#' @title Validating MatchedSpectra
#' @description
#' The `validateMatchedSpectra()` function opens a simple shiny application
#' that allows to browse results stored in a `MatchedSpectra` object and to
#' *validate* the presented matches. For each query spectrum a table with
#' matched target spectra are shown (if available) and an interactive mirror
#' plot is generated. Valid matches can be selected using a check box which is
#' displayed below the mirror plot. Upon pushing the "Save & Close"
#' button the app is closed and a filtered `MatchedSpectra` is returned,
#' containing only *validated* matches.
#' Note that column `"query_index_"` and `"target_index_"` are temporarily
#' added to the query and target `Spectra` object to display them in the
#' interactive graphics for easier identification of the compared spectra.
#' @param object A non-empty instance of class `MatchedSpectra`.
#' @return A `MatchedSpectra` with validated results.
#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpparam SerialParam register
#' @importFrom methods slotNames
#' @author Carolin Huber, Michael Witting, Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' library(Spectra)
#' ## Load test data
#' fl <- system.file("TripleTOF-SWATH", "PestMix1_DDA.mzML", package = "msdata")
#' pest_ms2 <- filterMsLevel(Spectra(fl), 2L)
#' pest_ms2 <- pest_ms2[c(808, 809, 945:955)]
#' load(system.file("extdata", "minimb.RData", package = "MetaboAnnotation"))
#' ## Normalize intensities and match spectra
#' csp <- CompareSpectraParam(requirePrecursor = TRUE,
#' THRESHFUN = function(x) x >= 0.7)
#' norm_int <- function(x) {
#' x[, "intensity"] <- x[, "intensity"] / max(x[, "intensity"]) * 100
#' x
#' }
#' ms <- matchSpectra(addProcessing(pest_ms2, norm_int),
#' addProcessing(minimb, norm_int), csp)
#' ## validate matches using the shiny app. Note: the call is only executed
#' ## in interactive mode.
#' if (interactive()) {
#' res <- validateMatchedSpectra(ms)
#' }
validateMatchedSpectra <- function(object) {
if (!.is_shiny_available())
stop("The use of 'validateMatchedSpectra' requires package 'shiny'.",
" Please install with 'BiocManager::install(\"shiny\")'")
if (!.is_shinyjs_available())
stop("The use of 'validateMatchedSpectra' requires package 'shinyjs'.",
" Please install with 'BiocManager::install(\"shinyjs\")'")
if (!.is_dt_available())
stop("The use of 'validateMatchedSpectra' requires package 'DT'.",
" Please install with 'BiocManager::install(\"DT\")'")
stopifnot(inherits(object, "MatchedSpectra"))
if (!length(object))
stop("The 'MatchedSpectra' object is empty.")
## Add query and target index
object@query$query_index_ <- seq_along(object@query)
object@target$index_ <- seq_along(object@target)
bpp <- bpparam()
ui <- shiny::fluidPage(shinyjs::useShinyjs(),
shiny::selectInput("query", "Query Spectra:",
choices = list(),
multiple = FALSE,
selectize = FALSE,
size = 25),
shiny::actionButton("b_store", "Save & Close")
shiny::checkboxInput("valid", "Current match OK?",
value = TRUE, width = NULL),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
query_ids <- .createChoices(object)
dt <- .create_dt(object)
ppm <- 20
tolerance <- 0
if (length(prm <- object@metadata$param)) {
if ("ppm" %in% slotNames(prm))
ppm <- prm@ppm
if ("tolerance" %in% slotNames(prm))
tolerance <- prm@tolerance
if (nrow(dt)) {
dt <- data.frame(valid = TRUE, dt)
} else dt <- data.frame(valid = logical(), dt)
dtl <- split(dt, factor(dt$query_index_, seq_along(object)))
rv <- shiny::reactiveValues(
queries = query_ids,
dtl = dtl
rv_query <- shiny::reactiveValues(idx = 1L)
rv_target <- shiny::reactiveValues(idx = 1L)
shiny::observe(shiny::updateSelectInput(inputId = "query",
choices = rv$queries))
## Choose query spectrum
shiny::observeEvent(input$query, {
rv_query$idx <- as.integer(input$query)
rv_target$idx <- 1L
current_match <- object[rv_query$idx]
output$targets <- DT::renderDT(
selection = list(mode = "single",
