# == title
# Class for local GREAT analysis
# == details
# `great` returns A `GreatObject-class` object.
GreatObject = setClass("GreatObject",
slots = list(table = "data.frame",
gr = "GRanges",
n_total = "numeric",
gene_sets = "list",
extended_tss = "GRanges",
extend_from = "character",
n_gene_gr = "numeric",
gene_sets_name = "character",
background = "GRanges",
background_type = "character",
param = "list")
# == title
# Constructor method for GreatObject class
# == param
# -... arguments.
# == details
# There are following methods that can be applied on `GreatObject-class` object:
# - `getEnrichmentTable,GreatObject-method` to retrieve the result table.
# - `getRegionGeneAssociations,GreatObject-method` to get the associations between input regions and genes.
# - `plotRegionGeneAssociations,GreatObject-method` to plot the associations bewteen input regions and genes.
# - `shinyReport,GreatObject-method` to view the results by a shiny application.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
GreatObject = function(...) {
new("GreatObject", ...)
# == title
# Perform GREAT analysis
# == param
# -gr A `GenomicRanges::GRanges` object. This is the input regions. It is important to keep consistent for the chromosome names
# of the input regions and the internal TSS regions. Use `getTSS` to see the format of internal TSS regions.
# -gene_sets A single string of defautly supported gene sets collections (see the full list in "Genesets" section), or a named list of vectors where each vector correspond to a gene set.
# -tss_source Source of TSS. See "TSS" section.
# -biomart_dataset The value should be in ``BioMartGOGeneSets::supportedOrganisms``.
# -min_gene_set_size Minimal size of gene sets.
# -mode The mode to extend genes. Value should be one of 'basalPlusExt', 'twoClosest' and 'oneClosest'. See `extendTSS` for details.
# -extend_from Should the gene be extended only from its TSS or the complete gene?
# -basal_upstream In 'basalPlusExt' mode, number of base pairs extending to the upstream of TSS to form the basal domains.
# -basal_downstream In 'basalPlusExt' mode, number of base pairs extending to the downstream of TSS to form the basal domains.
# -extension Extensions from the basal domains.
# -extended_tss If your organism is not defaultly supported, you can first prepare one by `extendTSSFromDataFrame` or `extendTSS`,
# and set the object to this argument. Please see more examples in the vignette.
# -background Background regions. The value can also be a vector of chromosome names.
# -exclude Regions that are excluded from analysis such as gap regions (which can be get by `getGapFromUCSC`). The value can also be a vector of chromosome names.
# It also allows a special character value ``"gap"`` so that gap regions for corresponding organism will be removed from the analysis.
# -cores Number of cores to use.
# -verbose Whether to print messages.
# == details
# When ``background`` or ``exclude`` is set, the analysis is restricted in the background regions, still by using Binomial method. Note
# this is different from the original GREAT method which uses Fisher's exact test if background regions is set. See `submitGreatJob` for explanations.
# By default, gap regions are excluded from the analysis.
# == TSS
# rGREAT supports TSS from many organisms. The value of ``tss_source`` should be encoded in a special format:
# - Name of ``TxDb.*`` packages. Supported packages are in ``rGREAT:::BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$txdb``.
# - Genome version of the organism, e.g. "hg19". Then the corresponding TxDb will be used.
# - In a format of ``RefSeqCurated:$genome`` where ``$genome`` is the genome version of an organism, such as hg19. RefSeqCurated subset will be used.
# - In a format of ``RefSeqSelect:$genome`` where ``$genome`` is the genome version of an organism, such as hg19. RefSeqSelect subset will be used.
# - In a format of ``Gencode_v$version`` where ``$version`` is gencode version, such as 19 (for human) or M21 for mouse. Gencode protein coding genes will be used.
# - In a format of ``GREAT:$genome``, where ``$genome`` can only be mm9, mm10, hg19, hg38. The TSS from GREAT will be used.
# == Genesets
# rGREAT supports the following built-in GO gene sets for all organisms (note "GO:" can be omitted):
# -"GO:BP": Biological Process, from GO.db package.
# -"GO:CC": Cellular Component, from GO.db package.
# -"GO:MP": Molecular Function, from GO.db pacakge.
# rGREAT also supports built-in gene sets collections from MSigDB (note this is only for human, "msigdb:" can be omitted):
# -"msigdb:H" Hallmark gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C1" Positional gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C2" Curated gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C2:CGP" C2 subcategory: chemical and genetic perturbations gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C2:CP" C2 subcategory: canonical pathways gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C2:CP:BIOCARTA" C2 subcategory: BioCarta subset of CP.
# -"msigdb:C2:CP:KEGG" C2 subcategory: KEGG subset of CP.
# -"msigdb:C2:CP:PID" C2 subcategory: PID subset of CP.
# -"msigdb:C2:CP:REACTOME" C2 subcategory: REACTOME subset of CP.
# -"msigdb:C2:CP:WIKIPATHWAYS" C2 subcategory: WIKIPATHWAYS subset of CP.
# -"msigdb:C3" Regulatory target gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C3:MIR:MIRDB" miRDB of microRNA targets gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C3:MIR:MIR_LEGACY" MIR_Legacy of MIRDB.
# -"msigdb:C3:TFT:GTRD" GTRD transcription factor targets gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C3:TFT:TFT_LEGACY" TFT_Legacy.
