## help function df2GRanges
df2GRanges <- function(data, colNames=NULL, format="", ...){
if (missing(data)){
stop("data is required!")
if ((!is(data, "data.frame")) || dim(data)[2] <3)
stop("No valid data passed in. For example a data frame as BED format
file with at least 3 fields in the order of: chromosome, start and end.
Optional fields are name, score and strand etc.
Please refer to http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat#format1 for details.")
if(is.null(colNames)) colNames <- colnames(data)
colNames_space <-
tolower(colNames) %in% c("space", "seqnames", "chr", "chrom",
"chromosome", "chromosomes")
colNames[colNames_space] <- "space"
colNames <- gsub("^start$", "start", colNames, ignore.case=TRUE)
colNames <- gsub("^end$", "end", colNames, ignore.case=TRUE)
if(!all(c("space","start","end") %in% colNames)){
stop("colname must contain space/seqnames, start and end.")
stop("the length of colNames is less than number of columns of data")
colnames(data) <- colNames[1:ncol(data)]
getCol <- function(pattern, words, default){
ss <- grep(pattern, colnames(data), ignore.case=TRUE)
stop(paste("input data has multiple columns for",words,"information"))
re <- data[,ss]
data[, ss] <<- NULL
re <- default
##prepare strand
strand <- getCol("^strand$", "strand", "*")
strand <- formatStrand(strand)
##prepare name, memory comsume step. TODO, change it.
names <- getCol("^name(s)?$", "names", NA)
if(any(is.na(names)) || any(duplicated(names))) {
message("duplicated or NA names found. Rename all the names by numbers.")
## formatC has memory leak
n <- nrow(data)
names <- sprintf(paste("X%0",nchar(as.character(n)),"d", sep=""), 1:n)
names <- make.names(names)
##prepare score
# score <- getCol("^score$", "score", 1L)
# if(length(score)==1) score <- rep(1, nrow(data))
# if(all(is.na(score))) score <- rep(1, nrow(data))
# score <- as.numeric(as.character(score))
##prepare start, end, seqnames
start <- data$start
end <- data$end
seqnames <- data$space
if(!is.numeric(start[1])) start <- as.numeric(as.character(start))
if(!is.numeric(end[1])) end <- as.numeric(as.character(end))
if(!is.character(seqnames[1])) seqnames <- as.character(data$space)
## trim seqnames
seqnames <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", seqnames)
gr <- GRanges(seqnames=seqnames,
names = names),
rm(list=c("start", "end", "names", "strand", "seqnames"))
metadata <- colnames(data)
metadata <- metadata[!metadata %in% c("seqnames", "space", "ranges",
"strand", "seqlevels",
"seqlengths", "isCircular",
"genome", "start",
"end", "width", "element")]
for(col in metadata){
# gc(verbose=FALSE, reset=TRUE)
start(gr) <- start(gr) + 1 ## bed file is (start, end]
if(length(gr$thickStart)>0 &
if(!(all(gr$thickStart==round(gr$thickStart)) &&
stop("This is not a standard BED file. ",
"Maybe it is narrowPeak or broadPeak")
gr$thick <- IRanges(gr$thickStart+1, gr$thickEnd)
gr$thickStart <- NULL
gr$thickEnd <- NULL
if(length(gr$itemRgb)>0) {## itemRgb, 255,0,0
itemRgb <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(as.character(gr$itemRgb), ","))
gr$itemRgb <- NULL
itemRgb <- apply(itemRgb, 1, function(.ele){
.ele <- as.numeric(.ele)
rgb(.ele[1], .ele[2], .ele[3], maxColorValue = 255)
gr$itemRgb <- itemRgb
gr$itemRgb <- NA
if(length(gr$blockCount)>0 &
length(gr$blockSizes)>0 &
blocksizes <- strsplit(as.character(gr$blockSizes), ",")
blockstarts <- strsplit(as.character(gr$blockStarts), ",")
blocks <- mapply(function(num, sizes, starts){
sizes <- as.integer(sizes)[1:num]
starts <- as.integer(starts)[1:num]
ir <- IRanges(starts+1, width=sizes)
}, gr$blockCount, blocksizes, blockstarts, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
gr$blocks <- IRangesList(blocks)
gr$blockCount <- NULL
gr$blockSizes <- NULL
gr$blockStarts <- NULL
switchColNames <- function(format=c("BED", "GFF",
"MACS", "MACS2", "MACS2.broad",
"narrowPeak", "broadPeak", "CSV",
"others"), colNames=NULL){
format <- match.arg(format)
BED=c("space", "start", "end", "names",
"score", "strand", "thickStart",
"thickEnd", "itemRgb", "blockCount",
"blockSizes", "blockStarts"),
GFF=c("space", "source", "names", "start",
"end", "score", "strand", "frame", "group"),
MACS=c("space", "start", "end", "length",
"summit", "tags", "-10*log10(pvalue)",
"fold_enrichment", "FDR"),
MACS2=c("space", "start", "end", "length",
"abs_summit", "pileup", "-log10(pvalue)",
"fold_enrichment", "-log10(qvalue)", "names"),
MACS2.broad=c("space", "start", "end", "length",
"pileup", "-log10(pvalue)",
"fold_enrichment", "-log10(qvalue)", "names"),
narrowPeak=c("space", "start", "end", "names",
"score", "strand", "signalValue",
"pValue", "qValue", "peak"),
broadPeak=c("space", "start", "end", "names",
"score", "strand", "signalValue",
"pValue", "qValue"),
#' Convert dataset to GRanges
#' Convert UCSC BED format and its variants, such as GFF, or any user defined
#' dataset such as MACS output file to GRanges
#' @rdname toGRanges
#' @aliases toGRanges toGRanges,data.frame-method
#' @param data an object of data.frame, \link[GenomicFeatures:TxDb-class]{TxDb}
#' or \link[ensembldb]{EnsDb}, or the file name of data to be imported.
