exonGraph <- function(features, tx_view)
if (tx_view) {
tx_name <- txName(features)
i <- which(elementNROWS(tx_name) == 0)
tx_name[i] <- as(feature2name(features[i]), "CharacterList")
features <- features[togroup0(tx_name)]
mcols(features)$tx_name <- unlist(tx_name)
E <- features[type(features) == "E"]
J <- features[type(features) == "J"]
v <- exonGraphNodes(E, J, tx_view)
d <- exonGraphEdges(v, J, tx_view)
g <- graph.data.frame(d = d, directed = TRUE, vertices = v)
exonGraphNodes <- function(E, J, tx_view)
v <- data.frame(
name = seq_along(E),
coordinates = gr2co(E),
type = type(E),
featureID = featureID(E),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
v$color <- mcols(E)$color
v$label <- mcols(E)$label
if (tx_view) {
v$tx_name <- mcols(E)$tx_name
v <- addDummyNodes(v, E, J, tx_view)
addDummyNodes <- function(v, E, J, tx_view)
E_A <- gr2co(flank(E, -1, TRUE))
E_D <- gr2co(flank(E, -1, FALSE))
J_D <- gr2co(flank(J, -1, TRUE))
J_A <- gr2co(flank(J, -1, FALSE))
if (tx_view) {
E_A <- paste0(E_A, "_", mcols(E)$tx_name)
E_D <- paste0(E_D, "_", mcols(E)$tx_name)
J_D <- paste0(J_D, "_", mcols(J)$tx_name)
J_A <- paste0(J_A, "_", mcols(J)$tx_name)
dummy_nodes <- union(setdiff(J_D, E_D), setdiff(J_A, E_A))
if (length(dummy_nodes) > 0) {
if (tx_view) {
coordinates <- vapply(strsplit(dummy_nodes, "_"), "[",
character(1), 1)
} else {
coordinates <- dummy_nodes
v_dummy <- data.frame(
name = nrow(v) + seq_along(dummy_nodes),
coordinates = coordinates,
type = NA,
featureID = NA_integer_,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!is.null(v$color)) {
v_dummy$color <- NA
if (!is.null(v$label)) {
v_dummy$label <- NA
if (tx_view) {
v_dummy$tx_name <- vapply(strsplit(dummy_nodes, "_"), "[",
character(1), 2)
v <- rbindDfsWithoutRowNames(v, v_dummy)
v <- v[order(co2gr(v$coordinates)), ]
exonGraphEdges <- function(v, J, tx_view)
if (length(J) == 0) {
d <- data.frame(
from = character(),
to = character(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
E_A <- flank(co2gr(v$coordinates), -1, TRUE)
E_D <- flank(co2gr(v$coordinates), -1, FALSE)
if (tx_view) {
mcols(E_A)$tx_name <- v$tx_name
mcols(E_D)$tx_name <- v$tx_name
J_D <- flank(J, -1, TRUE)
J_A <- flank(J, -1, FALSE)
ol <- findOverlaps(E_D, J_D)
if (tx_view) {
qH <- queryHits(ol)
sH <- subjectHits(ol)
ol <- ol[mcols(E_D)$tx_name[qH] == mcols(J_D)$tx_name[sH]]
i_from <- queryHits(ol)
i_junc <- subjectHits(ol)
ol <- findOverlaps(J_A[i_junc], E_A)
if (tx_view) {
qH <- queryHits(ol)
sH <- subjectHits(ol)
ol <- ol[mcols(J_A)$tx_name[i_junc][qH] == mcols(E_A)$tx_name[sH]]
i_from <- i_from[queryHits(ol)]
i_junc <- i_junc[queryHits(ol)]
i_to <- subjectHits(ol)
d <- data.frame(
from = v$name[i_from],
to = v$name[i_to],
coordinates = gr2co(J)[i_junc],
type = "J",
featureID = featureID(J)[i_junc],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
d$color <- mcols(J)$color[i_junc]
d$label <- mcols(J)$label[i_junc]
if (tx_view) {
d$tx_name <- v$tx_name[i_from]
##' Plot the splice graph implied by splice junctions and exon bins.
##' Invisibly returns a \code{data.frame} with details of plotted
##' features, including genomic coordinates.
##' By default, the color of features in the splice graph is
##' determined by annotation status (see arguments \code{color},
##' \code{color_novel}) and feature labels are generated automatically
##' (see argument \code{label}). Alternatively, colors and labels can
##' be specified via metadata columns \dQuote{color} and
##' \dQuote{label}, respectively.
##' @title Plot splice graph
##' @param x \code{SGFeatures} or \code{SGVariants} object
##' @param geneID Single gene identifier used to subset \code{x}
##' @param geneName Single gene name used to subset \code{x}
##' @param eventID Single event identifier used to subset \code{x}
##' @param which \code{GRanges} used to subset \code{x}
##' @param toscale Controls which parts of the splice graph are drawn to
##' scale. Possible values are \dQuote{none} (exonic and intronic regions
##' have constant length), \dQuote{exon} (exonic regions are drawn to scale)
##' and \dQuote{gene} (both exonic and intronic regions are drawn to scale).
##' @param label Format of exon/splice junction labels,
##' possible values are \dQuote{id} (format E1,... J1,...), \dQuote{name}
##' (format type:chromosome:start-end:strand), \dQuote{label} for labels
##' specified in metadata column \dQuote{label}, or \dQuote{none}
##' for no labels.
##' @param color Color used for plotting the splice graph. Ignored if features
##' metadata column \dQuote{color} is not \code{NULL}.
##' @param color_novel Features with missing annotation are
##' highlighted in \code{color_novel}. Ignored if features
##' metadata column \dQuote{color} is not \code{NULL}.
