filter.class = function(x, type) {
# sex codes
male = 0
female = 1
sex.unknown = 2
# maturity codes
immature = 0
mature = 1
mat.unknown = 2
if (type=="all") i = c(1:dim(x)[1])
if (type=="mat") i = which(x$mat==mature)
if (type=="imm") i = which(x$mat==immature)
if (type=="male") i = which(x$sex==male)
if (type=="female") i = which(x$sex==female)
if (type=="m.mat") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature)
if (type=="m.imm") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature)
if (type=="") i = which(x$sex==male & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<200 ) # commerical size crab
if (type=="m.ncom") i = which(x$sex==male & x$cw< 95 )
if (type=="fb") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw >= 95 ) # fully recruited CW 100 mm is instar 12
if (type=="M0") {
i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw >= 95 & x$cw < 200 ) # fully recruited CW 100 mm is instar 12 == mb(9) to mb(10)
if (type=="M1") {
i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw >= 95 & x$cw < 200 ) # some fraction will recruit in 1 year
if (type=="M2") {
i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw >= mb(8) & x$cw < 95 ) # imm some fraction will recruit 2 years
if (type=="M3") {
i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw >= mb(7) & x$cw <= mb(8) ) # imm some fraction will recruit in 3 years
if (type=="M4") {
i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw >= mb(6) & x$cw <= mb(7) ) # imm some fraction will recruit in 4 years
if (type=="recruits"){ # potential recruitment into fishable component next year or two: (m11+) .. R1+R2
i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=95 & x$shell==1 )
j = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=95 & x$shell==2 & x$durometer<68 )
k = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=95 & !is.finite(x$shell) & x$durometer<68)
l = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(8) ) # instar 11 +
i = sort(unique(c(i,j,k,l)))
if (type=="pre.recruits.i6_i8") {
# crab from instar 6 (~lower limit of detection of 20mm)
# to before they begin to mature sexually (instar 8)
i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(3) & x$cw<mb(4)) # mi6
j = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(4) & x$cw<mb(5)) # mi7
k = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(5) & x$cw<mb(6)) # mi8
l = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(2) & x$cw<fb(3)) # fi6
m = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(3) & x$cw<fb(4)) # fi7
n = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(4) & x$cw<fb(5)) # fi8
i = sort(unique(c(i, j, k, l, m, n)))
if (type=="m.adolescent"){ # potential recruitment into maturity next year or two: (m11+)
i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(8) )
if (type=="f.adolescent"){ # potential recruitment into maturity next year: (f8+)
i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(4) )
if (type=="R0") { # "fishable" biomass (by sex, size, carapace condition and shell hardness) -- mature only .. immature can be caught of course but they are usually returned to the water
i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<200 & x$shell %in% c(3,4) )
j = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<200 & x$shell==2 & x$durometer>=68 )
k = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<200 & !is.finite(x$shell) & x$durometer>=68)
i = sort(unique(c(i,j,k)))
# i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<200 & x$shell %in% c(3,4,5) )
if (type=="R1"){ # terminally moulted soft-shells (new recruits), mature only
i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<200 & x$shell==1 )
j = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<200 & x$shell==2 & x$durometer<68 )
k = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<200 & !is.finite(x$shell) & x$durometer<68)
i = sort(unique(c(i,j,k)))
# i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<200 & x$shell %in% c(1,2) )
if (type=="R2") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(8) & x$cw<95 )
if (type=="R3") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(7) & x$cw<mb(8) )
if (type=="R4") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw<=mb(6) & x$cw<mb(7))
if (type=="R5p") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw<=mb(5) & x$cw<mb(6))
if (type=="skip.moulter") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw<=200 & (x$shell %in% c(3,4,5) ) )
if (type=="m.dwarf") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw<95 )
if (type=="mi123") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw<mb(1) )
if (type=="mi4") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(1) & x$cw<mb(2))
if (type=="mi5") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(2) & x$cw<mb(3)) # poor data beyond this point
if (type=="mi6") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(3) & x$cw<mb(4)) # R7
if (type=="mi7") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(4) & x$cw<mb(5)) # R6
if (type=="mi8") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(5) & x$cw<mb(6)) # R5
if (type=="mi9") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(6) & x$cw<mb(7)) # R4
