snowcrab.db = function( DS, p=NULL, yrs=NULL, fn_root=project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), redo=FALSE, extrapolation_limit=NA, extrapolation_replacement="extrapolation_limit", sppoly=NULL,include.bad=FALSE, ... ) {
# handles all basic data tables, etc. ...
# sex codes
male = 0
female = 1
sex.unknown = 2
# maturity codes
immature = 0
mature = 1
mat.unknown = 2
if (DS %in% c("set.rawdata.redo", "set.rawdata") ) {
fn.loc = file.path( fn_root, "data", "trawl", "SNCRABSETS" )
dir.create( fn.loc, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE )
if (DS=="set.rawdata") {
out = NULL
fl = list.files( path=fn.loc, pattern="*.rdata", full.names=T )
for ( fny in fl ) {
load (fny)
out = rbind( out, SNCRABSETS )
return (out)
con=ROracle::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("Oracle"),dbname=oracle.snowcrab.server , username=oracle.snowcrab.user, password=oracle.snowcrab.password, believeNRows=F)
# believeNRows=F required for oracle db's
for ( YR in yrs ) {
fny = file.path( fn.loc, paste( YR,"rdata", sep="."))
SNCRABSETS = ROracle::dbGetQuery(con, paste("select * from SNCRABSETS
where EXTRACT(YEAR from BOARD_DATE) = ", YR , "
#Remove stations from previous years assesment
ind = which(year(SNCRABSETS$BOARD_DATE)==YR & month(SNCRABSETS$BOARD_DATE) == 1)
if(nrow(SNCRABSETS) == 0){
print(paste("No sets for ", YR))
} else {
if (YR==2023) {
# temporary over-rides until corrections enter db
SNCRABSETS$END_LONG[which(SNCRABSETS$TRIP == "S11092023" & SNCRABSETS$SET_NO == 14)] = 58.4705
save( SNCRABSETS, file=fny, compress=TRUE)
gc() # garbage collection
return (yrs)
# -------------------------------
if (DS %in% c("det.rawdata.redo", "det.rawdata") ) {
fn.loc = file.path( fn_root, "data", "trawl", "SNCRABDETAILS" )
dir.create( fn.loc, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE )
if (DS=="det.rawdata") {
out = NULL
fl = list.files( path=fn.loc, pattern="*.rdata", full.names=TRUE )
for ( fny in fl ) {
load (fny)
out = rbind( out, SNCRABDETAILS )
return (out)
con=ROracle::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("Oracle"),dbname=oracle.snowcrab.server , username=oracle.snowcrab.user, password=oracle.snowcrab.password, believeNRows=F)
for ( YR in yrs ) {
fny = file.path( fn.loc, paste( YR,"rdata", sep="."))
#in following line replaced sqlQuery (Rrawdata) with ROracle::dbGetQuery (ROracle)
SNCRABDETAILS = ROracle::dbGetQuery(con,
paste("select * from SNCRABDETAILS
where EXTRACT(YEAR from BOARD_DATE) = ", YR , "
save( SNCRABDETAILS, file=fny, compress=TRUE)
gc() # garbage collection
return (yrs)
# -------------------------------
if (DS %in% c("cat.rawdata.redo", "cat.rawdata") ) {
fn.loc = file.path( fn_root, "data", "trawl", "SNTRAWLBYCATCH" )
dir.create( fn.loc, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE )
if (DS=="cat.rawdata") {
out = NULL
fl = list.files( path=fn.loc, pattern="*.rdata", full.names=TRUE )
for ( fny in fl ) {
load (fny)
out = rbind( out, SNTRAWLBYCATCH )
return (out)
con=ROracle::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("Oracle"),dbname=oracle.snowcrab.server , username=oracle.snowcrab.user, password=oracle.snowcrab.password, believeNRows=F)
for ( YR in yrs ) {
fny = file.path( fn.loc, paste( YR,"rdata", sep="."))
#in following line replaced sqlQuery (Rrawdata) with ROracle::dbGetQuery (ROracle)
SNTRAWLBYCATCH = ROracle::dbGetQuery(con,
paste("select * from SNTRAWLBYCATCH
where EXTRACT(YEAR from BOARD_DATE) = ", YR , "
save( SNTRAWLBYCATCH, file=fny, compress=TRUE)
gc() # garbage collection
return (yrs)
# ---------------------
if (DS %in% c("setInitial.redo", "setInitial")) {
fn = file.path( project.datadirectory( "bio.snowcrab", "data" ), "set.initial.rdata" )
if(include.bad) fn = file.path( project.datadirectory( "bio.snowcrab", "data" ), "set.initial.b.rdata" )
if (DS =="setInitial") {
set = NULL
if (file.exists( fn ) ) load( fn)
# field protocol:
# Durometer measure if CW >= 60 mm .. as in past
# Chela height measure if CW >= 35 mm .. changed in 2007: previously it was 30 mm CW
# Female abdomen width measure if CW >= 30 mm .. changed in 2007 .. previously all were measured.
# data dump from the observer system
# August 2015 added in setcd_id from observer system to address the MPA survey sets (type=11) and regular fix station sets (type=4) .. renamed to set_type
set = snowcrab.db( DS="set.rawdata")
names( set ) = set))
setvars = c("trip", "set", "set_type", "station", "stime", "observer", "cfa", "lon", "lat", "lon1", "lat1", "towquality", "Zx", "Tx", "vessel", "gear", "sa", "dist", "dist0" )
print('need to addin the mpa station index')
set$trip = as.character(set$trip)
set$set = as.integer(set$set)
set = set[ order( set$sdate ), ]
# first estimate of distance of trawl track based upon logged start and end locations
set$dist0 = geosphere::distGeo( set[,c("lon", "lat" )], set[,c( "lon1", "lat1") ] ) # m
ii = which( set$dist0 > 1000 | set$dist0 < 100 )
if ( length(ii) > 0 ) {
print( "Positional information from 'set' incorrect or suspect in the following as the naive tow distance, 'dist0' seems out of range (100 to 1000m):" )
oo = set[ ii, c("trip", "set", "dist", "dist0", "lon", "lat", "lon1", "lat1", "towquality") ]
print( oo )
set$dist0[ii] = NA
# vs set$dist which are hand computed by Moncton for the early time series
# plot( dist0 ~ dist, set) shows good correspondence
# As a simple double check, totmass cannot be 0 on a good tow (quality 1) or >0 on a bad tow (quality 4)
oo = which( set$towquality ==4 & set$totmass >0 )
if (length(oo)>1) {
print( "The following needs some checking as there is a mass estimate but towquality set to be bad" )
print( set[ oo, ] )
# The following section were "on the fly" fixes to minor problems before data base corrections can be made
# 2018- BZ. These have all been corrected in the database. One "debug" is left as an example in case needed in the future
#dbug.2011 = TRUE
#if ( dbug.2011 ) {
# one-off error corrections until database gets refreshed
# i = which(set$trip=="S15092006" & set$set==3)
#if (length(i)==1) set$totmass[i] = 0
#i = which(set$trip=="S21092007" & set$set==12)
#if (length(i)==1) set$towquality[i] = 1
set = set[,setvars]
set$sa[ which(set$sa==0) ] = NA
set$sa = set$sa / 10^6 # convert to km2 ... sa was stored as m2
#BC - Would like a flag case to return even bad tows, this is required when recreating tow paths from gps data and would like to see on olex where we towed bad bottom.