##' @param color_alpha Controls color transparency
##' @param color_labels Logical indicating whether label colors should
##' be the same as feature colors
##' @param border Determines the color of exon borders, can be \dQuote{fill}
##' (same as exon color), \dQuote{none} (no border), or a valid color name
##' @param curvature Numeric determining curvature of plotted splice junctions.
##' @param ypos Numeric vector of length two, indicating the vertical
##' position and height of the exon bins in the splice graph,
##' specificed as fraction of the height of the plotting region
##' (not supported for \code{tx_view = TRUE})
##' @param score \code{RLeList} containing nucleotide-level scores
##' to be plotted with the splice graph
##' @param score_color Color used for plotting scores
##' @param score_ylim Numeric vector of length two, determining y-axis range
##' for plotting scores
##' @param score_ypos Numeric vector of length two, indicating the vertical
##' position and height of the score panel, specificed as fraction of the
##' height of the plotting region
##' @param score_nbin Number of bins for plotting scores
##' @param score_summary Function used to calculate per-bin score summaries
##' @param score_label Label used to annotate score panel
##' @param ranges \code{GRangesList} to be plotted with the splice graph
##' @param ranges_color Color used for plotting ranges
##' @param ranges_ypos Numeric vector of length two, indicating the vertical
##' position and height of the ranges panel, specificed as fraction of the
##' height of the plotting region
##' @param main Plot title
##' @param tx_view Plot transcripts instead of splice graph (experimental)
##' @param tx_dist Vertical distance between transcripts as fraction of height
##' of plotting region
##' @param short_output Logical indicating whether the returned data frame
##' should only include information that is likely useful to the user
##' @return \code{data.frame} with information on exon bins and
##' splice junctions included in the splice graph
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' sgf_annotated <- annotate(sgf_pred, txf_ann)
##' plotSpliceGraph(sgf_annotated)
##' }
##' \dontrun{
##' sgv_annotated <- annotate(sgv_pred, txf_ann)
##' plotSpliceGraph(sgv_annotated)
##' }
##' NULL
##' @author Leonard Goldstein
plotSpliceGraph <- function(x, geneID = NULL, geneName = NULL,
eventID = NULL, which = NULL, toscale = c("exon", "none", "gene"),
label = c("id", "name", "label", "none"), color = "gray",
color_novel = color, color_alpha = 0.8, color_labels = FALSE,
border = "fill", curvature = NULL, ypos = c(0.5, 0.1),
score = NULL, score_color = "darkblue",
score_ylim = NULL, score_ypos = c(0.3, 0.1), score_nbin = 200,
score_summary = mean, score_label = NULL, ranges = NULL,
ranges_color = "darkblue", ranges_ypos = c(0.1, 0.1),
main = NULL, tx_view = FALSE, tx_dist = 0.2, short_output = TRUE)
toscale <- match.arg(toscale)
label <- match.arg(label)
if (!is(x, "SGFeatures") && !is(x, "SGVariants")) {
stop("x must be an SGFeatures or SGVariants object")
if (is(x, "SGVariants")) x <- updateObject(x, verbose = TRUE)
if (!is.null(score) && !is(score, "RleList")) {
stop("score must be an RleList or NULL")
if (!is.null(ranges) && !is(ranges, "GRangesList")) {
stop("ranges must be a GRangesList or NULL")
x <- restrictFeatures(x, geneID, eventID, which, geneName)
if (length(x) == 0) { return() }
if (is(x, "SGVariants")) {
x <- extractFeaturesFromVariants(x)
x <- setFeatureColors(x, color, color_novel, color_alpha)
g <- exonGraph(x, tx_view)
exon_coordinates <- getExonCoordinates(g, toscale)
plot(NA, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
axes = FALSE, xlab = NA, ylab = NA)
df <- plotExonGraph(g, exon_coordinates, ypos, "both", border,
curvature, label, color_labels, 1, 3, tx_view, tx_dist)
if (!is.null(score)) {
plotTrackScore(exon_coordinates, score, score_color, score_ylim,
score_ypos, score_nbin, score_summary, score_label)
if (!is.null(ranges)) {
plotTrackRanges(exon_coordinates, toscale, ranges, ranges_color,
text(x = 0, y = 0.95, labels = main, pos = 1, offset = 0, font = 2)
if (short_output) { df <- df[c("id", "name", "type", "featureID")] }
plotExonGraph <- function(g, exon_coordinates, ypos, include, border,
curvature, label, color_labels, label_pos_exon, label_pos_junction,
tx_view, tx_dist)
## data frames of nodes and edges
gv <- nodes(g)
gd <- edges(g)
i_from <- match(gd$from, gv$name)
i_to <- match(gd$to, gv$name)
if (tx_view) {
vertex_y <- as.integer(as.factor(as.character(gv$tx_name)))
vertex_y <- vertex_y - 1
vertex_y <- vertex_y * 2 * tx_dist