# -"msigdb:C4" Computational gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C4:CGN" C4 subcategory: cancer gene neighborhoods gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C4:CM" C4 subcategory: cancer modules gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C5" Ontology gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C5:GO:BP" C5 subcategory: BP subset.
# -"msigdb:C5:GO:CC" C5 subcategory: CC subset.
# -"msigdb:C5:GO:MF" C5 subcategory: MF subset.
# -"msigdb:C5:HPO" C5 subcategory: human phenotype ontology gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C6" Oncogenic signature gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C7" Immunologic signature gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C7:IMMUNESIGDB" ImmuneSigDB subset of C7.
# -"msigdb:C7:VAX" C7 subcategory: vaccine response gene sets.
# -"msigdb:C8" Cell type signature gene sets.
# If the defaultly supported TxDb is used, Entrez gene ID is always used as the main gene ID. If you provide a self-defined
# ``gene_sets`` or ``extended_tss``, you need to make sure they two have the same gene ID types.
# == BioMart
# rGREAT supports a large number of organisms of which the information is retrieved from Ensembl BioMart. The name of a BioMart dataset
# can be assigned to argument ``biomart_dataset``. All supported organisms can be found with ``BioMartGOGeneSets::supportedOrganisms``.
# == value
# A `GreatObject-class` object. The following methods can be applied on it:
# - `getEnrichmentTable,GreatObject-method` to retrieve the result table.
# - `getRegionGeneAssociations,GreatObject-method` to get the associations between input regions and genes.
# - `plotRegionGeneAssociations,GreatObject-method` to plot the associations bewteen input regions and genes.
# - `shinyReport,GreatObject-method` to view the results by a shiny application.
# == example
# if(FALSE) {
# gr = randomRegions(genome = "hg19")
# res = great(gr, "MSigDB:H", "txdb:hg19")
# res = great(gr, "MSigDB:H", "TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene")
# res = great(gr, "MSigDB:H", "RefSeq:hg19")
# res = great(gr, "MSigDB:H", "GREAT:hg19")
# res = great(gr, "MSigDB:H", "Gencode_v19")
# res = great(gr, "GO:BP", "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
# }
great = function(gr, gene_sets, tss_source, biomart_dataset = NULL,
min_gene_set_size = 5, mode = "basalPlusExt", extend_from = c("TSS", "gene"),
basal_upstream = 5000, basal_downstream = 1000, extension = 1000000,
extended_tss = NULL, background = NULL, exclude = "gap",
cores = 1, verbose = great_opt$verbose) {
param = list()
gene_sets_name = ""
if(is.data.frame(gene_sets)) {
gene_sets = gs_dataframe2list(gene_sets)
if(!missing(tss_source)) {
if(inherits(tss_source, "GRanges")) {
if(any(!strand(tss_source) %in% c("+", "-"))) {
stop_wrap("If `tss_source` is provided as a GRanges object, its strand should be '+'/'-'.")
extended_tss = extendTSS(tss_source, mode = mode, extend_from = extend_from, basal_upstream = basal_upstream,
basal_downstream = basal_downstream, extension = extension, verbose = verbose)
extend_from = match.arg(extend_from)[1]
if(is.null(extended_tss)) {
if(!is.null(biomart_dataset)) {
if(is.null(rGREAT_env$BIOMART)) {
check_pkg("BioMartGOGeneSets", bioc = TRUE, github = "jokergoo")
rGREAT_env$BIOMART = BioMartGOGeneSets::supportedOrganisms(html = FALSE)
if(is.null(rGREAT_env$BIOMART$genome)) {
rGREAT_env$BIOMART$genome[is.na(rGREAT_env$BIOMART$genome)] = ""
biomart_dataset = tolower(biomart_dataset)
if(!biomart_dataset %in% BIOMART[, 1]) {
i = grep(paste0("\\b", biomart_dataset, "\\b"), BIOMART[, 1], ignore.case = TRUE)
if(length(i) == 1) {
biomart_dataset = BIOMART[i, 1]
} else {
i = grep(paste0("\\b", biomart_dataset, "\\b"), BIOMART[, "genome"], ignore.case = TRUE)
if(length(i) == 1) {
biomart_dataset = BIOMART[i, 1]
} else {
i = grep(paste0("\\b", biomart_dataset, "\\b"), BIOMART[, "description"], ignore.case = TRUE)
if(length(i) == 1) {
biomart_dataset = BIOMART[i, 1]
} else {
stop_wrap(qq("Cannot find biomart dataset: @{biomart_dataset}."))
if(verbose) {
message(qq("* get gene and GO genesets from biomart (dataset: @{biomart_dataset})."))
gene_sets = tolower(gene_sets)
if(gene_sets %in% c("bp", "go:bp")) {
gene_sets_name = "GO:BP"
gene_sets = getGeneSetsFromBioMart(biomart_dataset, "bp")
} else if(gene_sets %in% c("cc", "go:cc")) {
gene_sets_name = "GO:CC"
gene_sets = getGeneSetsFromBioMart(biomart_dataset, "cc")
} else if(gene_sets %in% c("mf", "go:mf")) {
gene_sets_name = "GO:MF"
gene_sets = getGeneSetsFromBioMart(biomart_dataset, "mf")
} else {
stop_wrap("When `biomart_dataset` is set, `gene_sets` can only be one of 'GO:BP/GO:CC/GO:MF'.")