if(include.bad == FALSE){
set = set[ which(set$towquality==1) , ]
nset0 = nrow(set)
set$station = as.numeric(set$station)
set$stime = ifelse( nchar(set$stime)==4,
paste(substring(set$stime, 1,2), ":", substring(set$stime, 3,4), ":", "00", sep=""), set$stime )
set$stime = ifelse( nchar(set$stime)==3,
paste("0", substring(set$stime, 1,1), ":", substring(set$stime, 2,4), ":", "00", sep=""), set$stime)
set$stime = ifelse( nchar(set$stime)==2, NA, set$stime ) # these are indeterminate
# ---------------------
# local lookuptable for netmind/minilog data (historical data only)
sntows = read.table(file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "lookuptables", "sntow.csv"), sep=";",, colClasses="character", header=TRUE)
sntow.vars = c("trip", "set", "patchtime", "netmind", "minilog")
set = merge(set, sntows[,sntow.vars], by=c("trip", "set"), all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, sort=FALSE)
if ( nrow( set) != nset0 ) { print("Merge error"); stop() }
set$lon = -set$lon # the data are stored as degress West convert to standard degrees E notation
set$lon1 = -set$lon1 # the data are stored as degress West convert to standard degrees E notation
overwrite = which($stime))
set$stime[overwrite] = set$patchtime[overwrite]
set$patchtime = NULL = which($stime))
if (length( > 0 ) {
set$stime[] = "12:00:00" # set to noon by default if there are any more na's due to the merge
# "timestamp" is the best estimate of sampling time
# sdate (POSIXct, America/Halifax AST/ADT) does not seem to be reliable
# and so we use minilog data where possible in the recent period
# and then records from the stime and trip id where minilog data are absent
set$timestamp = set$trip, set$stime ) # using lubridate/POSIXct
set$stime = NULL ### --need to check timezone!!! TODO .... seems to be "America/Halifax" .. compare with seabird/minilog
i = which($timestamp))
if (length(i)>0) set$timestamp[i] = set$trip[i], "12:00:00" )
# from this point forwards all timestamps are in UTC for set
set$timestamp = with_tz( set$timestamp, "UTC")
set$julian = lubridate::yday( set$timestamp )
set$yr = lubridate::year( set$timestamp ) # "survey year"
# some surveys extend into January (e.g., 2020) force them to be part of the correct "survey year", i.e., "yr"
i = which(lubridate::month(set$timestamp)==1)
if (length(i) > 0) set$yr[i] = set$yr[i] - 1
# set$timestamp[i] = set$timestamp[i] - 1382400 # should not touch timestmp as this is a key index
save( set, file=fn, compress=TRUE )
return ( fn )
# --------------------
if (DS %in% c("det.initial", "det.initial.redo") ) {
fn = file.path(project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "det.initial.rdata")
if (DS =="det.initial") {
X = snowcrab.db( DS="set.clean" )
det = snowcrab.db( DS="det.rawdata" )
names( det ) = )
detvars = c( "trip", "set", "crabno", "sex", "cw", "mass", "abdomen", "chela", "mat",
"shell", "gonad", "eggcol", "eggPr", "durometer", "legs")
# merge in the sa which is used as a weighting factor of most analyses
det = merge(x=det[,detvars], y=X[,c("trip","set","sa")], by=c("trip", "set"), all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE)
# Trips and sets with no matching SA ...
ii = which( !is.finite(det$sa) )
#print ("DET without matching SA ... due to bad tows? ... check these ")
#print (det[ii, c("trip","set")])
#print (det[ii,])
det$sa[ii] = median(det$sa, na.rm=TRUE )
i.mat = which(det$mat==1)
i.imm = which(det$mat==2)
i.other = setdiff( 1:nrow( det), c(i.mat, i.imm) )
det$mat[ i.mat ] = mature
det$mat[ i.imm ] = immature
det$mat[ i.other ] = mat.unknown
i.male = which( det$sex == 1 )
i.female = which( det$sex == 2 )
i.other = setdiff( 1:nrow(det), c(i.male, i.female) )
det$sex [ i.male ] = male # male defined as a gloabl parameter
det$sex [ i.female ] = female # female defined as a gloabl parameter
det$sex [ i.other ] = sex.unknown # sex codes defined as a gloabl parameter
#Identify morphology errors and print, save to CSV
yr.e <- p$year.assessment
fn.e = file.path(project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "output", "morphology.errors")
dir.create(fn.e, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=F)
outfile.e = file.path( fn.e, paste("morphologyerrors", yr.e, ".csv", sep=""))
outfile.e2 = file.path( fn.e, paste("morphologyerrors.allyears", yr.e, ".csv", sep=""))
#Sex.e: Unknown Sex
sex.e <- det[which(det$sex==sex.unknown),]
if ( !$trip[1])) sex.e$error <- 'sex.e'
#Cw.e: Carapace Width below 5 or greater than 185
cw.e <- det[ which(det$cw<5 | det$cw>185 ),]
if ( !$trip[1])) cw.e$error <- 'cw.e'
#Chela.e: Chela less than 1 or greater than 50
chela.e <- det[which(det$chela < 1 | det$chela > 50 ),]
if ( !$trip[1])) chela.e$error <- 'chela.e'
#Abdomen.e:Abdomen less than 1 and greater than 66
abdomen.e <- det[which(det$abdomen < 1 | det$abdomen > 66 ),]
#abdomen.e$error <- 'abdomen.e' #BZ 2018 no abdomen lengths met "error" condition, broke script #
if ( !$trip[1])) abdomen.e$error='abdomen.e' #replaced above statement
#Mass.e: Mass less than 1 or greater than 1500
mass.e <- det[which( det$mass < 1 | det$mass > 1500 ),]
if ( !$trip[1])) mass.e$error <- 'mass.e'
#Sex.a: Indeterminate sex based on measurements taken (abdomen values where sex=male)
sex.a <- det[which(is.finite( det$abdomen ) & det$sex==male),]
if ( !$trip[1])) sex.a$error <- 'sex.a'
#Sex.c: Indeterminate sex based on measurements taken (chela values where sex=female
sex.c <- det[which(is.finite( det$chela ) & det$sex==female),]
if ( !$trip[1])) sex.c$error <- 'sex.c'
det$cw [ which(det$cw<5 | det$cw>185 ) ] = NA # a few zero-values
det$chela [ which(det$chela < 1 | det$chela > 50 )] = NA # remove 0's and unreliably small values
det$abdomen [ which(det$abdomen < 1 | det$abdomen > 66 ) ] = NA # remove 0's and unreliably small values
det$mass [ which( det$mass < 1 | det$mass > 1500 )]= NA # remove 0's and unreliably small /large values
# indeterminate sex based upon measurements taken
iii = which( is.finite( det$abdomen ) & det$sex==male )
det$sex[iii] = sex.unknown
iii = which( is.finite( det$chela ) & det$sex==female )
det$sex[iii] = sex.unknown
# assume a reading error of +/- 0.25 mm and +/- 0.25 g
# changes in reading resolution occurs over time
# .. this helps to smooth the data
# det$cw = jitter(det$cw, amount=0.2)
# det$chela = jitter(det$chela, amount=0.2)
# det$abdomen = jitter(det$abdomen, amount=0.2)
# det$mass = jitter(det$mass, amount=0.2) # mass in grams
det = predictweights (det )
unreliable = which( det$mass < 0.25 | det$mass > 1800 )
det$mass [ unreliable ]= NA # remove 0's and unreliably small /large values
det$cw [ unreliable ]= NA # remove as these cw were used to create the above unreliable masses
det = predictmaturity (det, method="logistic.regression")
#Mat.e: Unknown Maturity
mat.e <- det[which(det$mat ==2 & (is.finite(det$chela) | is.finite(det$abdomen))),]
if ( !$trip[1])) mat.e$error <- 'mat.e'
primiparous = filter.class( det, "primiparous")
multiparous = filter.class( det, "multiparous")
det$fecundity = NA
det$fecundity[primiparous] = fecundity.allometric( cw=det$cw[primiparous], method="moncton.primiparous" )
det$fecundity[multiparous] = fecundity.allometric( cw=det$cw[multiparous], method="moncton.multiparous" )
det$fecundity[ which(det$fecundity> 250000) ] = NA
save(det, file=fn, compress=TRUE)
# do only after the above save
allometry.snowcrab( "cw.mass", "male", redo=T )
allometry.snowcrab( "chela.mass", "male", redo=T )
allometry.snowcrab( "cw.chela.mat", "male", redo=T )
allometry.snowcrab( "cw.mass", "female", redo=T )
allometry.snowcrab( "chela.mass", "female", redo=T )
allometry.snowcrab( "cw.chela.mat", "female", redo=T )
names.e <- list(mat.e, sex.e, cw.e, chela.e, abdomen.e, mass.e, sex.a, sex.c)
errors = NULL
for (e in names.e) {
if (nrow(e) > 0) errors <- rbind(errors, e[,names(errors)])
ii = grep(yr.e, errors$trip) # added error check as it causes a break
if (length(ii) > 0) {
errors.yearly <- errors[ii,]
## JC Jan 2022.. not sure what is going on here
errors <<- errors #??