if (type=="mi10") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(7) & x$cw<mb(8)) # same as "R3"
if (type=="mi11") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(8) & x$cw<mb(9)) # R0, R1 and R2
if (type=="mi12") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(9) & x$cw<mb(10))# R0
if (type=="mi9.skip.moulter") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(6) & x$cw<mb(7) & x$shell %in% c(3,4,5) ) # R4/5
if (type=="mi10.skip.moulter") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(7) & x$cw<mb(8) & x$shell %in% c(3,4,5) ) # same as "R3/4"
if (type=="mi11.skip.moulter") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(8) & x$cw<mb(9) & x$shell %in% c(3,4,5) ) # R0/1, R1/2 and R2/3
if (type=="mi12.skip.moulter") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=mb(9) & x$cw<mb(10) & x$shell %in% c(3,4,5) ) # R0/1
if (type=="ma9") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(6) & x$cw<mb(7)) # dwarves
if (type=="ma10") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(7) & x$cw<mb(8)) # dwarves
if (type=="ma11") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(8) & x$cw<mb(9)) # mostly dwarves
if (type=="ma12") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(9) & x$cw<mb(10))
if (type=="ma13") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(10) )
if (type=="ma9.CC1to2") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(6) & x$cw<mb(7) & (x$shell %in% c(1,2) ) )
if (type=="ma10.CC1to2") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(7) & x$cw<mb(8) & (x$shell %in% c(1,2) ) )
if (type=="ma11.CC1to2") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(8) & x$cw<mb(9) & (x$shell %in% c(1,2) ) )
if (type=="ma12.CC1to2") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(9) & x$cw<mb(10) & (x$shell %in% c(1,2) ) )
if (type=="ma13.CC1to2") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(10) & (x$shell %in% c(1,2) ) )
if (type=="ma9.CC3to4") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(6) & x$cw<mb(7) & x$shell %in% c(3,4) )
if (type=="ma10.CC3to4") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(7) & x$cw<mb(8) & x$shell %in% c(3,4) )
if (type=="ma11.CC3to4") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(8) & x$cw<mb(9) & x$shell %in% c(3,4) )
if (type=="ma12.CC3to4") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(9) & x$cw<mb(10) & x$shell %in% c(3,4) )
if (type=="ma13.CC3to4") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(10) & x$shell %in% c(3,4) )
if (type=="ma9.CC5") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(6) & x$cw<mb(7) & x$shell %in% c(5) )
if (type=="ma10.CC5") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(7) & x$cw<mb(8) & x$shell %in% c(5) )
if (type=="ma11.CC5") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(8) & x$cw<mb(9) & x$shell %in% c(5) )
if (type=="ma12.CC5") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(9) & x$cw<mb(10) & x$shell %in% c(5) )
if (type=="ma13.CC5") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=mb(10) & x$shell %in% c(5) )
if (type=="fi1234") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw<fb(1) )
if (type=="fi5") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(1) & x$cw<fb(2))
if (type=="fi6") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(2) & x$cw<fb(3))
if (type=="fi7") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(3) & x$cw<fb(4))
if (type=="fi8") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(4) & x$cw<fb(5))
if (type=="fi9") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(5) & x$cw<fb(6))
if (type=="fi10") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(6) )
if (type=="fi6.adolescent") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(2) & x$cw<fb(3) & x$gonad<=2)
if (type=="fi7.adolescent") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(3) & x$cw<fb(4) & x$gonad<=2)
if (type=="fi8.adolescent") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(4) & x$cw<fb(5) & x$gonad<=2)
if (type=="fi9.adolescent") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(5) & x$cw<fb(6) & x$gonad<=2)
if (type=="fi10.adolescent") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(6) & x$gonad<=2 )
if (type=="fi6.preprimiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(2) & x$cw<fb(3) & x$gonad==3)
if (type=="fi7.preprimiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(3) & x$cw<fb(4) & x$gonad==3)
if (type=="fi8.preprimiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(4) & x$cw<fb(5) & x$gonad==3)
if (type=="fi9.preprimiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(5) & x$cw<fb(6) & x$gonad==3)
if (type=="fi10.preprimiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$cw>=fb(6) & x$gonad==3 )
if (type=="fa7") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(3) & x$cw<fb(4))
if (type=="fa8") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(4) & x$cw<fb(5))
if (type=="fa9") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(5) & x$cw<fb(6))
if (type=="fa10") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(6) )
if (type=="fa7.berried") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(3) & x$cw<fb(4) & x$eggPr %in% c(1:4) )
if (type=="fa8.berried") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(4) & x$cw<fb(5) & x$eggPr %in% c(1:4) )
