#' Estimate bias-corrected transcript abundances (FPKM)
#' This function takes the fitted bias parameters from \link{fitBiasModels}
#' and uses this information to derive bias corrected estimates of
#' transcript abundance for a gene (with one or more isoforms)
#' across multiple samples.
#' @param transcripts a GRangesList of the exons for multiple isoforms of a gene.
#' For a single-isoform gene, just wrap the exons in \code{GRangesList()}
#' @param bam.files a named vector pointing to the indexed BAM files
#' @param fitpar the output of \link{fitBiasModels}
#' @param genome a BSGenome object
#' @param model.names a character vector of the bias models to use.
#' These should have already been specified when calling \link{fitBiasModels}.
#' Four exceptions are models that use none, one or both of the offsets,
#' and these are called with:
#' \code{"null"}, \code{"fraglen"}, \code{"vlmm"}, or \code{"fraglen.vlmm"}.
#' @param subset logical, whether to downsample the non-observed fragments. Default is TRUE
#' @param niter the number of EM iterations. Default is 100.
#' @param lib.sizes a named vector of library sizes to use in calculating the FPKM.
#' If NULL (the default) a value of 1e6 is used for all samples.
#' @param optim logical, whether to use numerical optimization instead of the EM.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param custom.features an optional function to add custom features
#' to the fragment types DataFrame. This function takes in a DataFrame
#' returned by \link{buildFragtypes} and returns a DataFrame
#' with additional columns added. Default is NULL, adding no custom features.
#' @return a list of lists. For each sample, a list with elements:
#' theta, lambda and count.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{theta} gives the FPKM estimates for the
#' isoforms in \code{transcripts}
#' \item \strong{lambda} gives the average bias term
#' for the isoforms
#' \item \strong{count} gives the number of fragments which are
#' compatible with any of the isoforms in \code{transcripts}
#' }
#' @references
#' The model describing how bias estimates are used to
#' estimate bias-corrected abundances is described in
#' the Supplemental Note of the following publication:
#' Love, M.I., Hogenesch, J.B., and Irizarry, R.A.,
#' Modeling of RNA-seq fragment sequence bias reduces
#' systematic errors in transcript abundance estimation.
#' Nature Biotechnologyh (2016) doi: 10.1038/nbt.3682
#' The likelihood formulation and EM algorithm
#' for finding the maximum likelihood estimate for abundances
#' follows this publication:
#' Salzman, J., Jiang, H., and Wong, W.H.,
#' Statistical Modeling of RNA-Seq Data.
#' Statistical Science (2011) doi: 10.1214/10-STS343
#' @examples
#' # see vignette for a more realistic example
#' # these next lines just write out a BAM file from R
#' # typically you would already have a BAM file
#' library(alpineData)
#' library(GenomicAlignments)
#' library(rtracklayer)
#' gap <- ERR188088()
#' dir <- system.file(package="alpineData", "extdata")
#' bam.file <- c("ERR188088" = file.path(dir,"ERR188088.bam"))
#' export(gap, con=bam.file)
#' data(preprocessedData)
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38)
#' model.names <- c("fraglen","GC")
#' txs <- txdf.theta$tx_id[txdf.theta$gene_id == "ENSG00000198918"]
#' res <- estimateAbundance(transcripts=ebt.theta[txs],
#' bam.files=bam.file,
#' fitpar=fitpar.small,
#' genome=Hsapiens,
#' model.names=model.names)
#' @export
estimateAbundance <- function(transcripts, bam.files, fitpar, genome, model.names,
subset=TRUE, niter=100, lib.sizes=NULL, optim=FALSE,
custom.features=NULL) {
stopifnot(is(transcripts, "GRangesList"))
stopifnot(length(transcripts) >= 1)
singleiso <- length(transcripts) == 1
stopifnot(all(c("exon_rank","exon_id") %in% names(mcols(transcripts[[1]]))))
stopifnot(all(names(bam.files) %in% names(fitpar)))
# pull out some model parameters
stopifnot(all(c("readlength","minsize","maxsize","maxsize") %in%
readlength <- fitpar[[1]][["model.params"]][["readlength"]]
minsize <- fitpar[[1]][["model.params"]][["minsize"]]
maxsize <- fitpar[[1]][["model.params"]][["maxsize"]]
# take model names and fitpar models and make the
# models suitable for bias calculation
models <- namesToModels(model.names, fitpar)
stopifnot(all(file.exists(paste0(bam.files, ".bai"))))
if (!is.null(lib.sizes)) stopifnot(all(names(bam.files) %in% names(lib.sizes)))