message("check dataframe 'errors' for the errors")
if ( !$trip[1])) {
write.csv(errors.yearly, file=outfile.e)
print("Current Year Morphology Errors saved to file")
write.csv(errors, file=outfile.e2)
print("All Years Morphology Errors saved to file")
Mat.e: Unknown Maturity\
Sex.e: Unknown Sex\
Cw.e: Carapace Width below 5 or greater than 185\
Chela.e: Chela less than 1 or greater than 50\
Abdomen.e:Abdomen less than 1 and greater than 66\
Mass.e: Mass less than 1 or greater than 1500\
Sex.a: Indeterminate sex based on measurements taken (abdomen values where sex=male)\
Sex.c: Indeterminate sex based on measurements taken (chela values where sex=female\n")
return ( "Complete" )
# ------------------------------
if (DS %in% c("cat.initial", "cat.initial.redo") ) {
fn = file.path(project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "cat.initial.rdata")
if(DS =="cat.initial" ) {
# two steps:: bycatch from the cat tables (missing snow crab)
# and determine totals from the snow crab det tables
det = snowcrab.db( DS="det.initial" )
cat = snowcrab.db( DS="cat.rawdata" )
names( cat ) = cat ) )
# two different time periods (pre and post Moncton)
# the earlier was saved as totmass.kept and the latter as discarded
cat$totmass = cat$totmass.discarded # bycatch weights are stored here
cat$totmass.discarded = NULL # clean up
## note: historical data prior to 2005 did not capture total weights only numbers, occasionally
ii = which( cat$totmass <= 0.00001 )
cat$totmass[ ii] = 0 # observer database does not allow storage of zero values
catvars = c("trip", "set", "spec", "totno", "totmass")
# clean species codes ... this causes multiple entries for some species that need to be summed up
# cat$spec = taxonomy.parsimonious( spec=cat$spec )
# --- no longer here ... only when integrated into survey_db
# remove data where species codes are ambiguous, or missing or non-living items
xx = which( !is.finite( cat$spec) )
if (length(xx)>0) cat = cat[ -xx, ]
cat = cat[ taxonomy.filter.taxa( cat$spec, taxafilter="living.only", outtype="rvsurveycodes" ) , ]
# update catch biomass/numbers due to altering of species id's
# TODO : rewrite this section using data.table ..
cat = cat[,catvars]
catn = xtabs( cat$totno ~ as.factor(trip) + as.factor(set) + as.factor(spec), data=cat ) )
catb = xtabs( cat$totmass ~ as.factor(trip) + as.factor(set) + as.factor(spec), data=cat ) )
names(catn) = c("trip", "set", "spec", "totno")
names(catb) = c("trip", "set", "spec", "totmass")
chars = "trip"
numbers = c("set", "spec")
for (j in chars) catn[,j] = as.character(catn[,j] )
for (j in numbers) catn[,j] = as.numeric(as.character(catn[,j] ))
for (j in chars) catb[,j] = as.character(catb[,j] )
for (j in numbers) catb[,j] = as.numeric(as.character(catb[,j] ))
catn = catn[ which(catn$totno > 0) , ]
catb = catb[ which(catb$totmass > 0) , ]
# this contains all the data from the by-catch tables
x = merge( catn, catb, by=c("trip", "set", "spec"), all.x=T, all.y=T, sort=F )
oo = which( !is.finite(x$totno) & !is.finite(x$totmass) )
if (length(oo)>0) x = x[-oo,]
# compute snow crab abundance from det tables
numbers = xtabs( ~ as.factor(trip) + as.factor(set), data=det ) )
names(numbers) = c("trip", "set", "totno")
numbers$trip = as.character( numbers$trip )
numbers$set = as.numeric( as.character(numbers$set ))
good = which(is.finite(det$mass))
biomass = mass ~ as.factor(trip) + as.factor(set), data=det[good,], exclude="" ) )
names(biomass) = c("trip", "set", "totmass")
biomass$trip = as.character( biomass$trip )
biomass$set = as.numeric( as.character(biomass$set ))
biomass$totmass = biomass$totmass / 1000 # convert from grams to kg
# !!!!!!!! must verify units of other species from observer system
snowcrab = merge(x=numbers, y=biomass, by=c("trip", "set"), all=T)
snowcrab = snowcrab[ which( as.character(snowcrab$trip) != "-1") , ]
snowcrab$spec = taxonomy.recode(to='parsimonious',from='spec', tolookup = 2526 ) # 2526 is the code used in the groundfish/snow crab surveys .. convert to internally consistent state
# longer here -- in survey_db only
final = snowcrab[,names(x)] # get the right sequence of variables
# strip zeros when both no and mass are 0
z = which( final$totno==0 & final$totmass==0)
if (length(z) > 0 ) final = final[-z, ]
# data for which mass estimates were not recorded -- mostly crab not assigned a fishno --> fragments of crab that were not measureable .. asign a small weight
o = which(final$totmass==0 & final$totno == 1 )
if (length(o) >0 ) final$totmass[o] = median( det$mass / 1000, na.rm=T ) # kg
# catch any strange data
o = which(final$totmass==0 & final$totno > 0 )
if (length(o) >0 ) final$totmass[o] = min( final$totmass[ which(final$totmass>0) ] ) # kg
# -----------------------
# merge in the snowcrab weights
cat = rbind(x, final)
# estimate number from size and weight
# fix missing numbers and mass estimates:
# zeros for one while nonzeros for correpsonding records
meanwgt = cat$totmass / cat$totno
good = which( is.finite( meanwgt) & is.finite( 1/meanwgt ) )
mw = unlist( (tapply( log( meanwgt[good]), cat$spec[good], mean )) ))
names(mw) = "meanweight"
mw$spec= as.numeric( as.character( rownames(mw) ) )
mw$meanweight = exp( mw$meanweight )
mw = mw[which(is.finite(mw$meanweight)) ,]
# add groundfish data if it does not exist already
gs =try( aegis.survey::groundfish_survey_db( yrs=p$yrs, DS="gscat" ) ) # raw data .. does not need vessel corrections
if (!inherits( gs, "try-error" )) {
meanwgt = gs$totwgt / gs$totno
good = which( is.finite( meanwgt) & is.finite( 1/meanwgt ) )
mw2 = unlist( (tapply( log( meanwgt[good]), gs$spec[good], mean )) ))
names(mw2) = "meanweight"
mw2$spec= as.numeric( as.character( rownames(mw2) ) )
mw2$meanweight = exp( mw2$meanweight )
mw2 = mw2[which(is.finite(mw2$meanweight)) ,]
mw = merge(mw, mw2, by="spec", all=T, suffixes=c("","gs") )
rm(gs, mw2, meanwgt, good); gc()
i = which( !is.finite( mw$meanweight) & is.finite(mw$meanweightgs) )
mw$meanweight[i] = mw$meanweightgs[i]
ii = which($totno) & cat$totmass > 0 )
if (length(ii)>0) {
# replace each number estimate with a best guess based upon average body weight in the historical record
uu = unique( cat$spec[ii] )
for (u in uu ) {
os = which( mw$spec==u )
if (length( os)==0 ) next()
toreplace = intersect( ii, which( cat$spec==u) )
cat$totno[toreplace] = cat$totmass[toreplace] / mw$meanweight[os]
jj = which( cat$totno > 0 &$totmass) )
if (length(jj)>0) {
# replace each number estimate with a best guess based upon average body weight in the historical record
uu = unique( cat$spec[jj] )
for (u in uu ) {
os = which( mw$spec==u )