selected = rv_target$idx),
options = list(dom = "t", ordering = FALSE),
escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE),
server = TRUE)
if (nrow(rv$dtl[[rv_query$idx]]) >= rv_target$idx) {
## rv_target$idx <- input$targets_rows_selected
current_valid <- rv$dtl[[rv_query$idx]]$valid[rv_target$idx]
shiny::updateCheckboxInput(session, "valid",
value = current_valid)
} else
output$plot <- plotly::renderPlotly(
.plotlySpectraMirror(query(current_match), Spectra(),
xLabel = "query",
xColor = "#E41A1C",
yLabel = "target",
yColor = "#377EB8"))
## Choose target spectrum
shiny::observeEvent(input$targets_rows_selected, {
rv_target$idx <- input$targets_rows_selected
current_match <- object[rv_query$idx]
if (nrow(current_match@matches)) {
tidx <- current_match@matches$target_idx[rv_target$idx]
current_valid <- rv$dtl[[rv_query$idx]]$valid[rv_target$idx]
shiny::updateCheckboxInput(session, "valid",
value = current_valid)
output$plot <- plotly::renderPlotly(
ppm = ppm, tolerance = tolerance,
xLabel = "query",
xColor = "#E41A1C",
yLabel = "target",
yColor = "#377EB8"))
shiny::observeEvent(input$valid, {
if (length(rv_target$idx) &&
nrow(rv$dtl[[rv_query$idx]]) >= rv_target$idx) {
rv$dtl[[rv_query$idx]]$valid[rv_target$idx] <- input$valid
shiny::observeEvent(input$b_store, {
## Collect all the selections from all data frames
idx <- which(do.call(rbind, rv$dtl)$valid)
shiny::stopApp(filterMatches(object, index = idx))
shiny::runApp(shiny::shinyApp(ui, server))
#' function to create interactive plot
#' This is `SpectraVis::plotlySpectraMirror` - replace with import or require
#' once `SpectraVis` is in Bioconductor.
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra peaksData
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils common
#' @noRd
.plotlySpectraMirror <- function(x, y, xLabel = "", xColor = "#737373",
yLabel = "", yColor = "#737373", matchSize = 5,
ppm = 20, tolerance = 0) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "Spectra"))
stopifnot(inherits(y, "Spectra"))
if (!.is_plotly_available())
stop("The use of '.plotlySpectraMirror' requires package 'plotly'. ",
"Please install with 'BiocInstaller::install(\"plotly\")'")
p <- plotly::plot_ly()
if (length(x) > 1 || length(y) > 1)
stop("'x' and 'y' have to be of length 1")
if (length(x))
x_peaks <- as.data.frame(peaksData(x)[[1L]])
else x_peaks <- data.frame(mz = numeric(), intensity = numeric(),
match = character())
if (length(y))
y_peaks <- as.data.frame(peaksData(y)[[1L]])
else y_peaks <- data.frame(mz = numeric(), intensity = numeric(),
match = character())
x_range <- range(x_peaks$mz, y_peaks$mz, na.rm = TRUE) + c(-1, 1)
y_max <- max(x_peaks$intensity, y_peaks$intensity, na.rm = TRUE)
y_peaks$intensity <- -y_peaks$intensity
ht <- "<b>%{text}</b><br>mz: %{x}<br>int: %{y}"
if (nrow(x_peaks)) {
x_peaks$zero <- 0.0
x_peaks$match <- ""
x_peaks$color <- xColor[1L]
idx <- which(common(x_peaks$mz, y_peaks$mz, tolerance, ppm))
if (length(idx))
x_peaks$match[idx] <- "matched"
p <- .plotly_peaks(p, x_peaks, name = xLabel, col = xColor[1L],
hovertemplate = ht, text = ~match)
if (nrow(y_peaks)) {
y_peaks$zero <- 0.0
y_peaks$match <- ""
y_peaks$color <- yColor[1L]
idx <- which(common(y_peaks$mz, x_peaks$mz, tolerance, ppm))
if (length(idx))
y_peaks$match[idx] <- "matched"
p <- .plotly_peaks(p, y_peaks, name = yLabel, col = yColor[1L],
hovertemplate = ht, text = ~match)
pks <- rbind(x_peaks, y_peaks)
pks <- pks[pks$match != "", , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(pks))
p <- plotly::add_trace(p, data = pks, x = ~mz, y = ~intensity,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers",
hoverinfo = "none", name = "matched",
marker = list(size = matchSize[1L],
color = ~color))
plotly::layout(p, xaxis = list(title = "m/z", zeroline = FALSE),
yaxis = list(title = "intensity", zeroline = TRUE),
hovermode = "x", hoverdistance = 1)
#' That's also from `SpectraVis` - remove if `SpectraVis` is used instead.