if (is.null(lib.sizes)) {
lib.sizes <- rep(1e6, length(bam.files))
names(lib.sizes) <- names(bam.files)
w <- sum(width(transcripts))
# is VLMM one of the offsets for any model
any.vlmm <- any(sapply(models, function(m) "vlmm" %in% m$offset))
# TODO: give better output for genes with smaller length than minsize
if (min(w) <= minsize + 1) return(NULL)
if (min(w) <= maxsize) {
maxsize <- min(w)
# this is a list of fragment types for each transcript
st <- system.time({
# TODO: could also save time by only doing GC stretches if necessary
fraglist <- lapply(seq_along(transcripts), function(i) {
out <- buildFragtypes(transcripts[[i]], genome, readlength,
minsize, maxsize, vlmm=any.vlmm)
# optionally add more features to the fragment types DataFrame
if (!is.null(custom.features)) {
out <- custom.features(out)
out$tx <- names(transcripts)[i]
#message("building fragment types: ",round(unname(st[3]),1)," seconds")
names(fraglist) <- names(transcripts)
res <- lapply(seq_along(bam.files), function(i) {
bam.file <- bam.files[i]
bamname <- names(bam.file)
txrange <- unlist(range(transcripts))
strand(txrange) <- "*"
generange <- range(txrange)
#message("align reads to txs")
ga <- readGAlignAlpine(bam.file, generange)
#message("-- ",length(ga)," reads")
outputZero <- FALSE
if (length(ga) == 0) {
numCompatible <- 0
outputZero <- TRUE
} else {
ga <- keepSeqlevels(ga, as.character(seqnames(transcripts[[1]])[1]))
fco <- findCompatibleOverlaps(ga, transcripts)
numCompatible <- length(unique(queryHits(fco)))
#message("-- ",round(numCompatible/length(ga),2)," compatible overlaps")
#message("---- ",seqnames(generange),":",start(generange),"-",end(generange))
# table(strand(ga)[unique(queryHits(fco))]) # are the read counts even across strand?
# boxplot(lapply(reads, function(x) width(x)))
# here the variable is called "reads" although they are really fragments.
# everything is already called fragments :-/
reads <- gaToReadsOnTx(ga, transcripts, fco)
fraglist.temp <- matchReadsToFraglist(reads, fraglist)
txcounts <- sapply(fraglist.temp, function(x) sum(x$count))
#message("---- ",paste(txcounts, collapse=" "))
if (all(txcounts == 0)) outputZero <- TRUE
# report 0 output for all models if all txs have 0 count
names(model.names) <- model.names
nms.tx <- names(transcripts)
if (outputZero) {
#message("all transcripts have 0 counts")
theta <- numeric(length(nms.tx))
lambda <- rep(NA,length(nms.tx)) # don't bother calculating lambda
names(lambda) <- names(theta) <- nms.tx
# for all models:
res.sub <- lapply(model.names, function(x) {
list(theta=theta, lambda=lambda)
return(c(res.sub,count=0)) # return results for this sample
if (subset) {
st <- system.time({
fragtypes <- subsetAndWeightFraglist(fraglist.temp)
#message("subset and weight fragment types: ", round(unname(st[3]),1), " seconds")
} else {
fragtypes <- do.call(rbind, fraglist.temp)
# this is done in subsetAndWeightFraglist()
fragtypes$genomic.id <- paste0(fragtypes$gstart,"-",fragtypes$gread1end,"-",
# message("fragment bias")
## -- fragment bias --
fraglen.density <- fitpar[[bamname]][["fraglen.density"]]
fragtypes$logdfraglen <- log(matchToDensity(fragtypes$fraglen, fraglen.density))
if (any.vlmm) {
stopifnot( "vlmm.fivep" %in% names(fitpar[[bamname]]) )
# message("priming bias")
## -- random hexamer priming bias with VLMM --
vlmm.fivep <- fitpar[[bamname]][["vlmm.fivep"]]
vlmm.threep <- fitpar[[bamname]][["vlmm.threep"]]
fragtypes <- addVLMMBias(fragtypes, vlmm.fivep, vlmm.threep)
# specific code for one isoform
if (singleiso) {
n.obs <- fragtypes$count
# this gives list output for one BAM file
res.sub <- lapply(model.names, function(modeltype) {
log.lambda <- getLogLambda(fragtypes, models, modeltype, fitpar, bamname)
log.lambda <- as.numeric(log.lambda)
N <- if (is.null(lib.sizes)) {
} else {
# TODO: here fix like below
lib.sizes[bamname] / (1e9 * (maxsize - minsize))
A <- N * exp(log.lambda)
wts <- if (subset) { fragtypes$wts } else { 1 }
theta <- sum(n.obs * wts)/sum(A * wts)
lambda <- sum(wts * exp(log.lambda)) / sum(wts)
names(lambda) <- names(theta) <- names(transcripts)
list(theta=theta, lambda=lambda)
return(c(res.sub,count=numCompatible)) # return results for this sample
# make incidence matrix
# duplicate genomic ID across tx will be a single column
mat <- incidenceMat(fragtypes$tx, fragtypes$genomic.id)
# make sure the rows are in correct order
stopifnot(all(rownames(mat) == names(transcripts)))