if (length( os)==0 ) next()
toreplace = intersect( jj, which( cat$spec==u) )
cat$totmass[toreplace] = cat$totno[toreplace] * mw$meanweight[os]
save( cat, file=fn, compress=T)
# -------------
if ( DS=="areal_units_input" ) {
outdir = file.path( p$data_root, "modelled", p$carstm_model_label )
fn = file.path( outdir, "areal_units_input.rdata" )
if ( !file.exists(outdir)) dir.create( outdir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE )
xydata = NULL
if (!redo) {
if (file.exists(fn)) {
load( fn)
return( xydata )
xydata = snowcrab.db( p=p, DS="set.clean" ) #
if (exists("months", p$selection$survey) ) {
xydata = xydata[ which(month(xydata$timestamp) %in% p$selection$survey[["months"]] ), ]
isc = filter_data( xydata, p$selection$survey )
if (length(isc) > 0) xydata = xydata[isc,]
isc = NULL
xydata = xydata[ , c("lon", "lat", "yr" )]
dd = which(duplicated( xydata))
if (length(dd) > 0 ) xydata = xydata[ -dd, ]
save(xydata, file=fn, compress=TRUE )
return( xydata )
# --------------------------------
if ( DS %in% c("set.clean", "set.clean.redo") ) {
# merge seabird, minilog and netmind data and do some checks and cleaning
fn = file.path( project.datadirectory( "bio.snowcrab" ), "data", "set.clean.rdata" )
if ( DS=="set.clean" ) {
set= NULL
if (file.exists( fn) ) load( fn )
return (set)
# the beginning here is identical to the netmind.db( "stat.redo" ) .. simpler to keep it this way (jae)
set = snowcrab.db( DS="setInitial") # timestamp in UTC
nI = nrow(set)
sbStats = seabird.db( DS="stats" ) # timestamp in UTC
sbv = c('trip','set', "z", "zsd", "t", "tsd", "n", "t0", "t1", "dt", "seabird_uid" )
set_sb = merge( set[, c("trip", "set") ], sbStats[,sbv], by=c("trip","set"), all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, sort=FALSE )
# tapply( as.numeric(set_sb$dt), year(set_sb$t1), mean, na.rm=T )
# tapply( as.numeric(set_sb$dt), year(set_sb$t1), function(x) length(which(is.finite(x))) )
i = which( duplicated(set_sb[, c("trip", "set") ]))
if (length(i) > 0) set_sb = set_sb[-i,]
mlStats = minilog.db( DS="stats" )
ids = paste(mlStats$trip, mlStats$set, sep=".")
uu = which( duplicated( ids ) )
if (length(uu)>0 ) {
message( "Duplicated minilog data (mlStats) trip/set:" )
toshow = which( ids %in% ids[uu] )
print( mlStats[ toshow,] )
message("Dropping for now ... ")
mlStats = mlStats[-uu,]
# mlStats$dt = as.numeric(mlStats$dt )
mlv = c('trip', 'set', "z", "zsd", "t", "tsd", "n", "t0", "t1", "dt", "minilog_uid" )
set_ml = merge( set[, c("trip", "set") ], mlStats[,mlv], by=c("trip","set"), all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, sort=FALSE )
# tapply( as.numeric(set_ml$dt), lubridate::year(set_ml$t1), mean, na.rm=T )
# tapply( as.numeric(set_ml$dt), year(set_ml$t1), function(x) length(which(is.finite(x))) )
i = which( duplicated(set_ml[, c("trip", "set") ]))
if (length(i) > 0) set_ml = set_ml[-i,]
set = merge( set, set_sb, by=c("trip", "set" ), all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, sort=FALSE )
if (nrow(set) !=nI ) stop( "merge error with seabird" )
set = merge( set, set_ml, by=c("trip", "set" ), all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, sort=FALSE, suffixes=c("", ".ml" ))
if (nrow(set) !=nI ) stop( "merge error with minilogs" )
# use seabird data as the standard, replace with minilog data where missing
ii = which(!is.finite( set$t0) )
if (length(ii) > 0 ) set$t0[ ii] = set$[ii]
ii = which(!is.finite( set$t1) )
if (length(ii) > 0 ) set$t1[ ii] = set$[ii]
ii = which(!is.finite( set$z) )
if (length(ii) > 0 ) set$z[ ii] = set$[ii]
ii = which(!is.finite( set$zsd) )
if (length(ii) > 0 ) set$zsd[ ii] = set$[ii]
ii = which(!is.finite( set$t) )
if (length(ii) > 0 ) set$t[ ii] = set$[ii]
ii = which(!is.finite( set$tsd) )
if (length(ii) > 0 ) set$tsd[ ii] = set$[ii]
ii = which(!is.finite( set$dt) )
if (length(ii) > 0 ) set$dt[ ii] = set$[ii]
tokeep = grep( "\\.ml$", colnames(set), invert=TRUE )
set = set[, tokeep]
set$n = NULL
# tapply( as.numeric(set$dt), year(set$t1), mean, na.rm=T )
# tapply( as.numeric(set$dt), year(set$t1), function(x) length(which(is.finite(x))) )
# this is repeated to return to the same state as just prior to the netmind operations
# merging there would have been easier but it is possible to merge here to make things more modular
nm = netmind.db( DS="stats" )
nm = nm[!duplicated(paste(nm$trip, nm$set)),]
set = merge( set, nm, by =c("trip","set"), all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, suffixes=c("", ".nm") )
if (nrow(set) !=nI ) stop( "merge error with netmind" )
# last resort: use netmind data to fill
ii = which(!is.finite( set$t0) )
# if (length(ii) > 0 ) set$t0[ ii] = as.POSIXct( set$t0.nm[ii], origin=lubridate::origin, tz="UTC" )
if (length(ii) > 0 ) set$t0[ ii] = set$t0.nm[ii]
set$t0.nm = NULL
ii = which(!is.finite( set$t1) )
# if (length(ii) > 0 ) set$t1[ ii] = as.POSIXct( set$t1.nm[ii], origin=lubridate::origin, tz="UTC")
if (length(ii) > 0 ) set$t1[ ii] = set$t1.nm[ii]
set$t1.nm = NULL
ii = which( !is.finite( set$dt) )
if (length(ii) > 0 ) set$dt[ ii] = set$dt.nm[ii]
set$dt.nm = NULL
# historical data do not have these fields filled .. fill
ii = which( set$t0 ) )
if ( length (ii) > 0 ) {
set$t0[ii] = set$timestamp[ii]
# fix t1
ii = which( set$t1 ) ) # historical data do not have these fields filled .. fill
if ( length (ii) > 0 ) {
set$t1[ii] = set$t0[ii] + median(set$dt, na.rm=TRUE )
# fix t & tsd
ii = which( set$t ) ) # fix with marport temperature
if ( length (ii) > 0 ) {
set$t[ii] = set$temperature.n[ii]
set$tsd[ii] = set$temperature_sd.n[ii]
# positional data obtained directly from Netmind GPS and Minilog T0
# overwrite all, where available
ilon = which( is.finite( set$slon) )
set$lon[ilon] = set$slon[ilon]
ilat = which( is.finite( set$slat) )
set$lat[ilat] = set$slat[ilat]
set = lonlat2planar(set, proj.type=p$aegis_proj4string_planar_km) # get planar projections of lon/lat in km
grid = spatial_grid(p=p, DS="planar.coords")
set$plon = grid_internal( set$plon, grid$plon )
set$plat = grid_internal( set$plat, grid$plat )
# merge surfacearea from net mensuration into the database
set = clean.surface.area( set, qreject = p$quantile_bounds )
zmod = glm( Zx ~ z - 1, data=set)
zres = residuals( zmod)
# hist(abs(zres), "fd")
not.reliable = which( abs(zres) > 25 )
set$z[not.reliable] = NA # force these to a default lookup from from bathymetry_db
# fill missing dets and temp with onboard estimates
ii = which( !is.finite(set$z))
if (length(ii)> 0) set$z[ii] = set$Zx[ii]
jj = which( !is.finite(set$t))
if (length(jj)> 0) set$t[jj] = set$Tx[jj]
set$slon = NULL
set$slat = NULL
set$Tx = NULL
set$Zx = NULL
