#' Fetches gene set collections from the moleular signature database (MSigDB)
#' This provides versioned genesets from gene set collections defined in
#' [MSigDB](http://software.broadinstitute.org/gsea/msigdb). Collections can
#' be retrieved by their collection name, ie `c("H", "C2", "C7")`.
#' @section Species and Identifier types:
#' This function utilizes the functionality from the `{msigdbr}` and
#' `{babelgene}` packages to retrieve gene set definitions from a variety of
#' organisms and identifier types.
#' @section KEGG Gene Sets:
#' Due to the licensing restrictions over the KEGG collections, they are not
#' returned from this function unless they are explicitly asked for. You can
#' ask for them through this function by either (i) querying for the `"c2"`
#' collection while setting `with.kegg = TRUE`; or (ii) explicitly calling with
#' `collection = "kegg"`.
#' @section Citing the Molecular Signatures Database:
#' To cite your use of the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB), please
#' reference Subramanian, Tamayo, et al. (2005, PNAS 102, 15545-15550) and one
#' or more of the following as appropriate:
#' * Liberzon, et al. (2011, Bionformatics);
#' * Liberzon, et al. (2015, Cell Systems); and
#' * The source for the gene set as listed on the gene set page.
#' @export
#' @param collection character vector specifying the collections you want
#' (c1, c2, ..., c7, h). By default we load just the hallmark collecitons.
#' Setting this to `NULL` loads all collections. Alternative you can also
#' include named subsets of collections, like `"reactome"`. Refer to the
#' Details section for more information.
#' @param species `"human"` or `"mouse"`? Really, this is anything available
#' in the `alias` column of the `sparrow:::species_info()` table (except
#' cyno).
#' @param id.type do you want the feature id's used in the gene sets to be
#' `"ensembl"` (default), `"entrez"`, or `"symbol"`.
#' @param with.kegg The Broad distributes the latest versions of the KEGG
#' genesets as part of the c2 collection. These genesets come with a
#' restricted license, so by default we do not return them as part of the
#' GeneSetDb. To include the KEGG gene sets when asking for the c2
#' collection, set this flag to `TRUE`.
#' @param promote.subcategory.to.collection there are different sources of
#' genesets for a number of the collections in MSigDB. These are included
#' in the `gs_subcat` column of `geneSets(this)`. When this is set to `TRUE`,
#' the collection column for the genesets is appended with the subcatory.
#' So, instead of having a massive `"C2"` collection, you'll have bunch of
#' collections like `"C2_CGP"`, `"C2_CP:BIOCARTA"`, etc.
#' @param prefix.collection When `TRUE` (default: `FALSE`), the `"C1"`, `"C2"`,
#' etc. is prefixed with `"MSigDB_*"`
#' @param ... pass through parameters
#' @return a `BiocSet` of the MSigDB collections
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # these take a while to load initially, so put them in dontrun blocks.
#' # you should run these interactively to understand what they return
#' bcs <- getMSigCollection("h", "human", "entrez")
#' bcs.h.entrez <- getMSigCollection(c("h", "c2"), "human", "entrez")
#' bcs.h.ens <- getMSigCollection(c("h", "c2"), "human", "ensembl")
#' bcs.m.entrez <- getMSigCollection(c("h", "c2"), "mouse", "entrez")
#' gdb <- getMSigGeneSetDb("h", "human", "entrez")
#' }
getMSigCollection <- function(collection = NULL,
species = "human",
id.type = c("ensembl", "entrez", "symbol"),
with.kegg = FALSE,
promote.subcategory.to.collection = FALSE,
prefix.collection = FALSE, ...) {
id.type <- match.arg(id.type)
out <- getMSigGeneSetDb(
collection, species, id.type, with.kegg,
promote.subcategory.to.collection, prefix.collection, ...)
as(out, "BiocSet")
#' @describeIn getMSigCollection retrieval method for a GeneSetDb container
#' @export
getMSigGeneSetDb <- function(collection = NULL,
species = "human",
id.type = c("ensembl", "entrez", "symbol"),
with.kegg = FALSE,
promote.subcategory.to.collection = FALSE,
prefix.collection = FALSE, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("msigdbr", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("The msigdbr package is required for this functionality")
id.type <- match.arg(id.type)
species.info <- species_info(species)
valid.cols <- c("H", paste0("C", 1:8))
if (species.info$alias != "human") valid.cols <- setdiff(valid.cols, "C1")
if (!is.null(collection)) {
collection <- assert_subset(toupper(collection), valid.cols)
# handle non std eval NOTE in R CMD check when using `:=` mojo
# each of these variables are referenced in some data.table NSE mojo below
gs_cat <- gs_subcat <- gs_name <- symbol <- ensembl_id <- gs_id <- NULL
sigs.all <- data.table::copy(.pkgcache[["msigdb"]][[species.info$species]])
if (is.null(sigs.all)) {
sigs.all <- msigdbr::msigdbr(species.info$species)
sigs.all <- as.data.table(sigs.all)
axe.cols <- c("gs_pmid", "gs_geoid", "gs_url",
"gs_description", "species_name", "species_common_name",
"ortholog_sources", "num_ortholog_sources")
axe.cols <- intersect(axe.cols, colnames(sigs.all))
for (axe in axe.cols) sigs.all[, (axe) := NULL]
setkeyv(sigs.all, c("gs_cat", "gs_name"))
.pkgcache[["msigdb"]][[species.info$species]] <- data.table::copy(sigs.all)
if (!is.null(collection)) {
out <- sigs.all[gs_cat %in% collection]
} else {
out <- sigs.all
if (!with.kegg) {
out <- out[gs_subcat != "CP:KEGG"]
if (prefix.collection) {
out[, collection := paste0("MSigDB_", out$gs_cat)]
} else {
out[, collection := gs_cat]
if (promote.subcategory.to.collection) {
out[, collection := {
ifelse(nchar(out$gs_subcat) == 0L,
paste(out$collection, out$gs_subcat, sep = "_"))
if (id.type == "ensembl") {
idtype <- GSEABase::ENSEMBLIdentifier()
idcol <- "ensembl_gene"
} else if (id.type == "entrez") {
idtype <- GSEABase::EntrezIdentifier()
idcol <- "entrez_gene"
} else {
idtype <- GSEABase::SymbolIdentifier()
idcol <- "gene_symbol"
ret <- out[, {
list(collection, name = gs_name, feature_id = as.character(.SD[[idcol]]),
subcategory = gs_subcat)
}, .SDcols = c("collection", "gs_name", idcol)]
if (id.type != "symbol") {
ret[, symbol := out[["gene_symbol"]]]
} else {
ret[, ensembl_id := out[["ensembl_gene"]]]
ret[, gs_id := {
ifelse(grepl("GO:", out$gs_exact_source), out$gs_exact_source, out$gs_id)
ret <- ret[!is.na(feature_id)]
ret <- unique(ret, by = c("collection", "name", "feature_id"))
gdb <- GeneSetDb(ret)
for (col in unique(geneSets(gdb)$collection)) {
geneSetCollectionURLfunction(gdb, col) <- ".geneSetURL.msigdb"
featureIdType(gdb, col) <- idtype
gdb <- addCollectionMetadata(
gdb, col, 'source', as.character(packageVersion("msigdbr")))
# org(gdb) <- gsub(" ", "_", species.info[["species"]])
gdb@collectionMetadata <- gdb@collectionMetadata[name != "count"]
#' @noRd
.geneSetURL.msigdb <- function(collection, name, ...) {
url <- "http://www.broadinstitute.org/gsea/msigdb/cards/%s.html"
sprintf(url, name)
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