#' Helper function to check if all values in the input count
#' matrix are either NA, NaN, or non-negative integers
#' @param count_matrix The count matrix
#' @return TRUE if all values in count_matrix are non-NA/NaN, non-negative
#' integers; otherwise FALSE.
for (i in seq_len(nrow(count_matrix))) {
for (j in seq_len(ncol(count_matrix))) {
val = count_matrix[i,j]
if(is.na(val)) {
next # NA and NaN are allowed in probeCounts and handled later
if(!is.numeric(val)) {
if((val < 0) | (val != round(val))) {
#' Helper function to get the average volume of nucleus sampled
#' given the nucleus radius and tissue section height (thickness).
#' @param r The nuclear radius
#' @param h The section height (thickness)
#' @return The average volume of nucleus sampled given the nucleus radius and
#' section height
getAverageVolumeFrac<-function(r, h)
Vavg=pi*h*(2/3*r^2 +r*h/3 - h^2/6)
#' Helper function to get the maximum possible volume of nucleus
#' sampled given the nucleus radius and section height
#' @param r The nuclear radius
#' @param h The section height (thickness)
#' @return The maximum possible volume of nucleus sampled given the nucleus
#' radius and section height
v=pi*hh*(r^2 -d^2 -d*hh -(1/3)*(hh^2))
#' Helper function that returns the minimum possible volume of nucleus
#' sampled given the nucleus radius and section height
#' @param r The radius of the nuclei
#' @param h The section height (thickness)
#' @return The minimum possible volume of nucleus sampled given the nucleus
Vmin=pi*h*(r^2 - d^2 - d*h - (1/3)*(h^2))
#' Helper function to check the arguments input to getManualCountsEstimates.
#' @param probeCounts A matrix of manual spot counts with columns for
#' probes and rows for nuclei
#' @param radius The cells' nuclear radius (must be measured in same unit as
#' \code{height})
#' @param height The section height (must be measured in same unit as
#' \code{radius})
#' @param volumeFracCorrection The method used to correct for volume fraction
#' (must be 'avg', 'max', or 'min'; defaults to 'max')
#' @return Nothing if all checks are passed; otherwise throws an error or
#' warning message
checkManualCountsEstimatesArguments<-function(probeCounts, radius, height,
if(!(volumeFracCorrection %in% c("avg", "max", "min"))) {
stop("volumeFracCorrection must be 'avg', 'max', or 'min'")
if(!is.numeric(radius)) {stop("nuclear radius must be numeric")}
if(!is.numeric(height)) {stop("section height must be numeric")}
if(radius <= 0) {stop("nuclear radius must be greater than 0")}
if(height <= 0) {stop("section height must be greater than 0")}
if(!is.matrix(probeCounts)) {stop("probeCounts must be a matrix")}
if(ncol(probeCounts) < 1) {stop("probeCounts must have at least one column")}
if(nrow(probeCounts) < 1) {stop("probeCounts must have at least one row")}
if(any(is.infinite(probeCounts))) {
stop("probeCounts cannot have any Inf or -Inf values")
if(!areAllNonnegativeIntegers(probeCounts)) {
stop("All non-NA/NaN counts in probeCounts must be non-negative integers")
for (r in seq_len(ncol(probeCounts))) {
if(all(is.na(probeCounts[,r]))) {
warning("All counts of ", toString(colnames(probeCounts)[r]),
" probe are NA or NaN. Estimated count will be NA")
else if(all(probeCounts[,r][!is.na(probeCounts[,r])] == 0)) {
warning("All non-NA/NaN counts of ", toString(colnames(probeCounts)[r]),
" probe are 0. Estimated count for this ",
"probe may not be accurate")
#' FrenchFISH function for generating volume adjusted spot counts from spots
#' which have been manually counted (uses a Markov chain Monte Carlo method).
#' Returns five quantile estimates and the mean estimate.