set$observer = NULL
set$cfa = NULL
set$gear = NULL
set$temperature.n = NULL
set$temperature_sd.n = NULL
save( set, file=fn, compress=TRUE )
# --------------------------------
if (DS %in% c("det.georeferenced", "det.georeferenced.redo" ) ) {
fn = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "det.georef.rdata" )
if (DS=="det.georeferenced") {
set = snowcrab.db( "set.clean")
set = set[, c("trip", "set", "lon", "lat", "plon", "plat", "yr")]
det = snowcrab.db("det.initial")
det = merge( det, set, by=c("trip", "set"), all.x=T, all.y=F, sort=F, suffixes=c("",".set") )
det$sa.set = NULL
save(det, file=fn,compress=T)
# -------------------------------
if (DS %in% c("cat.georeferenced", "cat.georeferenced.redo" ) ) {
fn = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "cat.georef.rdata" )
if (DS=="cat.georeferenced") {
set = snowcrab.db( "set.clean") #require SA estimates
set = set[, c("trip", "set", "lon", "lat", "plon", "plat", "yr", "sa")]
cat = snowcrab.db("cat.initial")
cat = merge( cat, set, by=c("trip", "set"), all.x=T, all.y=F, sort=F, suffixes=c("",".set") )
cat$totmass = cat$totmass / cat$sa
cat$totno = cat$totno / cat$sa
cat$sa.set = NULL
save(cat, file=fn,compress=T)
# -------------
if ( DS %in% c("set.biologicals", "set.biologicals.redo") ) {
fn = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "set.biologicals.rdata")
if (DS=="set.biologicals" ) {
return( set)
factors = c("trip", "set")
X = snowcrab.db( DS="set.clean" )
nsInit = nrow(X)
Y = snowcrab.db( DS="det.initial" )
# add various variables to set-level data
# add fecunity estimates
fecund =
tapply(Y$fecundity, INDEX=Y[,factors], FUN=sum, na.rm=T, simplify=T )
names(fecund) = c(factors, "fecundity")
fecund = factor2character(fecund, factors)
X = merge(x=X, y=fecund, by=factors, all.x=T, sort=F )
X$fecundity = X$fecundity / X$sa / 10^6 # rescale due to large numbers
# add sex ratios of all crabs
y=sex.ratios(Y[,c(factors, "sex")], factors)
names(y) = c(factors, "no.male.all", "no.female.all", "sexratio.all")
X = merge(x=X, y=y, by=factors, all.x=T )
# add sex ratios of all mature crabs
y = sex.ratios(Y[filter.class(Y, "mat"), c(factors, "sex")], factors)
names(y) = c(factors, "no.male.mat", "no.female.mat", "sexratio.mat")
X = merge(x=X, y=y, by=factors, all.x=T )
# add sex ratios of all immature crabs
y = sex.ratios(Y[filter.class(Y, "imm"), c(factors, "sex")], factors)
names(y) = c(factors, "no.male.imm", "no.female.imm", "sexratio.imm")
X = merge(x=X, y=y, by=factors, all.x=T )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# add (mean,var,count) of cw
# all snowcrabs
# y = bodysize(Y[,c(factors, "mass")], factors, "mass", logtransform=T) # <<< example for extracting mean mass
y = bodysize(Y[,c(factors, "cw")], factors, "cw", logtransform=T)
names(y) = c(factors, "cw.mean", "cw.var", "cw.n")
X = merge(x=X, y=y, by=factors, all.x=T )
X$cw.n = X$cw.n / X$sa
# commercially sized male snowcrabs
y = bodysize(Y[filter.class(Y, ""), c(factors, "cw")], factors, "cw", logtransform=T)
names(y) = c(factors, "cw.comm.mean", "cw.comm.var", "cw.comm.n")
X = merge(x=X, y=y, by=factors, all.x=T )
X$cw.comm.n = X$cw.comm.n / X$sa
# noncommercial male snowcrabs
y = bodysize(Y[filter.class(Y, "m.ncom"), c(factors, "cw")], factors, "cw", logtransform=T)
names(y) = c(factors, "cw.notcomm.mean", "cw.notcomm.var", "cw.notcomm.n")
X = merge(x=X, y=y, by=factors, all.x=T )
X$cw.notcomm.n = X$cw.notcomm.n / X$sa
# mature female snowcrabs
y = bodysize(Y[filter.class(Y, "f.mat"), c(factors, "cw")], factors, "cw", logtransform=T)
names(y) = c(factors, "cw.fem.mat.mean", "cw.fem.mat.var", "cw.fem.mat.n")
X = merge(x=X, y=y, by=factors, all.x=T )
X$cw.fem.mat.n = X$cw.fem.mat.n / X$sa
# immature female snowcrabs
y = bodysize(Y[filter.class(Y, "f.imm"), c(factors, "cw")], factors, "cw", logtransform=T)
names(y) = c(factors, "cw.fem.imm.mean", "cw.fem.imm.var", "cw.fem.imm.n")
X = merge(x=X, y=y, by=factors, all.x=T )
X$cw.fem.imm.n = X$cw.fem.imm.n / X$sa
# mature male snowcrabs
y = bodysize(Y[filter.class(Y, "m.mat"), c(factors, "cw")], factors, "cw", logtransform=T)
names(y) = c(factors, "cw.male.mat.mean", "cw.male.mat.var", "cw.male.mat.n")
X = merge(x=X, y=y, by=factors, all.x=T )
X$cw.male.mat.n = X$cw.male.mat.n / X$sa
# immature male snowcrabs
y = bodysize(Y[filter.class(Y, "m.imm"), c(factors, "cw")], factors, "cw", logtransform=T)
names(y) = c(factors, "cw.male.imm.mean", "cw.male.imm.var", "cw.male.imm.n")
X = merge(x=X, y=y, by=factors, all.x=T )
X$cw.male.imm.n = X$cw.male.imm.n / X$sa
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# add biomass of various components of the snowcrab population
# X = setmerge(X, det, varname="totmass.all", filter="all", variable="mass")
# ... better to use the total catch tables as subsampling may be used in the future
print( "Biomass density estimates complete" )
vars = lookup.biomass.vars()
for (i in 1:nrow(vars)) {
X=setmerge(X, Y, varname=vars[i,1], filter=vars[i,2], variable="mass")
X[, vars[i,1] ] = X[, vars[i,1] ] / 10^6 # grams .. convert to metric tons
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# add numbers of various components of the snowcrab population
# X = setmerge(X, Y, varname="totno.all", filter="all", variable="number")
# ... better to use the total catch tables as subsampling may be used in the future
vars = lookup.numbers.vars()
for (i in 1:nrow(vars)) {
X=setmerge(X, Y, varname=vars[i,1], filter=vars[i,2], variable="number")
print( "Numerical density estimates complete" )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# add biomass and numbers directly from the catch (cat) tables (e.g. for multi-species analysis)
# using a separate system of analysis and access is probably better
rm(Y); gc()
set = X
if ( nsInit != nrow( set) ) { print( "Merge failure 1... " ); stop() }
# X2015 = X[which(X$yr == 2015),]
# print(head(X2015))
cat = snowcrab.db( DS="cat.initial" )
# cat2015 = cat[grep("2015", cat$trip),]
# print(head(cat2015))
cat0 = cat[ taxonomy.filter.taxa( cat$spec, taxafilter="snowcrab", outtype="rvsurveycodes"), c(factors, "totno")]
names(cat0) = c(factors, "totno.all")
X = merge(x=X, y=cat0, by=factors, all.x=T )
X$totno.all = X$totno.all / X$sa
X$totno.all[!is.finite(X$totno.all)] = 0 # convert na's to zero
cat0 = cat[ taxonomy.filter.taxa( cat$spec, taxafilter="snowcrab", outtype="rvsurveycodes" ), c(factors, "totmass")]
names(cat0) = c(factors, "totmass.all")
X = merge(x=X, y=cat0, by=factors, all.x=T )
X$totmass.all = X$totmass.all / X$sa
X$totmass.all[!is.finite(X$totmass.all)] = 0 # convert na's to zero