vertex_y <- vertex_y - mean(unique(vertex_y))
edge_short <- rep(TRUE, nrow(gd))
} else {
vertex_y <- rep(-1 + 2 * ypos[1], nrow(gv))
edge_short <- rank(exon_coordinates$vertex_x)[i_to] ==
rank(exon_coordinates$vertex_x)[i_from] + 1
vertex_pos <- rep(label_pos_exon, nrow(gv))
if (is.null(label_pos_junction)) {
edge_pos <- ifelse(edge_short, 1, 3)
} else {
edge_pos <- rep(label_pos_junction, nrow(gd))
if (is.null(curvature)) {
edge_curved <- as.numeric(!edge_short)
} else {
edge_curved <- rep(curvature, nrow(gd))
pin <- par()$pin
asp <- pin[2] / pin[1]
edge_curved <- edge_curved / asp
vertex_frame_color <- switch(border, fill = gv$color, none = NA, border)
vertex_shape <- ifelse(!is.na(gv$type), "rectangle", "none")
edge_lty <- rep(1, nrow(gd))
if (include == "exons") {
edge_lty <- rep(0, nrow(gd))
} else if (include == "junctions") {
vertex_shape <- rep("none", nrow(gv))
add = TRUE,
rescale = FALSE,
layout = cbind(exon_coordinates$vertex_x, vertex_y),
vertex.size = exon_coordinates$vertex_width * 100,
vertex.size2 = 2 * ypos[2] * 100,
vertex.color = gv$color,
vertex.frame.color = vertex_frame_color,
vertex.shape = vertex_shape,
vertex.label = NA,
edge.color = gd$color,
edge.width = 2 * par()$cex,
edge.lty = edge_lty,
edge.curved = edge_curved,
edge.label = NA,
edge.arrow.mode = rep(0, nrow(gd)))
df <- getGraphInfo(g, exon_coordinates$vertex_x, vertex_y,
exon_coordinates$vertex_width, vertex_pos, edge_curved,
edge_pos, color_labels, tx_view)
if (label != "none") {
i <- seq_len(nrow(df))
if (include == "exons") {
i <- which(df$type == "E")
} else if (include == "junctions") {
i <- which(df$type == "J")
if (length(i) > 0) {
df_tmp <- df[i, ]
text(x = df_tmp$x,
y = df_tmp$y + c(E = -1, J = 0)[df_tmp$type] * ypos[2],
labels = df_tmp[, label],
pos = df_tmp$pos,
offset = c(E = 0.5, J = 0.5)[df_tmp$type],
col = df_tmp$color)
if (tx_view) {
df_collapsed <- unique(df[, c("y", "tx_name")])
mtext(side = 4, at = df_collapsed$y, text = df_collapsed$tx_name,
cex = par()$cex, line = 0.5, las = 1)
cols <- c("id", "name", "type", "featureID", "label", "color")
cols <- cols[cols %in% names(df)]
df <- df[, cols]
getExonCoordinates <- function(g, toscale)
## data frames of nodes
gv <- nodes(g)
## exon and gene coordinates
gr_exon <- co2gr(gv$coordinates)
gr_gene <- range(gr_exon)
if (length(gr_gene) > 1) {
stop("features must be on the same chromosome and strand")
## exon coordinates relative to gene locus
ir_exon <- ranges(mapToTranscripts(gr_exon, split(gr_gene, 1),
ignore.strand = FALSE))
## exonic regions
ir_exonic <- reduce(ir_exon)
## exon x-coordinates and widths
exon_coordinates <- xcoordinates(ir_exon, ir_exonic, toscale)
exon_width <- exon_coordinates$w
exon_x <- exon_coordinates$x
coordinates <- list(
gene_chrom = as.character(seqnames(gr_gene)),
gene_strand = as.character(strand(gr_gene)),
exon_start = start(gr_exon),
exon_end = end(gr_exon),
vertex_x = exon_x,
vertex_width = exon_width
plotTrackScore <- function(exon_coordinates, score, color, ylim, ypos,
nbin, summary, label)
if (is(score, "RleList")) score <- score[[exon_coordinates$gene_chrom]]
tmp <- lapply(seq_along(exon_coordinates$vertex_x),
scorePerExon, exon_coordinates, score)
bp_x_start <- do.call(c, lapply(tmp, "[[", "x_start"))
bp_x_end <- do.call(c, lapply(tmp, "[[", "x_end"))
bp_y <- do.call(c, lapply(tmp, "[[", "y"))
excl <- which(bp_x_start == bp_x_end)
if (length(excl) > 0) {
bp_x_start <- bp_x_start[-excl]
bp_x_end <- bp_x_end[-excl]
bp_y <- bp_y[-excl]
bin_size <- 2 / nbin
bin_breaks <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = nbin + 1)
bp_bin <- IRanges(
as.integer(cut(bp_x_start, bin_breaks, right = FALSE)),
as.integer(cut(bp_x_end, bin_breaks, right = TRUE)))
bin_y <- tapply(bp_y[rep(seq_along(bp_bin), width(bp_bin))],
unlist(as(bp_bin, "IntegerList")), summary)
if (is.null(ylim)) {
ymin <- floor(min(bin_y, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE))
ymax <- ceiling(max(bin_y, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE))
if (ymin >= 0) {
ylim <- c(0, ymax)
} else {
ylim <- c(ymin, ymax)
bin_y[bin_y < ylim[1]] <- ylim[1]
bin_y[bin_y > ylim[2]] <- ylim[2]
ypos_2 <- c(-1 + 2 * ypos[1] - ypos[2], 2 * ypos[2])
bin_y <- bin_y - ylim[1]
bin_y <- bin_y / diff(range(ylim)) * ypos_2[2]
bin_y <- bin_y + ypos_2[1]
px <- rep(bin_breaks, rep(2, length(bin_breaks)))
py <- c(ypos_2[1], rep(bin_y, rep(2, length(bin_y))), ypos_2[1])
polygon(px, py, border = NA, col = color)
axis(side = 2, at = c(ypos_2[1], ypos_2[1] + ypos_2[2]), labels = ylim,
mgp = c(3, 0.5, 0.5), tcl = -0.25, las = 1)
mtext(side = 2, at = ypos_2[1] + 0.5 * ypos_2[2],
