#' Creation of annotation files
#' Annotation files for cn.farms are created
#' @aliases createAnnotation
#' @note The annotation files used for cn.farms will be placed in the current
#' work directory under annotations.
#' @param filenames An absolute path of the CEL files to process.
#' @param annotation Optional parameter stating the annotation from a pd-mapping.
#' @param annotDir Optional parameter stating where the annotation should go.
#' @param checks States if sanity checks should be done.
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @author Djork-Arne Clevert \email{okko@@clevert.de} and
#' Andreas Mitterecker \email{mitterecker@@bioinf.jku.at}
#' @useDynLib cn.farms
#' @importMethodsFrom oligoClasses db
#' @importMethodsFrom DBI dbGetQuery
#' @importFrom affxparser readCelHeader
#' @importFrom oligo cleanPlatformName
#' @importFrom oligoClasses ldPath
#' @importFrom oligoClasses chromosome2integer
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library("hapmapsnp6")
#' celDir <- system.file("celFiles", package = "hapmapsnp6")
#' filenames <- dir(path = celDir, full.names = TRUE)
#' createAnnotation(filenames = filenames)
#' }
createAnnotation <- function(filenames = NULL, annotation = NULL,
annotDir = NULL, checks = TRUE) {
if (checks) {
## check for correct CEL-files
celfiles <- filenames[grep("\\.[cC][eE][lL]$", filenames)]
if (length(celfiles) != length(filenames)) {
message("It looks like that not all filenames are CEL-files!")
message("Especially: ")
message(paste(" ", setdiff(filenames, celfiles), sep = " ",
collapse = "\n"))
stop("Check CEL-files!")
## check for equal mappings
mappings <- sapply(filenames,
function (x) affxparser::readCelHeader(x)$chiptype)
if (length(unique(mappings)) != 1) {
stop("Different mappings found!")
## check parameters
if (is.null(filenames) & is.null(annotation) & is.null(annotDir)) {
stop("Either provide celfile names or annotation string")
} else if (!is.null(filenames) & is.null(annotation)) {
mapping <- affxparser::readCelHeader(filenames[1])$chiptype
pkgname <- oligo::cleanPlatformName(mapping)
pkgname <- correctPkgname(pkgname)
} else if (!is.null(annotation)){
mapping <- annotation
pkgname <- oligo::cleanPlatformName(mapping)
if (!is.element(pkgname, installed.packages()[,1])) {
stop(paste("Package", pkgname,
"from bioconductor.org not installed but needed!"))
require(pkgname, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
version <- installed.packages()[pkgname, "Version"]
## check annotation directory
if (is.null(annotDir)) {
annotDir <- file.path(getwd(), "annotation", pkgname, version)
dir.create(annotDir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
if (length(dir(annotDir)) != 0) {
cat(paste(Sys.time(), "| Directory", annotDir, "not empty \n",
" | ",
"Annotation probably already done \n"), sep = "")
knownPackages <- c(
if (!(pkgname %in% knownPackages)) {
stop("Unknown annotation")
} else {
cat(paste(Sys.time(), "| Reading annotation from package",
pkgname, version, " \n"))
cat(paste(Sys.time(), "| Annotation will be saved in",
annotDir, " \n"))
## featureSet
sql <- "SELECT * FROM featureSet"
tmp <- DBI::dbGetQuery(oligoClasses::db(get(pkgname)), sql)
tmp$chrom <- oligoClasses::chromosome2integer(tmp$chrom)
idx <- !is.na(tmp$chrom)
tmp <- tmp[idx, ]
if (pkgname == "pd.cytogenetics.array" || pkgname == "pd.cytoscanhd.array") {
tmp$physical_pos <- tmp$position
tmp$position <- NULL
featureSetFull <- tmp[order(tmp$chrom, tmp$physical_pos, tmp$fsetid), ]