# the above masses are in kilograms .. convert to metric tons
var="totmass.all"; X[,var] = X[,var] / 10^3
set = X
if ( nsInit != nrow( set) ) { print( "Merge failure 2... " ); stop() }
# complete area designations
set = fishing.area.designations(set, type="lonlat")
# ----add other species
print( "Adding other species to 'set' ")
cat = snowcrab.db( DS="cat.initial" )
# cat2015 = cat[grep("2015", cat$trip),]
# print(head(cat2015))
cat$uid = paste(cat$trip, cat$set, sep="~")
set$uid = paste(set$trip, set$set, sep="~")
suid = unique(sort( set$uid)) # necessary as some sp are found in sets that are dropped (bad tows)
ns = nrow(set)
for ( i in sort( unique( cat$spec ) ) ) {
tmp = NULL
tmp = cat[ which(cat$spec==i & cat$uid %in% suid ) , c("uid","totno","totmass") ]
tmp$meansize = tmp$totmass / tmp$totno
names(tmp) = c("uid", paste( c("", "ms.mass", "ms.size"), i, sep="." ) )
o = merge( set, tmp, by=c("uid"), all.x=T, all.y=F, sort=F )
if ( nrow(o) == nrow(set) ) {
set = o
} else {
print (nrow(o))
if ( nsInit != nrow( set) ) { print( "Merge failure 3... " ); stop() }
j = unique( c(grep("ms.mass", names(set)), grep("", names(set)) ))
for ( k in j ) {
l = which( !is.finite( set[,k] ) )
set[l,k] = 0
set[,k] = set[,k] / set$sa
if ( nsInit != nrow( set) ) { print( "Merge failure ... " ); stop() }
# X2015 = X[which(X$yr == 2015),]
# print(head(X2015))
save( set, file=fn, compress=T )
return ( "Complete" )
# -------------------------------
if (DS %in% c( "set.complete", "set.complete.redo") ) {
fn = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "set.complete.rdata")
if (DS %in% c("set", "set.complete") ){
load( fn )
return ( set )
set = snowcrab.db( DS="set.biologicals" )
# set2015 = set[which(set$yr == 2015),]
# print(head(set2015))
# return planar coords to correct resolution
set = lonlat2planar( set, proj.type=p$aegis_proj4string_planar_km )
# bring in time invariant features:: depth
ii = which(!is.finite(set$z))
if (length(ii)>0){
pL = aegis.bathymetry::bathymetry_parameters( project_class="stmv" )
LUT= aegis_survey_lookuptable( aegis_project="bathymetry",
project_class="core", DS="aggregated_data", pL=pL )
set$z[ii] = aegis_lookup(
LOCS=set[ ii, c("lon", "lat")],
output_format="points" ,
) # core=="rawdata"
set$z = log( set$z )
# as of 2016, there are 11 locations where there are missing depths, because they are outside the area defined for snow crab ... they are all bad sets too (set_type=4) in NENS ... ignoring for now
# bring in time varing features:: temperature
ii = which(!is.finite(set$t))
if (length(ii)>0){
pL = aegis.temperature::temperature_parameters( project_class="carstm", carstm_model_label="default" , yrs=p$yrs )
LUT= aegis_survey_lookuptable( aegis_project="temperature",
project_class="core", DS="aggregated_data", pL=pL )
set$t[ii] = aegis_lookup(
LOCS=set[ ii, c("lon", "lat", "timestamp")], LUT=LUT,
# set2015 = set[which(set$yr ==2015), ]
# print(head(set2015))
set = logbook.fisheries.stats.merge( set ) # add gridded logbook data
if ( nrow( snowcrab.db( DS="setInitial" )) != nrow( set) ) { print( "Merge failure ... " ); stop() }
save(set, file=fn, compress=T)
# -------------------------------
if (DS %in% c("data.transforms", "data.transforms.redo") ) {
if (is.null(p)) p = bio.snowcrab::snowcrab_parameters()
if (DS=="data.transforms") {
if (file.exists( p$transform_lookup ) ) load (p$transform_lookup)
log.transform = bio.snowcrab::snowcrab.variablelist("log.transform")
sn = bio.snowcrab::snowcrab.variablelist("")
set = bio.snowcrab::snowcrab.db(DS="set.complete")
logs = bio.snowcrab::logbook.db(DS='logbook')
scaled.centered = bio.snowcrab::snowcrab.variablelist("scaled.centered")
dataset.names = unique( c(names(set), names(logs)) )
for (si in 1:length(sn)) {
transform = offset = scaling =NA
varname = sn[si]
if (! varname %in% dataset.names ) next()
if(varname %in% names(set)) x = set[, varname]
if(varname %in% names(logs)) x = logs[, varname]
if (varname %in% log.transform) {
offset = 0
y = x[ is.finite(x) & x>0 ]
if( length(y) > 0) offset = min(y)
} else if (varname %in% scaled.centered) {
transform = "scaled+centered"
y = scale( x )
offset = attr(y,"scaled:center") # mean
scaling = attr(y,"scaled:scale") # RMS error .. i.e. a Z-transform
} else {
transform = "none"
y = x
offset = 0
scaling = 1
# add more as needed
REPOS = rbind( REPOS, cbind( varname, transform, offset, scaling )
REPOS = data.frame( REPOS, stringsAsFactors=F )
REPOS$offset = as.numeric(REPOS$offset)
REPOS$scaling = as.numeric(REPOS$scaling)
save( REPOS, file=p$transform_lookup, compress=TRUE )
return( REPOS )
# ----------------------
if ( DS=="biological_data") {
set = survey_db( p=p, DS="filter" )
# post-filter adjustments and sanity checking
if ( p$selection$type=="number") {
# should be snowcrab survey data only taken care of p$selection$survey = "snowcrab"
set$data_offset = 1 / set[, "cf_set_no"]
if ( p$selection$type=="biomass") {
# should be snowcrab survey data only taken care of p$selection$survey = "snowcrab"
set$data_offset = 1 / set[, "cf_set_mass"]
if ( p$selection$type=="presence_absence") {
# must run here as we need the wgt from this for both PA and abundance
set$data_offset = 1 / set[, "cf_set_no"]
set$qm = NA # default when no data
set$density = set$totno / set$data_offset
oo = which( set$density == 0 ) # retain as zero values
if (length(oo)>0 ) set$qm[oo] = 0
ii = which( set$density != 0 )
set$qm[ii] = quantile_estimate( set$density[ii] ) # convert to quantiles
set$zm = quantile_to_normal( set$qm )
if ( "logbook" %in% p$selection$survey$data.source ) {
if (p$selection$biologicals$sex == 0 &
p$selection$biologicals$mat == 1 &
min(p$selection$biologicals$len) >= 95/10 &
max(p$selection$biologicals$len) <= 200/10
) {
# add commerical fishery data --
# depth data is problematic ... drop for now
lgbk = logbook.db( DS="fisheries.complete", p=p )
lgbk = lgbk[ which( is.finite( lgbk$landings)), ]
lgbk = lgbk[ which( lgbk$year > 2005), ] # previous to this all sorts of traps were used
lgbk = lgbk[ which( as.numeric(lgbk$soak.time) >= 12 & as.numeric(lgbk$soak.time) <= 48), ] # avoid nonlinearity in catch with time
lgbk$cpue_time = lgbk$cpue / as.numeric(lgbk$soak.time) # approx with realtive catch rate in time
lgbk$qm = NA # default when no data
oo = which( lgbk$cpue_time == 0 ) # retain as zero values
if (length(oo)>0 ) lgbk$qm[oo] = 0
ii = which( lgbk$cpue_time != 0 )
lgbk$qm[ii] = quantile_estimate( lgbk$cpue_time[ii] ) # convert to quantiles
lgbk$zm = quantile_to_normal( lgbk$qm )
lgbk$data.source = "logbook"
lgbk$z = exp( lgbk$z )
# transparently create NA filled vars to pass all variables through
missingvars = setdiff( names(set) , names( lgbk) )