# NOTE: duplicated weights and bias are not the same for each tx.
# The bias will often be identical for read start bias,
# and very close for fragment length and fragment GC content given long reads.
# It will not be so similar for relative position bias.
# Zhonghui Xu points out: why not do the extra bookkeeping and
# have the proper lambda-hat_ij fill out the A matrix.
fragtypes.sub <- fragtypes[!duplicated(fragtypes$genomic.id),,drop=FALSE]
stopifnot(all(fragtypes.sub$genomic.id == colnames(mat)))
#message("run EM for models: ",paste(names(models), collapse=", "))
n.obs <- fragtypes.sub$count
# run EM for different models
# this gives list output for one BAM file
res.sub <- lapply(model.names, function(modeltype) {
log.lambda <- getLogLambda(fragtypes, models, modeltype, fitpar, bamname)
## pred0 <- as.numeric(exp(log.lambda))
## pred <- pred0/mean(pred0)*mean(fragtypes.sub$count)
## boxplot(pred ~ factor(cut(fragtypes.sub$count,c(-1:10 + .5,20,Inf))), main=modeltype, range=0)
if (is.null(lib.sizes)) {
N <- mean(n.obs)
} else {
# TODO: in addition to the interval of considered lengths L
# account for the triangle of fragments not in the count matrix
# (analagous to effective length)
N <- lib.sizes[bamname] / (1e9 * (maxsize - minsize))
# transcript-specific bias
lambda.mat <- mat
for (tx in names(transcripts)) {
tx.id <- fragtypes$genomic.id[fragtypes$tx == tx]
tx.idx <- match(tx.id, colnames(mat))
lambda.mat[tx, tx.idx] <- exp(log.lambda[fragtypes$tx == tx])
wts <- if (subset) { fragtypes.sub$wts } else { 1 }
# A also includes the library size
A <- N * lambda.mat
theta <- runEM(n.obs, A, wts, niter, optim)
# the average lambda for each transcript is stored in results
lambda <- if (subset) {
lambda.mat %*% wts / mat %*% wts
} else {
rowSums(lambda.mat) / rowSums(mat)
lambda <- as.numeric(lambda)
names(lambda) <- names(transcripts)
list(theta=theta, lambda=lambda)
return(c(res.sub, count=numCompatible))
names(res) <- names(bam.files)
######### unexported EM functions #########
incidenceMat <- function(x, y, numeric=TRUE) {
# borrowed from Wolfgang Huber
ux = unique(x)
uy = unique(y)
im = matrix(FALSE, nrow=length(ux), ncol=length(uy), dimnames=list(ux, uy))
im[ cbind(x, y) ] = TRUE
if (numeric) {
mode(im) <- "numeric"
runEM <- function(n.obs, A, wts=1, niter=20, optim=FALSE) {
J <- ncol(A)
ntx <- nrow(A)
log.like <- function(theta.hat) {
sum(wts * dpois(n.obs, colSums(A * theta.hat), log=TRUE))
theta.hat <- rep(1, ntx)
theta.0 <- rep(1, ntx)
n.obs.sub <- n.obs[n.obs > 0]
A.sub <- A[,n.obs > 0,drop=FALSE]
rowSumsA <- rowSums(t(t(A) * wts))
if (!optim) {
for (tt in 1:niter) {
n.hat <- t(t(theta.hat * A.sub) * n.obs.sub / colSums(theta.hat * A.sub))
theta.hat <- rowSums(n.hat) / rowSumsA
} else {
theta.hat <- optim(theta.hat, log.like,
lower=rep(1e-6,ntx), upper=rep(1e6,ntx),
control=list(fnscale=-1), method="L-BFGS-B")$par
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