#' Title
#' @param qfeatures Object of type QFeatures
#' @param doPrecursorDeisotoping
#' @param mzDeviationInPPM_precursorDeisotoping
#' @param mzDeviationAbsolute_precursorDeisotoping
#' @param maximumRtDifference
#' @param progress boolean whether or not to show a progress bar
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
parsePeakAbundanceMatrixQF <- function(qfeatures,
## read file
if(!is.na(progress)) {
if(progress) {
incProgress(amount = 0.1, detail = paste("Parsing MS1 file content...", sep = ""))
} else {
print(paste("Parsing MS1 file content...", sep = ""))
cols_to_exclude <- c("Reference RT","Reference m/z","Comment",
"Manually modified for quantification",
"Total score","RT similarity","Average","Stdev")
cols_to_keep <- which(!colnames(rowData(qfeatures))[[1]] %in% cols_to_exclude)
dataFrame <- cbind(rowData(qfeatures)[[1]][,cols_to_keep] ,assay(qfeatures))
#workaround for avoiding change in colnames during coercion
cnames <- colnames(dataFrame)
dataFrame <- as.data.frame(dataFrame)
colnames(dataFrame) <- cnames
oldFormat <- ncol(colData(qfeatures))==3
numRowDataCols <- ncol(rowData(qfeatures)[[1]])
dataColumnStartEndIndeces <- c(numRowDataCols+1,ncol(dataFrame))
numberOfPrecursors <- nrow(dataFrame)
numberOfPrecursorsPrior <- numberOfPrecursors
numberOfDataColumns <- ncol(assay(qfeatures))
sampleClass <- colData(qfeatures)$Class
sampleType <- colData(qfeatures)$Type
sampleInjectionOrder <- colData(qfeatures)$"Injection order"
batchID <- NULL
if(! is.null(colData(qfeatures)$BatchID))
batchID <- colData(qfeatures)$BatchID
} else {
dataColumnStartEndIndeces <- NULL
numberOfDataColumns <- 0
sampleClass <- NULL
sampleType <- NULL
sampleInjectionOrder <- NULL
batchID <- NULL
commaNumbers <- sum(grepl(x = dataFrame$"Average Mz", pattern = "^(\\d+,\\d+$)|(^\\d+$)"))
decimalSeparatorIsComma <- commaNumbers == nrow(dataFrame)
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Average Rt(min)")) dataFrame$"Average Rt(min)" <- gsub(x = gsub(x = dataFrame$"Average Rt(min)", pattern = "\\.", replacement = ""), pattern = ",", replacement = ".")
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Average Mz")) dataFrame$"Average Mz" <- gsub(x = gsub(x = dataFrame$"Average Mz", pattern = "\\.", replacement = ""), pattern = ",", replacement = ".")
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Fill %")) dataFrame$"Fill %" <- gsub(x = gsub(x = dataFrame$"Fill %", pattern = "\\.", replacement = ""), pattern = ",", replacement = ".")
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Dot product")) dataFrame$"Dot product" <- gsub(x = gsub(x = dataFrame$"Dot product", pattern = "\\.", replacement = ""), pattern = ",", replacement = ".")
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Reverse dot product")) dataFrame$"Reverse dot product" <- gsub(x = gsub(x = dataFrame$"Reverse dot product", pattern = "\\.", replacement = ""), pattern = ",", replacement = ".")
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Fragment presence %")) dataFrame$"Fragment presence %" <- gsub(x = gsub(x = dataFrame$"Fragment presence %", pattern = "\\.", replacement = ""), pattern = ",", replacement = ".")
## replace -1 by 0
if(numberOfDataColumns > 0) {
for(colIdx in (numRowDataCols+1):ncol(dataFrame)){
dataFrame[ , colIdx] <- gsub(x = gsub(x = dataFrame[ , colIdx], pattern = "\\.", replacement = ""), pattern = ",", replacement = ".")