for (nn in missingvars) lgbk[,nn] = NA
nms = intersect( names(set) , names( lgbk) )
set = rbind( set[, nms], lgbk[,nms] )
pa = presence.absence( X=set$zm, px=p$habitat.threshold.quantile ) # determine presence absence and weighting
set[, p$variabletomodel] = pa$pa
set$data_offset = pa$probs # just a dummy value to make sure offsets are filled (with another dummy value)
pa = NULL
set = set[ which(is.finite(set$plon + set$plat)),]
crs_lonlat = st_crs(projection_proj4string("lonlat_wgs84"))
inside = st_points_in_polygons(
pts = st_as_sf( set[, c("lon", "lat")], coords=c("lon","lat"), crs=crs_lonlat ),
polys = st_transform( coastline_db( p=p ), crs_lonlat )
onland =which (is.finite(inside))
if (length(onland)>0) set = set[-onland, ]
set$tiyr = lubridate::decimal_date( set$timestamp )
## lookup data
# set = aegis_db_lookup(
# X=set,
# lookupvars=p$stmv_variables$COV,
# xy_vars=c("lon", "lat"),
# time_var="timestamp"
# )
# if (!alldata) {
# set = set[, which(names(set) %in% c( p$stmv_variables$LOCS, p$stmv_variables$COV, p$stmv_variables$Y, p$stmv_variables$TIME, "dyear", "yr", "wt") ) ] # a data frame
# oo = setdiff( c( p$stmv_variables$LOCS, p$stmv_variables$COV ), names(set))
# if (length(oo) > 0 ) {
# print(oo )
# warning("Some variables are missing in the input data")
# }
# set = na.omit(set)
# }
# cap quantiles of dependent vars
# if (exists("quantile_bounds", p)) {
# dr = list()
# for (pvn in p$stmv_variables$COV) {
# dr[[pvn]] = quantile( set[,pvn], probs=p$quantile_bounds, na.rm=TRUE ) # use 95%CI
# il = which( set[,pvn] < dr[[pvn]][1] )
# if ( length(il) > 0 ) set[il,pvn] = dr[[pvn]][1]
# iu = which( set[,pvn] > dr[[pvn]][2] )
# if ( length(iu) > 0 ) set[iu,pvn] = dr[[pvn]][2]
# }
# }
#set$Y = set$totno # unadjusted value is used as we are usinmg offsets ...
set$data_offset[which(!is.finite(set$data_offset))] = median(set$data_offset, na.rm=TRUE ) # just in case missing data
set$wt = set$data_offset
return( set )
# -------------------------
if ( DS=="carstm_inputs") {
# prediction surface
crs_lonlat = st_crs(projection_proj4string("lonlat_wgs84"))
if (is.null(sppoly)) sppoly = areal_units( p=p ) # will redo if not found
sppoly = st_transform(sppoly, crs=crs_lonlat )
sppoly$data_offset = sppoly$sa
areal_units_fn = attributes(sppoly)[["areal_units_fn"]]
if (exists("carstm_directory", p)) {
outputdir = p$carstm_directory
} else {
outputdir = file.path( p$modeldir, p$carstm_model_label )
outfn = paste( sep="_") # redundancy in case other files in same directory
fn = file.path( outputdir, "carstm_inputs.RDS" )
if ( !file.exists(outputdir)) dir.create( outputdir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE )
if (!redo) {
if (file.exists(fn)) {
message( "Loading previously saved carstm_inputs ... ", fn)
M = aegis::read_write_fast( fn )
return( M )
message( "Generating carstm_inputs ... ", fn)
# do this immediately to reduce storage for sppoly (before adding other variables)
M = snowcrab.db( p=p, DS="biological_data" ) # will redo if not found .. not used here but used for data matching/lookup in other aegis projects that use bathymetry
# some survey timestamps extend into January (e.g., 2020) force them to be part of the correct "survey year", i.e., "yr"
i = which(lubridate::month(M$timestamp)==1)
if (length(i) > 0) M$timestamp[i] = M$timestamp[i] - lubridate::duration(month=1)
M$tiyr = lubridate::decimal_date(M$timestamp)
M$dyear[ M$dyear > 1] = 0.99 # a survey year can run into the next year, cap the seasonal compenent at the calendar year for modellng
# reduce size
M = M[ which( M$lon > p$corners$lon[1] & M$lon < p$corners$lon[2] & M$lat > p$corners$lat[1] & M$lat < p$corners$lat[2] ), ]
# levelplot(z.mean~plon+plat, data=M, aspect="iso")
pSC = speciescomposition_parameters( yrs=1999:p$year.assessment, carstm_model_label="default" )
SC = speciescomposition_db( p=pSC, DS="speciescomposition" )
keep = intersect(names(SC), c("id","pca1", "pca2", "pca3", "ca1", "ca2", "ca3") )
SC = SC[, keep, with=FALSE ]
M = merge(M, SC, by="id", all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE)
# should already have this information ... just in case
pSU = survey_parameters( yrs=1999:p$year.assessment )
SU = survey_db( DS="set", p=pSU )
oo = match( M$id, SU$id )
mz = which(!is.finite(M$z))
if (length(mz) > 0 ) M$z[mz] = SU$z[oo[mz]]
mt = which(!is.finite(M$t))
if (length(mt) > 0 ) M$t[mt] = SU$t[oo[mt]]
M$data_offset[which(!is.finite(M$data_offset))] = median(M$data_offset, na.rm=TRUE ) # just in case missing data
M = M[ which( is.finite(M$data_offset) ), ]
M$pa = presence.absence( X=M$totno / M$data_offset, px=p$habitat.threshold.quantile )$pa # determine presence absence and weighting
M$meansize = M$totwgt / M$totno # note, these are constrained by filters in size, sex, mat, etc. .. in the initial call
# So fiddling is required as extreme events can cause optimizer to fail
# truncate upper bounds of density
ndensity = M$totno / M$data_offset
qn = quantile( ndensity, p$quantile_bounds[2], na.rm=TRUE )
ni = which( ndensity > qn )
M$totno[ni] = floor( qn * M$data_offset[ni] )
bdensity = M$totwgt / M$data_offset
qm = quantile( bdensity, p$quantile_bounds[2], na.rm=TRUE )
mi = which( bdensity > qm )
M$totwgt[mi] = floor( qm * M$data_offset[mi] )
# if (exists("offset_shift", p)) {
# # shift data_offset to a larger value and totno too to ensure multiplication by 1
# M$totno = floor( M$totno * p$offset_shift )
# M$data_offset = M$data_offset * p$offset_shift
# }
# data_offset is SA in km^2
M = carstm_prepare_inputdata(
p=p, M=M, sppoly=sppoly,
retain_positions_outside_of_boundary = 25, # centroid-point unit of p$aegis_proj4string_planar_km
vars_to_retain=c("id", "totno", "totwgt", "meansize", "pa", "data.source", "gear", "sal", "oxyml", "oxysat",
"mr", "residual", "mass", "len", "Ea", "A", "Pr.Reaction", "smr" )
# these vars being missing means zero-valued
vars_to_zero = c( "mr", "Ea", "Pr.Reaction", "A", "smr" )
for ( vn in vars_to_zero ) {
if (exists( vn, M)) {
i = which([, vn] ) )
if (length(i) > 0) M[i, vn] = 0
if ( exists("substrate.grainsize", M)) M$log.substrate.grainsize = log( M$substrate.grainsize )
if (!exists("yr", M)) M$yr = M$year # req for meanweights
i = which(!is.finite(M$z))
j = which(!is.finite(M$t))
if (length(j)>0 | length(i)>0) {
warning( "Some areal units that have no information on key covariates ... you will need to drop these and do a sppoly/nb reduction with areal_units_neighbourhood_reset() :")
print( "Missing depths:")
print(unique(M$AUID[i]) )
print( "Missing temperatures:")
print(unique(M$AUID[j] ) )
