profile
#' @title Validate methylation profile
#' @param methylationProfile a \code{GRangesList} object
#' (see \code{\link{computeMethylationProfile}}).
#' @author Radu Zabet
.validateMethylationProfile <- function(methylationProfile){
is(methylationProfile, "GRangesList")),
" methylationProfile needs to be a GRangesList")
for(i in 1:length(methylationProfile)){
is(methylationProfile[[i]], "GRanges")),
paste(" element ",i," of the methylationProfile is not a GRanges object", sep=""))
.stopIfNotAll(c(ncol(mcols(methylationProfile[[i]])) == 4,
length(methylationProfile[[i]]) > 0),
paste(" element ",i," of the methylationProfile is not a GRanges object with four metadata columns (see computeMethylationProfile function).", sep=""))
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