#' Extract results from estimateAbundance run across genes
#' This function extracts estimates for a given model from a list
#' over many genes, returning a matrix with dimensions:
#' number of transcript x number of samples.
#' Here, the count of compatible fragments aligning to the
#' genes is used to estimate the FPKM, dividing out the previously
#' used estimate \code{lib.sizes}.
#' @param res a list where each element is the output of \link{estimateAbundance}
#' @param model the name of a model, corresponds to names of \code{models}
#' used in \link{fitBiasModels}
#' @param lib.sizes the vector of library sizes passed to \link{estimateAbundance}.
#' not needed if \code{divide.out=FALSE}
#' @param divide.out logical, whether to divide out the initial estimate of
#' library size and to instead use the count of compatible fragments for
#' genes calculated by \link{estimateAbundance}. Default is TRUE
#' @param transcripts an optional GRangesList of the exons for each
#' transcript. If this is provided, the output will be a
#' SummarizedExperiment. The transcripts do not need
#' to be provided in the correct order, extractAlpine will
#' find the correct transcript by the names in \code{res} and
#' put them in the correct order.
#' @return a matrix of FPKM values across transcripts and samples,
#' or a SummarizedExperiment if \code{transcripts} is provided
#' @examples
#' data(preprocessedData)
#' extractAlpine(res, "GC")
#' @export
extractAlpine <- function(res, model, lib.sizes=1e6,
divide.out=TRUE, transcripts=NULL) {
# some rough code to figure out how many samples:
# look at the first 10 (or fewer) elements of res and
# calculate the length. why? the result for a given gene
# could be NULL if it didn't pass some tests in estimateAbundance
nsamp <- max(sapply(res[seq_len(min(10,length(res)))], length))
fpkm <- extractRes(res, model, "theta", nsamp)
lambda <- extractRes(res, model, "lambda", nsamp)
count <- extractRes(res, model, "count", nsamp)
lambdaBar <- colMeans(lambda, na.rm=TRUE)
colSumsCount <- colSums(count)
multFactor <- if (divide.out) {
lambdaBar * lib.sizes / colSumsCount
} else {
mat <- sweep(fpkm, 2, multFactor, `*`)
if (is.null(transcripts)) {
} else {
row.ranges <- transcripts[rownames(mat)]
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(FPKM=mat),
#' Split genes that have isoforms across chromosomes
#' This function simply splits apart genes which have isoforms across multiple
#' chromosomes. New "genes" are created with the suffix "_cs" and a number.
#' @param ebg an exons-by-genes GRangesList, created with \code{exonsBy}
#' @param txdf a data.frame created by running \code{select} on a TxDb object.
#' Must have columns TXCHROM and GENEID
#' @return a list of manipulated \code{ebg} and \code{txdf}
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' txdf <- data.frame(TXCHROM=c("1","1","2"),
#' GENEID=c("101","102","102"))
#' ebg <- GRangesList(GRanges("1",IRanges(c(100,200),width=50)),
#' GRanges(c("1","2"),IRanges(c(400,100),width=50)))
#' names(ebg) <- c("101","102")
#' splitGenesAcrossChroms(ebg, txdf)
#' @export
splitGenesAcrossChroms <- function(ebg, txdf) {
txdf$GENEID <- as.character(txdf$GENEID)
split.chroms <- sapply(split(txdf$TXCHROM, txdf$GENEID), function(x) !all(x == x[1]))
message("found ",sum(split.chroms),
" genes split over chroms out of ",length(split.chroms))
split.chroms <- names(split.chroms)[split.chroms]
new.genes <- GRangesList()
for (gid in split.chroms) {
chroms <- unique(txdf$TXCHROM[txdf$GENEID == gid])
exs <- ebg[[gid]]
for (i in seq_along(chroms)) {
# cs = chromosome split
new.name <- paste0(gid,"_cs",i)
txdf$GENEID[txdf$GENEID == gid & txdf$TXCHROM == chroms[i]] <- new.name
new.genes[[new.name]] <- exs[seqnames(exs) == chroms[i]]
ebg[[gid]] <- NULL
ebg <- c(ebg, new.genes)
list(ebg=ebg, txdf=txdf)
#' Split very long genes
#' This function splits genes which have a very long range (e.g. 1 Mb),
#' and new "genes" are formed where each isoform is its own "gene",
#' with the suffix "_ls" and a number.