save(featureSetFull, file = file.path(annotDir, "featureSetFull.RData"))
if (pkgname %in% c("pd.genomewidesnp.5", "pd.genomewidesnp.6")) {
featureSet <- featureSetFull[, c("fsetid", "man_fsetid",
"chrom", "physical_pos", "allele_a",
"allele_b")] ## "dbsnp_rs_id" missing
} else if (pkgname == "pd.cytogenetics.array" || pkgname == "pd.cytoscanhd.array") {
featureSet <- featureSetFull
} else {
featureSet <- featureSetFull[, c("fsetid", "man_fsetid",
"chrom", "physical_pos", "allele_a",
"allele_b")] ## "dbsnp_rs_id"
save(featureSet, file = file.path(annotDir, "featureSet.RData"))
## pmfeature
sql <- "SELECT * FROM pmfeature"
pmfeatureTmp <- DBI::dbGetQuery(db(get(pkgname)), sql)
idxTmp <- match(pmfeatureTmp$fsetid, featureSet$fsetid)
idx <- order(idxTmp)
pmfeature <- pmfeatureTmp[idx, ]
save(pmfeature, file = file.path(annotDir, "pmfeature.RData"))
rm(idxTmp, idx, pmfeatureTmp)
## sequence
if (!(pkgname %in% c("pd.cytogenetics.array", "pd.cytoscanhd.array"))) {
sql <- "SELECT * FROM sequence"
sequence <- DBI::dbGetQuery(db(get(pkgname)), sql)
save(sequence, file = file.path(annotDir, "sequence.RData"))
cat(paste(Sys.time(), "| SNP information done \n"))
## available only for newer Affymetrix arrays
if (pkgname %in% c("pd.genomewidesnp.5", "pd.genomewidesnp.6",
"pd.cytogenetics.array", "pd.cytoscanhd.array")) {
## featureSetCNV
sql <- "SELECT * FROM featureSetCNV"
tmp <- DBI::dbGetQuery(db(get(pkgname)), sql)
tmp$chrom <- oligoClasses::chromosome2integer(tmp$chrom)
idx <- !is.na(tmp$chrom)
tmp <- tmp[idx, ]
if (pkgname %in% c("pd.cytogenetics.array", "pd.cytoscanhd.array")) {
tmp$chrom_start <- tmp$position
tmp$chrom_stop <- tmp$position
tmp$position <- NULL
featureSetCNVFull <- tmp[order(tmp$chrom,
tmp$chrom_start, tmp$fsetid), ]
if (pkgname %in% c("pd.cytogenetics.array", "pd.cytoscanhd.array")) {
featureSetCNV <- featureSetCNVFull
} else {
featureSetCNV <- featureSetCNVFull[, c("fsetid", "man_fsetid",
"chrom", "chrom_start", "chrom_stop")]
save(featureSetCNV, file = file.path(annotDir, "featureSetCNV.RData"))
file = file.path(annotDir, "featureSetCNVFull.RData"))
sql <- "SELECT * FROM pmfeatureCNV"
pmfeatureCNVTmp <- DBI::dbGetQuery(db(get(pkgname)), sql)
idxTmp <- match(pmfeatureCNVTmp$fsetid, featureSetCNV$fsetid)
idx <- order(idxTmp)
pmfeatureCNV <- pmfeatureCNVTmp[idx, ]
save(pmfeatureCNV, file = file.path(annotDir, "pmfeatureCNV.RData"))
rm(idxTmp, idx, pmfeatureCNVTmp)
if (!(pkgname %in% c("pd.cytogenetics.array", "pd.cytoscanhd.array"))) {
sql <- "SELECT * FROM sequenceCNV"
sequenceCNV <- DBI::dbGetQuery(db(get(pkgname)), sql)
save(sequenceCNV, file = file.path(annotDir, "sequenceCNV.RData"))
cat(paste(Sys.time(), "| Non polymorphic information done \n"))
## for normalization
tmp <- match(pmfeature$fsetid, featureSet$fsetid)
pmfeatureAllele <- featureSet[tmp, ]
idxOfAlleleA <- which(pmfeature[, "allele"] == 0)
idxOfAlleleB <- which(pmfeature[, "allele"] == 1)
alleleA <- pmfeatureAllele[idxOfAlleleA, "allele_a"]
alleleB <- pmfeatureAllele[idxOfAlleleB, "allele_b"]
idxOfStrandA <- which(pmfeature[, "strand"] == 0)
idxOfStrandB <- which(pmfeature[, "strand"] == 1)
pairs <- paste(alleleA, alleleB, sep = "")
uniquePairs <- unique(pairs)
save(pmfeature, uniquePairs, idxOfAlleleA, idxOfAlleleB,
idxOfStrandA, idxOfStrandB, pairs,
file = file.path(annotDir, "annotNormalization.RData"))
cat(paste(Sys.time(), "| Annotation processed \n"))
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