if(great_opt$test) {
gene_sets = gene_sets[order(-sapply(gene_sets, length))[1:10]]
i = which(BIOMART[, 1] == biomart_dataset)
genome = BIOMART[i, "genome"]
genes = getGenesFromBioMart(biomart_dataset, filter = TRUE)
if(genome == "") {
sl = tapply(end(genes), seqnames(genes), max)
sl = structure(as.vector(sl), names = names(sl))
} else {
allg = unique(unlist(gene_sets))
all_seqlevels = unique(seqnames(genes)[genes$gene_id %in% allg])
oe = try(sl <- getChromInfoFromUCSC(genome, seqlevels = all_seqlevels), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
sl = tapply(end(genes), seqnames(genes), max)
sl = structure(as.vector(sl), names = names(sl))
} else {
names(sl) = gsub("^chr", "", names(sl))
# there might be inconsistency between UCSC and Ensembl...
if(length(intersect(seqlevels(genes), names(sl))) == 0) {
sl = tapply(end(genes), seqnames(genes), max)
sl = structure(as.vector(sl), names = names(sl))
if(verbose) {
message_str = qq("* background chromosomes from BioMart are '@{paste(names(sl), collapse=', ')}'.")
message_str = strwrap(message_str, width = 90)
if(length(message_str) > 1) {
message_str[2:length(message_str)]= paste0(" ", message_str[2:length(message_str)])
message(paste(message_str, collapse = "\n"))
extended_tss = extendTSS(genes, seqlengths = sl, mode = mode, extend_from = extend_from, basal_upstream = basal_upstream,
basal_downstream = basal_downstream, extension = extension, verbose = verbose)
param$genome = BIOMART[i, "description"]
if(genome != "") {
param$genome = paste0(param$genome, '; ', genome)
param$tss_source = biomart_dataset
gr = GRanges(seqnames = gsub("^chr", "", as.vector(seqnames(gr))), ranges = ranges(gr))
if(inherits(background, "GRanges")) {
background = GRanges(seqnames = gsub("^chr", "", as.vector(seqnames(background))), ranges = ranges(background))
if(inherits(exclude, "GRanges")) {
exclude = GRanges(seqnames = gsub("^chr", "", as.vector(seqnames(exclude))), ranges = ranges(exclude))
} else if(identical(exclude, "gap") || identical(exclude, "gaps")) {
oe = try(exclude <- getGapFromUCSC(genome), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
exclude = NULL
} else {
new_seqnames = gsub("^chr", "", as.vector(seqnames(exclude)))
l = new_seqnames %in% seqlevels(extended_tss)
exclude = GRanges(seqnames = new_seqnames[l], ranges = ranges(exclude)[l])
attr(exclude, "exclude_is_gap") = TRUE
} else {
tss_source = parse_tss_source(tss_source)
orgdb = get_orgdb_from_genome_version(tss_source$genome)
if(is.character(gene_sets) && is.atomic(gene_sets)) {
if(orgdb == "") {
stop_wrap("There is no pre-defined gene sets for this organism.")
if(tss_source$category == "TxDb") {
if(verbose) {
message("* TSS source: TxDb.")
extended_tss = extendTSSFromTxDb(tss_source$source, mode = mode, extend_from = extend_from, basal_upstream = basal_upstream,
basal_downstream = basal_downstream, extension = extension, verbose = verbose)
param$tss_source = tss_source$source
} else if(tss_source$category == "OrgDb") {
if(verbose) {
message("* TSS source: OrgDb")
extended_tss = extendTSSFromOrgDb(tss_source$source, mode = mode, extend_from = extend_from, basal_upstream = basal_upstream,
basal_downstream = basal_downstream, extension = extension, verbose = verbose)
param$tss_source = tss_source$source
} else if(tss_source$category == "Gencode") {
if(verbose) {
message("* TSS source: Gencode.")
tss = getGenesFromGencode(tss_source$source)
extended_tss = extendTSS(tss, mode = mode, extend_from = extend_from, basal_upstream = basal_upstream,
basal_downstream = basal_downstream, extension = extension, verbose = verbose)
param$tss_source = paste0("Gencode_", tss_source$source)
} else if(tss_source$category == "RefSeq") {
if(verbose) {
message("* TSS source: RefSeqSelect.")
tss = getRefSeqGenesFromUCSC(tss_source$genome, subset = "RefSeqSelect")
extended_tss = extendTSS(tss, mode = mode, extend_from = extend_from, basal_upstream = basal_upstream,
basal_downstream = basal_downstream, extension = extension, verbose = verbose)
param$tss_source = "RefSeq"
} else if(tss_source$category == "RefSeqCurated") {
if(verbose) {
message("* TSS source: RefSeqCurated.")
tss = getRefSeqGenesFromUCSC(tss_source$genome, subset = "RefSeqCurated")
extended_tss = extendTSS(tss, mode = mode, extend_from = extend_from, basal_upstream = basal_upstream,
basal_downstream = basal_downstream, extension = extension, verbose = verbose)
param$tss_source = "RefSeqCurated"
} else if(tss_source$category == "RefSeqSelect") {
if(verbose) {
message("* TSS source: RefSeqSelect.")