cex = par()$cex, text = label, line = 3, las = 1)
scorePerExon <- function(i, co, score)
ir_exon <- IRanges(co$exon_start[i], co$exon_end[i])
y <- as.numeric(score[ir_exon])
if (co$gene_strand == "-") { y <- rev(y) }
ex_start <- co$vertex_x[i] - 0.5 * co$vertex_width[i]
ex_end <- co$vertex_x[i] + 0.5 * co$vertex_width[i]
d <- (ex_end - ex_start) / length(y)
ex_bp_x_start <- seq(ex_start, ex_end - d, length.out = length(y))
ex_bp_x_end <- seq(ex_start + d, ex_end, length.out = length(y))
ex_bp_y <- y
if (i < length(co$vertex_x) && co$exon_start[i + 1] - co$exon_end[i] > 1) {
ir_intron <- IRanges(co$exon_end[i], co$exon_start[i + 1]) - 1
y <- as.numeric(score[ir_intron])
if (co$gene_strand == "-") {
y <- rev(y)
if (co$gene_strand == "+") {
in_start <- co$vertex_x[i] + 0.5 * co$vertex_width[i]
in_end <- co$vertex_x[i + 1] - 0.5 * co$vertex_width[i + 1]
} else {
in_start <- co$vertex_x[i + 1] + 0.5 * co$vertex_width[i + 1]
in_end <- co$vertex_x[i] - 0.5 * co$vertex_width[i]
d <- (in_end - in_start) / length(y)
in_bp_x_start <- seq(in_start, in_end - d, length.out = length(y))
in_bp_x_end <- seq(in_start + d, in_end, length.out = length(y))
in_bp_y <- y
out_bp_x_start <- c(ex_bp_x_start, in_bp_x_start)
out_bp_x_end <- c(ex_bp_x_end, in_bp_x_end)
out_bp_y <- c(ex_bp_y, in_bp_y)
} else {
out_bp_x_start <- ex_bp_x_start
out_bp_x_end <- ex_bp_x_end
out_bp_y <- ex_bp_y
out_bp_x_start[which(out_bp_x_start < -1)] <- -1
out_bp_x_start[which(out_bp_x_start > 1)] <- 1
out_bp_x_end[which(out_bp_x_end < -1)] <- -1
out_bp_x_end[which(out_bp_x_end > 1)] <- 1
out <- list(x_start = out_bp_x_start, x_end = out_bp_x_end, y = out_bp_y)
plotTrackRanges <- function(exon_coordinates, toscale, score, color, ypos)
gr_exon <- GRanges(exon_coordinates$gene_chrom,
exon_coordinates$exon_end), exon_coordinates$gene_strand)
gr_gene <- range(gr_exon)
score <- score[which(unlist(range(score)) %over% gr_gene)]
score <- endoapply(score, restrict, start(gr_gene), end(gr_gene))
ypos_2 <- c(-1 + 2 * ypos[1] - ypos[2], 2 * ypos[2])
n <- length(score)
h <- ypos_2[2] / (2 * n - 1)
y <- seq(ypos_2[1] + ypos_2[2] - 0.5 * h, ypos_2[1] + 0.5 * h,
length.out = n)
x <- mapply(plotRanges, score, y,
MoreArgs = list(exon_coordinates = exon_coordinates,
toscale = toscale, h = h, color = color))
if (!is.null(names(score))) text(x, y, names(score), pos = 1)
plotRanges <- function(exon_coordinates, toscale, score, color, y, h)
gr_exon <- GRanges(exon_coordinates$gene_chrom,
exon_coordinates$exon_end), exon_coordinates$gene_strand)
gr_gene <- range(gr_exon)
ir_score <- ranges(mapToTranscripts(score, split(gr_gene, 1),
ignore.strand = FALSE))
ir_exon <- ranges(mapToTranscripts(gr_exon, split(gr_gene, 1),
ignore.strand = FALSE))
ir_exonic <- reduce(ir_exon)
coords <- xcoordinates(ir_score, ir_exonic, toscale)
xleft <- coords$x - 0.5 * coords$w
xright <- coords$x + 0.5 * coords$w
ybottom <- y - 0.5 * h
ytop <- y + 0.5 * h
mapply(rect, xleft = xleft, xright = xright,
MoreArgs = list(ybottom = ybottom, ytop = ytop,
col = color, border = NA))
x <- 0.5 * (min(xleft) + max(xright))
getGraphInfo <- function(g, x_exon, y_exon, w_exon, vertex_pos,
edge_curved, edge_pos, color_labels, tx_view)
## data frames of nodes and edges
gv <- nodes(g)
gd <- edges(g)
i_from <- match(gd$from, gv$name)
i_to <- match(gd$to, gv$name)
## coordinates for junction labels
x_junc <- 0.5 * (x_exon[i_from] + 0.5 * w_exon[i_from] +
x_exon[i_to] - 0.5 * w_exon[i_to])
w_junc <- x_exon[i_to] - 0.5 * w_exon[i_to] -
(x_exon[i_from] + 0.5 * w_exon[i_from])
y_junc <- 0.5 * (y_exon[i_from] + y_exon[i_to]) +
edge_curved * w_junc * 1/3
## output
i_exon <- which(!is.na(gv$type))
i_exon <- i_exon[order(x_exon[i_exon])]
i_junc <- order(x_exon[i_from], w_junc)
co_E <- gv$coordinates[i_exon]
co_J <- gd$coordinates[i_junc]
df <- data.frame(
id = c(
paste0(rep("E", length(co_E)),
as.integer(factor(co_E, levels = unique(co_E)))),
paste0(rep("J", length(co_J)),
as.integer(factor(co_J, levels = unique(co_J))))),
name = paste0(c(gv$type[i_exon], gd$type[i_junc]), ":",
c(gv$coordinates[i_exon], gd$coordinates[i_junc])),
type = c(rep("E", length(co_E)), rep("J", length(co_J))),
featureID = c(gv$featureID[i_exon], gd$featureID[i_junc]),
x = c(x_exon[i_exon], x_junc[i_junc]),
y = c(y_exon[i_exon], y_junc[i_junc]),
pos = c(vertex_pos[i_exon], edge_pos[i_junc]))
if (color_labels) {
df$color <- addAlpha(c(gv$color[i_exon], gd$color[i_junc]), 1)
} else {
df$color <- "black"
if (!is.null(gv$label) && !is.null(gd$label)) {
df$label <- c(gv$label[i_exon], gd$label[i_junc])
if (tx_view) {
df$tx_name <- c(gv$tx_name[i_exon], gd$tx_name[i_junc])
xcoordinates <- function(ir, ir_exonic, toscale)