## column formats
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Average Rt(min)")) dataFrame$"Average Rt(min)" <- as.numeric(dataFrame$"Average Rt(min)")
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Average Mz")) dataFrame$"Average Mz" <- as.numeric(dataFrame$"Average Mz")
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Fill %")) dataFrame$"Fill %" <- as.numeric(dataFrame$"Fill %")
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"MS/MS included")) dataFrame$"MS/MS included" <- as.logical(dataFrame$"MS/MS included")
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Dot product")) dataFrame$"Dot product" <- as.numeric(dataFrame$"Dot product")
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Reverse dot product")) dataFrame$"Reverse dot product" <- as.numeric(dataFrame$"Reverse dot product")
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Fragment presence %")) dataFrame$"Fragment presence %" <- as.numeric(dataFrame$"Fragment presence %")
## sorted by m/z (needed for deisotoping)
if(!is.null(dataFrame$"Average Mz"))
dataFrame <- dataFrame[order(dataFrame$"Average Mz"), ]
## replace -1 by 0
if(numberOfDataColumns > 0){
for(colIdx in (numRowDataCols+1):ncol(dataFrame)){
dataFrame[ , colIdx] <- as.numeric(dataFrame[ , colIdx])
if(!is.na(sum(dataFrame[,colIdx] == -1)))
dataFrame[(dataFrame[,colIdx] == -1),colIdx] <- 0
vals <- NULL
## deisotoping
numberOfRemovedIsotopePeaks <- 0
if(doPrecursorDeisotoping & !is.null(dataFrame$"Average Mz")){
if(!is.na(progress)) if(progress) incProgress(amount = 0, detail = paste("Precursor deisotoping...", sep = "")) else print(paste("Precursor deisotoping...", sep = ""))
distance13Cminus12C <- 1.0033548378
## mark isotope precursors
precursorsToRemove <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
if(numberOfDataColumns > 0){
intensities <- dataFrame[ , (numRowDataCols+1):ncol(dataFrame)]
medians <- apply(X = as.matrix(intensities), MARGIN = 1, FUN = median)
for(precursorIdx in seq_len(numberOfPrecursors)){
if((precursorIdx %% (as.integer(numberOfPrecursors/10))) == 0)
if(!is.na(progress)) if(progress) incProgress(amount = 0.0, detail = paste("Precursor deisotoping ", precursorIdx, " / ", numberOfPrecursors, sep = "")) else print(paste("Precursor deisotoping ", precursorIdx, " / ", numberOfPrecursors, sep = ""))
mzError <- dataFrame$"Average Mz"[[precursorIdx]] * mzDeviationInPPM_precursorDeisotoping / 1000000
mzError <- max(mzError, mzDeviationAbsolute_precursorDeisotoping)
## RT difference <= maximumRtDifference
validPrecursorsInRt <- abs(dataFrame$"Average Rt(min)"[[precursorIdx]] - dataFrame$"Average Rt(min)"[-precursorIdx]) <= maximumRtDifference
## MZ difference around 1.0033548378 (first isotope) or 1.0033548378 * 2 (second isotope)
validPrecursorsInMz1 <- abs((dataFrame$"Average Mz"[[precursorIdx]] - distance13Cminus12C * 1) - dataFrame$"Average Mz"[-precursorIdx]) <= mzError
validPrecursorsInMz2 <- abs((dataFrame$"Average Mz"[[precursorIdx]] - distance13Cminus12C * 2) - dataFrame$"Average Mz"[-precursorIdx]) <= mzError
validPrecursorsInMz <- validPrecursorsInMz1 | validPrecursorsInMz2
## intensity gets smaller in the isotope spectrum
if(numberOfDataColumns > 0){
validPrecursorsInIntensity <- (medians[-precursorIdx] - medians[[precursorIdx]]) > 0
} else {
validPrecursorsInIntensity <- TRUE
if(any(validPrecursorsInRt & validPrecursorsInMz & validPrecursorsInIntensity))
precursorsToRemove[[precursorIdx]] <- TRUE
## remove isotopes
dataFrame <- dataFrame[!precursorsToRemove, ]
numberOfRemovedIsotopePeaks <- sum(precursorsToRemove)
numberOfPrecursors <- nrow(dataFrame)
if(!is.na(progress)) if(progress) incProgress(amount = 0, detail = paste("Boxing...", sep = "")) else print(paste("Boxing...", sep = ""))
returnObj <- list()
returnObj$dataFrame <- dataFrame
returnObj$vals <- vals
## qfeatures
returnObj$qfeatures <- qfeatures
## meta
returnObj$oldFormat <- oldFormat
returnObj$numberOfPrecursors <- numberOfPrecursors
returnObj$dataColumnStartEndIndeces <- dataColumnStartEndIndeces
returnObj$numberOfDataColumns <- numberOfDataColumns
## group anno
returnObj$sampleClass <- sampleClass
returnObj$sampleType <- sampleType
returnObj$sampleInjectionOrder <- sampleInjectionOrder
returnObj$batchID <- batchID
## misc
returnObj$numberOfPrecursorsPrior <- numberOfPrecursorsPrior
returnObj$numberOfRemovedIsotopePeaks <- numberOfRemovedIsotopePeaks
return (returnObj)
#' Title
#' @param qfeatures
#' @param siriusFile
#' @param featureID
#' @param siriusID
#' @return
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData<-
#' @export
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData<-
#' @examples
addSiriusAnnotations <- function(qfeatures,
rowData_col = "Alignment ID",
sirius_col = "featureId") {
#TODO: specify more parameters in read delim
annotation <- read.delim(siriusFile)
rowData <- rowData(qfeatures[[1]])
# Print for debugging
print(paste("Merging by:", sirius_col, "and", rowData_col))
# Merge the data frames
annotatedRowData <- S4Vectors::merge( rowData, annotation,
by.x = rowData_col, by.y = sirius_col, all.x = TRUE)
#TODO: ? check for duplicate columns ?
annotation_cols <- colnames(annotation)[colnames(annotation) != rowData_col]
rowData_cols <- colnames(rowData)
for (col in colnames(annotatedRowData)) {
if (col %in% annotation_cols) {
attr(annotatedRowData[[col]], "source") <- "sirius"
} else if (col %in% rowData_cols) {
attr(annotatedRowData[[col]], "source") <- "data"
# Set the annotation column
attr(annotatedRowData, "annotation column") <- "ClassyFire.subclass"
rowData(qfeatures[[1]]) <- annotatedRowData
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