tss = getRefSeqGenesFromUCSC(tss_source$genome, subset = "RefSeqSelect")
extended_tss = extendTSS(tss, mode = mode, extend_from = extend_from, basal_upstream = basal_upstream,
basal_downstream = basal_downstream, extension = extension, verbose = verbose)
param$tss_source = "RefSeqSelect"
} else if(tss_source$category == "GREAT") {
if(verbose) {
message("* TSS source: GREAT.")
tss = getGREATDefaultTSS(tss_source$genome)
extended_tss = extendTSS(tss, mode = mode, extend_from = extend_from, basal_upstream = basal_upstream,
basal_downstream = basal_downstream, extension = extension, verbose = verbose)
param$tss_source = "GREAT"
} else {
stop_wrap("Wrong `tss_source`.")
param$genome = tss_source$genome
# in bioc 3.19, seqlevelsStyle() throws error if the style cannot be detected
try(seqlevelsStyle(extended_tss) <- seqlevelsStyle(gr)[1], silent = TRUE)
# check genomic end coordinate and chr length
sl = seqlengths(extended_tss)
if(!is.na(sl[1])) {
gre = tapply(end(gr), seqnames(gr), max)
gre[is.na(gre)] = 0
for(cn in intersect(names(sl), names(gre))) {
if(sl[cn] < gre[cn]) {
warning_wrap(qq("Inconsistent coordinate on '@{cn}': Max end position (@{gre[cn]}) is larger than chromosome length (@{sl[cn]})."))
} else {
mt = attributes(metadata(extended_tss))
if(is.null(mt$genome)) {
param$genome = "unknown"
} else {
param$genome = mt$genome
param$tss_source = "self-provided"
try(seqlevelsStyle(extended_tss) <- seqlevelsStyle(gr)[1], silent = TRUE)
param$orgdb = get_orgdb_from_genome_version(param$genome)
extended_tss = sort(extended_tss)
mode_param = attr(extended_tss, "mode")
param = c(param, mode_param)
mt = attributes(metadata(extended_tss))
if(is.character(gene_sets) && is.atomic(gene_sets)) {
gene_sets_name = gene_sets
mt = attributes(metadata(extended_tss))
gene_sets = get_defaultly_suppported_gene_sets(gene_sets, mt, verbose = verbose,
gene_id = extended_tss$gene_id)
if(is.null(gene_sets)) {
stop_wrap("Cannot find the pre-defined gene sets for the specified organism. Please set `gene_sets` as a named list of vectors where each vector corresponds to a gene set. The gene ID type should be the same as in `txdb` or `extended_tss`. If the defaultly supported TxDb package is used, Entrez gene ID is the main gene ID.")
} else {
if(gene_sets_name == "") {
gene_sets_name = "self-provided"
gene_sets = lapply(gene_sets, unique)
if(!"gene_id" %in% colnames(mcols(extended_tss))) {
stop_wrap("`extended_tss` must have a meta column `gene_id`")
names(extended_tss) = extended_tss$gene_id
if(verbose) {
message("* check gene ID type in `gene_sets` and in `extended_tss`.")
v1 = unique(unlist(gene_sets))
if(length(intersect(v1, extended_tss$gene_id))/length(v1) <= 0) {
stop_wrap(qq("It seems the gene ID type in `gene_sets` (e.g. '@{gene_sets[[1]][1]}') is different from in `extended_tss` (e.g. '@{names(extended_tss)[1]}')."))
sl = seqlengths(extended_tss)
if(any(is.na(sl))) {
stop_wrap("`extended_tss` must have `seqlengths` been set.")
gr_genome = GRanges(seqnames = names(sl), ranges = IRanges(1, sl))
background_type = "whole genome"
if(is.null(background)) {
background = gr_genome
if(verbose) {
message("* use whole genome as background.")
} else {
if(verbose) {
message("* use self-defined background regions.")
if(inherits(background, "character")) {
background_chr = background
if(!is.null(biomart_dataset)) {
background_chr = gsub("^chr", "", background_chr)
background = gr_genome[seqnames(gr_genome) %in% background_chr]
background_type = "self-provided"
strand(background) = "*"
if(!is.null(exclude)) {
if(identical(exclude, "gap") || identical(exclude, "gaps")) {
if(!is.null(param$genome)) {
genome = param$genome
oe = try(exclude <- getGapFromUCSC(genome, seqnames = seqlevels(background)), silent = TRUE)
if(!inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
strand(exclude) = "*"
background = setdiff(background, exclude)
if(background_type == "whole genome") {
background_type = "whole genome excluding gaps"
} else if(inherits(exclude, "character")) {
background = background[!seqnames(background) %in% exclude]
background_type = "self-provided"
} else {
strand(exclude) = "*"
background = setdiff(background, exclude)
if(background_type == "whole genome") {
if(!is.null(attr(exclude, "exclude_is_gap"))) {
background_type = "whole genome excluding gaps"
} else {
background_type = "self-provided"
} else {
background_type = "self-provided"
message("* remove excluded regions from background.")
background = reduce(background)
background_total_length = sum(width(background))
strand(gr) = "*"
gr_origin = gr
gr_mid = gr
start(gr_mid) = end(gr_mid) = mid(gr)
gr = gr_mid
if(verbose) {
message("* overlap `gr` to background regions (based on midpoint).")
gr = intersect(gr, background) # possible seqlevels are different due to different versions of organisms
n_total = length(gr)
if(verbose) {
message(qq("* in total @{n_total} `gr`."))
if(verbose) {
message(qq("* overlap extended TSS to background regions."))
