## helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Rescales the values (internal)
#' @param x numeric. Original values.
#' @param to numeric. Output range, vector of length two.
#' @return numeric. Rescaled values. Same length as `x`
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.rescale <- function(x, to = c(0.025, 0.975)) {
from <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
(x - from[1]) / diff(from) * diff(to) + to[1]
#' Check if the colors are valid
#' @param x character. Vectors of colors to check.
#' @return logical. Same length as `x`.
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.isValidColor <- function(x) {
vapply(x, function(X) {
tryCatch(is.matrix(col2rgb(X)), error = function(e) FALSE)
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
## letters --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Draw A letter
#' @param x.pos numeric. X position for the letter.
#' @param y.pos numeric. Y position for the letter.
#' @param ht numeric. Height of the letter.
#' @param wt numeric. Width of the letter.
#' @param fill character. Color of the letter (polygon shape fill)
#' @param id integer. Shape id.
#' @return list. List with 'x', 'y' coordinates, 'id' and 'fill' of the polygon
#' shape (letter).
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
letterA <- function(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, fill = "#61D04F", id = NULL) {
x <- c(0, 4, 6, 2, 0, 4, 6, 10, 8, 4, 3.2, 6.8, 6.4, 3.6, 3.2)
y <- c(0, 10, 10, 0, 0, 10, 10, 0, 0, 10, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3)
x <- 0.1 * x
y <- 0.1 * y
x <- .rescale(x)
x <- x.pos + wt * x
y <- y.pos + ht * y
if (is.null(id)) {
id <- c(rep(1L, 5), rep(2L, 5), rep(3L, 5))
} else {
id <- c(rep(id, 5), rep(id + 1L, 5), rep(id + 2L, 5))
fill <- rep(fill, 3) # green
list(x = x, y = y, id = id, fill = fill)
#' Draw T letter
#' @param x.pos numeric. X position for the letter.
#' @param y.pos numeric. Y position for the letter.
#' @param ht numeric. Height of the letter.
#' @param wt numeric. Width of the letter.
#' @param fill character. Color of the letter (polygon shape fill)
#' @param id integer. Shape id.
#' @return list. List with 'x', 'y' coordinates, 'id' and 'fill' of the polygon
#' shape (letter).
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
letterT <- function(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, fill = "#DF536B", id = NULL) {
x <- c(0, 10, 10, 6, 6, 4, 4, 0)
y <- c(10, 10, 9, 9, 0, 0, 9, 9)
x <- 0.1 * x
y <- 0.1 * y
x <- .rescale(x)
x <- x.pos + wt * x
y <- y.pos + ht * y
if (is.null(id)) {
id <- rep(1, 8)
} else {
id <- rep(id, 8)
fill <- rep(fill, 1) # red
list(x = x, y = y, id = id, fill = fill)
#' Draw U letter
#' @param x.pos numeric. X position for the letter.
#' @param y.pos numeric. Y position for the letter.
#' @param ht numeric. Height of the letter.
#' @param wt numeric. Width of the letter.
#' @param fill character. Color of the letter (polygon shape fill)
#' @param id integer. Shape id.
#' @return list. List with 'x', 'y' coordinates, 'id' and 'fill' of the polygon
#' shape (letter).
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
letterU <- function(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, fill = "#DF536B", id = NULL) {
angle1 <- seq(pi / 2, pi, length = 100)
angle2 <- seq(pi, 1.5 * pi, length = 100)
x.l1 <- 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(angle1)
y.l1 <- 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(angle1)
x.l2 <- 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(angle2)
y.l2 <- 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(angle2)
x.l <- c(x.l1, x.l2)
y.l <- c(y.l1, y.l2)
x.i1 <- 0.5 + 0.3 * sin(angle1)
y.i1 <- 0.5 + 0.35 * cos(angle1)
x.i1 <- x.i1[y.i1 <= max(y.l1)]
y.i1 <- y.i1[y.i1 <= max(y.l1)]
y.i1[1] <- max(y.l1)
x.i2 <- 0.5 + 0.3 * sin(angle2)
y.i2 <- 0.5 + 0.35 * cos(angle2)
x.i <- c(x.i1, x.i2)
y.i <- c(y.i1, y.i2)
x <- c(x.l, 0, 0.2, 0.2, rev(x.i), 0.8, 0.8, 1, 1)
y <- c(y.l, 1, 1, 0.5, rev(y.i), 0.5, 1, 1, 0.85)
x <- .rescale(x)
x <- x.pos + wt * x
y <- y.pos + ht * y
if (is.null(id)) {
id <- rep(1, length(x))
} else {
id <- rep(id, length(x))
fill <- rep(fill, 1) # blue
list(x = x, y = y, id = id, fill = fill)
#' Draw C letter
#' @param x.pos numeric. X position for the letter.
#' @param y.pos numeric. Y position for the letter.
#' @param ht numeric. Height of the letter.
#' @param wt numeric. Width of the letter.
#' @param fill character. Color of the letter (polygon shape fill)
#' @param id integer. Shape id.
