SparrowResult: A SparrowResult object holds the results from a...

SparrowResult-classR Documentation

A SparrowResult object holds the results from a sparrow::seas() call.


A call to seas() will produce analyses for an arbitrary number of GSEA methods, the results of which will be stored and accessible here using the result(), results(), and resultNames().

In addition, the GeneSetDb() used for the analysis is accessible via geneSetDb(), and the results from the differential expression analysis is available via logFC().

Visualizing results of a geneset based analysis also are functions that operate over a SparrowResult object, for instance see the iplot() and the sparrow.shiny package.



The GeneSetDb() this analysis was run over


The list of individual results generated by each of the GSEA methods that were run.


The differential expression statistics for each individual feature measured in the experiment.

lianos/sparrow documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 7:06 p.m.