if (type=="fa9.berried") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(5) & x$cw<fb(6) & x$eggPr %in% c(1:4) )
if (type=="fa10.berried") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(6) & x$eggPr %in% c(1:4) )
if (type=="fa7.primiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(3) & x$cw<fb(4) & x$shell<=2 )
if (type=="fa8.primiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(4) & x$cw<fb(5) & x$shell<=2 )
if (type=="fa9.primiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(5) & x$cw<fb(6) & x$shell<=2 )
if (type=="fa10.primiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(6) & x$shell<=2 )
if (type=="fa7.multiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(3) & x$cw<fb(4) & x$shell>=3 )
if (type=="fa8.multiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(4) & x$cw<fb(5) & x$shell>=3 )
if (type=="fa9.multiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(5) & x$cw<fb(6) & x$shell>=3 )
if (type=="fa10.multiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(6) & x$shell>=3 )
if (type=="fa7.senile") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(3) & x$cw<fb(4) & x$shell >=4 & x$eggPr <=1 )
if (type=="fa8.senile") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(4) & x$cw<fb(5) & x$shell >=4 & x$eggPr <=1 )
if (type=="fa9.senile") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(5) & x$cw<fb(6) & x$shell >=4 & x$eggPr <=1 )
if (type=="fa10.senile") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$cw>=fb(6) & x$shell >=4 & x$eggPr <=1 )
if (type=="pre.recruit") i = which(x$sex==male & x$mat==immature & x$cw>56 & x$cw<95) # Koeller's request
if (type=="f7" ) i = which(x$sex==female &x$cw>=fb(3) & x$cw<fb(4))
if (type=="f8" ) i = which(x$sex==female &x$cw>=fb(4) & x$cw<fb(5))
if (type=="f9" ) i = which(x$sex==female &x$cw>=fb(5) & x$cw<fb(6))
if (type=="f10" ) i = which(x$sex==female &x$cw>=fb(6) )
if (type=="m7" ) i = which(x$sex==male &x$cw>=mb(4) & x$cw<mb(5))
if (type=="m8" ) i = which(x$sex==male &x$cw>=mb(5) & x$cw<mb(6))
if (type=="m9" ) i = which(x$sex==male &x$cw>=mb(6) & x$cw<mb(7))
if (type=="m10" ) i = which(x$sex==male &x$cw>=mb(7) & x$cw<mb(8))
if (type=="m11" ) i = which(x$sex==male &x$cw>=mb(8) & x$cw<mb(9))
if (type=="m12" ) i = which(x$sex==male &x$cw>=mb(9) & x$cw<mb(10))
if (type=="m13" ) i = which(x$sex==male &x$cw>=mb(10) )
if (type=="f.mat") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature )
if (type=="f.imm") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature )
if (type=="f.berried") i = which(x$sex==female & x$eggPr %in% c(1:4) )
if (type=="primiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$shell<=2 )
if (type=="multiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$shell>=3 )
if (type=="senile") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==mature & x$shell >=4 & x$eggPr <=1 )
if (type=="adolescent") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$gonad<=2)
if (type=="preprimiparous") i = which(x$sex==female & x$mat==immature & x$gonad==3)
if (type=="f.soft") {
i = which(x$sex==female & x$shell==1)
j = which(x$sex==female & !is.finite(x$shell))
i = sort(unique(c(i,j)))
if (type=="f.hard") {
i = which(x$sex==female & x$shell>1)
j = which(x$sex==female & !is.finite(x$shell))
i = sort(unique(c(i,j)))
if (type=="m.soft") {
i = which(x$sex==male & x$shell==1)
j = which(x$sex==male & !is.finite(x$shell))
i = sort(unique(c(i,j)))
if (type=="m.hard") {
i = which(x$sex==male & x$shell>1)
j = which(x$sex==male & !is.finite(x$shell))
i = sort(unique(c(i,j)))
if (type=="male.small") i = which(x$sex==male & x$cw<mb(8) )
if (type=="male.large") i = which(x$sex==male & x$cw>=mb(8) )
if (type=="female.small") i = which(x$sex==female & x$cw<fb(4) )
if (type=="female.large") i = which(x$sex==female & x$cw>=fb(4) )
if (type=="m.CC1to2") i = which(x$sex==male & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<=200 & (x$shell %in% c(1,2) ))
if (type=="m.CC3to4") i = which(x$sex==male & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<=200 & (x$shell %in% c(3,4) ))
if (type=="m.CC1") { # legal comercial males, carapace condition 1
j = which(x$sex==male & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<200 & x$shell ==1 )
k = which(x$sex==male & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<200 & !is.finite(x$shell))
i = sort(unique(c(j,k)))
if (type=="m.CC2") i = which(x$sex==male & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<=200 & x$shell==2 )
if (type=="m.CC3") i = which(x$sex==male & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<=200 & x$shell==3 )
if (type=="m.CC4") i = which(x$sex==male & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<=200 & x$shell==4 )
if (type=="m.CC5") i = which(x$sex==male & x$cw>=95 & x$cw<=200 & x$shell==5 )
if (type=="f.CC1to2") i = which(x$sex==female & (x$shell %in% c(1,2) ))
if (type=="f.CC3to4") i = which(x$sex==female & (x$shell %in% c(3,4) ))
if (type=="f.CC3") i = which(x$sex==female & (x$shell %in% c(3) ))
if (type=="f.CC4") i = which(x$sex==female & (x$shell %in% c(4) ))
if (type=="f.CC5") i = which(x$sex==female & x$shell==5 )
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