#' @return list. List with 'x', 'y' coordinates, 'id' and 'fill' of the polygon
#' shape (letter).
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
letterC <- function(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, fill = "#2297E6", id = NULL) {
angle1 <- seq(0.3 + pi / 2, pi, length = 100)
angle2 <- seq(pi, 1.5 * pi, length = 100)
x.l1 <- 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(angle1)
y.l1 <- 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(angle1)
x.l2 <- 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(angle2)
y.l2 <- 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(angle2)
x.l <- c(x.l1, x.l2)
y.l <- c(y.l1, y.l2)
x <- c(x.l, rev(x.l))
y <- c(y.l, 1 - rev(y.l))
x.i1 <- 0.5 + 0.35 * sin(angle1)
y.i1 <- 0.5 + 0.35 * cos(angle1)
x.i1 <- x.i1[y.i1 <= max(y.l1)]
y.i1 <- y.i1[y.i1 <= max(y.l1)]
y.i1[1] <- max(y.l1)
x.i2 <- 0.5 + 0.35 * sin(angle2)
y.i2 <- 0.5 + 0.35 * cos(angle2)
x.i <- c(x.i1, x.i2)
y.i <- c(y.i1, y.i2)
x1 <- c(x.i, rev(x.i))
y1 <- c(y.i, 1 - rev(y.i))
x <- c(x, rev(x1))
y <- c(y, rev(y1))
x <- .rescale(x)
x <- x.pos + wt * x
y <- y.pos + ht * y
if (is.null(id)) {
id <- rep(1, length(x))
} else {
id <- rep(id, length(x))
fill <- rep(fill, 1) # blue
list(x = x, y = y, id = id, fill = fill)
#' Draw G letter
#' @param x.pos numeric. X position for the letter.
#' @param y.pos numeric. Y position for the letter.
#' @param ht numeric. Height of the letter.
#' @param wt numeric. Width of the letter.
#' @param fill character. Color of the letter (polygon shape fill)
#' @param id integer. Shape id.
#' @return list. List with 'x', 'y' coordinates, 'id' and 'fill' of the polygon
#' shape (letter).
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
letterG <- function(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, fill = "#F5C710", id = NULL) {
angle1 <- seq(0.3 + pi / 2, pi, length = 100)
angle2 <- seq(pi, 1.5 * pi, length = 100)
x.l1 <- 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(angle1)
y.l1 <- 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(angle1)
x.l2 <- 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(angle2)
y.l2 <- 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(angle2)
x.l <- c(x.l1, x.l2)
y.l <- c(y.l1, y.l2)
x <- c(x.l, rev(x.l))
y <- c(y.l, 1 - rev(y.l))
x.i1 <- 0.5 + 0.35 * sin(angle1)
y.i1 <- 0.5 + 0.35 * cos(angle1)
x.i1 <- x.i1[y.i1 <= max(y.l1)]
y.i1 <- y.i1[y.i1 <= max(y.l1)]
y.i1[1] <- max(y.l1)
x.i2 <- 0.5 + 0.35 * sin(angle2)
y.i2 <- 0.5 + 0.35 * cos(angle2)
x.i <- c(x.i1, x.i2)
y.i <- c(y.i1, y.i2)
x1 <- c(x.i, rev(x.i))
y1 <- c(y.i, 1 - rev(y.i))
x <- c(x, rev(x1))
y <- c(y, rev(y1))
h1 <- max(y.l1)
r1 <- max(x.l1)
h1 <- 0.4
x.add <- c(r1, 0.5, 0.5, r1 - 0.2, r1 - 0.2, r1, r1)
y.add <- c(h1, h1, h1 - 0.1, h1 - 0.1, 0, 0, h1)
if (is.null(id)) {
id <- c(rep(1, length(x)), rep(2, length(x.add)))
} else {
id <- c(rep(id, length(x)), rep(id + 1, length(x.add)))
x <- c(rev(x), x.add)
y <- c(rev(y), y.add)
x <- .rescale(x)
x <- x.pos + wt * x
y <- y.pos + ht * y
fill <- rep(fill, 2) # orange/yellow
list(x = x, y = y, id = id, fill = fill)
## addLetter ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Add letter (polygon shape ) to existing list of shapes.
#' @param letters list. List with 'x', 'y' coordinates, 'id' and 'fill' of the polygon shape (letter).
#' @param which character. Letter to be added.
#' @param x.pos numeric. X position for the letter.
#' @param y.pos numeric. Y position for the letter.
#' @param ht numeric. Height of the letter.
#' @param wt numeric. Width of the letter.
#' @param fill character. Color of the letter (polygon shape fill)
#' @param id integer. Shape id.
#' @return list. List with 'x', 'y' coordinates, 'id' and 'fill' of the polygon
#' shape (letter).