n_exonic <- length(ir_exonic)
## intronic regions
ir_intronic <- IRanges(end(ir_exonic)[-n_exonic],
start(ir_exonic)[-1]) - 1
n_intronic <- length(ir_intronic)
## set widths for exonic/intronic regions
## if toscale is 'none' or 'exon', half of the x-axis range is used
## for plotting exonic regions and half for intronic regions
if (toscale == "none") {
w_exonic <- rep(1 / n_exonic, n_exonic)
w_intronic <- rep(1 / n_intronic, n_intronic)
} else if (toscale == "exon") {
w_exonic <- width(ir_exonic) / sum(width(ir_exonic))
w_intronic <- rep(1 / n_intronic, n_intronic)
} else if (toscale == "gene") {
w_exonic <- 2 * width(ir_exonic) / width(range(ir_exonic))
w_intronic <- 2 * width(ir_intronic) / width(range(ir_exonic))
## if there are no intronic regions, use full x-axis range
## for exonic regions
if (toscale %in% c("none", "exon") && n_intronic == 0) {
w_exonic <- 2
o <- order(c(ir_exonic, ir_intronic))
ir_block <- c(ir_exonic, ir_intronic)[o]
w_block <- c(w_exonic, w_intronic)[o]
x_block <- c(0, cumsum(w_block[-length(w_block)])) - 1
ol <- findOverlaps(ir, ir_block)
ol_min <- as.integer(tapply(subjectHits(ol), queryHits(ol), min))
ol_max <- as.integer(tapply(subjectHits(ol), queryHits(ol), max))
x_1 <- x_block[ol_min] + (start(ir) - start(ir_block)[ol_min]) /
width(ir_block)[ol_min] * w_block[ol_min]
x_2 <- x_block[ol_max] + (end(ir) - start(ir_block)[ol_max] + 1) /
width(ir_block)[ol_max] * w_block[ol_max]
out <- list("x" = x_1 + 0.5 * (x_2 - x_1), "w" = x_2 - x_1)
setFeatureColors <- function(features, color, color_novel, alpha)
if (is.null(mcols(features)$color)) {
features_color <- rep(color, length(features))
if (!is.null(color_novel) && !is.null(txName(features))) {
txName <- txName(features)
i_novel <- which(elementNROWS(txName) == 0)
features_color[i_novel] <- color_novel
} else {
features_color <- mcols(features)$color
if (!is.null(alpha)) {
features_color <- addAlpha(features_color, alpha)
mcols(features)$color <- features_color
addAlpha <- function(col, alpha)
col_rgb <- col2rgb(col)/255
rgb(col_rgb[1, ], col_rgb[2, ], col_rgb[3, ], alpha)
##' Plot splice graph and heatmap of expression values.
##' @title Plot splice graph and heatmap of expression values
##' @inheritParams plotSpliceGraph
##' @param x \code{SGFeatureCounts} object
##' @param cex Scale parameter for feature labels and annotation
##' @param assay Name of assay to be plotted in the heatmap
##' @param include Include \dQuote{exons}, \dQuote{junctions} or
##' \dQuote{both} in the heatmap
##' @param transform Transformation applied to assay data
##' @param Rowv Determines order of rows. Either a vector of values used to
##' reorder rows, or \code{NA} to suppress reordering, or \code{NULL} for
##' hierarchical clustering.
##' @param distfun Distance function used for hierarchical clustering
##' of rows (samples)
##' @param hclustfun Clustering function used for hierarchical clustering
##' of rows (samples)
##' @param margin Width of right-hand margin as fraction of width of the
##' graphics device. Ignored if \code{square} is \code{TRUE}.
##' @param RowSideColors Character vector (or list of character vectors)
##' with length(s) equal to \code{ncol(x)} containing color names for
##' horizontal side bars for sample annotation
##' @param square Logical, if \code{TRUE} margins are set such that
##' cells in the heatmap are square
##' @param cexRow Scale factor for row (sample) labels
##' @param cexCol Scale factor for column (feature) labels
##' @param labRow Character vector of row (sample) labels
##' @param col Heatmap colors
##' @param zlim Range of values for which colors should be plotted,
##' if \code{NULL} range of finite values
##' @param heightPanels Numeric vector of length two indicating height of
##' the top and bottom panels.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{plotSpliceGraph}
##' @return \code{data.frame} with information on exon bins and
##' splice junctions included in the splice graph
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' sgfc_annotated <- annotate(sgfc_pred, txf_ann)
##' plotFeatures(sgfc_annotated)
##' }
##' NULL
##' @author Leonard Goldstein
plotFeatures <- function(x, geneID = NULL, geneName = NULL,
which = NULL, tx_view = FALSE, cex = 1,
assay = "FPKM", include = c("junctions", "exons", "both"),
transform = function(x) { log2(x + 1) }, Rowv = NULL,
distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust, margin = 0.2,
RowSideColors = NULL, square = FALSE, cexRow = 1, cexCol = 1,
labRow = colnames(x), col = colorRampPalette(c("black", "gold"))(256),
zlim = NULL, heightPanels = c(1, 2), ...)