#' @noRd
.plotly_peaks <- function(p, data, col = "#737373", name = "",
hovertemplate = "<br>mz: %{x}<br>int: %{y}<br>",
...) {
plotly::add_segments(p, data = data, x = ~mz, y = ~zero, xend = ~mz,
yend = ~intensity, line = list(color = col),
name = name, hovertemplate = hovertemplate, ...)
## .plotlySpectraMirror <- function(x, y, col = c("#E41A1C", "#377EB8"),
## main = "") {
## if (!requireNamespace("plotly", quietly = TRUE))
## stop("The use of '.plotlySpectraMirror' requires package 'plotly'. ",
## "Please install with 'BiocInstaller::install(\"plotly\")'")
## if (length(col) != 2)
## col <- col[c(1, 1)]
## if (length(x)) {
## upper <- as.data.frame(peaksData(x)[[1L]])
## } else upper <- data.frame(mz = numeric(), intensity = numeric())
## if (length(y)) {
## lower <- as.data.frame(peaksData(y)[[1L]])
## } else lower <- data.frame(mz = numeric(), intensity = numeric())
## if (nrow(upper))
## upper$zero <- 0.0
## else upper$zero <- numeric()
## if (nrow(lower))
## lower$zero <- 0.0
## else lower$zero <- numeric()
## mz_range <- range(upper$mz, lower$mz) + c(-1, 1)
## maxy <- max(upper$intensity, lower$intensity, na.rm = TRUE)
## int_range <- list(-maxy, maxy)
## lower$intensity <- -lower$intensity
## p <- plotly::plot_ly()
## p <- plotly::add_segments(p, data = upper, x = ~mz, y = ~zero, xend = ~mz,
## yend = ~intensity, line = list(color = col[1L]),
## name = "query",
## hovertemplate = "<br>mz: %{x}<br>int: %{y}<br>")
## p <- plotly::add_segments(p, data = lower, x = ~mz, y = ~zero, xend = ~mz,
## yend = ~intensity, line = list(color = col[2L]),
## name = "target",
## hovertemplate = "<br>mz: %{x}<br>int: %{y}<br>")
## p <- plotly::layout(p, title = main,
## xaxis = list(title = "m/z", range = mz_range),
## yaxis = list(title = "intensity", zeroline = TRUE,
## range = int_range),
## hovermode = "x", hoverdistance = 1)
## p
## }
#' isolate entries for feature selection
#' @noRd
.createChoices <- function(x) {
sl <- seq_along(x)
l_choices <- as.list(sl)
names(l_choices) <- paste0(sl, " - MZ",
round(query(x)$precursorMz, 4), "@RT",
round(query(x)$rtime / 60, 2), " min")
.create_dt <- function(x){
.sel_cols <- c("query_index_", "target_index_", "precursorMz",
"target_precursorMz", "rtime", "target_rtime",
"target_name", "target_compound_name",
"score", "reverse_score", "presence_ratio")
cols <- .sel_cols[.sel_cols %in% spectraVariables(x)]
tbl <- as.data.frame(matchedData(x, cols))
tbl$score <- round(tbl$score, 3)
if (any(colnames(tbl) == "precursorMz"))
tbl$precursorMz <- round(tbl$precursorMz, 3)
if (any(colnames(tbl) == "reverse_score"))
tbl$reverse_score <- round(tbl$reverse_score, 3)
if (any(colnames(tbl) == "presence_ratio"))
tbl$presence_ratio <- round(tbl$presence_ratio, 3)
if (any(colnames(tbl) == "rtime"))
tbl$rtime <- round(tbl$rtime, 1)
if (any(colnames(tbl) == "target_rtime"))
tbl$target_rtime <- round(tbl$target_rtime, 1)
tbl[!is.na(tbl$score), , drop = FALSE]
.is_shiny_available <- function() {
requireNamespace("shiny", quietly = TRUE)
.is_shinyjs_available <- function() {
requireNamespace("shinyjs", quietly = TRUE)
.is_dt_available <- function() {
requireNamespace("DT", quietly = TRUE)
.is_plotly_available <- function() {
requireNamespace("plotly", quietly = TRUE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.