ov2 = findOverlaps(extended_tss, background)
r1 = extended_tss[queryHits(ov2)]
r2 = background[subjectHits(ov2)]
# note in extended_tss, there might be same gene in multi rows, due to a gene is segmented by background
extended_tss2 = pintersect(r1, r2)
extended_tss2$gene_id = r1$gene_id
names(extended_tss2) = r1$gene_id
extended_tss = extended_tss2
extended_tss$hit = NULL
# note, after overlap to background, an extended TSS may be split into several regions
if(verbose) {
message("* check which genes are in the gene sets.")
gene_sets = lapply(gene_sets, function(x) intersect(x, names(extended_tss)))
if(verbose) {
message(qq("* only take gene sets with size >= @{min_gene_set_size}."))
l = sapply(gene_sets, length) >= min_gene_set_size
gene_sets = gene_sets[l]
gene_sets_ind = lapply(gene_sets, function(x) which(names(extended_tss) %in% x))
n_set = length(gene_sets)
if(n_set == 0) {
stop_wrap("No gene set left.")
if(verbose) {
message(qq("* in total @{n_set} gene sets."))
p = numeric(n_set)
n_obs = numeric(n_set)
n_exp = numeric(n_set)
fold = numeric(n_set)
prop = numeric(n_set)
mean_tss_dist = numeric(n_set)
gene_hits = numeric(n_set)
if(verbose) {
message(qq("* overlap `gr` to every extended TSS."))
ov = findOverlaps(gr, extended_tss)
if(verbose) {
message("* perform binomial test for each biological term.")
pb = progress::progress_bar$new(total = n_set)
all_chr = as.vector(seqnames(extended_tss))
all_s = start(extended_tss)
all_e = end(extended_tss)
tss_position = extended_tss$tss_position
gr_start = start(gr)
lt <- foreach(i = seq_len(n_set)) %dopar% {
if(verbose && cores <= 1) {
ind = gene_sets_ind[[i]]
if(length(ind) == 0) {
width_fgr = 0
} else {
sl = split(all_s[ind], all_chr[ind])
el = split(all_e[ind], all_chr[ind])
width_fgr = sum(sapply(seq_along(sl), function(i) {
reduce_by_start_and_end(sl[[i]], el[[i]])
prop = width_fgr/background_total_length
l = subjectHits(ov) %in% ind
n_hits = length(unique(queryHits(ov)[l]))
mean_tss_dist = mean(abs(tss_position[subjectHits(ov)[l]] - gr_start[queryHits(ov)[l]]))
if(n_hits == 0) {
p = 1
} else {
p = 1 - pbinom(n_hits - 1, n_total, prop)
n_obs = n_hits
n_exp = prop*n_total
gene_hits = length(unique(extended_tss$gene_id[subjectHits(ov)[l]]))
return(list(prop = prop, n_obs = n_obs, n_exp = n_exp, p = p, mean_tss_dist = mean_tss_dist, gene_hits = gene_hits))
prop = sapply(lt, function(x) x$prop)
n_obs = sapply(lt, function(x) x$n_obs)
n_exp = sapply(lt, function(x) x$n_exp)
p = sapply(lt, function(x) x$p)
mean_tss_dist = sapply(lt, function(x) x$mean_tss_dist)
gene_hits = sapply(lt, function(x) x$gene_hits)
fold = n_obs/n_exp
df = data.frame(id = names(gene_sets),
genome_fraction = prop,
observed_region_hits = n_obs,
fold_enrichment = fold,
p_value = p,
p_adjust = p.adjust(p, "BH"),
mean_tss_dist = round(mean_tss_dist),
observed_gene_hits = gene_hits,
gene_set_size = sapply(gene_sets, length))
n_gene_total = length(unique(extended_tss$gene_id))
n_gene_gr = length(unique(extended_tss[subjectHits(ov)]$gene_id))
df$fold_enrichment_hyper = df$observed_gene_hits/(df$gene_set_size*n_gene_gr/n_gene_total)
df$p_value_hyper = 1 - phyper(df$observed_gene_hits - 1, df$gene_set_size, n_gene_total - df$gene_set_size, n_gene_gr)
df$p_adjust_hyper = p.adjust(df$p_value_hyper, "BH")
df = df[order(df$p_adjust, df$p_value, -df$fold_enrichment), , drop = FALSE]
if(all(grepl("^GO:\\d+$", df$id))) {
check_pkg("GO.db", bioc = TRUE)
terms = Term(GO.db::GOTERM)
desc = unname(terms[df$id])
desc[is.na(desc)] = ""
df = cbind(data.frame(id = df$id, description = desc),
df[, -1])
rownames(df) = NULL
obj = GreatObject(
table = df,
gr = gr_origin,
n_total = n_total,
gene_sets = gene_sets,
gene_sets_name = gene_sets_name,
extend_from = extend_from,
extended_tss = extended_tss, # has been intersected with background,
n_gene_gr = n_gene_gr,
background = background,
background_type = background_type,
param = param
# hg19, txdb:hg19, TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, great:hg19, refseq:hg19, refseqcurated:hg19, gencode_v19
# human, txdb:chicken, refseq:mouse
parse_tss_source = function(x) {
if(grepl("^TxDb\\.", x)) {
i = which(BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$txdb == x)
if(length(i) == 0) {
stop_wrap("TxDb: '@{x}' is not supported.")