#' It makes sense to turn each isoform into its own gene only if this
#' function is followed by \link{mergeGenes}.
#' @param ebg an exons-by-genes GRangesList, created with \code{exonsBy}
#' @param ebt an exons-by-tx GRangesList, created with \code{exonsBy}
#' @param txdf a data.frame created by running \code{select} on a TxDb object.
#' Must have columns GENEID and TXID, where TXID corresponds to the
#' names of \code{ebt}.
#' @param long a numeric value such that ranges longer than this are "long"
#' @return a list of manipulated \code{ebg} and \code{txdf}
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' txdf <- data.frame(GENEID=c("101","101","102"),
#' TXID=c("201","202","203"))
#' ebt <- GRangesList(GRanges("1",IRanges(c(100,200),width=50)),
#' GRanges("1",IRanges(2e6 + c(100,200),width=50)),
#' GRanges("1",IRanges(3e6 + c(100,200),width=50)))
#' names(ebt) <- c("201","202","203")
#' ebg <- GRangesList(reduce(unlist(ebt[1:2])),ebt[[3]])
#' names(ebg) <- c("101","102")
#' splitLongGenes(ebg, ebt, txdf)
#' @export
splitLongGenes <- function(ebg, ebt, txdf, long=1e6) {
txdf$GENEID <- as.character(txdf$GENEID)
txdf$TXID <- as.character(txdf$TXID)
strand(ebg) <- "*"
r <- unlist(range(ebg))
w <- width(r)
stopifnot(length(w) == length(ebg))
long.genes <- names(ebg)[w > long]
message("found ",length(long.genes),
" long genes (1e",log10(long)," bp) out of ",length(ebg))
new.genes <- GRangesList()
for (gid in long.genes) {
# ls = long split
new.names <- paste0(gid,"_ls",seq_len(sum(txdf$GENEID == gid)))
ebg[[gid]] <- NULL
txdf$GENEID[txdf$GENEID == gid] <- new.names
for (new.gene in new.names) {
gr <- ebt[[txdf$TXID[txdf$GENEID == new.gene]]]
mcols(gr)$exon_rank <- NULL
new.genes[[new.gene]] <- gr
ebg <- c(ebg, new.genes)
list(ebg=ebg, txdf=txdf)
#' Merge overlapping "genes" into gene clusters
#' This function looks for overlapping exons in \code{ebg}.
#' The overlapping "genes" are used to form a graph.
#' Any connected components in the graph (sets of "genes"
#' which can be reached from each other through overlap relations)
#' are connected into a new gene cluster, which is given the
#' suffix "_mrg" and using one of the original gene names.
#' @param ebg an exons-by-genes GRangesList, created with \code{exonsBy}
#' @param txdf a data.frame created by running \code{select} on a TxDb object.
#' Must have a column GENEID.
#' @param ignore.strand Default is TRUE.
#' @return a manipulated \code{txdf}.
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' txdf <- data.frame(GENEID=c("101","102","103","104"))
#' ebg <- GRangesList(GRanges("1",IRanges(c(100,200),width=50)),
#' GRanges("1",IRanges(c(200,300),width=50)),
#' GRanges("1",IRanges(c(300,400),width=50)),
#' GRanges("1",IRanges(c(500,600),width=50)))
#' names(ebg) <- c("101","102","103","104")
#' mergeGenes(ebg, txdf)
#' @export
mergeGenes <- function(ebg, txdf, ignore.strand=TRUE) {
txdf$GENEID <- as.character(txdf$GENEID)
fo <- findOverlaps(ebg, ignore.strand=ignore.strand)
fo <- fo[queryHits(fo) < subjectHits(fo)]
mat <- as.matrix(fo)
graph <- ftM2graphNEL(mat, edgemode="undirected")
components <- connectedComp(graph)
message("found ",length(components), " clusters from ",length(ebg)," genes")
components <- lapply(components, function(x) names(ebg)[as.numeric(x)])
for (cluster in components) {
txdf$GENEID[txdf$GENEID %in% cluster] <- paste0(cluster[1],"_mrg")
#' DESeq median ratio normalization for matrix
#' Simple implementation of DESeq median ratio normalization
#' @param mat a matrix of numeric values
#' @param cutoff a numeric value to be used as the cutoff
#' for the row means of \code{mat}. Only rows with row mean
#' larger than \code{cutoff} are used for calculating
#' the size factors
#' @return a matrix with the median ratio size factors
#' divided out
#' @references Anders, S. and Huber, W.,
#' Differential expression analysis for sequence count data.