include <- match.arg(include)
if (!is(x, "SGFeatureCounts")) {
stop("x must be an SGFeatureCounts object")
x <- restrictFeatures(x, geneID = geneID, which = which,
geneName = geneName)
if (nrow(x) == 0) { return() }
features <- rowRanges(x)
if (!is.null(RowSideColors) && !is.list(RowSideColors)) {
RowSideColors <- list(RowSideColors)
n_sample <- ncol(x)
include_type <- switch(include, junctions = "J", exons = "E",
both = c("E", "J"))
n_feature <- length(which(type(features) %in% include_type))
pars <- getLayoutParameters(n_sample, n_feature, margin, heightPanels,
RowSideColors, square, tx_view)
layout(pars$mat, heights = pars$hei, widths = pars$wid)
par(cex = cex, mai = c(pars$mai[1], 0, pars$mai[3], 0))
df <- plotSpliceGraph(x = features, label = "id", tx_view = tx_view,
short_output = FALSE, ...)
i_df <- switch(include,
exons = which(df$type == "E"),
junctions = which(df$type == "J"),
both = seq_len(nrow(df)))
i_df <- i_df[!duplicated(df$name[i_df])]
i <- match(df$name[i_df], feature2name(features))
X <- transform(assay(x[i, ], assay))
labCol <- df$id[i_df]
colLabCol <- df$color[i_df]
plotImage(X, Rowv = Rowv, distfun = distfun,
hclustfun = hclustfun, RowSideColors = RowSideColors,
cexRow = cexRow, cexCol = cexCol, labRow = labRow,
labCol = labCol, colLabCol = colLabCol,
col = col, zlim = zlim)
df <- df[c("id", "name", "type", "featureID")]
##' Plot splice graph and heatmap of splice variant frequencies.
##' @title Plot splice graph and heatmap of splice variant frequencies
##' @inheritParams plotSpliceGraph
##' @inheritParams plotFeatures
##' @param x \code{SGVariantCounts} object
##' @param cex Scale parameter for feature labels and annotation
##' @param transform Transformation applied to splice variant frequencies
##' @param expand_variants Experimental option - leave set to \code{FALSE}
##' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{plotSpliceGraph}
##' @return \code{data.frame} with information on exon bins and
##' splice junctions included in the splice graph
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' sgvc_annotated <- annotate(sgvc_pred, txf_ann)
##' plotVariants(sgvc_annotated)
##' }
##' NULL
##' @author Leonard Goldstein
plotVariants <- function(x, eventID = NULL, tx_view = FALSE,
cex = 1, transform = function(x) { x }, Rowv = NULL,
distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust, margin = 0.2,
RowSideColors = NULL, square = FALSE, cexRow = 1, cexCol = 1,
labRow = colnames(x), col = colorRampPalette(c("black", "gold"))(256),
zlim = c(0, 1), heightPanels = c(1, 2), expand_variants = FALSE, ...)
if (!is(x, "SGVariantCounts")) {
stop("x must be an SGVariantCounts object")
x <- updateObject(x, verbose = TRUE)
x <- restrictFeatures(x, eventID = eventID,
expand_variants = expand_variants)
if (nrow(x) == 0) { return() }
variant_not_quantifiable <- elementNROWS(featureID5p(x)) == 0 &
elementNROWS(featureID3p(x)) == 0
event_not_quantifiable <- tapply(variant_not_quantifiable, eventID(x),
if (all(event_not_quantifiable)) {
warning("none of the selected splice events could be quantified")
} else if (any(event_not_quantifiable)) {
warning("one or more splice events could not be quantified")
if (expand_variants) {
x <- expandSGVariantCounts(x, eventID)
X <- transform(variantFreq(x))
if (!is.null(RowSideColors) && !is.list(RowSideColors)) {
RowSideColors <- list(RowSideColors)
exclude <- which(colSums(is.na(X)) == nrow(X))
n_exclude <- length(exclude)
if (n_exclude > 0) {
labRow <- labRow[-exclude]
x <- x[, -exclude]
X <- X[, -exclude]
RowSideColors <- lapply(RowSideColors, "[", -exclude)
warning(paste("excluded", n_exclude, "samples with all values NA"))
n_sample <- ncol(x)
n_feature <- nrow(x)
pars <- getLayoutParameters(n_sample, n_feature, margin, heightPanels,
RowSideColors, square, tx_view)
layout(pars$mat, heights = pars$hei, widths = pars$wid)
par(cex = cex, mai = c(pars$mai[1], 0, pars$mai[3], 0))
df <- plotSpliceGraph(x = rowRanges(x), label = "label",
tx_view = tx_view, ...)
