#' Computes the correlation between methylation and expression
#' Estimates the correlation between methylation and expression. When there are known
#' variables that affect methylation and/or expression, their effect can be substracted
#' using a linear model and then the residuals are used.
#' For each cpg, a range is defined by the position of the cpg plus the flank parameter
#' (upstream and downstream). Only those expression probes that are entirely in
#' this range will be selected. For these reason, it is required that the \code{ExpressionSet}
#' contains a featureData with the chromosome and the starting and ending positions
#' of the probes.
#' @export correlationMethExprs
#' @param multiset \code{MultiDataSet} containing a \code{methylation} and an
#' \code{expression} slots.
#' @param meth_set_name Character vector with the name of the \code{MultiDataSet}'s slot containing methylation
#' data.
#' @param exprs_set_name Character vector with the name of the \code{MultiDataSet}'s slot containing expression
#' data.
#' @param vars_meth Character vector with the names of the variables that will be
#' used to obtain the methylation residuals. By default, none is used and residuals
#' are not computed.
#' @param vars_exprs Character vector with the names of the variables that will
#' be used to obtain the expression residuals. By default, none is used and
#' residuals are not computed.
#' @param sel_cpgs Character vector with the name of the CpGs used in the analysis. If empty, all the CpGs of the
#' methylation set will be used.
#' @param flank Numeric with the number of pair bases used to define the cpg-expression
#' probe pairs.
#' @param betas If \code{set} is a \code{GenomicRatioSet}, should beta values be
#' used? (Default: TRUE)
#' @param num_cores Numeric with the number of cores to be used.
#' @param verbose Logical value. If TRUE, it writes out some messages indicating progress.
#' If FALSE nothing should be printed.
#' @return Data.frame with the results of the linear regression:
#' \itemize{
#' \item cpg: Name of the cpg
#' \item exprs: Name of the expression probe
#' \item beta: coefficient of the methylation change
#' \item se: standard error of the beta
#' \item P.Value: p-value of the beta coefficient
#' \item adj.P.Val: q-value computed using B&H
#' }
correlationMethExprs <- function(multiset,
meth_set_name = NULL, exprs_set_name = NULL,
vars_meth = NULL, vars_exprs = NULL,
sel_cpgs, flank = 250000, betas = TRUE,
num_cores = 1, verbose = TRUE){
# To DO
## AƱadir check a vars_meth y vars_exprs
## Data Checking
# Check object is a MultiDataSet
if (!is(multiset, "MultiDataSet")){
stop("multiset must be a MultiDataSet")
# Check meth_set_name and exprs_set_name are characters
if (!(is.character(meth_set_name) | is.null(meth_set_name))){
stop("meth_set_name must be a character.")
if (!(is.character(exprs_set_name) | is.null(exprs_set_name))){
stop("exprs_set_name must be a character.")
# Add the dataset type to the names
meth_set_name <- paste(c("methylation", meth_set_name), collapse = "+")
exprs_set_name <- paste(c("expression", exprs_set_name), collapse = "+")
# Check our object has the right sets
if (!all(c(meth_set_name, exprs_set_name) %in% names(multiset))){
stop("multiset must contain meth_set_name and exprs_set_name.")
if (!all(c(meth_set_name, exprs_set_name) %in% rowRangesElements(multiset))){
stop("multiset must contain meth_set_name and exprs_set_name.")
# Check that flank is numeric, positive and is only one number
if (!is(flank, "numeric") || length(flank) > 1 || flank < 0){
stop("flank must be a positive integer")
## Preparation of data
## Preparation of data 1
# Select only our sets
multiset <- multiset[, c(meth_set_name, exprs_set_name)]
## Select common samples
multiset <- commonSamples(multiset)
## Preparation of data 2
mset <- multiset[[meth_set_name]]
eset <- multiset[[exprs_set_name]]
## Preparation of data 3
if (!missing(sel_cpgs)){
if (!is.character(sel_cpgs) | length(sel_cpgs) == 0){
stop("sel_cpgs must be a character vector with the name of the CpGs to be used.")
} else{
mset <- mset[sel_cpgs, ]
## Preparation of data 4
# Compute Methylation-Expression pairs
rangesMeth <- rowRanges(multiset)[[meth_set_name]]
rangesMeth <- rangesMeth[featureNames(mset)]
rangesExprs <- rowRanges(multiset)[[exprs_set_name]]
## Implementation of the algorithm
## Implementation of the algorithm 1
start(rangesMeth) <- start(rangesMeth) - flank
end(rangesMeth) <- end(rangesMeth) + flank
pairs <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(rangesExprs, rangesMeth, type = "within")
pairs <- data.frame(cpg = rownames(mset)[S4Vectors::subjectHits(pairs)],
exprs = rownames(eset)[S4Vectors::queryHits(pairs)],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (nrow(pairs) == 0){
warning("There are no expression probes in the range of the cpgs. An empty data.frame will be returned.")
return(data.frame(cpg = character(0), exprs = character(0), Beta = integer(0),
se = integer(0), P.Value = integer(0), adj.P.val = integer(0)))
## Filter sets to only features in the pairs
mset <- mset[unique(pairs[ , 1]), ]
eset <- eset[unique(pairs[ , 2]), ]
if (verbose){
message("Computing residuals")
## Implementation of the algorithm 2
# Computing residuals
methres <- setResidues(mset, variable_names = vars_meth, betas = betas)
exprsres <- setResidues(eset, variable_names = vars_exprs)
if (verbose){
message("Computing correlation Methylation-Expression")
## Implementation of the algorithm 3
residualsCorr <- function (methy_res, exprs_res){
fit <- lm(exprs_res ~ methy_res)
return(c(summary(fit)$coef[2, 1], summary(fit)$coef[2,2], summary(fit)$coef[2,4]))
regvals <- mclapply(1:nrow(pairs),
function(x) residualsCorr(methres[pairs[x, 1], ], exprsres[pairs[x, 2], ]),
mc.cores = num_cores)
## Formatting the results
res <- data.frame(pairs, t(data.frame(regvals)))
colnames(res) <- c("cpg", "exprs", "Beta", "se", "P.Value")
res$adj.P.Val <- p.adjust(res$P.Value, "BH")
res <- res[order(res$adj.P.Val), ]
rownames(res) <- NULL
setResidues <- function(set, variable_names, betas = TRUE){
if (is(set, "ExpressionSet")){
res <- Biobase::exprs(set)
} else if (is(set, "GenomicRatioSet")){
res <- minfi::getBeta(set)
if (!betas) {
res[res == 0] <- 1e-3
res[res == 1] <- 1 - 1e-3
res <- minfi::logit2(res)
} else if (is(set, "SummarizedExperiment")){
res <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(set)
if (!is.null(variable_names)){
model <- formula(paste("~", paste(variable_names, collapse = " + ")))
## Get number of variables of interest
model <- createModel(set, model)
res <- residuals(limma::lmFit(res, model), res)
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