
#' Tranfac201803 database of Homo sapiens
#' @format contain motifs and its corresponding genes

#' Tranfac201803 database of chicken
#' @format contain motifs and its corresponding genes

#' Tranfac201803 database of Mus musculus
#' @format contain motifs and its corresponding genes

#' Tranfac201803 database of Chicken
#' @format contain motifs and its corresponding genes

#' Mus musculus Gene ID correspondence
#' @format contain ENSEMBEL ID, Symbol ID and NCBI ID

#' chicken Gene ID correspondence
#' @format contain ENSEMBEL ID, Symbol ID and NCBI ID

#' Zebrafish Gene ID correspondence
#' @format contain ENSEMBEL ID, Symbol ID and NCBI ID

#' homo sapiens Gene ID correspondence
#' @format contain ENSEMBEL ID, Symbol ID and NCBI ID
jiang-junyao/IReNA documentation built on Nov. 15, 2024, 1:51 a.m.