if (all(event_not_quantifiable) || n_sample == 0) {
labCol <- seq_len(nrow(X))
colLabCol <- "black"
plotImage(X, Rowv = Rowv, distfun = distfun,
hclustfun = hclustfun, RowSideColors = RowSideColors,
cexRow = cexRow, cexCol = cexCol, labRow = labRow,
labCol = labCol, colLabCol = colLabCol,
col = col, zlim = zlim)
extractFeaturesFromVariants <- function(variants)
id2variant <- split(togroup0(variants), featureID(unlist(variants)))
id2variant <- unstrsplit(sort(unique(CharacterList(id2variant))), ",")
features <- uniqueFeatures(unlist(variants))
mcols(features)$label <- id2variant[match(
featureID(features), names(id2variant))]
getLayoutParameters <- function(n_sample, n_feature, margin, heightPanels,
RowSideColors, square, tx_view)
n_RSC <- length(RowSideColors)
mat <- rbind(
c(0, 1, 0),
c(0, 0, 0),
c(0, 2, 0),
c(0, 0, 0))
for (i in seq_len(n_RSC)) {
n <- max(mat) + 1
mat <- cbind(c(0, 0, 0, 0), c(0, 0, n, 0), mat)
heightTopPanel <- heightPanels[1] / sum(heightPanels)
heightBottomPanel <- heightPanels[2] / sum(heightPanels)
mar_wid <- c(0.05, margin)
mar_hei <- c(0.05, 0.2) * heightBottomPanel
img_wid <- 1 - sum(mar_wid) - 0.025 * n_RSC * 2
img_hei <- heightBottomPanel - sum(mar_hei)
wid <- c(mar_wid[1], rep(0.025, n_RSC * 2), img_wid, mar_wid[2])
hei <- c(heightTopPanel, mar_hei[1], img_hei, mar_hei[2])
if (square) {
padding <- getPadding(n_sample, n_feature, wid, hei)
i_wid_mar <- c(1, length(wid))
i_wid_img <- length(wid) - 1
wid[i_wid_mar] <- wid[i_wid_mar] + 0.5 * padding[1]
wid[i_wid_img] <- wid[i_wid_img] - padding[1]
i_hei_mar <- c(2, 4)
i_hei_img <- 3
hei[i_hei_mar] <- hei[i_hei_mar] + 0.5 * padding[2]
hei[i_hei_img] <- hei[i_hei_img] - padding[2]
## add color key
k <- ncol(mat)
r <- nrow(mat)
mat <- cbind(mat[, seq_len(k - 2)], mat[, k - 1], mat[, k - 1], mat[, k])
wid <- c(wid[seq_len(k - 2)], wid[k - 1] * 2/3, wid[k - 1] * 1/3, wid[k])
mat <- rbind(mat, 0, 0)
mat[nrow(mat) - 1, ncol(mat) - 1] <- max(mat) + 1
hei <- c(hei[seq_len(r - 1)], rep(0.05, 2) * heightBottomPanel,
hei[r] - 0.1 * heightBottomPanel)
## reserve top right panel for user-defined plots
mat[1, ncol(mat)] <- max(mat) + 1
## splice graph margins and aspect ratio
ds <- dev.size()
dev_wid <- ds[1]
dev_hei <- ds[2]
mai_hei <- c(0.05, 0.05) * dev_hei * heightTopPanel
if (tx_view) {
mai_wid <- c(0.05, margin) * dev_wid
} else {
mai_wid <- c(0.05, 0.05) * dev_wid
mai <- c(mai_hei[1], mai_wid[1], mai_hei[2], mai_wid[2])
list(mat = mat, wid = wid, hei = hei, mai = mai)
getPadding <- function(n_sample, n_feature, wid, hei)
ds <- dev.size()
dev_wid <- ds[1]
dev_hei <- ds[2]
img_wid <- wid[length(wid) - 1]
img_hei <- hei[3]
img_wid_real <- img_wid / sum(wid) * dev_wid
img_hei_real <- img_hei / sum(hei) * dev_hei
cel_wid_real <- img_wid_real / n_feature
cel_hei_real <- img_hei_real / n_sample
if (cel_wid_real > cel_hei_real) {
pad_wid <- (1 - cel_hei_real / cel_wid_real) * img_wid
pad_hei <- 0
} else {
pad_wid <- 0
pad_hei <- (1 - cel_wid_real / cel_hei_real) * img_hei
pad <- c(pad_wid, pad_hei)
plotImage <- function(x, Rowv = NA, distfun, hclustfun, RowSideColors,
cexRow, cexCol, labRow = NULL, labCol = NULL, colLabCol, col, zlim)
if (is.null(Rowv)) {
if (ncol(x) > 1) {
j <- hclustfun(distfun(t(x)))$order
} else {
j <- 1
} else if (is.na(Rowv)) {
j <- rev(seq_len(ncol(x)))
} else {
j <- Rowv
x <- x[, j]
RowSideColors <- lapply(RowSideColors, "[", j)
if (!is.matrix(x)) { x <- matrix(x, ncol = length(j)) }
if (is.null(zlim)) { zlim <- range(x[is.finite(x)]) }
par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
image(x, col = col, zlim = zlim, axes = FALSE)
if (!is.null(labCol)) {
mtext(side = 3, at = seq(from = 0, to = 1,
length.out = length(labCol)), text = labCol,
cex = par()$cex * cexCol, col = colLabCol,
line = 0.25, las = 3)
if (!is.null(labRow)) {
mtext(side = 4, at = seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = ncol(x)),
text = labRow[j], cex = par()$cex * cexRow,
line = 0.5, las = 1)
for (r in seq_along(RowSideColors)) {
par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
image(matrix(seq_len(ncol(x)), nrow = 1),
col = RowSideColors[[r]], axes = FALSE)
mtext(side = 3, text = names(RowSideColors)[r],
cex = par()$cex * cexCol, line = 0.25, las = 3)
par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
image(matrix(seq_along(col), ncol = 1), col = col, axes = FALSE)
mtext(side = 1, at = c(0, 1), text = format(zlim, digits = 2),
cex = par()$cex, line = 0.25, las = 1)
restrictFeatures <- function(x, geneID = NULL, eventID = NULL, which = NULL,
geneName = NULL, expand_variants = FALSE)
if (is(x, "Counts")) {
y <- rowRanges(x)
} else {
y <- x
if (!is.null(geneID) || !is.null(eventID) || !is.null(geneName)) {
if (!is.null(geneID)) {
index <- which(geneID(y) %in% geneID)
} else if (!is.null(eventID)) {
index <- which(eventID(y) %in% eventID)
if (length(eventID) > 1) {
featureIDs <- featureID(y)
featureIDs <- gsub("(", "", featureIDs, fixed = TRUE)
featureIDs <- gsub(")", "", featureIDs, fixed = TRUE)