#' Alternatively, data can be a readable txt-mode connection (See ?read.table).
#' @param format data format. If the data format is set to BED, GFF,
#' narrowPeak or broadPeak, please refer to
#' http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat#format1 for column order. "MACS" is for
#' converting the excel output file from MACS1. "MACS2" is for converting the
#' output file from MACS2. If set to CSV, must have columns: seqnames, start, end, strand.
#' @param feature annotation type
#' @param header A logical value indicating whether the file contains the names
#' of the variables as its first line. If missing, the value is determined from
#' the file format: header is set to TRUE if the first row contains
#' one fewer field than the number of columns or the format is set to 'CSV'.
#' @param comment.char character: a character vector of length one containing a
#' single character or an empty string. Use "" to turn off the interpretation
#' of comments altogether.
#' @param colNames If the data format is set to "others", colname must be
#' defined. And the colname must contain space, start and end. The column name
#' for the chromosome # should be named as space.
#' @param \dots parameters passed to \link{read.table}
#' @param OrganismDb an object of \link[OrganismDbi]{OrganismDb}. It is used
#' for extracting gene symbol for geneModel group for
#' \link[GenomicFeatures:TxDb-class]{TxDb}
#' @return An object of \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}
#' @author Jianhong Ou
#' @keywords misc
#' @exportMethod toGRanges
#' @export toGRanges
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @examples
#' macs <- system.file("extdata", "MACS_peaks.xls", package="ChIPpeakAnno")
#' macsOutput <- toGRanges(macs, format="MACS")
#' if(interactive() || Sys.getenv("USER")=="jianhongou"){
#' ## MACS connection
#' macs <- readLines(macs)
#' macs <- textConnection(macs)
#' macsOutput <- toGRanges(macs, format="MACS")
#' close(macs)
#' ## bed
#' toGRanges(system.file("extdata", "MACS_output.bed", package="ChIPpeakAnno"),
#' format="BED")
#' ## narrowPeak
#' toGRanges(system.file("extdata", "peaks.narrowPeak", package="ChIPpeakAnno"),
#' format="narrowPeak")
#' ## broadPeak
#' toGRanges(system.file("extdata", "TAF.broadPeak", package="ChIPpeakAnno"),
#' format="broadPeak")
#' ## CSV
#' toGRanges(system.file("extdata", "peaks.csv", package="ChIPpeakAnno"),
#' format="CSV")
#' ## MACS2
#' toGRanges(system.file("extdata", "MACS2_peaks.xls", package="ChIPpeakAnno"),
#' format="MACS2")
#' ## GFF
#' toGRanges(system.file("extdata", "GFF_peaks.gff", package="ChIPpeakAnno"),
#' format="GFF")
#' ## EnsDb
#' library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75)
#' toGRanges(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75, feature="gene")
#' ## TxDb
#' library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
#' toGRanges(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, feature="gene")
#' ## data.frame
#' macs <- system.file("extdata", "MACS_peaks.xls", package="ChIPpeakAnno")
#' macs <- read.delim(macs, comment.char="#")
#' toGRanges(macs)
#' }
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
setGeneric("toGRanges", function(data, ...) standardGeneric("toGRanges"))
setMethod("toGRanges", "data.frame",
function(data, colNames=NULL, ...){
this.call <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)
this.call[[1]] <- df2GRanges
if(length(this.call$format)==0) this.call$format <- "data.frame"
gr <- eval(this.call, parent.frame())
message4GTF <- function(con){
message("If you are importing files downloaded from ensembl,
it will be better to import the files into a TxDb object,
and then convert to GRanges by toGRanges. Here is the sample code:
txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF('", con ,"')
anno <- toGRanges(txdb, format='gene')")
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @rdname toGRanges
#' @aliases toGRanges,connection-method
setMethod("toGRanges", "connection",
function(data, format=c("BED", "GFF", "GTF",
"MACS", "MACS2", "MACS2.broad",
"narrowPeak", "broadPeak", "CSV",
header=FALSE, comment.char="#", colNames=NULL, ...){
format <- match.arg(format)
if(format %in% c("GFF", "GTF")){
gr <- import(data, format=format)
if(format %in% c("narrowPeak", "broadPeak")){
data <- read.table(data, header=FALSE,
fill=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
data <- data[!grepl("track|browser", data[, 1]), 1:ncol(data)]
classes <- c("character", "integer", "integer", "character",
"integer", "character", "numeric", "numeric",
"numeric", "integer")[1:ncol(data)]
for(i in 1:ncol(data)){
class(data[, i]) <- mode(data[, i]) <- classes[i]
} else if (format %in% c("CSV")) {
data <- read.csv(data, header=TRUE)
if(any(colnames(data)=="X") &
all(!colnames(data) %in% c("names", "name"))){
colnames(data)[colnames(data)=="X"] <- "names"
colNames <- colnames(data)
if(format %in% c("MACS", "MACS2", "MACS2.broad")){
header <- TRUE
comment.char <- "#"
data <- read.table(data, header=header,
colNames <- switchColNames(format, colNames)
stop("colNames is required for unkown format.")