#' @param probeCounts A matrix of manual spot counts with columns for
#' probes and rows for nuclei
#' @param radius The cells' nuclear radius (must be measured in same unit as
#' \code{height})
#' @param height The section height (must be measured in same unit as
#' \code{radius})
#' @param volumeFracCorrection The method used to correct for volume fraction
#' (must be 'avg', 'max', or 'min'; defaults to 'max')
#' @return The volume adjusted spot counts for each probe that have been
#' generated using MCMC modelling
#' @export
#' @examples
#' manualCountsEstimates<-getManualCountsEstimates(cbind(red=c(0,2,4),
#' green=c(5,3,1), blue=c(3,0,2)), 8, 4)
getManualCountsEstimates<-function(probeCounts, radius, height, volumeFracCorrection = "max")
checkManualCountsEstimatesArguments(probeCounts, radius, height, volumeFracCorrection)
if (volumeFracCorrection == "avg") {
adjustFact<-getAverageVolumeFrac(radius, height)
} else if (volumeFracCorrection == "max") {
adjustFact<-getMaxVolumeFrac(radius, height)
} else {
adjustFact<-getMinVolumeFrac(radius, height)
for(i in seq_len(ncol(probeCounts)))
prCts <- probeCounts[,i]
# get probe counts column with all NA and NaN entries removed
no_na_probeCounts <- prCts[!is.na(prCts)]
# if all counts for a probe are NA or NaN, make estimates NA
if(length(no_na_probeCounts) == 0) {
res<-data.frame(X2.5 = NA, X25 = NA, X50 = NA, X75 = NA, X97.5 = NA, mean = NA)
else {
res<-data.frame(X2.5 = c(qtls[1]), X25 = c(qtls[2]), X50 = c(qtls[3]),
X75 = c(qtls[4]), X97.5 = c(qtls[5]), mean = mean(posterior_aqua))
# Append probe results to all results
countEstimates<-rbind(countEstimates, res)
return(data.frame(Probe=row.names(countEstimates), countEstimates,
row.names = NULL))
#' Helper function to convert spot counts and nuclear area measurements
#' into continuous events for Poisson point estimation.
#' @param area The nuclear area
#' @param spots The number of spots counted
#' @return Vector of continuous events for Poisson point estimation
generatePPdat<-function(area, spots)
for(i in seq_len(length(area)))
for(k in seq_len(spots[i]))
#' Helper function to check the arguments input to getAutomaticCountsEstimates.
#' @param probeCounts A matrix where the first column contains the areas of
#' the nuclear blobs (this column must be named "area" and the unit of its
#' entries must be the square of the unit used to measure \code{radius} and
#' \code{height}) and the remaining columns (one per probe) contain the spot
#' counts for different probes in each nuclear blob
#' @param radius The cells' nuclear radius (must be measured in same unit as
#' \code{height})
#' @param height The section height (must be measured in same unit as
#' \code{radius})
#' @param volumeFracCorrection The method used to correct for volume fraction
#' (must be 'avg', 'max', or 'min'; defaults to 'avg')
#' @return Nothing if all checks are passed; otherwise throws an error or
#' warning message
checkAutomaticCountsEstimatesArguments<-function(probeCounts, radius, height,
if(!(volumeFracCorrection %in% c("avg", "max", "min"))) {
stop("volumeFracCorrection must be 'avg', 'max', or 'min'")
if(!is.numeric(radius)) {stop("nuclear radius must be numeric")}
if(!is.numeric(height)) {stop("section height must be numeric")}
if(radius <= 0) {stop("nuclear radius must be greater than 0")}
if(height <= 0) {stop("section height must be greater than 0")}
if(!is.matrix(probeCounts)) {stop("probeCounts must be a matrix")}
if(nrow(probeCounts) < 1) {stop("probeCounts must have at least one row")}
if(ncol(probeCounts) < 2) {
stop("probeCounts must have at least one column for nuclear blob ",
"area and one column for spot counts at a probe")
if(colnames(probeCounts)[1] != "area") {
stop('First column of probeCounts must be named "area" and contain ',
'nuclear blob areas')
if(any(is.na(probeCounts[,1]))) {
stop("Areas in first column cannot have any NA or NaN values")
if(any(is.infinite(probeCounts))) {
stop("probeCounts cannot have any Inf or -Inf values")
if(!areAllNonnegativeIntegers(as.matrix(data.frame(probeCounts[,-1])))) {
stop("All non-NA/NaN counts in probeCounts must be non-negative integers")
if(any(probeCounts[,1] <= 0)) {
stop("All values in area column must be greater than 0")
for (r in 2:ncol(probeCounts)) {
if(all(is.na(probeCounts[,r]))) {
warning("All counts of ", toString(colnames(probeCounts)[r]),
" probe are NA or NaN. Estimated count will be NA")
else if(all(probeCounts[,r][!is.na(probeCounts[,r])] == 0)) {
warning("All non-NA/NaN counts of ", toString(colnames(probeCounts)[r]),
" probe are 0. Estimated count for this probe may not be ",
#' Function to convert CSV output of the FISHalyseR automatic FISH
#' splot counting software to a count matrix suitable for input to
#' frenchFISH's getAutomaticCountsEstimates.