if (0) {
# Note used right now but if addtional survey data from groundfish used ...
# predictions to: westeren 2a and NED
gears_ref = "Nephrops"
i = which($gear))
M$gear[ i ] = gears_ref
gears = unique(M$gear[-i])
gears = c( gears_ref, setdiff( gears, gears_ref ) ) # reorder
M$gear = as.numeric( factor( M$gear, levels=gears ) )
attr( M$gear, "levels" ) = gears
M$vessel = substring(M$id,1,3)
M$id = NULL
vessels_ref = "xxxx"
i = which($vessel) )
M$vessel[ i ] = vessels_ref
vessels = unique(M$vessel[-i])
vessels = c( vessels_ref, setdiff( vessels, vessels_ref ) ) # reorder
M$vessel= as.numeric( factor( M$vessel, levels=vessels ) )
attr( M$vessel, "levels" ) = vessels
if (0) {
# drop data without covariates
i = which(!is.finite( rowSums(M[, .(z, t, pca1, pca2 ) ] )) )
if (length(i) > 0 ) {
au = unique( M$AUID[i] )
j = which( M$AUID %in% au )
if (length(j) > 0 ) {
plot( sppoly["npts"] , reset=FALSE, col=NA )
plot( sppoly[j, "npts"] , add=TRUE, col="red" )
M = M[ -j, ]
sppoly = sppoly[ which(! sppoly$AUID %in% au ), ]
sppoly = areal_units_neighbourhood_reset( sppoly, snap=2 )
# imperative covariate(s)
M = M[ which(is.finite(M$z)), ]
M = M[ which(is.finite(M$t)), ]
M$space = match( M$AUID, sppoly$AUID) # for bym/car .. must be numeric index matching neighbourhood graphs
M$space_time = M$space # copy for space_time component (INLA does not like to re-use the same variable in a model formula)
M$space_cyclic = M$space # copy for space_time component (INLA does not like to re-use the same variable in a model formula)
M$time = match( M$year, p$yrs ) # copy for space_time component .. for groups, must be numeric index
M$time_space = M$time
# as numeric is simpler
cyclic_levels = p$dyears + diff(p$dyears)[1]/2
M$cyclic = match( M$dyri, discretize_data( cyclic_levels, seq( 0, 1, by=0.1 ) ) )
M$cyclic_space = M$cyclic # copy cyclic for space - cyclic component .. for groups, must be numeric index
read_write_fast( data=M, file=fn )
return( M )
# -------------------------
if ( DS=="carstm_inputs_hybrid") {
# various global data sources
# prediction surface
crs_lonlat = st_crs(projection_proj4string("lonlat_wgs84"))
sppoly = areal_units( p=p ) # will redo if not found
sppoly = st_transform(sppoly, crs=crs_lonlat )
areal_units_fn = attributes(sppoly)[["areal_units_fn"]]
# shared accross various secneario using the same polys
#.. store at the modeldir level as default
# outputdir = file.path(p$modeldir, p$carstm_model_label)
outputdir = file.path(p$modeldir )
if ( !file.exists(outputdir)) dir.create( outputdir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE )
fn = file.path( outputdir,
paste( "snowcrab", "carstm_inputs", areal_units_fn,
p$variabletomodel, paste0(p$selection$survey$data.source, collapse=""),
round(p$inputdata_temporal_discretization_yr, 6),
if (!redo) {
if (file.exists(fn)) {
load( fn )
return( M )
message( "Generating carstm_inputs ... ")
# do this immediately to reduce storage for sppoly (before adding other variables)
M = snowcrab.db( p=p, DS="biological_data" ) # will redo if not found .. not used here but used for data matching/lookup in other aegis projects that use bathymetry
# some survey timestamps extend into January (e.g., 2020) force them to be part of the correct "survey year", i.e., "yr"
i = which(lubridate::month(M$timestamp)==1)
if (length(i) > 0) M$timestamp[i] = M$timestamp[i] - lubridate::duration(month=1)
M$tiyr = lubridate::decimal_date(M$timestamp)
# reduce size
M = M[ which( M$lon > p$corners$lon[1] & M$lon < p$corners$lon[2] & M$lat > p$corners$lat[1] & M$lat < p$corners$lat[2] ), ]
# levelplot(z.mean~plon+plat, data=M, aspect="iso")
M = carstm_prepare_inputdata( p=p, M=M, sppoly=sppoly,
varstoretain = c( "totwgt", "totno", "sa", "data_offset", "zn", "qn" ),
retain_positions_outside_of_boundary=5, # unit of p$aegis_proj4string_planar_km
M$space = M$AUID
M$space_time = M$space # copy for space_time component (INLA does not like to re-use the same variable in a model formula)
M$time = M$year
M$time_space = M$time # copy for space_time component (INLA does not like to re-use the same variable in a model formula)
cyclic_levels = factor(p$dyears + diff(p$dyears)[1]/2, ordered=TRUE )
M$cyclic = factor( as.character( M$dyri ), levels =levels(cyclic_levels) ) # copy for carstm/INLA
if (0) {
M$zi = discretize_data( M[, pB$variabletomodel], p$discretization[[pB$variabletomodel]] )
M$ti = discretize_data( M[, pT$variabletomodel], p$discretization[[pT$variabletomodel]] )
M$gsi = discretize_data( M[, pS$variabletomodel], p$discretization[[pS$variabletomodel]] )
M$pca1i = discretize_data( M[, pPC1$variabletomodel], p$discretization[[pPC1$variabletomodel]] )
M$pca2i = discretize_data( M[, pPC2$variabletomodel], p$discretization[[pPC2$variabletomodel]] )
save( M, file=fn, compress=TRUE )
if (redo) M=fn # when redo'ing .. return file name aftert the save
return( M )
} ## end snowcrab.db
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