gr <- df2GRanges(data, colNames, format, ...)
#' @rdname toGRanges
#' @aliases toGRanges,TxDb-method
setMethod("toGRanges", "TxDb",
function(data, feature=c("gene", "transcript", "exon",
"CDS", "fiveUTR", "threeUTR",
"microRNA", "tRNAs", "geneModel"),
OrganismDb, ...){
feature <- match.arg(feature)
if(!missing(OrganismDb)) {
return(TxDb2GR(data, feature, OrganismDb))
return(TxDb2GR(data, feature))
#' @rdname toGRanges
#' @aliases toGRanges,EnsDb-method
setMethod("toGRanges", "EnsDb",
feature=c("gene", "transcript", "exon", "disjointExons"),
feature <- match.arg(feature)
return(EnsDb2GR(data, feature))
#' @rdname toGRanges
#' @aliases toGRanges,character-method
setMethod("toGRanges", "character",
function(data, format=c("BED", "GFF", "GTF",
"MACS", "MACS2", "MACS2.broad",
"narrowPeak", "broadPeak", "CSV",
header=FALSE, comment.char="#", colNames=NULL, ...){
format <- match.arg(format)
if(format %in% c("GFF", "GTF")){
gr <- import(data, format=format)
} else if (format %in% c("narrowPeak", "broadPeak")){
data <- read.table(data, header=FALSE,
fill=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
data <- data[!grepl("track|browser", data[, 1]), 1:ncol(data)]
classes <- c("character", "integer", "integer", "character",
"integer", "character", "numeric", "numeric",
"numeric", "integer")[1:ncol(data)]
for(i in 1:ncol(data)){
class(data[, i]) <- mode(data[, i]) <- classes[i]
} else if (format %in% c("CSV")) {
data <- read.csv(data, header=TRUE)
if(any(colnames(data)=="X") &
all(!colnames(data) %in% c("names", "name"))){
colnames(data)[colnames(data)=="X"] <- "names"
colNames <- colnames(data)
} else {
if(format %in% c("MACS", "MACS2", "MACS2.broad")){
header <- TRUE
comment.char <- "#"
tab5rows <- read.table(data, header=header,
comment.char=comment.char, ...,
classes <- sapply(tab5rows, class)
if(format=="BED"){##check class of column 2 and 3
stop("No valid data passed in. For example a data frame as
BED format file with at least 3 fields in the order of:
chromosome, start and end. Optional fields are name, score and strand etc.
Column 2 and 3 must be integer.
Please refer to http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat#format1 for details.")
if(!is.na(classes[5])) classes[5] <- "numeric"
classes[1] <- "character"
if(format=="GFF"){##check class of column 4 and 5
stop("No valid data passed in.
For example a data frame as
GFF format file with 9 fields in the order of:
seqname, source, feature, start, end, score, strand, frame and group.
Column 4 and 5 must be integer.
Please refer to http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat#format1 for details.")
classes[1] <- "character"
if(format %in% c("MACS", "MACS2", "MACS2.broad")){
## do nothing
if(header && is.null(colNames)){ ## format=="others"
colNames <- colnames(tab5rows)
if(format=="BED" && length(classes)>12)
classes[13:length(classes)] <- rep("NULL", length(classes)-12)
data <- read.table(data, header=header,
comment.char=comment.char, ...,
rm(list=c("tab5rows", "classes"))
colNames <- switchColNames(format, colNames)
gr <- df2GRanges(data, colNames, format, ...)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.