#' @param pathToFishalyserCsv The path to the CSV file of automatic spot
#' counts outputted by FISHalyseR
#' @return A count matrix suitable for input to getAutomaticCountsEstimates
#' @export
#' @examples
#' probeCounts<-convertFishalyserCsvToCountMatrix(
#' system.file("extdata", "SampleFISH.jpg_data.csv", package="frenchFISH"))
if (!(is.character(pathToFishalyserCsv))) {
stop("pathToFishalyserCsv must be a string")
if (!file.exists(pathToFishalyserCsv)) {
stop(pathToFishalyserCsv, ' does not exist')
fishalyser_df <- read.csv(pathToFishalyserCsv)
# Check that fishalyser_df has the necessary columns
if (!("area.of.nucleus" %in% colnames(fishalyser_df))) {
stop("'area.of.nucleus' column not present in ", pathToFishalyserCsv)
# Get probe count columns
count_cols <- grep("^num[.]of[.].*[.]probes$", colnames(fishalyser_df),
if (identical(count_cols, character(0))) {
stop("No probe count columns matching regex ",
"'^num[.]of[.].*[.]probes$' found in ", pathToFishalyserCsv)
# Create matrix from count columns
fishalyser_counts_mat <- as.matrix(fishalyser_df[, count_cols])
# Rename count columns to be just the color name
# (e.g. 'num.of.red.probes' -> 'red')
probe_names <- unlist(strsplit(colnames(fishalyser_counts_mat),
probe_names <- probe_names[probe_names != ""]
colnames(fishalyser_counts_mat) <- probe_names
return(cbind(area=fishalyser_df[, "area.of.nucleus"], fishalyser_counts_mat))
#' FrenchFISH function for generating Poisson point estimates of spot counts
#' from spot counts which have been automatically generated. Returns a low
#' confidence interval, a median, and a high confidence interval estimate.
#' @param probeCounts A matrix where the first column contains the areas of
#' the nuclear blobs (this column must be named "area" and the unit of its
#' entries must be the square of the unit used to measure \code{radius} and
#' \code{height}) and the remaining columns (one per probe) contain the spot
#' counts for different probes in each nuclear blob
#' @param radius The cells' nuclear radius (must be measured in same unit as
#' \code{height})
#' @param height The section height (must be measured in same unit as
#' \code{radius})
#' @param volumeFracCorrection The method used to correct for volume fraction
#' (must be 'avg', 'max', or 'min'; defaults to 'avg')
#' @return The Poisson point estimates of spot counts for each probe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' automaticCountsEstimates<-getAutomaticCountsEstimates(
#' cbind(area=c(250,300,450),
#' red=c(0,2,4),
#' green=c(5,3,1),
#' blue=c(3,0,2)), 8, 4)
getAutomaticCountsEstimates<-function(probeCounts, radius, height,
volumeFracCorrection = "avg")
checkAutomaticCountsEstimatesArguments(probeCounts, radius, height,
if (volumeFracCorrection == "avg") {
adjustFact<-getAverageVolumeFrac(radius, height)
} else if (volumeFracCorrection == "max") {
adjustFact<-getMaxVolumeFrac(radius, height)
} else {
adjustFact<-getMinVolumeFrac(radius, height)
for(i in 2:ncol(probeCounts))
prCts <- probeCounts[,i]
# probe counts column with all NA and NaN entries removed
no_na_probeCounts <- prCts[!is.na(prCts)]
# area column with all entries removed where probe counts are NA or NaN
no_na_area <- probeCounts[,1][!is.na(prCts)]
# if all counts for a probe are NA or NaN, make estimates NA
if(length(no_na_probeCounts) == 0) {
res<-data.frame(lowCI=c(NA), median=c(NA), highCI=c(NA))
else {
ppindat<-generatePPdat(no_na_area, no_na_probeCounts)
# remove NA and NaA values from ppindat before cumsum
# Append probe results to all results
return(data.frame(Probe=row.names(countEstimates), countEstimates,
row.names = NULL))
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