list(category = "TxDb", source = x, genome = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$genome_version_in_txdb[i])
} else if(grepl("^txdb:", x, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
i = detect_txdb(gsub("^txdb:", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE))
if(length(i) == 0) {
stop_wrap("Cannot parse `tss_source`.")
i = i[1]
list(category = "TxDb", source = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$txdb[i], genome = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$genome_version_in_txdb[i])
} else if(grepl("^org\\.", x)) {
i = which(BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$orgdb == x)
if(length(i) == 0) {
stop_wrap("OrgDb: '@{x}' is not supported.")
i = i[1]
list(category = "OrgDb", source = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$orgdb[i], genome = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$genome_version_in_txdb[i])
} else if(grepl("^orgdb:", x, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
i = detect_txdb(gsub("^orgdb:", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE))
if(length(i) == 0) {
stop_wrap("Cannot parse `tss_source`.")
i = i[1]
list(category = "OrgDb", source = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$orgdb[i], genome = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$genome_version_in_txdb[i])
} else if(grepl("^great:", x, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
list(category = "GREAT", genome = gsub("^great:", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE))
} else if(grepl("^refseq:", x, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
list(category = "RefSeq", genome = gsub("^refseq:", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE))
} else if(grepl("^refseqcurated:", x, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
list(category = "RefSeqCurated", genome = gsub("^refseqcurated:", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE))
} else if(grepl("^refseqselect:", x, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
list(category = "RefSeqSelect", genome = gsub("^refseqselect:", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE))
} else if(grepl("^gencode", x, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
version = gsub("^gencode_?", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE)
version = gsub("^V", "v", version)
if(!grepl("^v", version)) {
version = paste0("v", version)
if(version %in% paste0("v", 4:19)) {
genome = "hg19"
} else if(version %in% paste0("v", 20:40)) {
genome = "hg38"
} else if(version %in% paste0("vM", 1)) {
genome = "mm9"
} else if(version %in% paste0("vM", 2:25)) {
genome = "mm10"
} else if(version %in% paste0("vM", 26:29)) {
genome = "mm11"
list(category = "Gencode", source = version, genome = genome)
} else if(grepl("^[a-zA-Z]+\\d*$", x)) {
i = detect_txdb(x)
if(length(i) == 0) {
stop_wrap("Cannot parse `tss_source`.")
i = i[1]
list(category = "TxDb", source = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$txdb[i], genome = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$genome_version_in_txdb[i])
} else {
stop_wrap("Cannot parse `tss_source`.")
get_orgdb_from_genome_version = function(x) {
if(x == "unknown") {
} else {
map = tapply(BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$orgdb, BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$genome_version_in_txdb, unique)
v = map[x]
if(is.na(v)) {
} else {
# support two types
# -MsigDB
get_defaultly_suppported_gene_sets = function(name, mt, verbose = great_opt$verbose, gene_id = NULL) {
if(length(mt) == 0) {
if(is.null(mt$genome)) {
gene_id_type = mt$gene_id_type
if(is.null(gene_id_type)) {
if(!is.null(gene_id)) {
gene_id_type = guess_gene_id_type(gene_id)
orgdb = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$orgdb[ BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$genome_version_in_txdb == mt$genome ][1]
if(is.na(orgdb)) {
name = tolower(name)
if(grepl("^c\\d", name) || name == "h") {
name = paste0("msigdb:", name)
if(name %in% c("go:bp", "bp", "go:cc", "cc", "go:mf", "mf")) {
lt = as.list(get_table_from_orgdb("GO2ALL.*S$", orgdb))
check_pkg("GO.db", bioc = TRUE)
ontology = Ontology(GO.db::GOTERM)
if(name %in% c("go:bp", "bp")) {
l = ontology[names(lt)] == "BP"
l[is.na(l)] = FALSE
gene_sets = lt[l]
if(verbose) {
message(qq("* use GO:BP ontology with @{length(gene_sets)} gene sets (source: @{orgdb})."))
} else if(name %in% c("go:mf", "mf")) {
l = ontology[names(lt)] == "MF"
l[is.na(l)] = FALSE
gene_sets = lt[l]
if(verbose) {
message(qq("* use GO:MF ontology with @{length(gene_sets)} gene sets (source: @{orgdb})."))
} else if(name %in% c("go:cc", "cc")) {
l = ontology[names(lt)] == "CC"
l[is.na(l)] = FALSE
gene_sets = lt[l]
if(verbose) {
message(qq("* use GO:CC ontology with @{length(gene_sets)} gene sets (source: @{orgdb})."))
gene_sets = lapply(gene_sets, unique)
if(great_opt$test) {
gene_sets = gene_sets[order(-sapply(gene_sets, length))[1:10]]
if(!is.null(mt$orgdb)) {
if(is.null(gene_id_type)) {
} else if(gene_id_type == "ENTREZ" || gene_id_type == "Entrez Gene ID" || gene_id_type == "SGD Gene ID" || gene_id_type == "TAIR ID") {
} else {
if(gene_id_type == "ENSEMBL" || gene_id_type == "Ensembl gene ID") {
map = get_table_from_orgdb("ENSEMBL$", orgdb)
} else if(gene_id_type == "SYMBOL") {
map = get_table_from_orgdb("SYMBOL$", orgdb)
} else if(gene_id_type == "REFSEQ") {
map = get_table_from_orgdb("REFSEQ$", orgdb)
} else {
stop_wrap("Wrong gene_id_type.")