#' Genome Biology (2010) doi: 10.1186/gb-2010-11-10-r106
#' @examples
#' x <- runif(50,1,100)
#' mat <- cbind(x, 2*x, 3*x)
#' norm.mat <- normalizeDESeq(mat, 5)
#' @export
normalizeDESeq <- function(mat, cutoff) {
mat2 <- mat[rowMeans(mat) > cutoff,,drop=FALSE]
loggeomeans <- rowMeans(log(mat2))
logratio <- (log(mat2) - loggeomeans)[is.finite(loggeomeans),,drop=FALSE]
sf <- exp(apply(logratio, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE))
sweep(mat, 2, sf, "/")
#' Get fragment widths
#' From a BAM file and a particular transcript (recommened
#' to be the single isoform of a gene), this function
#' returns estimates of the fragment widths, by mapping the
#' fragment alignments to the transcript coordinates.
#' @param bam.file a character string pointing to a BAM file
#' @param tx a GRanges object of the exons of a single isoform gene
#' @return a numeric vector of estimated fragment widths
#' @examples
#' # these next lines just write out a BAM file from R
#' # typically you would already have a BAM file
#' library(alpineData)
#' library(GenomicAlignments)
#' library(rtracklayer)
#' gap <- ERR188088()
#' dir <- system.file(package="alpineData", "extdata")
#' bam.file <- c("ERR188088" = file.path(dir,"ERR188088.bam"))
#' export(gap, con=bam.file)
#' data(preprocessedData)
#' w <- getFragmentWidths(bam.file, ebt.fit[[2]])
#' quantile(w, c(.025, .975))
#' @export
getFragmentWidths <- function(bam.file, tx) {
gap <- readGAlignmentPairs(bam.file, param=ScanBamParam(which=range(tx)))
stopifnot(length(gap) > 0)
fo <- findCompatibleOverlaps(gap, GRangesList(tx=tx))
stopifnot(length(fo) > 0)
gap <- gap[queryHits(fo)]
left <- first(gap)
right <- last(gap)
first.minus <- as.vector(strand(first(gap)) == "-")
left[first.minus] <- last(gap)[first.minus]
right[first.minus] <- first(gap)[first.minus]
left.tx <- start(mapToTranscripts(GRanges(seqnames(gap),
right.tx <- end(mapToTranscripts(GRanges(seqnames(gap),
w <- right.tx - left.tx + 1
if (as.character(strand(tx)[1]) == "-") {
w <- w * -1
#' Get read length
#' Gets the length of the first read in a BAM file
#' @param bam.files a character vector pointing to BAM files
#' @return a numeric vector, one number per BAM file, the
#' length of the first read in the file
#' @examples
#' # these next lines just write out a BAM file from R
#' # typically you would already have a BAM file
#' library(alpineData)
#' library(GenomicAlignments)
#' library(rtracklayer)
#' gap <- ERR188088()
#' dir <- system.file(package="alpineData", "extdata")
#' bam.file <- c("ERR188088" = file.path(dir,"ERR188088.bam"))
#' export(gap, con=bam.file)
#' getReadLength(bam.file)
#' @export
getReadLength <- function(bam.files) {
getRL1 <- function(file) {
qwidth(readGAlignments(BamFile(file, yieldSize=1)))
sapply(bam.files, getRL1)
######### unexported helper functions #########
extractRes <- function(res, model, what, nsamp) {
do.call(rbind, lapply(res, function(x) {
if (is.null(x)) {
if (what == "count") return(rep(0, nsamp))
return(rep(NA, nsamp)) # the whole gene gets a single row of NA
if (what == "count") {
return(sapply(x, `[[`, what))
} else {
res.list <- lapply(x, function(y) y[[model]][[what]])
return(do.call(cbind, res.list))
alpineFlag <- function() scanBamFlag(isSecondaryAlignment=FALSE)
readGAlignAlpine <- function(bam.file, generange, manual=TRUE) {
if (manual) {
param <- ScanBamParam(which=generange, what=c("flag","mrnm","mpos"), flag=alpineFlag())
gal <- readGAlignments(bam.file, use.names=TRUE, param=param)
} else {
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