#' Plot the values for multivariate markers in block analyses
#' Plots the standardised values (after centring and/or scaling) for the
#' selected variables for a given block on a given component. Only applies to
#' \code{block.splsda} or \code{block.spls}.
#' @param object An object of class \code{block.splsda} or \code{block.spls}
#' @param block Name or index of the block to use
#' @param comp Integer, the component to use
#' @param markers Character or integer, only include these markers. If integer,
#' the top 'markers' features are shown
#' @param group Factor, the grouping variable (only required for
#' \code{block.spls} objects)
#' @template arg/col.per.group
#' @param global Logical indicating whether to show the global plots (TRUE) or
#' segregate by feature (FALSE). Only available when \code{object$scale=TRUE}
#' @param title The plot title
#' @param violin (if global = FALSE) Logical indicating whether violin plots should also be shown
#' @param boxplot.width Numeric, adjusts the width of the box plots
#' @param violin.width Numeric, adjusts the width of the violin plots
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotLoadings}}, \code{\link{block.splsda}}, \code{\link{block.spls}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # see ?block.splsda and ?block.spls
plotMarkers <-
markers = NULL,
comp = 1,
group = NULL,
col.per.group = NULL,
global = FALSE,
title = NULL,
violin = TRUE,
boxplot.width = NULL,
violin.width = 0.9
boxplot.width <- .change_if_null(boxplot.width, ifelse(violin, 0.1, 0.5))
if (object$scale == FALSE && isTRUE(global))
cat("\n'global' plots are only available with 'scale=TRUE'. Using 'global=FALSE'\n")
global <- FALSE
blocks <- names(object$X)
if (is.numeric(block))
blocks <- blocks[block]
if (!block %in% blocks)
stop(message = sprintf("block must be one of: %s", paste0(blocks, collapse = ', ')))
df <- data.frame(object$X[[block]], check.names = FALSE)
## group factor
group <- .get.group(group, object, n_ind = nrow(df))
col.group <- .get.cols.and.group(col.per.group = col.per.group,
group = group)
group <- col.group$group
col.per.group <- col.group$col.per.group
vars <- selectVar(object, block=block, comp=comp)[[1]]$value
vars <- data.frame(feature = rownames(vars), loading = vars$value.var)
var.names <- vars$feature
df <- df[,var.names]
df$group <- group
df <-
id.vars = 'group',
variable.name = 'feature',
value.name = 'value')
df <- merge(df, vars)
df$feature <- factor(df$feature, levels = var.names, ordered = TRUE)
df$sign <- ifelse(df$loading > 0, 'Positive Loading', 'Negative Loading')
# to show +ves on top
df$sign <- factor(df$sign, levels = c('Positive Loading', 'Negative Loading'), ordered = TRUE)
if (global == TRUE)
feature <- value <- NULL
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarise
df <- group_by(.data = df, feature, group, sign)
df <- summarise(.data = df, value = median(value, na.rm = TRUE))
if (!is.null(markers))
if (is.numeric(markers))
markers <- selectVar(object = object, comp = comp)[[block]]$name
if ( is.character(markers))
invalid.markers <- setdiff(markers, df$feature)
if (length(invalid.markers) > 0)
stop("invalid feature names: ", paste0(invalid.markers, collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
feature <- NULL
df <- filter(df, feature %in% markers)
if (global)
df$feature <- 'plotMarkers'
df$facet <- paste0(df$feature, "\n", df$value)
if (is.null(title))
title <- sprintf("Block: %s | Component: %s", block, comp)
y.title <- sprintf("%svalue%s",
ifelse(isTRUE(global), "median ", ""),
ifelse(isTRUE(object$scale), " (standardised)", "")
p <- ggplot(df, aes_string('group', 'value', fill='group'))
if (violin)
p <- p + geom_violin(adjust = violin.width, scale = "count")
p <- p +
geom_boxplot(width=boxplot.width) +
scale_fill_manual(values = col.per.group) +
theme_classic() +
title = title) +
theme(legend.position = 'none',
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, colour = "grey40"),
strip.background = element_rect(colour="black", fill="grey80"))
if (global)
p <- p + facet_grid(sign~feature, scales = 'free')
} else {
p <- p + facet_grid(.~feature, scales = 'free')
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