map = unlist(as.list(map))
gene_sets = lapply(gene_sets, function(x) {
x = map[x]
gene_sets = gene_sets[sapply(gene_sets, length) > 0]
} else if(grepl("msigdb", name)) {
if(!grepl("^hg\\d", mt$genome)) {
stop_wrap("MSigDB only supports human.")
name = gsub(":", ".", name)
name = gsub("^msigdb\\.?", "", name)
if(name %in% names(MSIGDB)) {
gene_sets = readRDS(get_url(MSIGDB[[name]]))
} else {
stop_wrap("Wrong MSigDB gene set collection. All supported gene sets are in `names(rGREAT:::MSIGDB)`.")
orgdb = "org.Hs.eg.db"
if(is.null(gene_id_type)) {
} else if(gene_id_type == "ENTREZ" || gene_id_type == "Entrez Gene ID" || gene_id_type == "SGD Gene ID" || gene_id_type == "TAIR ID") {
} else {
if(gene_id_type == "ENSEMBL" || gene_id_type == "Ensembl gene ID") {
map = get_table_from_orgdb("ENSEMBL$", orgdb)
} else if(gene_id_type == "SYMBOL") {
map = get_table_from_orgdb("SYMBOL$", orgdb)
} else if(gene_id_type == "REFSEQ") {
map = get_table_from_orgdb("REFSEQ$", orgdb)
} else {
stop_wrap("Wrong gene_id_type.")
map = unlist(as.list(map))
gene_sets = lapply(gene_sets, function(x) {
x = map[x]
gene_sets = gene_sets[sapply(gene_sets, length) > 0]
if(verbose) {
message(qq("* use @{name} collection with @{length(gene_sets)} gene sets (source: MSigDb)."))
} else {
stop_wrap(qq("Gene sets '@{name}' is not supported."))
"c1" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c1.all.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c2" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c2.all.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c2.cgp" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c2.cgp.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c2.cp.kegg" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c2.cp.kegg.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c2.cp.pid" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c2.cp.pid.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c2.cp.reactome" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c2.cp.reactome.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c2.cp" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c2.cp.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c2.cp.wikipathways" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c2.cp.wikipathways.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c3" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c3.all.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c3.mir.mir_legacy" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c3.mir.mir_legacy.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c3.mir.mirdb" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c3.mir.mirdb.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c3.mir" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c3.mir.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c3.tft.gtrd" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c3.tft.gtrd.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c3.tft.tft_legacy" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c3.tft.tft_legacy.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c3.tft" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c3.tft.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c4" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c4.all.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c4.cgn" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c4.cgn.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c4.cm" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c4.cm.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c5" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c5.all.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c5.go.bp" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c5.go.bp.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c5.go.cc" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c5.go.cc.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c5.go.mf" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c5.go.mf.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c5.go" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c5.go.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c5.hpo" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c5.hpo.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c6" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c6.all.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c7" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c7.all.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c7.immunesigdb" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c7.immunesigdb.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c7.vax" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c7.vax.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"c8" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/c8.all.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds",
"h" = "https://jokergoo.github.io/rGREAT_genesets/msigdb/h.all.v7.5.1.entrez.gmt.rds"
setMethod(f = "show",
signature = "GreatObject",
definition = function(object) {
if(object@extend_from == "TSS") {
qqcat("@{object@n_total} regions are associated to @{object@n_gene_gr} genes' extended TSSs.\n")
qqcat(" TSS source: @{object@param$tss_source}\n")
} else {
qqcat("@{object@n_total} regions are associated to @{object@n_gene_gr} extended genes.\n")
qqcat(" Gene source: @{object@param$tss_source}\n")
qqcat(" Genome: @{object@param$genome}\n")
if(object@param$orgdb != "") {
qqcat(" OrgDb: @{object@param$orgdb}\n")
qqcat(" Gene sets: @{object@gene_sets_name}\n")
qqcat(" Background: @{object@background_type}\n")
if(length(object@param)) {
if(object@param$mode == "basalPlusExt") {
qqcat("Mode: Basal plus extension\n")
qqcat(" Proximal: @{object@param$basal_upstream} bp upstream, @{object@param$basal_downstream} bp downstream,\n")
if(object@param$extension[1] == object@param$extension[2]) {
qqcat(" plus Distal: up to @{object@param$extension[1]} bp\n")
} else {
qqcat(" plus Distal: up to @{object@param$extension[1]} bp upstream, @{object@param$extension[2]} bp downstream\n")
} else if(object@param$mode == "twoClosest") {
qqcat("Mode: Two nearest genes\n")
if(object@param$extension[1] == object@param$extension[2]) {
qqcat(" within @{object@param$extension[1]} bp\n")
} else {
qqcat(" within @{object@param$extension[1]} bp upstream, @{object@param$extension[2]} bp downstream\n")
} else if(object@param$mode == "oneClosest") {
qqcat("Mode: Single nearest genes\n")
if(object@param$extension[1] == object@param$extension[2]) {
qqcat(" within @{object@param$extension[1]} bp\n")
} else {
qqcat(" within @{object@param$extension[1]} bp upstream, @{object@param$extension[2]} bp downstream\n")