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
addLetter <- function(letters, which, x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, fill) {
if (which == "A") {
letter <- letterA(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, fill = fill["A"])
} else if (which == "C") {
letter <- letterC(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, fill = fill["C"])
} else if (which == "G") {
letter <- letterG(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, fill = fill["G"])
} else if (which == "T") {
letter <- letterT(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, fill = fill["T"])
} else if (which == "U") {
letter <- letterU(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, fill = fill["U"])
} else {
stop(sprintf("\"which\" must be one of %s", paste(names(fill), collapse = ", ")))
letters$x <- c(letters$x, letter$x)
letters$y <- c(letters$y, letter$y)
lastID <- ifelse(is.null(letters$id), 0, max(letters$id))
letters$id <- c(letters$id, lastID + letter$id)
letters$fill <- c(letters$fill, as.character(letter$fill)) # remove name
## plotting -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Plot a sequence logo for a given position weight matrix
#' @description This function takes the alphabet*width position weight matrix of
#' a sequence motif and plots the corresponding sequence logo.
#' @usage
#' seqLogo(pwm, ic.scale=TRUE, xaxis=TRUE, yaxis=TRUE, xfontsize=15, yfontsize=15,
#' fill=c(A='#61D04F', C='#2297E6', G='#F5C710', T='#DF536B'))
#' @param pwm numeric. The alphabet*width position weight matrix.
#' @param ic.scale logical. If TRUE, the height of each column is proportional to its information content. Otherwise, all columns have the same height.
#' @param xaxis logical. If TRUE, an X-axis will be plotted.
#' @param yaxis logical. If TRUE, a Y-axis will be plotted.
#' @param xfontsize numeric. Font size to be used for the X-axis.
#' @param yfontsize numeric. Font size to be used for the Y-axis.
#' @param fill character. Fill color to be used for the letters. Must be a named character vector of length equal to number of rows in `pwm` slot and names identical to its rownames.
#' @return NULL.
#' @author Oliver Bembom
#' @import grid
#' @import methods
#' @examples
#' mFile <- system.file("extdata/pwm1", package = "seqLogo")
#' m <- read.table(mFile)
#' p <- makePWM(m)
#' seqLogo(p)
#' @export
seqLogo <- function(pwm, ic.scale = TRUE, xaxis = TRUE, yaxis = TRUE, xfontsize = 15,
yfontsize = 15, fill = c(A = "#61D04F", C = "#2297E6", G = "#F5C710", T = "#DF536B")) {
if (is.data.frame(pwm) || is.matrix(pwm)) {
pwm <- makePWM(pwm)
if (!is(pwm, "pwm")) {
stop("pwm must be of class pwm, matrix or data.frame")
# adjust default color setting if alphabet set to RNA
if (pwm@alphabet == "RNA") {
if ("T" %in% names(fill)) {
names(fill)[which(names(fill) == "T")] <- "U"
if (!is.character(fill) || length(fill) != nrow(pwm(pwm)) || !all(rownames(pwm(pwm)) %in%
names(fill)) || !all(.isValidColor(fill))) {
"\"fill\" must be named character vector of length ",
"%d, with names %s (matching the rownames of pwm)",
nrow(pwm(pwm)), paste(rownames(pwm(pwm)), collapse = ", ")
), "and valid colors as values"
chars <- rownames(pwm(pwm))
letters <- list(x = NULL, y = NULL, id = NULL, fill = NULL)
npos <- ncol(pwm(pwm))
if (ic.scale) {
ylim <- 2
ylab <- "Information content"
facs <- ic(pwm)
} else {
ylim <- 1
ylab <- "Probability"
facs <- rep(1, npos)
wt <- 1
x.pos <- 0
for (j in seq_len(npos)) {
column <- pwm(pwm)[, j]
hts <- 0.95 * column * facs[j]
letterOrder <- order(hts)
y.pos <- 0
for (i in seq_len(4)) {
letter <- chars[letterOrder[i]]
ht <- hts[letterOrder[i]]
if (ht > 0) {
letters <- addLetter(letters, letter, x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, fill)
y.pos <- y.pos + ht + 0.01
x.pos <- x.pos + wt
bottomMargin <- ifelse(xaxis, 2 + xfontsize / 3.5, 2)
leftMargin <- ifelse(yaxis, 2 + yfontsize / 3.5, 2)
pushViewport(plotViewport(c(bottomMargin, leftMargin, 2, 2)))
pushViewport(dataViewport(0:ncol(pwm(pwm)), 0:ylim, name = "vp1"))
x = unit(letters$x, "native"), y = unit(letters$y, "native"), id = letters$id,
gp = gpar(fill = letters$fill, col = "transparent")
if (xaxis) {
at = seq(0.5, ncol(pwm(pwm)) - 0.5), label = seq_len(ncol(pwm(pwm))),
gp = gpar(fontsize = xfontsize)
grid.text("Position", y = unit(-3, "lines"), gp = gpar(fontsize = xfontsize))
if (yaxis) {
grid.yaxis(gp = gpar(fontsize = yfontsize))
grid.text(ylab, x = unit(-3, "lines"), rot = 90, gp = gpar(fontsize = yfontsize))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.