featureIDs <- gsub("|", ",", featureIDs, fixed = TRUE)
featureIDs <- unlist(strsplit(featureIDs, ",", fixed = TRUE))
if (any(duplicated(featureIDs))) {
stop("cannot plot overlapping events")
if (expand_variants) {
featureIDs <- unique(unlist(strsplit(
unlist(expandString(featureID(y)[index])), ",",
fixed = TRUE)))
index <- unlist(lapply(featureIDs,
function (id) { grep(paste0("(^|,)", id, "(,|$)"),
featureID(y)) }))
eventIDs <- unique(eventID(y)[index])
index <- which(eventID(y) %in% eventIDs)
} else if (!is.null(geneName)) {
if (is.null(geneName(y))) {
stop("missing geneName")
if (length(geneName) > 1) {
stop("geneName must be of length 1")
index <- which(any(geneName(y) == geneName))
if (all(type(y)[index] %in% c("D", "A"))) index <- vector()
y <- y[index]
} else if (!is.null(which)) {
ol <- findOverlaps(y, which, type = "within")
index <- which(
type(y) == "E" & (y %over% which) |
type(y) == "J" & (seq_along(y) %in% queryHits(ol)))
y <- restrict(y[index], start = start(which), end = end(which))
} else {
if (is(x, "Counts")) {
x <- x[index, ]
rowRanges(x) <- y
} else {
##' Plot read coverage and splice junction read counts for an individual
##' sample or averaged across samples.
##' @title Plot read coverage and splice junction read counts
##' @inheritParams plotSpliceGraph
##' @param x \code{SGFeatureCounts} or \code{SGFeatures} object.
##' If \code{x} is an \code{SGFeatureCounts} object that includes
##' multiple samples, average coverage and splice junction counts
##' are obtained.
##' @param sample_info Data frame with sample information.
##' If \code{x} is an \code{SGFeatureCounts} object, sample information
##' is obtained from \code{colData(x)}. If \code{sample_info} includes
##' multiple samples, average coverage and splice junction counts
##' are obtained.
##' @param sizefactor Numeric vector with length equal to the number of
##' samples in \code{sample_info}. Used to scale coverages and splice
##' junction counts before plotting, or before averaging across samples.
##' Set to \code{NA} to disable scaling. If \code{NULL}, size factors
##' are calculated as the number of bases sequenced (the product of library
##' size and average number of bases sequenced per read or fragment),
##' plotted coverages and splice junction counts are per 1 billion
##' sequenced bases.
##' @param color Color used for plotting coverages
##' @param ylim Numeric vector of length two, determining y-axis range used
##' for plotting coverages.
##' @param nbin Number of bins for plotting coverages
##' @param summary Function used to calculate per-bin coverage summaries
##' @param label Optional y-axis label
##' @param min_anchor Integer specifiying minimum anchor length
##' @param cores Number of cores available for parallel processing.
##' @return \code{data.frame} with information on splice junctions included
##' in the splice graph
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' par(mfrow = c(4, 1))
##' for (j in seq_len(4)) plotCoverage(sgfc_pred[, j])
##' }
##' NULL
##' @author Leonard Goldstein
plotCoverage <- function(x, geneID = NULL, geneName = NULL,
eventID = NULL, which = NULL, sample_info = NULL, sizefactor = NA,
toscale = c("exon", "none", "gene"), color = "darkblue",
ylim = NULL, label = NULL, nbin = 200, summary = mean,
curvature = 1, main = NULL, min_anchor = 1, cores = 1)
toscale <- match.arg(toscale)
x <- restrictFeatures(x, geneID, eventID, which, geneName)
if (is(x, "SGFeatures") && !is.null(sample_info)) {
sgf <- x
sgfc <- getSGFeatureCounts(sample_info, sgf,
min_anchor = min_anchor, cores = cores)
} else if (is(x, "SGFeatureCounts")) {
sample_info <- colData(x)
sgf <- rowRanges(x)
sgfc <- x
} else {
stop("either x must be an SGFeatureCounts object,
or x must be an SGFeatures object and sample_info not NULL")
if (is.null(sizefactor)) {
sizefactor <- calculateSizeFactor(sample_info)
} else if (length(sizefactor) == 1 && is.na(sizefactor)) {
sizefactor <- rep(1, nrow(sample_info))
} else if (length(sizefactor) != nrow(sample_info)) {
stop("sizefactor must have length equal to the number of samples")
scaled_cov <- getCoverage(sample_info, range(sgf), sizefactor, cores)
average_cov <- Reduce("+", scaled_cov) / length(scaled_cov)
scaled_counts <- sweep(counts(sgfc), 2, sizefactor, FUN = "/")
average_counts <- rowSums(scaled_counts) / ncol(scaled_counts)
sgf <- setFeatureColors(sgf, color, color, 1)
sgf$label <- round(average_counts)
g <- exonGraph(sgf, FALSE)
exon_coordinates <- getExonCoordinates(g, toscale)
plot(NA, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
axes = FALSE, xlab = NA, ylab = NA)
plotTrackScore(exon_coordinates, average_cov, color, ylim, c(0.5, 1),
nbin, summary, label)
df <- plotExonGraph(g, exon_coordinates, c(0, 1), "junctions", "none",
curvature, "label", FALSE, 1, NULL, FALSE, NA)
text(x = 0, y = 0.95, labels = main, pos = 1, offset = 0, font = 2)
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