# == title
# Get enrichment table
# == param
# -object A `GreatObject-class` object returned by `great`.
# -min_region_hits Minimal number of input regions overlapping to the geneset associated regions.
# == details
# Note: adjusted p-values are re-calculated based on ``min_region_hits``.
# == value
# A data frame of enrichment results
# == example
# obj = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "GreatObject.rds", package = "rGREAT"))
# getEnrichmentTable(obj)
setMethod(f = "getEnrichmentTable",
signature = "GreatObject",
definition = function(object, min_region_hits = 5) {
tb = object@table
tb = tb[tb$observed_region_hits >= min_region_hits, , drop = FALSE]
tb$p_adjust = p.adjust(tb$p_value, "BH")
tb$p_adjust_hyper = p.adjust(tb$p_value_hyper, "BH")
# == title
# Get enrichment table
# == param
# -object A `GreatObject-class` object returned by `great`.
# -... All passed to `getEnrichmentTable,GreatObject-method`.
# == details
# Please use `getEnrichmentTable,GreatObject-method` directly.
# == value
# A data frame of enrichment results
setMethod(f = "getEnrichmentTables",
signature = "GreatObject",
definition = function(object, ...) {
getEnrichmentTable(object, ...)
# == title
# Get region-gene associations
# == param
# -object A `GreatObject-class` object returned by `great`.
# -term_id Term ID.
# -by_middle_points Whether the distances are calculated from the middle points of input regions?
# -use_symbols Whether to use gene symbols
# == value
# A `GenomicRanges::GRanges` object. Please the two meta columns are in formats of ``CharacterList``
# and ``IntegerList`` because a region may associate to multiple genes.
# == example
# obj = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "GreatObject.rds", package = "rGREAT"))
# getRegionGeneAssociations(obj)
setMethod(f = "getRegionGeneAssociations",
signature = "GreatObject",
definition = function(object, term_id = NULL, by_middle_points = FALSE,
use_symbols = TRUE) {
gr = object@gr
extended_tss = object@extended_tss
gr_mid = gr
start(gr_mid) = end(gr_mid) = mid(gr)
if(by_middle_points) {
gr = gr_mid
ov = findOverlaps(gr_mid, object@background)
gr = gr[unique(queryHits(ov))]
if(!is.null(term_id)) {
if(is.numeric(term_id)) {
stop_wrap("Do not use numeric index for `term_id`, use the character index.")
term_id = intersect(names(object@gene_sets), term_id)
if(length(term_id) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find any term.")
extended_tss = extended_tss[ extended_tss$gene_id %in% unlist(object@gene_sets[term_id]) ]
all_genes = names(extended_tss)
if(use_symbols) {
if(grepl("eg.db$", object@param$orgdb)) {
map = get_table_from_orgdb("egSYMBOL$", object@param$orgdb)
map = unlist(as.list(map))
all_genes2 = map[all_genes]
l = is.na(all_genes2)
all_genes2[l] = all_genes[l]
all_genes = all_genes2
ov = findOverlaps(gr, extended_tss)
sr1 = gr[queryHits(ov)]
sr2 = extended_tss[subjectHits(ov)]
l_upstream = ( end(sr1) < sr2$tss_position & sr2$tss_strand == "+" ) |
( start(sr1) > sr2$tss_position & sr2$tss_strand == "-" )
l_downstream = ( end(sr1) < sr2$tss_position & sr2$tss_strand == "-" ) |
( start(sr1) > sr2$tss_position & sr2$tss_strand == "+" )
dist = pmin( abs(start(sr1) - sr2$tss_position), abs(end(sr1) - sr2$tss_position) )
dist[l_upstream] = -dist[l_upstream]
dist[!(l_upstream | l_downstream)] = 0
# for each region, how many genes it is annotated to
lt1 = split(subjectHits(ov), queryHits(ov))
lt_gene = lapply(lt1, function(ind) all_genes[ind])
gr$annotated_genes = vector("list", length(gr))
gr$annotated_genes[ as.numeric(names(lt1)) ] = lt_gene
lt2 = split(dist, queryHits(ov))
gr$dist_to_TSS = vector("list", length(gr))
gr$dist_to_TSS[ as.numeric(names(lt2)) ] = lt2
gr$annotated_genes = CharacterList(gr$annotated_genes)
gr$dist_to_TSS = IntegerList(gr$dist_to_TSS)
gr = gr[sapply(gr$annotated_genes, length) > 0]
# == title
# Plot region-gene associations
# == param
# -object A `GreatObject-class` object returned by `great`.
# -term_id Term ID.
# -which_plot Which plots to draw? The value should be in ``1, 2, 3``. See "Details" section for explanation.
# == details
# There are following figures:
# - Association between regions and genes (``which_plot = 1``).
# - Distribution of distance to TSS (``which_plot = 2``).
# - Distribution of absolute distance to TSS (``which_plot = 3``).
# == example
# obj = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "GreatObject.rds", package = "rGREAT"))
# plotRegionGeneAssociations(obj)
setMethod(f = "plotRegionGeneAssociations",
signature = "GreatObject",
definition = function(object, term_id = NULL, which_plot = 1:3) {
gr = getRegionGeneAssociations(object, term_id = term_id)
gr_all = getRegionGeneAssociations(object)
if(!is.null(term_id)) {
gr_term = getRegionGeneAssociations(object, term_id = term_id)
} else {
gr_term = NULL
plot_great(gr_all, gr_term, which_plot = which_plot, gr_full_len = object@n_total, term_id = term_id)
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